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Thai Police blame 'fake CCTV' for no footage of PCAD stabbing


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Police Blame 'Fake CCTV' For No Footage of PCAD Stabbing
By Khaosod English

Photo caption: PCAD guards walking on Chaeng Wattana Road during the gunbattle between pro- and anti-government protesters at Laksi Intersection in Bangkok, 1 February 2014.

BANGKOK — Police say the alleged stabbing of an ice delivery man by anti-government protest guards was not captured on film because the nearest security camera turned out to be a "dummy" device.

The alleged attack has left the man, identified by his family as Thanakrit, in a coma in Ratchavithi Hospital’s intensive care unit.

According to police, the security camera installed close to where the attack took place was a "dummy" device placed by the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. As a result, there is no footage of the incident, said Pol.Col. Wichai Daengpradap, a senior investigative officer at Phayathai Police Station.

Pol. Col. Wichai said that it will now be very difficult for police to identify the perpetrators, who faces were reportedly masked by balaclavas and scarves.

According to the victim’s family and witnesses, Mr. Thanakrit was driving his pick-up truck to deliver goods to a customer on Phahonyothin Road last Saturday when he encountered a checkpoint set up by supporters of the People's Committee for Absolute Democracy With the King As Head of State (PCAD) in front of Channel 5 TV station.

Mr. Thanakrit reportedly knocked over a traffic cone placed on the road by the PCAD guards. When he attempted to apologise, Mr. Thanakrit was immediately mobbed and stabbed by the guards, said his wife, who was with him at the time of the alleged attack.

His wife, Nanthawadee, met with Phayathai Police yesterday to give testimony to the officers.

Ms. Nanthawadee, who asked to be identified by first name only out of fear of being targeted, told police that her husband accidentally knocked over the traffic cone because it was raining and he could not see the obstacle on the road. She also denied the accusation that Mr. Thanakrit was drunk or trying to pick a fight with the guards.

Ms. Nanathawadee left the police station after two hours of interrogation and did not give any interviews with the media.

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) installed a number of fake CCTVs in 2009 because of a delay in budget for functioning cameras, former BMA Governor Abhirak Kosayothin said in an interview in 2011.

In a report published by Matichon, Mr. Abhirak was quoted as saying that all dummy CCTVs would be replaced by real ones once the budget issues were sorted out.

The BMA recently insisted that there are no more fake CCTVs in the city. One BMA official went as far as claiming that anyone who finds a fake CCTV will be rewarded 100,000 baht by the authorities.

There is no word whether the Phayathai Police will claim the reward.

Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1400067694&typecate=06&section=

-- Khaosod English 2014-05-15

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The BMA recently insisted that there are no more fake CCTVs in the city. One BMA official went as far as claiming that anyone who finds a fake CCTV will be rewarded 100,000 baht by the authorities.


Foot in mouth disease making a come back in Thailand again?

You probably get arrested for stealing the camera if u find a dummy

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But, but, but I thought there was that bloke Somchai the head police who said there were NO MORE FAKE CCTV cameras in Bangkok and that we would get 100 Baht if we found one?


Nevermind. Looks like someone beat me to it. What absolute clowns. We should start carrying bananas to hand out to these guys whenever we see them.

Remember they do make a distinction between fake CCTV cameras and real cameras waiting for the electricity department to connect power. The story previously is that they are working on a big backlog. Believeable because repairing blown transformers must be a priority, and there were a huge number of cameras installed.

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So the mad monk and his thugs will get away with it. They know who the leader is so why aren't they dragging that lowlife piece of excrement in and putting him through the wringer. The authorities are scared shitless of this evil monk.

Very good Chooka for a policeman,

You don't need any evidence, prosecution, or court to decide innocent or guilty. You decide all yourself based on reports from a Shin family newspaper.

Yet when people get caught shooting at protesters, such as off duty policeman or a lady driving the gunmen's car, they don't even get charged.

Authorities - what authorities would that be? The acting caretaker residue pretending to be a cabinet? CAPO who protect only those who support the "right' side? DSI who only investigate anything that opposes the Shin clan? Or the Keystone cops who are usually conspicuous by their absence and enforce the law as and when instructed by their political masters?

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The BMA recently insisted that there are no more fake CCTVs in the city. One BMA official went as far as claiming that anyone who finds a fake CCTV will be rewarded 100,000 baht by the authorities.

So many boisterous bozos posturing as Thai officials, desperate for publicity and ready to swallow both of their feet at a moment's notice, socks and all.

Remember this?

"There will be no flooding in BKK, (or I will eat my Gucci bag - [implied])", "If Thaksin is not back by end of 2013, I will cut off my head."

too many, too often, too much, can't keep track...

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That's a dirty shame this camera was fake. I'd love nothing more than to see these barbaric scum put in jail for life along with their fake monk who is their leader.

The BMA recently insisted that there are no more fake CCTVs in the city. One BMA official went as far as claiming that anyone who finds a fake CCTV will be rewarded 100,000 baht by the authorities. There is no word whether the Phayathai Police will claim the reward.

555...that was my first thought if they got the 100,000 baht reward.

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Whats with the fake camera stuff...... Is it that someone got paid to put in so many cameras and then found out that quite a bit of pocket money could be had if a lot of them were just the outer casing, making it look like a real CCTV but without any inards.

Whos to know until they go to get the answer as to why nothing was being sent.

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So the mad monk and his thugs will get away with it. They know who the leader is so why aren't they dragging that lowlife piece of excrement in and putting him through the wringer. The authorities are scared shitless of this evil monk.

I hope you do your police work in OZ with a higher standard, because you know this would never be done in the West. There is no proof he is directly involved, they could of course question him but no proof.

I guess your police tasks in Oz are laser gunning people who drive a bit to fast or going after hard criminals like those parking in the wrong spot. Your law skills leave much to be desired.

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Start by making it forbidden to wear masks. Wear a mask in public, be prepared to be questioned by police and arrested if have no plausible explanation or if clearly done to not be identified (and not to keep the smog out...)

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But, but, but I thought there was that bloke Somchai the head police who said there were NO MORE FAKE CCTV cameras in Bangkok and that we would get 100 Baht if we found one?


Nevermind. Looks like someone beat me to it. What absolute clowns. We should start carrying bananas to hand out to these guys whenever we see them.

I wouldn't believe anything any thai said.

Me neither. It's one of the commandments to living successfully and happily in Thailand. Never trust any of them. And, it's not because they are all bad people. It's because of a culture that demands obfuscation to protect their relationships mixed with a demand to tell a person what they want to hear to avoid conflict. I just listed to whatever a Thai has to say and then do my own fact checking on anything important to me. It's a pain but it's worth the effort. Amazing how many times they simply lie right to my face.

the fable of 'the king's new clothes' again and again and again...

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