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Thailand will enter the rainy season by the end of May: Meteorological Department


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I was never much good at geography,but I could have sworn Thailand was in the northern hemisphere,so summer starts roughly about May/ June and goes through to Aug./Sept.Correct me if I am wrong.

Nah, you'r pretty right Spring 1 March / 31 May

Summer 1 June / 31 August

Autumn 1 September / 30 November

Winter 1 December / 28 February

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I was never much good at geography,but I could have sworn Thailand was in the northern hemisphere,so summer starts roughly about May/ June and goes through to Aug./Sept.Correct me if I am wrong.

Not in Thailand, they have hot, hotter and hottest season smile.png

Except up North. We are luck enough to get a brief cool spell about Nov-Jan.

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I was never much good at geography,but I could have sworn Thailand was in the northern hemisphere,so summer starts roughly about May/ June and goes through to Aug./Sept.Correct me if I am wrong.

YES and NO, MAYBE also

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We have had weeks here over over 38c, {petchabun province], we have however had some goods storm and rainfall,the only downside of course that usually the power goes out,and the other night it was off for 12 hours,i do enjoy the wet season ,cooler temps and everything nice and green,at the moment i am finding it hard to leave the air con sanctuary of my study,i am starting to worry about getting piles.

This was a Lost In Translation thang for me. Piles of what I thought? Glad to say the internet is a wealth of information and I finally got to a translation piles = hemorrhoids. Now if I have incorrectly diagnosed this, apologies.

On a serious note (if 'piles' aren't serious enough) we had a few huge storms past few days, but also as tends to be the case, 10 drops of rain and the power is out for the day

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It may be true that the average temp is 41C but on my East facing balcony getting the sun full on it gets in the high 40. More like 48C To hot for any outdoor comfort and inside a/c running 24/7. Not complaining, just saying.

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i will be entering thailand at the end of may to pick up my new bike............better pack me wetsuit then...

What kind of bike? Also the raining season does not mean rain 24/7. I have been biking for many years and the rain has never stopped me from going where I wanted to go. Bring a poncho though.

Edited by Jimbolai
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And I bet the country is ready and well prepared to handle this... not!

Seems pretty well prepared, no barricades put up, no water blocks, no artificial channeling. We might be able to avoid the floods altogether this year.

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In Thailand it is hot during 11.5 months (above 30 d Celsius )

the temperature drops for 1 or 2 weeks in Dec or Jan .( under 30 d Celsius)(yes, except in 2014 when it was longer then 2 weeks )

Rain from April (Sonkran ) up to half December .

From Jan to April ,always dry unless it rains coffee1.gif


Air-cons auto stop when it rains heavily .

Chance of rain improve if you paint outside.

Close your windows when it does not rain (because everybody upwind is burning rubbish)

Fill in the rest ........

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In Thailand it is hot during 11.5 months (above 30 d Celsius )

the temperature drops for 1 or 2 weeks in Dec or Jan .( under 30 d Celsius)(yes, except in 2014 when it was longer then 2 weeks )

Rain from April (Sonkran ) up to half December .

From Jan to April ,always dry unless it rains coffee1.gif


Air-cons auto stop when it rains heavily .

Chance of rain improve if you paint outside.

Close your windows when it does not rain (because everybody upwind is burning rubbish)

Fill in the rest ........

U know everything my hero

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wai2.gif Twenty years ago it was common to see thai houses catch rain water for household use and my wife even used it for drinking water. I never got sick from it. I don't see any evidence of anyone catching the free stuff any more. wise up.w00t.gif

I catch it for my pot plants and vegetables. Works a lot better than tap water.

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I was never much good at geography,but I could have sworn Thailand was in the northern hemisphere,so summer starts roughly about May/ June and goes through to Aug./Sept.Correct me if I am wrong.

You are correct of course. the Equator runs through Malaya.

By coincidence, I watched Elmar Gantry last night. Burt Lancaster is one of my favourite actors. Have most of his films.

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We have had weeks here over over 38c, {petchabun province], we have however had some goods storm and rainfall,the only downside of course that usually the power goes out,and the other night it was off for 12 hours,i do enjoy the wet season ,cooler temps and everything nice and green,at the moment i am finding it hard to leave the air con sanctuary of my study,i am starting to worry about getting piles.

This was a Lost In Translation thang for me. Piles of what I thought? Glad to say the internet is a wealth of information and I finally got to a translation piles = hemorrhoids. Now if I have incorrectly diagnosed this, apologies.

On a serious note (if 'piles' aren't serious enough) we had a few huge storms past few days, but also as tends to be the case, 10 drops of rain and the power is out for the day

No you are correct ginboy,i have not got them yet,but i beleive constantly sitting down can lead to them,it is just far too hot here,to really do much else, i have even stopped going to the local market on thursday where a lot of local falangs meet up as unless you guzzle the beer down very quickly it gets to warm.sure you can put ice in it,but it's just not enjoyable sitting in that heat when i can be at home under the a/c,and as you say,whilst i enjoy the storms and we had a huge one on Tuesday,that went on all night,of course the power always goes out,still not as hot as parts of India this time of year or Abu Dhabi,i was there one August it was 50c in the shade.

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