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Utah May Bring Back Firing Squad Executions

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Utah May Bring Back Firing Squad Executions

Death by rifle may return to the US state with campaigners arguing it is the cheapest and most humane method of execution.

A Utah politician wants to bring back firing squads as a method of execution after controversy over a botched lethal injection in Oklahoma.

Republican Representative Paul Ray believes death by gun is a more humane and cheaper form of execution, and wants it to be an option for criminals sentenced to death in his state.

He plans to introduce his proposal during Utah's next legislative session in January.

Lawmakers in Wyoming and Missouri tried to pass similar legislation this year, but both efforts failed.

Mr Ray believes firing squads may seem more acceptable now, especially after drug shortages complicated lethal injections.

The default method of execution in the US also came under heightened scrutiny last month when prisoner Clayton Lockett's vein collapsed and he died of a heart attack more than 40 minutes later.

"It sounds like the Wild West, but it's probably the most humane way to kill somebody," Mr Ray said.

Read More: http://news.sky.com/story/1263577/utah-may-bring-back-firing-squad-executions

--SkyNews 2014-05-17

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It can be extremely quick. They don't need a firing squad, just a static machine gun computerized to hit exactly through the heart. It remains absolutely still, no room for error and once the button is pressed and 50 rounds released, it's over in a millisecond.

Let a family member press the button if they choose.

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The only down side to this form of execution that I can see is the effects it has on those that have the responsibility for carrying out the execution. And more so the cleaning up afterwards. A job and a lifetime of memories that no right minded person would desire.

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The only down side to this form of execution that I can see is the effects it has on those that have the responsibility for carrying out the execution. And more so the cleaning up afterwards. A job and a lifetime of memories that no right minded person would desire.

That's why one machine gun operated by computer, would be better.

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It can be extremely quick. They don't need a firing squad, just a static machine gun computerized to hit exactly through the heart. It remains absolutely still, no room for error and once the button is pressed and 50 rounds released, it's over in a millisecond.

Let a family member press the button if they choose.

Have you given any thought to what a weapon, like the one you describe, would do to a human body ? Maybe it would have to be carried out in specially built facility, complete with fire sprinklers and high pressure hoses that just wash the remains of the convict down the drain. Or would you be willing to go clean it up yourself ?

What about these big bolt guns they use in the abattoirs for putting down pigs and cattle ? They seem to be cheap, humane and effective. Just place a device on the criminal's head and hit the button. Game Over !

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All this concern regarding cruel and unusual punsihment, but doesn't anyone else think that living with the idea that your execution is looming can be considered mental torture? Immediate firing squad, I mean right behind the courthouse. For some it would be getting off easy. Sometimes I think the sentence "to be thrown to the mob" would be fitting.

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The only down side to this form of execution that I can see is the effects it has on those that have the responsibility for carrying out the execution. And more so the cleaning up afterwards. A job and a lifetime of memories that no right minded person would desire.

A better idea would be to put them In a holding pen with several one way doors. Just leave them there and they can choose which door to leave the holding pen via. In one exit you might have Lions, the next Crocodiles and so forth. The person could choose to remain in the holding pen or just go through one of the doors.

Nothing to clean up. Unless of course one chooses to remain in the holding pen and starve oneself to death, in which case the carcass could be swept out into the lions den.

The natural food chain way, is natures way of cleaning crap up.

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^ That's what my described method so clever. Nobody kills them, they just have to make a choice on what door to go through. Of course, if one elects to stay in the holding pen and starve, well that's, suicide.

Animals don't commit murder, they survive buy eating prey.

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Most. Humane. Way. Of. Killing. Someone.

Listen to yourselves. Murder is murder. No matter who does it.

I've never gotten the death penalty anyway. My sense of vengeance is better served having someone locked up in dark room eating crap for the rest of their lives never seeing the sunlight again. Make then want to die, but not actually letting them.

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^ That's what my described method so clever. Nobody kills them, they just have to make a choice on what door to go through. Of course, if one elects to stay in the holding pen and starve, well that's, suicide.

Animals don't commit murder, they survive buy eating prey.

I have as little sympathy for those scum who rape and kill or commit other horrific crimes as anyone. However, despite this, I still cannot accept that a state has the right to kill its own citizens.

I don't shed tears over executed criminals or take to the streets when it happens, but for me the death penalty is always wrong.

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Why not a public execution? Back in the good old days, it was a nice day's entertainment. One could take the family for a picnic and then watch the fun. Better yet, bring back the horse drawn cage where the condemned are in that cage and have the carriage make its way through the town or city so people can throw things at the condemned. Perhaps if we're lucky they'll mount the head of the deceased on a pike to serve as a deterrent.

Perhaps we can return to the hang, drawn and quartering method. People really enjoyed those spectacles. Al alternative in regions where there is excess firewood would be to burn the condemned at the stake. The snap, crackle and pop combined with the screams of the condemned person apparently presented quite a thrill.

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^ That's what my described method so clever. Nobody kills them, they just have to make a choice on what door to go through. Of course, if one elects to stay in the holding pen and starve, well that's, suicide.

Animals don't commit murder, they survive buy eating prey.

In consideration of the many murderers who eat their victims, you may wish to reconsider your position.

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Why not a public execution? Back in the good old days, it was a nice day's entertainment. One could take the family for a picnic and then watch the fun. Better yet, bring back the horse drawn cage where the condemned are in that cage and have the carriage make its way through the town or city so people can throw things at the condemned. Perhaps if we're lucky they'll mount the head of the deceased on a pike to serve as a deterrent.

Perhaps we can return to the hang, drawn and quartering method. People really enjoyed those spectacles. Al alternative in regions where there is excess firewood would be to burn the condemned at the stake. The snap, crackle and pop combined with the screams of the condemned person apparently presented quite a thrill.

You could always go down the other religious zealots path and have public beheadings in the square after church on Sundays. People can bring cakes.

Edited by Chicog
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For the worst violent criminals who are guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, I don't care how they kill them or how painful it is.

It can be extremely quick. They don't need a firing squad, just a static machine gun computerized to hit exactly through the heart. It remains absolutely still, no room for error and once the button is pressed and 50 rounds released, it's over in a millisecond.

Let a family member press the button if they choose.

According to a study of The National Academy of Science in Bosten there are 4 % innocent of those people sentenced to death and sitting in a death cell.

Then I wish you never belonging to those 4 % w00t.gif .

Did the death sentence ever prevent anybody from committing a crime? Did a (dead) victim of a crucial crime ever rise from the dead?

Death sentence, that's a relict of the dark middle ages. (Primitive) Revengeance seems to be the main motive of the advovates of the death sentence.

Edited by puck2
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^ That's what my described method so clever. Nobody kills them, they just have to make a choice on what door to go through. Of course, if one elects to stay in the holding pen and starve, well that's, suicide.

Animals don't commit murder, they survive buy eating prey.

In consideration of the many murderers who eat their victims, you may wish to reconsider your position.

Seen a few murders in my day, never one where the victim is consumed.

Of corse, im sure it happens, so I will reconsider, as you suggest ;)

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