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Thai Election Commissioner angered by pro-election lecture


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Perhaps the issue is that a government owned TV station shouldn't be broadcasting a partisan TV show, or at least should not be funding it themselves. It's probably fine if the PTP paid for election broadcasting (if that is allowed), and not for the government to be running their own agenda.

They probably are also upset because the point of the show was to propagandize the public into believing that the EC aren't doing their job.

Do you think the EC is doing its job?

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I don't understand why the EC threatened a disciplinary action. What rule did Channel 11 break for broadcasting a pro-election lecture?

Isn't it obvious, Channel 11 caused those Election-Collection-phony-dudes to lose face by broadcasting it publicly,...unfortunately the EC deserves it cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I was asking a serious question. Btw judging from your posts, you seem to have a little bit of a misunderstanding of Thai politics. The EC is on the PDRC side. I don't know who "those bunch of Thaksin hired cowards" in your earlier post refer to.

The EC is on the side of PDRC is your opinion, which you are entitled to. That does not make it a fact or truthful.

I believe the EC try to do what they are supposed to due, in very difficult circumstances made worse by a Thaksin controlled political party who trash any comment they don't like and threaten, intimidate and try to bully to get their own way without any regards to the law, procedures or protocol.

PTP have created their own mess and make it worse by continually trying the same tactics to get out of it,

Meant to do? What does that mean? If they had done their jobs over the years, and disqualified every crooked politician who bought votes, they would have cleared up politics years ago.

Their job is to carry out and implement under instruction.

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More penny pinched academics queuing up for their honorariums from Thaksin.

It's easy to accuse someone who is pro-election of getting paid by Thaksin. Honestly, it's getting old. If you have the evidence that they are in Thaksin's pocket, go ahead and show it. Otherwise, we should stick to an intelligent debate.

On the other hand, some pro-establishment academics received appointed positions in the "independent agencies" after a military coup. Some of them drafted the 2007 constitution themselves and wrote an amnesty for the army. It's interesting how people who oppose nepotism by the PTP see nothing wrong with this.

Appointing a friend who is capable of doing a job is very different from appointing one who is completely incapable of even tying his shoe-laces, but controllable.

Edited by Thaddeus
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All these actions are so screwed and co-ordinated it appears they already think they grabbed the reigns of power.

Far far from it and this illusion they try to spread is greatly exaggerated by their press allies and court allies.

There is no way any of this will wash and they'll be heading for a wipe out of fascism as we had at the end of world war two if they keep rattling the majority of the population of the country like this.

Last hope for the fascists now is some loose cannon from the red side kill some of them. Lets hope common sense and democracy prevail here.

another giveaway typing style to your true identities - you don't see it but I do - there are four other id's on TVF that have this style or typing trait and it is very consistent and obvious

Which four, Sherlock?

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Thammasat University has been a guiding light for democracy in Thailand since it was founded by that great, great man Pridi Banomyong in the 1930s. And to this day great names such as Puey Ungpakorn adorn its faculties. No surprise, therefore, that this courageous intervention by AFDD has come from this institution. Of course Thammasat people have paid the price: Pridi was scapegoated and exiled, and dozens of students were massacred by the fascists in the 1970s. That's what happens to idealists in unfree Thailand.

Who cares what a dullard from the failed, toady EC has to say.

Edited by anteater
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EC, incompetent buffoons who should all be replaced. The were not able to organize a successful election

last time, what has changed that makes anybody think they could organize a successful one this time. tongue.png

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