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Has Chiang Mai been affected by the imposition of martial law?

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The whole day seems to have passed with out any red shirt backlash or change to the normal peoples lives despite this martial law state of affairs. This is good news and long may it be this way. Put thought on a wish for peace be the best thing everybody can do. Carry on.

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There are soldiers posted along the Chiang Mai Lamphun Rd, before and after the Gawila army camp. No big surprise , but it is a bit alarming to come across a group of armed soldiers on the side of the road. Other than that, business as usual, I imagine.


Removed posts containing misinformation and the replies to them.

Posting misinformation or rumours on any social media site during this time of martial law could get a member into serious trouble with the authorities.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



My humble observation of Chiang Mai TV members reactions to various situations:

Earthquakes: w00t.gif.pagespeed.ce.fUUOmDCInI.gif

Yearly burning: wacko.png.pagespeed.ce.jGW10VtQsI.png

Men without shirts on: angry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gif

Coup or martial law: coffee1.gif

Another day in the Land of Smiles smile.png

In all fairness, we live in a country where many expats have little experience with earthquakes, building codes and enforcement are questionable, and even minor earthquakes can be interesting on the high floors of questionable buildings.

Other than that, you nailed it.


2010 there was some fun - with the bridge being shut and tyres burned - that young farang <deleted> school kid caught vandalising and throwing stones at street lights - and the Reds slowing the traffic on Mahidol Rd flyover - etc - but not much else. Been pretty quiet for me today - not even heard the obligatory police sirens whizzing past every few hours (usually to get to car crashes on the outer ring road nearby).

It is usually BKK that is the focus though, this time it may well turn out to be CM and CR - so things may get a bit hot in a day or two as things get (de)organised. Me, I don't go in to town much anyway, so probably not notice anything :)


On the way home from CMU the lights at the intersection of Suthep and Canal road weren't operating and hadn't since this morning and utter chaos getting through. Military traffic management? tongue.png

Maybe they though they were advertising Reds and Yellows at every change :D


Went across town yesterday evening and traffic much lighter than normal. A friend reported she drove down Nimman and got thru the Nimman/Maya mall intersection onto Huey Kaew in a flash -- at 6:30 pm! That's unheard of these days. On the way home, saw a group of 5-6 BIB standing around the Shell Petrol station on Huey Kaew at 10 pm. Looked like they were chatting over Red Bulls or something.

Only thing that seemed odd were groups of 4-8 tourists standing in groups on the Thapae Gate plaza at 5:30 pm, chatting and looking like they were waiting for something to happen. Don't know what, because there was no sign of Thai people gathering and certainly no evidence of a stage or anything like that being built.

Otherwise, it was a very slow Tuesday evening in Chiang Mai.


My humble observation of Chiang Mai TV members reactions to various situations:

Earthquakes: w00t.gif.pagespeed.ce.fUUOmDCInI.gif

Yearly burning: wacko.png.pagespeed.ce.jGW10VtQsI.png

Men without shirts on: angry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gif

Coup or martial law: coffee1.gif

Another day in the Land of Smiles smile.png

In all fairness, we live in a country where many expats have little experience with earthquakes, building codes and enforcement are questionable, and even minor earthquakes can be interesting on the high floors of questionable buildings.

Other than that, you nailed it.

I disagree many Ex Pats have experience with building codes and decent law enforcement.

The problem is they try to live in a land where these are questionable commodities and constantly bitch because where they come from or in a civilized country these things wouldn't happen. Earthquakes well there are many from California. The recent one might have made some of them home sick. LOL


Was out this morning in a Tuck Tuck and he told me there were no problems.

Is this one of your reliable sources of information?


My gf said that they are planning a "lockdown" after 10 or 11 in the evenings.. Was It like that last time?

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My gf said that they are planning a "lockdown" after 10 or 11 in the evenings

she might well be right coz the bib were setting up a big checkpoint tent at thaphae gate this afternoon


Was It like that last time?

the last red shirt problems we had in feb 10 when they set fire to the gates of the governers house and a fire engine the curfew was 11 pm to 4 am


ps ... ill post some pics of a few soldiers at thaphae gate today , later tonight




Rode through Loi Kroh last night at 10:30 and dead as a doornail. The vast majority of bars had no clients at allwhich made the girls seem a lot more numerous. Not sure if a slow Wednesday night, or concerns over first day of martial law. I was rxpecting a teasonable crowd if BIB are missing but generally a no show all around. A compulsory closing is gonna hit a few pockets even further....still a while till pay day for most and I do no think budgeting scores highly in Loi Kroh or CM nigh citizens generally. Be interesting to see if all the Thai clubs close early.

ps sorry for typos..using the phone...large fingers small keyboard :(


I've also just heard about a potential curfew. Not wishing to scaremonger... has anyone else heard anything?


Just for interest I saw this on a Thai news app;


The pollsters, on May 20-21, surveyed 1,264 people throughout the country to gauge their opinion on the invocation of martial law by the army.

Three-quarters of the respondents, 75.95%, said they agreed with the army's action bcause it would end the violence; 12.34% were indifferent, agreeing it was already the duty of soldiers to take care of the country with or without martial law; but 11.71% did not agree, saying that there had been no violence to justify its use and that martial law would only worsen the situation.


Siam dusit independent polling. Same lot that does the ellection polls and things regularly showing non yellow flattering results so can't be said to be bias at all.

Might give people a thought to how likely any trouble is and talk of civil war total scaremongering and nothing else.


I've also just heard about a potential curfew. Not wishing to scaremonger... has anyone else heard anything?

dave2 posted a photo above referring to a curfew. It doesn't seem like the hotel that put up the sign would have instituted their own - more like they are warning their guests?


Just for interest I saw this on a Thai news app;


The pollsters, on May 20-21, surveyed 1,264 people throughout the country to gauge their opinion on the invocation of martial law by the army.

Three-quarters of the respondents, 75.95%, said they agreed with the army's action bcause it would end the violence; 12.34% were indifferent, agreeing it was already the duty of soldiers to take care of the country with or without martial law; but 11.71% did not agree, saying that there had been no violence to justify its use and that martial law would only worsen the situation.


Siam dusit independent polling. Same lot that does the ellection polls and things regularly showing non yellow flattering results so can't be said to be bias at all.

Might give people a thought to how likely any trouble is and talk of civil war total scaremongering and nothing else.

Polling in Thailand is notoriously unreliable.A few years back some of my University students, from a very high profile University, were sent out with their clip boards but with clear instructions which socio economic group they should identify and question. Yes it was during the coup which ousted the Thaksin regime.

IMO opinion now the army has shown its hand the chances of a civil war are....thankfully zero............ but it won't end the cycle of discontent just keep a lid on it. Thais,in my experience, find it very hard to say I was wrong, or change their political leaning, no matter what the consequences for the country might be.



Was It like that last time?

the last red shirt problems we had in feb 10 when they set fire to the gates of the governers house and a fire engine the curfew was 11 pm to 4 am


dave2 posted a photo above referring to a curfew. It doesn't seem like the hotel that put up the sign would have instituted their own - more like they are warning their guests?

what :( .... ug get some glasses !

my post above clearly says ..

in feb 10 .. the curfew was 11pm to 4 am

and that cerfew picture was taken on 23 may 10

not today :(

grrrrrr ... dave2



what sad.png .... ug get some glasses !

I already have some, but don't need them for the computer. I have to admit that I did not look at the date - just noticed the curfew part and was fixated on that. wai.gif


Was out this morning in a Tuck Tuck and he told me there were no problems.

Is this one of your reliable sources of information?

I am getting the feeling that you are trying in a cheap way to bash tuck tuck drivers.

Any more news about this curfew? Planning on going to my friends bar in LK

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Was out this morning in a Tuck Tuck and he told me there were no problems.

Everything must be hunky dory then.


Apparently so.


Was out this morning in a Tuck Tuck and he told me there were no problems.

Is this one of your reliable sources of information?

I am getting the feeling that you are trying in a cheap way to bash tuck tuck drivers.

Then you are getting the wrong feeling. I have never bashed "tuck tuck" drivers or Thais.

I get the feeling you are trying to make my honest question in to something it isn't.


Was out this morning in a Tuck Tuck and he told me there were no problems.

Is this one of your reliable sources of information?

I am getting the feeling that you are trying in a cheap way to bash tuck tuck drivers.

Then you are getting the wrong feeling. I have never bashed "tuck tuck" drivers or Thais.

I get the feeling you are trying to make my honest question in to something it isn't.

I never said you did I said I was getting the feeling you were.

I got it from the tone of your post.

Or were you trying to take a shot at me?



ill post some pics of a few soldiers at thaphae gate today , later tonigh

here ya go .... better late than never :)

i hit a few bars last night in loi kroh for a drink but they were almost empty of customers which had lots of hungry girls in :(

sending money to ma ma for many of them is not going to be happening soon :(




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i hit a few bars last night in loi kroh for a drink but they were almost empty of customers which had lots of hungry girls in :(

sending money to ma ma for many of them is not going to be happening soon :(


Hehe. I was also in my friends bar in loi kroh yesterday. SO QUIET.. i wonder how the girls and the bar owners can manage to pay (for their family, rent etc).

Thailand really know how to &lt;deleted&gt; themself up

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i hit a few bars last night in loi kroh for a drink but they were almost empty of customers which had lots of hungry girls in sad.png

sending money to ma ma for many of them is not going to be happening soon sad.png


Hehe. I was also in my friends bar in loi kroh yesterday. SO QUIET.. i wonder how the girls and the bar owners can manage to pay (for their family, rent etc).

Thailand really know how to <deleted> themself up

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So it's a renter's market in CM now, eh? wink.png


Beautiful day this morning.

To comment on the above- I don't think Thais d economy revolves solely around lady bars.

What really would have damaged Thailand is the use of all those bombs and M16s that the army found in the gov aids car and that ex ranger in nan I think it was.

Looks like the army are doing more to keep the people / country safe and at peace in just two days than the police and CAPO did since months.

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