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Thai protest leader vows to 'keep fighting'

Lite Beer

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I assume the gatherings of the reds , Suthep and his mercenaries, The mad monk are now all illegal and will be broken up and those persons with arrest warrants out on them will be arrested to face the due process of law?

That would be nice, but I won't hold my breath for it to happen

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Where is Suthep going to get his money if he don't do his daily beggar marches. Heard he will defy Prayuth and march on Friday. Meanwhile the Reds are surrounded by the military and can't move an inch. Fair play?

Let's wait and see if the Army allows him to leave his "campsite" and take his mobs to the street before we scream "favoritism" or "double standards". What Suthep says, and what Gen P allows, might be two different things.

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Where is Suthep going to get his money if he don't do his daily beggar marches. Heard he will defy Prayuth and march on Friday. Meanwhile the Reds are surrounded by the military and can't move an inch. Fair play?

Let's wait and see if the Army allows him to leave his "campsite" and take his mobs to the street before we scream "favoritism" or "double standards". What Suthep says, and what Gen P allows, might be two different things.

"What Suthep says, and what Gen P allows, might be two different things".

On the other hand very probably NOT two different things.

They both have the same masters so both must do as they are told by their masters.

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Where is Suthep going to get his money if he don't do his daily beggar marches. Heard he will defy Prayuth and march on Friday. Meanwhile the Reds are surrounded by the military and can't move an inch. Fair play?

Let's wait and see if the Army allows him to leave his "campsite" and take his mobs to the street before we scream "favoritism" or "double standards". What Suthep says, and what Gen P allows, might be two different things.

"What Suthep says, and what Gen P allows, might be two different things".

On the other hand very probably NOT two different things.

They both have the same masters so both must do as they are told by their masters.

Master must be disappointed that 6 + months of Suthep pressure and the government has not yield. The court tried and the senate plotted and still no result. This is their last throw of the dice.

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<deleted>....why are protests still allowed under martial law.....

seriously....are the protests helping the situation....

I think the army should stop the protest...after all.....what's martial law all about anyway

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I don't like the Duce from Surat Thani.

But i guess he knows very well what is going on behind the heavy curtains. He has the same circle of people backing him as the Army.

Edited by Mentors
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Suthep has changed his goals, declared twelve 'final fights', and become a laughingstock.

Even people who not like the Shinawatras have a big problem liking this dolt.

Some say 'anyone is better than the -- here it comes -- puppet poo shins corrupt slime despotic nepotist dummies...'

Freaking YAWN. They even quote each other, worse than the reddies. Suthep is the poster child for anachronism.

BTW, He promise to go to jail by May 27, if he don't win.

The coup is already a win I suppose.

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Ah, well, according to the news feed as of today he can't broadcast any of his speeches on tv, radio, papers, etc.


The POMC has declared that any broadcasting of individuals who are not government officials will be prohibited from giving any political views or opinions on national television, as the center wishes to prevent escalation of protests and crowds becoming riled up after listening to such broadcasts.

Therefore, according to the martial law that has recently been invoked, all operators of media, which include print media, television, radio, press, hosts and/or anchors will not be allowed to interview or invite any individual who is not currently in a governmental position to publicly air their political opinions.

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Ah, well, according to the news feed as of today he can't broadcast any of his speeches on tv, radio, papers, etc.


The POMC has declared that any broadcasting of individuals who are not government officials will be prohibited from giving any political views or opinions on national television, as the center wishes to prevent escalation of protests and crowds becoming riled up after listening to such broadcasts.

Therefore, according to the martial law that has recently been invoked, all operators of media, which include print media, television, radio, press, hosts and/or anchors will not be allowed to interview or invite any individual who is not currently in a governmental position to publicly air their political opinions.

Ah, well, according to the news feed as of today he can't broadcast any of his speeches on tv, radio, papers, etc.

There is a God!

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Ah, well, according to the news feed as of today he can't broadcast any of his speeches on tv, radio, papers, etc.


The POMC has declared that any broadcasting of individuals who are not government officials will be prohibited from giving any political views or opinions on national television, as the center wishes to prevent escalation of protests and crowds becoming riled up after listening to such broadcasts.

Therefore, according to the martial law that has recently been invoked, all operators of media, which include print media, television, radio, press, hosts and/or anchors will not be allowed to interview or invite any individual who is not currently in a governmental position to publicly air their political opinions.

Ah, well, according to the news feed as of today he can't broadcast any of his speeches on tv, radio, papers, etc.

There is a God!

"Not currently in a government position"

I guess Abhisit should be quiet again too. Unfortunately Somchai can still talk about his troubles in holding an election.

Edited by airconsult
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He probably should have remained silent.

The Reds are their own worst enemy. They self destructed. Let them completely implode.


I think you need to read the article again. This was NOT about the reds. It was about Suthep vowing to keep up his personal vendetta.

I think you need you need to focus more on comprehension kid.

My point was that Suthep should shut up now and not say anything.

He does not need to say anything about vowing to "keep fighting".

The Reds are doing a fine job of destroying themselves and the Army has recognized that.

Don't antagonize things when it's not necessary.

I find reading slowly can help sometimes.

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He probably should have remained silent.

The Reds are their own worst enemy. They self destructed. Let them completely implode.


I think you need to read the article again. This was NOT about the reds. It was about Suthep vowing to keep up his personal vendetta.

I think you need you need to focus more on comprehension kid.

My point was that Suthep should shut up now and not say anything.

He does not need to say anything about vowing to "keep fighting".

The Reds are doing a fine job of destroying themselves and the Army has recognized that.

Don't antagonize things when it's not necessary.

I find reading slowly can help sometimes.

We can agree to disagree. My point is that the original article was about Suthep and the PDRC, and had NOTHING to do with anything connected to the Reds. You are the one who twisted it around and made it to be about the reds.

Edited by Just1Voice
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He probably should have remained silent.

The Reds are their own worst enemy. They self destructed. Let them completely implode.


I think you need to read the article again. This was NOT about the reds. It was about Suthep vowing to keep up his personal vendetta.

I think you need you need to focus more on comprehension kid.

My point was that Suthep should shut up now and not say anything.

He does not need to say anything about vowing to "keep fighting".

The Reds are doing a fine job of destroying themselves and the Army has recognized that.

Don't antagonize things when it's not necessary.

I find reading slowly can help sometimes.

I can only read slowly


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Suthep has changed his goals, declared twelve 'final fights', and become a laughingstock.

Even people who not like the Shinawatras have a big problem liking this dolt.

Some say 'anyone is better than the -- here it comes -- puppet poo shins corrupt slime despotic nepotist dummies...'

Freaking YAWN. They even quote each other, worse than the reddies. Suthep is the poster child for anachronism.

I must have missed something. When is the FINAL PUSH? When is the idiot turning himself into the police? Please advise.

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poor guy. he sounds like he is on the verge of a mental breakdown

Friends of Nelson Mandela thought he was on the verge of a mental breakdown when he had to attend court to hear his 200 terrorist charges including bombing a shopping mall that killed women and children. And look at how history judged him.

I know what your thinking Moonoa and NO. That judge can't be sacked or impeached. It is history judging him.

Unless you're a time traveller you cannot say with certainty where he will be in 40 years.

I suspect a large 40 ft bronze statue in Chaing Mai looking down on the populus with that cheesy cute grin and a plaque under it reading "With reform came all the principles of democracy and allowed us to have a sustainable rice industry where we didn't need to rely on the government. We relied on our knowledge of advanced rice farming to improve production. This statue is paid for by the profits of rice farmers in the North"

Until then they only know what is now and that is a desperate reliance on a government who without their support cannot compete in a global market.

Good luck Suthep. Reform is needed lest democracy ceases post ballot box again.

And other nations support their industries how?

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poor guy. he sounds like he is on the verge of a mental breakdown

Friends of Nelson Mandela thought he was on the verge of a mental breakdown when he had to attend court to hear his 200 terrorist charges including bombing a shopping mall that killed women and children. And look at how history judged him.

I know what your thinking Moonoa and NO. That judge can't be sacked or impeached. It is history judging him.

Unless you're a time traveller you cannot say with certainty where he will be in 40 years.

I suspect a large 40 ft bronze statue in Chaing Mai looking down on the populus with that cheesy cute grin and a plaque under it reading "With reform came all the principles of democracy and allowed us to have a sustainable rice industry where we didn't need to rely on the government. We relied on our knowledge of advanced rice farming to improve production. This statue is paid for by the profits of rice farmers in the North"

Until then they only know what is now and that is a desperate reliance on a government who without their support cannot compete in a global market.

Good luck Suthep. Reform is needed lest democracy ceases post ballot box again.

And other nations support their industries how?

Vietnam support their rice industry by;

Deploying the “3 down, 3 up policy” to keep seeds, fertilizer, and insecticide costs down while raising productivity, quality and profit. Vietnamese farmers now benefit from 15-20% increase in profits from this initiative.

Long term strategies for rice production and exportation.

Vietnam deploys a “one team” marketing strategy and seeks to enter high quality rice markets.

Vietnam cooperatively produces rice with its neighbors.

Vietnam sets up measures to stabilize internal rice markets.

Vietnam has a policy to help farmers gain 30% profit. In 2010, the Prime Minister of Vietnam requested that Vietnamese officials set the price of paddy rice to be sold to middlemen that reflects a profit to the farmers by at least 30%. Of course this is only achievable with the above policies implemented and the money goes to the rice farmer. No one else.

Vietnamese government establishes rice trading markets and rice storage overseas.

Reform is critical.

Edited by djjamie
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poor guy. he sounds like he is on the verge of a mental breakdown

Thanks Dr. Moonao.

perhaps you can visit him in hospital sometime. he will be the one sitting in the corner in the white gown blowing his whistle, with the vacant look in his eyes.

Is this what happenened when you had yours ??

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He might discover there is a difference in outlook from the police to the army with regard to protesting after you have been told to stop.

Yes. Might. We'll see. Lots of people believe that all the Thai Army brass hate Thaksin, now that they've purged his relatives and most outspoken supporters. It appears some don't let their hatred for Thaksin override their respect for the 2007 Constitution. This would seem to be what Suthep was trying to provoke; it may not turn out the way he thought it would. It's not so clear now that the Army supports him while opposing Thaksin.

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Well even I have to say Suthep is now going beyond anything thought possible.

I don't know if he wants to be as rich as Thaksin, or be remembered for becoming a completely narcissistic idiot, after achieving what is currently a good-willed change to events.

Let us pray they are all taken down, before Prayuth becomes a self-serving knob-head, and something positive is instilled into this country, once and for all.

Melancholy can mark them all for their own, as far as I am concerned now.

Although I want to see the 2007 Constitution preserved rather than whatever horror Suthep wanted to unloose on us, I share your hope. I've seen enough and read enough thai history to not have much hope. Sarit was very popular, a real case of a boy from an impoverished family in the NorthEast who made good -- until his 100 or so minor wives came out with claims on his estate which was much, much bigger that anyone had thought. I have read that there were jokes about the progressively younger "nieces" he escorted to events. Suchinda -- well, he's still around and very rich, so he's influential too, so better not say. Anybody have any juicy stories about Thanin Kraivichien? Remember October 6.

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