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Mormons proselytizing in Thailand


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What gets me is that you would think they would be happy in believing what they do to get into heaven but they are not, they will not be happy until you believe it too.


Though intimately, the only way irrational belief can propagate is by foisting it upon others. It's cold calling and nothing more.

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What gets me is that you would think they would be happy in believing what they do to get into heaven but they are not, they will not be happy until you believe it too.

I suppose you get bonus points for each convert. Like a free virgin or something.

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I used to work with a Mormon in the UK who'd already done his two year stint - can't remember where - maybe Africa. He never tried to push his religion on any of us and I have to say he was one of the most pleasant blokes I've ever met.

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I think the offended party here is a little bit overreacting.

Although I am not a Mormon, and even consider it a pretty wacky cult, I find most of these young guys are reasonably polite, which is a result of their extensive training before embarking on their missions.

Agreeing with Sheryl, I say "no thanks" and move on. Simple.

In a couple dozen encounters over many decades, I've never had a Mormon team fight against that response.

I do agree,even after i pissed on their trousers,which was a mistake and an honest one ,i had a cap on and thought in my rather drunken state,the chaps legs where saplings,growing from the ground,they only muttered between themselves,and forgave me,of course by this stage i was gagging and threatening to vomit,this possibly could have played a part in their descision to give up on me .

I spent all four years of high school doing charity work in an inner-city "rescue mission." I'll take you on!

Thanks for that mate,but now i am married to a hiso chinese,like most tv members i am ok,though the old man did not like it when i pissed[accidentely on his trousers, i just yelled,'don't talk mormon to me at him'

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What gets me is that you would think they would be happy in believing what they do to get into heaven but they are not, they will not be happy until you believe it too.

I don't think you understand where they are coming from.

Their thinking is: "If I've taken medicine that made me well, I need to give this medicine to other people who are sick and need it. It is my obligation and duty."

I know, it may contain some abrasive assumptions, but that's their thinking. In their own minds, it's an altruistic motive.

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Mormons might be well dressed and polite. But at the end of the day they are the ones who are hunting the weak minded people to join their cult.

Shouldn't we have a moral obligation to protect the weak and therefore try to make their work as hard as possible?

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Do you object to people wanting to share their ideas and beliefs and opinions with you publicly? Do you object to discussion between people?

You obviously do...and then you get on a public Internet forum and express your opionion, beliefs and try to engage hundreds of us to discuss them with you.

How is posting your opinion here for all of us to see any different than what the Mormon boys did this morning?

Well it's very different. For starters, people come here because it's a forum and forums are for posting stuff and sharing ideas and opinions. You don't come into forums unless you want that.

Suddenly appearing in front of people on the side walk with the intention of trying to push something down anothers throat is something different all together. I don't walk on the side walk for this purpose, I'm going somewhere, commuting. Capiche ?

I did not come here because I was looking for a forum. I got an email from Thai Visa that suddenly appeared in my inbox, and one of the articles it was pushing was about Mormons. I joined just now to ask my question.

I suppose if I didn't want to read OPs opinion I could have deleted the email. Likewise, if he didn't want to talk with the Mormons he could have just kept walking.

I did not come here because I was looking for a forum either. I also got an email that suddenly popped up in my inbox, what a coincidence!

Anyway, I suspect you have some sort of 'alert set' on your Google/PC and when ever the word 'Mormon' creeps up, your alerted and you race to correct peoples ways. Of course you wanted to read others opinions and change them, which is the real reason you joined, as it's always possible to read and move along without joining. You know I'm right, just admit it?

Anyway, since you've taken the time,so have I and now we can both move along. ;). Please stay off the side walk......it's for commuters, food carts, motorcycle taxis, cars, buses, trucks and sleeping soi dogs.

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What gets me is that you would think they would be happy in believing what they do to get into heaven but they are not, they will not be happy until you believe it too.

I don't think you understand where they are coming from.

Their thinking is: "If I've taken medicine that made me well, I need to give this medicine to other people who are sick and need it. It is my obligation and duty."

I know, it may contain some abrasive assumptions, but that's their thinking. In their own minds, it's an altruistic motive.

I am very well acquainted with the whys.

Have you heard the good news?

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Do you object to people wanting to share their ideas and beliefs and opinions with you publicly? Do you object to discussion between people?

You obviously do...and then you get on a public Internet forum and express your opionion, beliefs and try to engage hundreds of us to discuss them with you.

How is posting your opinion here for all of us to see any different than what the Mormon boys did this morning?

Here you sign up to be a member. You also login to look and share you opinion when you like to do it. None from TV grab my arm or knock on my door to discuss religion. And I can't logout when a crazy mormon never stop talking even if I told him twice that I'm not interested

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Do you object to people wanting to share their ideas and beliefs and opinions with you publicly? Do you object to discussion between people?

You obviously do...and then you get on a public Internet forum and express your opionion, beliefs and try to engage hundreds of us to discuss them with you.

How is posting your opinion here for all of us to see any different than what the Mormon boys did this morning?

Well it's very different. For starters, people come here because it's a forum and forums are for posting stuff and sharing ideas and opinions. You don't come into forums unless you want that.

Suddenly appearing in front of people on the side walk with the intention of trying to push something down anothers throat is something different all together. I don't walk on the side walk for this purpose, I'm going somewhere, commuting. Capiche ?

I did not come here because I was looking for a forum. I got an email from Thai Visa that suddenly appeared in my inbox, and one of the articles it was pushing was about Mormons. I joined just now to ask my question.

I suppose if I didn't want to read OPs opinion I could have deleted the email. Likewise, if he didn't want to talk with the Mormons he could have just kept walking.

I did not come here because I was looking for a forum either. I also got an email that suddenly popped up in my inbox, what a coincidence!

Anyway, I suspect you have some sort of 'alert set' on your Google/PC and when ever the word 'Mormon' creeps up, your alerted and you race to correct peoples ways. Of course you wanted to read others opinions and change them, which is the real reason you joined, as it's always possible to read and move along without joining. You know I'm right, just admit it?

Anyway, since you've taken the time,so have I and now we can both move along. wink.png. Please stay off the side walk......it's for commuters, food carts, motorcycle taxis, cars, buses, trucks and sleeping soi dogs.

And drunk expats who may or may not piss on them[in my case- but a geniune mistake],or possibly vomit,after partaking to much 'devils brew'

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You really don't need to give any sort of reason or excuse, just a firm "Sorry, not interested" and walk away will do the trick.

Many of them don't walk away after not interested. A few of them don't even walk away when you say it 3 times. It's not like I should have to leave my place and walk away because he never stop

Very different from what I have experienced.

I don't follow the "I should have to leave my place" bit. Aren't you already walking? Just keep on doing so. I really don't think they are going to chase you.

No I'm not always walking. Many times I'm standing still on a spot. Or even sitting down drinking a coffee when they approach me
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These guys and Jehovas wittness are a pain in the ass, I simply tell them you believe in the unbelievable, don't ask me me a question your wasting your time,

ps I live in Hua Hin they both come around on a regular basis.

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Do you object to people wanting to share their ideas and beliefs and opinions with you publicly? Do you object to discussion between people?

You obviously do...and then you get on a public Internet forum and express your opionion, beliefs and try to engage hundreds of us to discuss them with you.

How is posting your opinion here for all of us to see any different than what the Mormon boys did this morning?

Well it's very different. For starters, people come here because it's a forum and forums are for posting stuff and sharing ideas and opinions. You don't come into forums unless you want that.

Suddenly appearing in front of people on the side walk with the intention of trying to push something down anothers throat is something different all together. I don't walk on the side walk for this purpose, I'm going somewhere, commuting. Capiche ?

I did not come here because I was looking for a forum. I got an email from Thai Visa that suddenly appeared in my inbox, and one of the articles it was pushing was about Mormons. I joined just now to ask my question.

I suppose if I didn't want to read OPs opinion I could have deleted the email. Likewise, if he didn't want to talk with the Mormons he could have just kept walking.

I did not come here because I was looking for a forum either. I also got an email that suddenly popped up in my inbox, what a coincidence!

Anyway, I suspect you have some sort of 'alert set' on your Google/PC and when ever the word 'Mormon' creeps up, your alerted and you race to correct peoples ways. Of course you wanted to read others opinions and change them, which is the real reason you joined, as it's always possible to read and move along without joining. You know I'm right, just admit it?

Anyway, since you've taken the time,so have I and now we can both move along. wink.png. Please stay off the side walk......it's for commuters, food carts, motorcycle taxis, cars, buses, trucks and sleeping soi dogs.

Gee that's a lot of assumptions to make, all of them incorrect.

Yep, moving along.

Edited by monsithu76
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Well if you are in an establishment of some kind, you could complain to the management (assuming they did not leave you alone at your request).

If you are sitting still out in public somewhere, I can't offer any suggestions since being female that is not something I have ever been able to do without unwanted attention/harassment (welcome to my world!).

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Their mission is to spread the lies and continue to keep the people hooked. They will always try.

Isn't that the mission statement of Fox News and also the catechism of the Thai bashers here at the hub of moaning?

Different people. Different beliefs. Same propaganda techniques.

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These guys and Jehovas wittness are a pain in the ass, I simply tell them you believe in the unbelievable, don't ask me me a question your wasting your time,

ps I live in Hua Hin they both come around on a regular basis.

Try my crazy face, it works a treat. Make sure you try to snort between words and even dribble a bit....after a while it just comes naturally. ;)

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Rude and uncivil behavior, from whatever corner, is likely to get the same in return. Likewise, respectful and polite declination of an offer usually gets the same.

My feet are not fastened to the ground and they move me quite well in most circumstances. Often without talking.

I prefer to Live and Let Live.

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"Remember if god is fake it cost them nothing to believe in him, but if god is real what will it cost you." Why would anyone pretend to believe in a fairytale just in case it's true. Makes no sense at all.

This is Pascal's wager and was shown to be facile before I was ever born.

Pascal's Wager is an argument in apologetic philosophy which was devised by the seventeenth-century French philosopher, mathematician, and physicist Blaise Pascal (16231662). It posits that humans all bet with their lives either that God exists or does not exist. Given the possibility that God actually does exist and assuming the infinite gain or loss associated with belief in God or with unbelief, a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.)


1. You would spend you whole life believing in a wish.

2. It would mean a rather stupid god who did not know you were faking belief. Why worship a stupid god?

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"This country has enough problems without these nutters wandering the streets spreading this nonsense"

Many feel the same way about the Atheist nutters, didn't the Atheist this year begin to open their own places to preach against god? Wouldn't that be considered a form of worship? In my day that would be known as Satan worshiping.

Remember if god is fake it cost them nothing to believe in him, but if god is real what will it cost you.

Next time Atheist or not try not being a nutter yourself and decline with some respect, or is respect also against Atheist satanic religion?

Atheist Satanism is oxymoronic.

"Remember if god is fake it cost them nothing to believe in him, but if god is real what will it cost you." Why would anyone pretend to believe in a fairytale just in case it's true. Makes no sense at all.

Agreed. The comment is akin to saying If Father Christmas is fake, it costs nothing to believe in him, but if Father Christmas is real what will it cost you". If Father Christmas is such a nice guy would he make sure you were the only kid in the world without a toy because you didn't believe? And when you do believe there are people around you who know it is a scam, only too willing to put a toy under the tree that they bought and say it was from the big bearded man himself.

Religion is the same. It captures the vulnerable, the wanting, the lonely and promises them all the bullshit, and there are people in the lknow who will do anything to perpetuate the myth in order that they can receive material gain from the situation. If God does exist and he is a loving God, will he cast me in the pit of fiery hell when I die or pat me on the shoulder and give me a hug and say 'i bet you feel stupid now, come on in' and I would hug him back, say sorry and take a knee. Any God i would look to for comfort would do the latter. Any sado who tosses people in a burning pit for a gazzillion years for not believing in something they have never seen, witnessed or observed would be seen as the spawn of evil on the living Earth, why would you want to spend an eternity with someone who has that as their idea of love?

Exactly. Who wants to spend eternity with those cranks?

I would love for God to be real and the various promises to be true. But as the only evidence is other people saying it is based on old books written by people who know less about the world that the average 7 year old does now, I see no reason to believe it at all.

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This is Pascal's wager and was shown to be facile before I was ever born.

Pascal's Wager is an argument in apologetic philosophy which was devised by the seventeenth-century French philosopher, mathematician, and physicist Blaise Pascal (16231662). It posits that humans all bet with their lives either that God exists or does not exist. Given the possibility that God actually does exist and assuming the infinite gain or loss associated with belief in God or with unbelief, a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.)


1. You would spend you whole life believing in a wish.

2. It would mean a rather stupid god who did not know you were faking belief. Why worship a stupid god?

Of course you run into the problem of which god or gods to follow. Is there any reason to think that Shiva is less worthy than Jehovah or that Allah is less worthy than Ra of the Egyptians?

But, if you pick Christianity, you get chocolate bunnies at Easter.


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