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May I offer a suggestion which may help Thai Visa members?

Sometimes, I write a detailed reply, or an OP.

Something happens on my computer, maybe some background script is running.

I try and close down some open windows to reduce the memory drain and, in the process, I close the Thai Visa page, thus losing all my data.

Once you open a post, Thai Visa starts to automatically save the post, which is a great idea.

Would it be possible to have a warning message along the lines of … ‘do you really want to navigate away from this page’ if you have not posted the reply/OP as opposed to having inadvertently closing the open page?

I hope what I’m suggesting makes sense …



The onset is the toughest time, when you are still aware.

But don't worry, once you are fully into Alzheimer's, like me, things get easier to accept. You don't even notice when you … what was I posting here …?

  • Like 1

^ theres a thread about that somewhere I think I read....perhaps he should enquire over there.

Next he'll be wanting them to spray his bot bot as well when he forgets to do that.


I would like to offer up a suggestion also...

Can a profanity pop up be instigated as you write it, so you know before you post if you cannot write shit like that and waste your time having to go back and be more creative ?


A lot of WYSIWY editors these days have an auto-save feature whereby your text is periodically saved somewhere (not sure exactly how it works, cookies maybe?). Tripadvisor, for example, recently introduced one, and Gmail has had one for a while. Could maybe see if Invision's WYSIWYG editor has this feature as an optional add-on. As David48 said though, at a convenient and less-hectic time. wai.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

May I offer a suggestion too...

Just to make things crystal, I think it would be a good idea to rename the following forums as indicated.

Bikes in Thailand to Motorbikes in Thailand

Bikes for sale to Motorbikes for sale.

Cheers and keep up the good work.


Yep, I can understand that.

Something to consider when normal service is resumed?

Thanks for the reply.

Used to drive me crazy too, until I discovered the "Textarea Cache" extension for Firefox.

Whatever you write - whether posted or not - is saved for posterity however long you specify. :)


Please, Please no. One of my biggest bugbears is the confirm navigation pop up. If I have pressed close then that is exactly what I want my computer to do. Where do you draw the line ? When you have written your post and press send do you want another pop up to ask if you really want to send this post ?

If you are careless enough to close the wrong tab then re type your post again and leave those not stupid enough to close a tab with type we want to live in peace.


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