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Thai coup leader disbands Senate, assumes law-making power


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Wow, the guy is really showing his colors, ain't he? A dictator of his ilk won't stand much longer for a free flow of information and public expression of opinion on the internet. But I guess that would come after the shuttering of the judicial branch of gov't.? I'm afraid our days are numbered.

don't worry too much...The General is known to be one of The Former Minister Taksin's opponent. He was the one who ousted him before. He doesn't like any of the Shinawatra family so he is now kicking the asses of all the allies of the Shinawatras.

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This is the first coup ever in Thailand where the coup maker hasnt met with HM on live TV to ask for approval.

No joke, its true. Was in The Nation and Bangkok Post today.

There was certainly no stamp of approval in 1932 which has been the most dramatic coup in Thai history, the other 11 plus 9 failed efforts just rearranged deck chairs and who was sitting in which one.

This could well shape up to be as significant as 1932 in terms of fundamentally changing the status quo. Time will tell....

So you call 1976 and 1992 a deck chair rearrangement. whistling.gif

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PDRC, TV anti-Thaksinistas, Suthepistas and Yellows wanted reforms, out with YS, block elections and abolish the government, senators, the house et al.

You clamored, ranted and wished it:. There you have it and then some.

Are you guys happy now?

Mostly, YES. I am willing to wait and see. So far the General has my full support. Anything to get rid of the Shins and their corrupt ways.

And how about the rampant corruption before the Shinawatras?? You know nothing about Thailand just bad-mouth and troll here.

Besides, the army is one of the traditionally corrupt organisations in Thailand. So the corrupt gets rid of the corrupt. Let's applaud ladies and gentleman.

Yet, under the Shins, corruption has soared to unprecidented heights.

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PDRC, TV anti-Thaksinistas, Suthepistas and Yellows wanted reforms, out with YS, block elections and abolish the government, senators, the house et al.

You clamored, ranted and wished it:. There you have it and then some.

Are you guys happy now?

Mostly, YES. I am willing to wait and see. So far the General has my full support. Anything to get rid of the Shins and their corrupt ways.

And how about the rampant corruption before the Shinawatras?? You know nothing about Thailand just bad-mouth and troll here.

Besides, the army is one of the traditionally corrupt organisations in Thailand. So the corrupt gets rid of the corrupt. Let's applaud ladies and gentleman.

Yet, under the Shins, corruption has soared to unprecidented heights.

Only seems that way because he published the price list....... The elites prefer an MSRP without a published price list :P

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..a wise move if he wants to be seen to be even-handed ( not that I agree with closing legislature)

I agree with you Prbkk-never thought I'd utter those words...

Ditto to that -- but to be completely even-handed the senate had to go, however, there is no reason why some or all can't be re-instated at sometime in the future, likewise other "previously elected" parliamentarians from all sides could be called on form some type of interim panel / government to assist in running the country for a set period prior to organising elections.

This current situation is something completely new to Thailand and may well be the move that changes Thai politics for ever (or is this just wishful thinking on my part)

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There is real opposition on the streets, personally witnessed. Despite their armoured cars and tanks and guns, they may not be able to take away our sons this time. Could this be one coup too many. I pray for peace with justice.

You are full of hot air and little else.

Your sons?


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Millwall Fan is obviously a member of the Fenian Brotherhood as he quotes from the engaging little ditty "Boys Behind the Wire", penned in 1971 to commemorate the screw up of internment in Northern Ireland, not that there were any tanks in the operation, but why let facts get in the way of a money-raising dirge?

In LOS they have a different approach and take away "our sons" not to an internment camp but to a more terminal destination.


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Tin Pot Dictator.

When the people find out what he's done they will be very, very upset.

This is the first coup ever in Thailand where the coup maker hasnt met with HM on live TV to ask for approval.

As has been highlighted, this Junta did not display the Thai flag, or Royal images, just a slogan about the challenges a soldier, during their initial declaration.

top left corner of the plaque... I'm pretty sure that's a Royal Emblem.

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There is real opposition on the streets, personally witnessed. Despite their armoured cars and tanks and guns, they may not be able to take away our sons this time. Could this be one coup too many. I pray for peace with justice.

Channel News Asia has excellent live coverage and as you say there is still some protests but their take on it was that the numbers are diminishing.

In CM , a red strong hold, we drove around town and saw only 4 very young armed,Thai soldiers guarding the Gov Motor Vehicle /Licence building.

The closing of businesses at 8 and 9pm is really hurting traders.

The capture of a Red Shirt group at Udon today with bombs etc must surely send out a signal to like minded groups that its all over. The Army were of course tipped off. I think Thais have really had enough and just want to resume a peacefull life even thet don't agree with the Armys actions

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Franco governed for 36 years in Spain.
Ending when he died in 1975

Meanwhile the opposing team became educated.
It wont matter what this General does.
It doesn't matter how long it takes.
History shows us, that one day in the future the ''people '' always win!

'' Power concedes nothing without a demand.

It never did and it never will.''
''Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them.''

post-9891-0-17025900-1400939988_thumb.jp post-9891-0-64594900-1400939862_thumb.jp

Credit where credit is due?

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Suthep was heard screaming 'It should be me, IT SHOULD BE ME!"

Suthep is not the type of person that takes the front, but he does generally put himself to be the boss of those that act as the front man. I get the feeling that Abhisit and Thailand would have been much better off if he Suthep did not exist.

Suthep is just a mercenary.

He did destroy his own party in the 90s. Before with Chuan Leekpai the Democratic Party was still worth of his name. Suthep was hired to destroy the democratic principles of the party and make it the political wing of the army.

If it wasn't Suthep, his bosses would have found somebody else. He did his job. A mercenary. That time and this time. The elite's dog. wuuf wuuf wuuf...this is Suthep

Thats what they said about Nelson Mandela just after he bombed a shopping centre killing women and children.

History judged him differently though.

Suthep may well be judged as a man that instigated the reform process in Thailand.

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PDRC, TV anti-Thaksinistas, Suthepistas and Yellows wanted reforms, out with YS, block elections and abolish the government, senators, the house et al.

You clamored, ranted and wished it:. There you have it and then some.

Are you guys happy now?

Mostly, YES. I am willing to wait and see. So far the General has my full support. Anything to get rid of the Shins and their corrupt ways.

And how about the rampant corruption before the Shinawatras?? You know nothing about Thailand just bad-mouth and troll here.

Besides, the army is one of the traditionally corrupt organisations in Thailand. So the corrupt gets rid of the corrupt. Let's applaud ladies and gentleman.

Yet, under the Shins, corruption has soared to unprecidented heights.

So the corruption is good whenever no Shinawatras involved. Wake up buddy.

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I have a feeling that there is much more to this coup, and today's consolidation of power, than we are being told. sad.png

As I posted back in 2010, there is a kingdom at stake... sad.pngsad.pngsad.png

You've been very quiet for the past 4 years....

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..a wise move if he wants to be seen to be even-handed ( not that I agree with closing legislature)

555555 He's not closing the legislature, you wish! He's going to pass new draconian laws to tackle political corruption. Hopefully Capital Laws. Execution by Fire Ants would be a good one Native American style. 5555555 Shins you're F$%#*^!

America didn't have fire ants till 1929.

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I can see the commander being replaced before long a coup within a coup the fan is picking up speed and the S - - T is heading towards it . We have already witnessed discontent on the streets of Bangkok today they in turn will get bigger day by day week by week I for one was hoping that an announcement for new elections would be announced in the next couple of days how foolish I was to think that would happen.

There were a couple hundred of the usual suspects without their red shirts carrying signs not surprisingly in English.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the the military start fingerprinting them before they're released to go on their way. All it will take is the right person to recognize a few of the usual suspects.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Maybe Prayuth's fellow Directors at Thai Military Bank will ask him to take a hike when the economy takes a dive.

Well that shows your way out of touch with who, today, owns TMB, including a sizeable shareholding by a high profile highly credible European bank.

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Suthep was heard screaming 'It should be me, IT SHOULD BE ME!"

Suthep is not the type of person that takes the front, but he does generally put himself to be the boss of those that act as the front man. I get the feeling that Abhisit and Thailand would have been much better off if he Suthep did not exist.

Suthep is just a mercenary.

He did destroy his own party in the 90s. Before with Chuan Leekpai the Democratic Party was still worth of his name. Suthep was hired to destroy the democratic principles of the party and make it the political wing of the army.

If it wasn't Suthep, his bosses would have found somebody else. He did his job. A mercenary. That time and this time. The elite's dog. wuuf wuuf wuuf...this is Suthep

Thats what they said about Nelson Mandela just after he bombed a shopping centre killing women and children.

History judged him differently though.

Suthep may well be judged as a man that instigated the reform process in Thailand.

Or set Thailand ten years back (if we are lucky)

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Well done, it was inevitable to remove all those Thaksin royalists and corrupt leaders out of their power, they were the cancer of this country. Ruthless and thieves.

They took advantage of every loophole in the system and made a fortune them self, appointing relatives to high position jobs in the government.

The military are the only entity in this country that puts their country first before money and greedy.

I hope they do a real good cleanup, amend the laws created be the previous Shin governments and then put out an election.

What else better can you wish? They were not going to give up, the court are not powerful enough to do the job of putting them in jail.

The court move to indict Yingluck was just the minimum they could do to keep their jobs, they must have known before hand a coup was in the plans.

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..a wise move if he wants to be seen to be even-handed ( not that I agree with closing legislature)

555555 He's not closing the legislature, you wish! He's going to pass new draconian laws to tackle political corruption. Hopefully Capital Laws. Execution by Fire Ants would be a good one Native American style. 5555555 Shins you're F$%#*^!

America didn't have fire ants till 1929.

Just book your ticket buddy. Negotiations are over!

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