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Thai coup leader disbands Senate, assumes law-making power


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Gotta believe there is plenty of envy on the world stage as to how things are transpiring in Thailand the past few days. Outrage haha, get real. They would love to do the same thing when faced with roadblocks. Operation Clean Sweep.

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Well no matter what happens....The army are going to be busier than they thought....

ELEVEN BOMBS in Pattani today, electricity is out in the whole town.....

Time to pull the hat down around the ears, and hang on tight.

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Franco governed for 36 years in Spain.
Ending when he died in 1975

Meanwhile the opposing team became educated.
It wont matter what this General does.
It doesn't matter how long it takes.
History shows us, that one day in the future the ''people '' always win!

'' Power concedes nothing without a demand.

It never did and it never will.''
''Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them.''

When Hugo Shavez was the 'dictator' of Venezuela, the people were happy. The CIA was not amused. After Chavez died now see what that country has come to. Sometimes a soft dictator (army) is better for Thailand than a dictator government.

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PDRC, TV anti-Thaksinistas, Suthepistas and Yellows wanted reforms, out with YS, block elections and abolish the government, senators, the house et al.

You clamored, ranted and wished it:. There you have it and then some.

Are you guys happy now?

not as happy as I would be if the army summarily executed any politicians guilty of corruption. I would deem guilty being any that accumulated great wealth whilst serving

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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Wow, the guy is really showing his colors, ain't he? A dictator of his ilk won't stand much longer for a free flow of information on the internet. I'm afraid our days are numbered.

They didn't cut it last time. Too much stuff depends on it these days, I suppose.

This coup has few similarities to "last time."

They did dissolve the Senate in 2006 and set up the National Legislative Assembly, same as after the 1991 coup.

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It is up to the Thais to revolt/resist/riseup to a military dictatorship who are a bunch of hooligans removing a democratic constitution. Obviously the government and opposition could not solve their problems but the military has never resolved problems in Thailand ...but only make them worse. Before stupid people ruled Thailand....now awfully stupid rule the country believing they are God. These army generals should all be hanged for treason. Thailand rise up and fight for true democracy.

Now who is a funamentalist?

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Wow, the guy is really showing his colors, ain't he? A dictator of his ilk won't stand much longer for a free flow of information on the internet. I'm afraid our days are numbered.

They didn't cut it last time. Too much stuff depends on it these days, I suppose.

This coup has few similarities to "last time."

People, good or bas, operate by a certain pattern, modus operandi.

Look at what the illuminati killers do all the time. Same pattern.

Comparing the coup now with the one in 2006 is just not on....this is a dramatically different affair..... And that's just in the first few days.

I don't agree at all. This coup is if anything more reluctant than the last. It's going to be make changes, handover to civilian government, call elections and get the hell out just like last time. The only people that can expect harsher treatment are the Shinawatras, who should be looking for new day jobs if they have any sense.

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Thailand actually now has a wonderful opportunity to design a political system from scratch. The style and form of "democracy" which countries like the US, UK etc are peddling to the rest of the world was created in a time when the vast majority of the population had no interest or ability to influence the policies of the country the lived in. In fact, up until early last century, if the president of America, the Prime Minister of England or the ruler of any country had walked up and knocked on your door, most people would not have even known them and some may have even shot them as trespassers. Actually the current King of Thailand was one of the first rulers to have extensive personal contact with great numbers of his subjects. Now we have technology which allows us to instantly comment on and criticise our leaders for their actions, their words and even their choice of clothes, we hear their speeches in real time and have more leisure time to form our own opinions, yet very little opportunity to have thos opinions heard between elections.

We have the technology (but not the willingness) to inform the citizenry of the actions which the government is proposing, and to allow the citizens to voice opinions and preferences quickly and anonymously (Even Estonia can vote on certain issues by SMS)- avoiding the problem of politicians who campaign on a limited range of issues, are elected, then see that as a mandate to push their own agendas on everything else (yes Tony Abbott of Australia - I am also talking to you!)

There is also the possibility of examining the true purpose of government - what should best be handled at a national level, what should be handled at a state or province level and what is best addressed locally, with clear delineation of rights and responsibilities. I have even seen proposals that different political parties may have the best expertise in particular portfolios, perhaps a meritocracy would be a workable possibility.

Perhaps democracy truly is the worst form of government - except for all the others that have been tried, but that doesn't mean that all possible forms of government have been tried yet.

Of course the General will not read this, and it will be buried in this rapidly moving thread, so most TV members won't even see it and it will lie gathering dust in cyberspace.



Perhaps democracy truly is the worst form of government

Is it really?

I think peoples habit of perceiving democracy as good or bad is incorrect. Ruling governments don't see such systems as good or bad, but merely tools. It is time for people to look at how these tools are used, and whose hands they are actually in, instead of fixating on the tool itself as being inherently "good" or "bad."

When the "tool" is in thaksins hands democracy looks different than when it is in Ahbisits hands.

Thai rule of law and the list of convictions of both men highlights the differences though...

<EDIT> Nice read BTW.

Edited by djjamie
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A coup is always dangerous, but Thailand is a very unique place. It seems the coup is the natural reset Thais actually need to have a government. So many greedy snouts in the trough and so little rule of law. Eventually the spoiled little rich boys tilt the system and the army needs unplug the machine and find a system restore point.

However, for this to occur, all the safety nets come down too; and absolute power is put into the hands of an untested commodity,

All the things that the army are stopping and taking control over right now are good moves. Assuming that the intention of these executive moves is benevolent and for lack of a better word, righteous. But we just don't really know do we. Once again Thailand has placed itself upon the brink of failed statehood, just because they can't get their head around respect for the rule of law. In a land of zero accountable for the rich. Eventually two really big dogs are gonna meet and we won't be able to put it back together again. Think cops and reds VS soldiers and yellows.

what is worse is this is Asia's second biggest economy. During the PTP years the car makers, the largest swag of the economy decided to,leave Thailand. No one can afford that loss.

So Thailand will become a true failed state shortly thereafter

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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I don't agree at all. This coup is if anything more reluctant than the last. It's going to be make changes, handover to civilian government, call elections and get the hell out just like last time. The only people that can expect harsher treatment are the Shinawatras, who should be looking for new day jobs if they have any sense.

I don't agree at all. The military government will stay in place this time for 9 years. PS my source is the same as yours in case you wondered.

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Wow...... things are really moving apace compared to the last coup and today two questions are being asked up here in CM by foreigners and Thais alike.

The first is whether General Prayuth is really 'Captain Thailand' and the nations savior or just another fruit salad covered despot.

The second cannot be discussed on this forum.

Edited by bigbamboo
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It was foreseeable that a combination of the coup and the curfew would bring the genuine nutters online but so many on one thread? Wow..

The definition of a self fulfilling prophecy is highlighted above..

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He's cutting out the cancer piece by piece.
He is consolidating power, simple as that.

Long time before you will see any elections here now!

He already hinted at the beginning that election would not happen before 24 months from now.
Wow 2 years? That's a long time. He will surely put in place a non partisan government for the interim period.

Like to take bet on it. Long time in the planning. Each step is well mapped out. All top positions are taken by military, remind you of anywhere?

yrs. China, Russia, Vietnam, Pakistan, many more places including the USA

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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what is worse is this is Asia's second biggest economy. During the PTP years the car makers, the largest swag of the economy decided to,leave Thailand. No one can afford that loss.

So Thailand will become a true failed state shortly thereafter

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

No they didn't. More car makers came to Thailand and as a result Thailand has had record years in Auto Manufacturer. The only lapse came because of the floods.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

PDRC, TV anti-Thaksinistas, Suthepistas and Yellows wanted reforms, out with YS, block elections and abolish the government, senators, the house et al.

You clamored, ranted and wished it:. There you have it and then some.

Are you guys happy now?

Mostly, YES. I am willing to wait and see. So far the General has my full support. Anything to get rid of the Shins and their corrupt ways.

And who watches the military for corruption? If the military has no qualms about suspending the constitution, making itself the law of the land, the lure of corruption (if its isn't already present) will be mighty tempting with no accountability or transparency in place. At least now the military won't have to sue everybody for slander; it can just put people in "safe houses."

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Well it least he is beginning to look at paying the farmers. This is a priority that should give him some kudos. The General needs to be seen neutral in this approach. By abolishing the senate and the constitution he can act in a way that can't have much come back on him.

And just where exactly will the Army get the cash to pay the farmers? If the elected government couldn't scrape the cash together, what makes you think that the Army will be able to?

Live by the sword or die by the sword, other than that read the news article that was reporting it.

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One of the big players seems to have reasoned that the UK is the safest place at the moment - see London Evening Standard website.

Not really a surprise.

It's been blanked !

The story is there on the Daily Mail website. Not clear what the significance is though.

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