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SAy it as it is :

"Take a BG" really means rent a 'Pink Pussy go go ho'

"How many women do you know want to jump into bed to have sex with you after meeting you for 15 minutes? "

You're talking about hookers here - of course they don't wantto jump into bed after 15 minutes but they will as that is what you're paying them for.

"After we have been together for sometime I have had them come on to me to, and they were not looking at me and seeing a bowl of rice and fish either."

They are doing their job - the more they please you the ore you give them. They are ONLY looking at you as a bowl of rice and a fish.

I worked hard for my money. I never had an easy job. I sweat. Then there was a table where my soon to be ex wife sat and looked up sweetly at the lady judge who sat above us all. I felt like a bowl of rice and a fish. I got used to feeling like a bowl of rice and a fish. Now maybe I think all women think I'm a bowl of rice and a fish. So that's a given in my life and some women are nice and some are not but ever since my first day of paid work some woman thought I was her rice bowl and piece of fish.

I feel for you that you never found true love with a woman but you'll never find it with a Walking Street ho.

What would your ex wife say if she knew you were comparing her to a low class Thai prostitute?

You need to get off the walking street thing. Farang don't go there anymore. What would my ex wives say? My ex wife told me I should get a hooker and a maid instead of a wife next time. I remember being at the marriage counselor when she was going off on my new idea to put a trapeze in the bedroom. And what makes you think I hang out with low class prostitutes?

It has been too long since you have had a trip to Pattaya. Try timing your next run to coincide with the college term breaks. Hang by the 7/11 after the vans from Bangkok come in and pick up the college girls before they get to the clubs. They are just trying to make tuition and that way you will have fun and further Thai education at the same time. If you miss the uni girls ask someone where the bank tellers hang on the weekends and you get a slightly older but still educated group that likes to dance. Barring that try catching the nurses shift change at 4 PM if I remember correctly. Nurses are good for the old guys because they can perform CPR and usually know the hospital emergency number by heart.

I don't think you hang out with low class prostitutes. I respect your knowledge on the subject.

Was your ex a big girl? You've given me some ideas with the trapeze although 13 years ago I wouldn't have had the worry of my ceiling falling in.

I've always had a thing about nurses , my best buddy was the only male nurse in his college so had a nurses party every other weekend for years. It was always the Irish ones that were attracted to me for some unexplained reason, unless it was related to alcohol.

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It's not necessarily about sex. There is a thing called skin starvation that afflicts older people and some younger ones with low social attributes.

Just being touched, caressed, can make a person feel good again, young again, wanted.

Or so I've read.

I keep it mind whenever I visit my grandad. I make sure I touch his arm or hold his hand as often as seems appropriate. I see it does make him feel good.

I totally agree. Many professional studies have talked about the great benefits of touch. Most children, and adults who have a mate or even a pet have the touch need met all the time - they don't think about it, its not an issue. In Hawaii we always hugged each other, men and women when we met. So I'd get two or three hugs a day. Here I don't have a wife, girlfriend or pet, Thai's don't hug. So the straight two hour Thai massage once a week is all the touch I get. There is a huge problem with older me and prostate cancer, a lot of it because they are no longer moving their sexual energy. Sexual active older men have way less prostate cancer. Studies have shown that frequent sexual intercourse is extremely beneficial to overall good health for seniors. So should a farang man over 50 who doesn't have a wife, girlfriend or dog, remain celibate? Not healthy. And where, dare say, would one go if he chooses not to be?

Thank you for the gentlemen responses Seastallion and OP.

Grandpa should stay with grandma and take time visiting the grandkids or going to play bridge. Not whoring it up with kids his grandchildren's' age. The thought my grandfather not being celibate is completely revolting. Some pouchy, liver warted body with a penis looking for relief is only one step away from having to witness child porn. Disgusting filth to the extreme.

I will assure you that when I reach your age, I will be happily married and not thinking about my need to ejaculate. I will be old and my time will have passed and I certainly wouldn't want to make a jackass of myself or disrespect my family to behave otherwise.

The ageist drivel spewing from your pie hole is astounding.

You will be there before you know what hit you pal! By the sounds of your rants you have a very low sex drive, maybe look into some hormone therapy.

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Nice post but for every woman's life that changes for the better, there is one that changes for the worse. I've met literally hundreds that have got addicted to drugs and alcohol.

Fair enough there is a place where all that want this prostitution disguised as something else can be together by a dirty sea.

Myself, I'd hope that I got wiser as I reached my final years.

In this country, there is a tradition of older retired men practicing renunciation.

It embarrasses me to have fellow countrymen who instead of utilizing all the great opportunities in Thailand to detach from worldy attachments before they die, choose to live in a brothel. Attachments to worldly pleasures are deceptive and don't give real satisfaction, but cause suffering.

There ain't no fool like an old fool.

You can thank 50 odd years of secularism for that.

What do you expect from people to do when they are brainwashed since primary school that there is f-all 'out there'?

I never thought of that - thanks for a good explanation.

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I don't think you hang out with low class prostitutes. I respect your knowledge on the subject.

Was your ex a big girl? You've given me some ideas with the trapeze although 13 years ago I wouldn't have had the worry of my ceiling falling in.

I've always had a thing about nurses , my best buddy was the only male nurse in his college so had a nurses party every other weekend for years. It was always the Irish ones that were attracted to me for some unexplained reason, unless it was related to alcohol.

A lot of nurses in Thailand still wear high heels. Not big big heels but high heels. It reminds me of the British nurse movies. I've had a number of ex's. All legal age and big enough to keep. I also took nursing courses in college. I wasn't in the nursing college but the courses were a fun way to meet nurses.

I feel so sorry for the old guys in Western nursing homes. They don't need the skilled care and all of the staff is overqualified and under helpful. Too bad. Thailand makes such a better choice for older men. Nurses don't get in the shower with you in the West. It's not as sanitary. Here they get into their work.

If I was Obama I'd transfer all the old vets in nursing homes to Pattaya and build them a big home stay place. Looking at what the VA spends per person there would be a substantial savings and everybody would be happy. Average nursing home costs in the Midwest are 8000 baht per day. Think of what kind of care one could provide in Pattaya for 8000 baht per day.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I wasn't referring to social class, which of course they are low.

Low class prostitutes are the ones you find in places like Walking Street, especially the freelancers on the street. Ones that hang out or work where naive tourists/sexpats are. They are the ugly ones but often the newbie or deluded guy is so high on his pink cloud that he doesn't even notice. He believe that they have a genuine interest in him. They are uneducated farm girls mostly.

Don't get me wrong, I've used them many a time and some were great fun and nice people. I remember Gung, who picked me up when I was in a drunken state in a Bangkok slum area - she took me back to her corrugated iron house and when I woke up saw that she had a glass eye. We had a great time for the next few days and was an educating experience living with some 'garbage' scavengers. She was a great laugh and quite attractive in a weird way, despite her glass eye probably having been found in the canal.

I met many low class prostitutes when an active alcoholic, they tend to target us as well as the insane, old and bald guys.

and how, exactly, do you know he goes with that type?

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i'm not talking about being together for some time and I'm not talkin about young men. I am talkin about the guys who say theyre so good at it the girls want them

I'm not proud of it but back when I was a younger man I used to go to SLAA meetings to pick up women.

Now that I'm older and wiser I don't do that. I do go to go go's and politely hand out currency to people who demonstrate excellence in dance. Kind of a cultural thing. I am good at handing out currency and as a result of that the girls like me.

If you want good service tip the waitress. If you want good food tip the cook. If you want a good drink tip the bartender. If you want to be a proper dick don't tip anyone.

"I do go to go go's and politely hand out currency to people who demonstrate excellence in dance" < What country are you talking about? Surely not Thailand...

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"I do go to go go's and politely hand out currency to people who demonstrate excellence in dance" < What country are you talking about? Surely not Thailand...

Of course Thailand both go go's and beer bars depending on many factors but one can find excellence of both choreography and music and execution of intricate dances. One has to know your way around Thai women. The music is important. It has to be music they get into.

Playing the normal Western music will just get some almost comatose women doing the Bangkok shuffle while they play games on their cell phone. Switch the music and you switch the mood.

Thai women are taught to dance from the time they are born and are good at it but you have to give them some tunes they dig.

Edited by thailiketoo
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Grandpa should stay with grandma and take time visiting the grandkids or going to play bridge. Not whoring it up with kids his grandchildren's' age. The thought my grandfather not being celibate is completely revolting. Some pouchy, liver warted body with a penis looking for relief is only one step away from having to witness child porn. Disgusting filth to the extreme.

I will assure you that when I reach your age, I will be happily married and not thinking about my need to ejaculate. I will be old and my time will have passed and I certainly wouldn't want to make a jackass of myself or disrespect my family to behave otherwise.

What an ugly, mean spirited diatribe. Agism at its worst.
What are you trying to achieve? Your grandparents must shudder when you turn up at the door.

I can assure you that when you reach the original poster's age you will not be happily married and are
unlikely to form any real relationship with an attitude that talks about "need to ejaculate".
Do you really think any partner would like to be described as "Some pouchy, liver warted body looking for relief is only one step away from having to witness child porn. Disgusting filth to the extreme" when they
went to cuddle up to you at night?.

Get a life although with your attitude it would be a miserable one

My grandparents lived normal lives, lived together and were happily married for 50 years. If Grandpa had decided to start chasing 20 year old prostitutes, we probably would have had him committed. Do you not see the perversity of the OP's actions?

He is okay with his "tantric" release yet should another grandfather attempt the same sexual act with his own granddaughter, he would be the first to start screaming and call the police.

Its because she's Thai and that somehow makes it alright? There are many young prostitutes in his own country; why the need to come all the way to Thailand for sex? And to be so delusional as to think they somehow enjoy it as they try to choke back their own bile during the "lovemaking"?

Would you have wanted to have sex with a grandma when you were 20? And allowed her to teach you her "tantric" moves? For $60? So why should it be any different when the genders are reversed?

You old men are what makes Thailand just the disgusting, depressing whorehouse it can seem at times. I find everywhere I go, its these old men like we're in a senior's home. And its always old men....with that look in their eye. The look that makes you bring your children closer to your side. It makes for a depressing, sad atmosphere being around old people so close to death. Does their family no longer want them? Is that why so many come here?

My Grandpa was also happily married for 55 years to and until Grandma passed on. Or as we thought. He still lived on his own after that, even when he was already 80 Years Old, but we had to put a stop to this one day.

That is after my Religious Aunt couldn't get a hold of him for a couple of days so she went over to his place to find him. When he did not answer the door she walked in to find him passed out on the living room floor with only his boxer shorts on, empty wine bottle scattered all over the place, and 3 half dressed prostitutes passed out next to him sleeping. So off to the Home he did go!

He still had a lot of personal freedom and could come and go as he pleased. Just had to follow a few rules like no alcohol in the room, a curfew, and of course, shall we say, no guests who were not preapproved. Can't say Grandpa liked this too much but things worked out pretty well and okay for the rest of the family.

That is until one summers day when my dad got a call from the Police Station. Turns out Old Grandpa was at it again. He got picked up at age 82 for sticking is hand up some teenagers skirt at a Bus Stop, and pinching her bum.

Good Ole Grandpa! One that any Grandson would be proud of! But besides being a bit humorous there is a point to this true story I wanted you to hear, and it goes like this.

"Don't be so sure you know what goes on in your Grandpa's Mind! You might end up being surprised like we were. Especially since he knows you would have him committed if he does not fit your norm."

Oh Ya! Before I forget! I also have one more thing I wanted to share with you.

A sexual act with ones Granddaughter is totally illegal and punishable by imprisonment. A sexual act with a Prostitute over the age of 18 years, in most countries, is not.

Can you not see the difference here? As compared to what you said?

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Nice sentiment mate , good luck to those who enjoy it and whose lives improve , for the Ex-pats and the Thai's. I've seen and heard of quite a few horror stories probably like the rest of us , but I'd assume the majority of people benefit from their time in the Sun . Better than blowing your pension on 6 pints in Wetherspoons week in week out I suppose

Edited by Sena Dave
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SAy it as it is :

"Take a BG" really means rent a 'Pink Pussy go go ho'

"How many women do you know want to jump into bed to have sex with you after meeting you for 15 minutes? "

You're talking about hookers here - of course they don't wantto jump into bed after 15 minutes but they will as that is what you're paying them for.

"After we have been together for sometime I have had them come on to me to, and they were not looking at me and seeing a bowl of rice and fish either."

They are doing their job - the more they please you the ore you give them. They are ONLY looking at you as a bowl of rice and a fish.

I worked hard for my money. I never had an easy job. I sweat. Then there was a table where my soon to be ex wife sat and looked up sweetly at the lady judge who sat above us all. I felt like a bowl of rice and a fish. I got used to feeling like a bowl of rice and a fish. Now maybe I think all women think I'm a bowl of rice and a fish. So that's a given in my life and some women are nice and some are not but ever since my first day of paid work some woman thought I was her rice bowl and piece of fish.

and now your Thai wife and all her "brothers" etc, etc, look at you as a ATM / rice bowl, surely ?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Grandpa should stay with grandma and take time visiting the grandkids or going to play bridge. Not whoring it up with kids his grandchildren's' age. The thought my grandfather not being celibate is completely revolting. Some pouchy, liver warted body with a penis looking for relief is only one step away from having to witness child porn. Disgusting filth to the extreme.

I will assure you that when I reach your age, I will be happily married and not thinking about my need to ejaculate. I will be old and my time will have passed and I certainly wouldn't want to make a jackass of myself or disrespect my family to behave otherwise.

What an ugly, mean spirited diatribe. Agism at its worst.

What are you trying to achieve? Your grandparents must shudder when you turn up at the door.

I can assure you that when you reach the original poster's age you will not be happily married and are

unlikely to form any real relationship with an attitude that talks about "need to ejaculate".

Do you really think any partner would like to be described as "Some pouchy, liver warted body looking for relief is only one step away from having to witness child porn. Disgusting filth to the extreme" when they

went to cuddle up to you at night?.

Get a life although with your attitude it would be a miserable one

My grandparents lived normal lives, lived together and were happily married for 50 years. If Grandpa had decided to start chasing 20 year old prostitutes, we probably would have had him committed. Do you not see the perversity of the OP's actions?

He is okay with his "tantric" release yet should another grandfather attempt the same sexual act with his own granddaughter, he would be the first to start screaming and call the police.

Its because she's Thai and that somehow makes it alright? There are many young prostitutes in his own country; why the need to come all the way to Thailand for sex? And to be so delusional as to think they somehow enjoy it as they try to choke back their own bile during the "lovemaking"?

Would you have wanted to have sex with a grandma when you were 20? And allowed her to teach you her "tantric" moves? For $60? So why should it be any different when the genders are reversed?

You old men are what makes Thailand just the disgusting, depressing whorehouse it can seem at times. I find everywhere I go, its these old men like we're in a senior's home. And its always old men....with that look in their eye. The look that makes you bring your children closer to your side. It makes for a depressing, sad atmosphere being around old people so close to death. Does their family no longer want them? Is that why so many come here?

My Grandpa was also happily married for 55 years to and until Grandma passed on. Or as we thought. He still lived on his own after that, even when he was already 80 Years Old, but we had to put a stop to this one day.

That is after my Religious Aunt couldn't get a hold of him for a couple of days so she went over to his place to find him. When he did not answer the door she walked in to find him passed out on the living room floor with only his boxer shorts on, empty wine bottle scattered all over the place, and 3 half dressed prostitutes passed out next to him sleeping. So off to the Home he did go!

He still had a lot of personal freedom and could come and go as he pleased. Just had to follow a few rules like no alcohol in the room, a curfew, and of course, shall we say, no guests who were not preapproved. Can't say Grandpa liked this too much but things worked out pretty well and okay for the rest of the family.

That is until one summers day when my dad got a call from the Police Station. Turns out Old Grandpa was at it again. He got picked up at age 82 for sticking is hand up some teenagers skirt at a Bus Stop, and pinching her bum.

Good Ole Grandpa! One that any Grandson would be proud of! But besides being a bit humorous there is a point to this true story I wanted you to hear, and it goes like this.

"Don't be so sure you know what goes on in your Grandpa's Mind! You might end up being surprised like we were. Especially since he knows you would have him committed if he does not fit your norm."

Oh Ya! Before I forget! I also have one more thing I wanted to share with you.

A sexual act with ones Granddaughter is totally illegal and punishable by imprisonment. A sexual act with a Prostitute over the age of 18 years, in most countries, is not.

Can you not see the difference here? As compared to what you said?

Great story Goldbuggy.

In February one of my very best friends passed on. I was one of 100 people who came from all over for his memorial service. I flew from Thailand to Hawaii. Jack loved women. He had an active sex life with women of all ages until he happily passed at 79. He was always wishing he would come visit me in Thailand and have fun with the girls. At the service everyone knew about Jacks sex life, and there was great laughter talking about it.

In the twenty years were were friends, his biggest sadness was that his "born again" Christian son would have nothing to do with this sinful old man. The son had no idea that Jack's heart was always filled with love. Always sending love to the son, thought it was always rejected. Jack was a joy to everyone he met, huge jai dii. Women, even in their 20's, none of them prostitutes, were forever sexually attracted to this man, who by the way never had an ounce of fat on him. Finally, a couple years ago, his son decided to visit his aging father. He came with his wife and two elementary school age daughters. Guess what? The wife and girls totally fell in love with Jack. He wasn't any of the things the son had talked about, he was one of the kindest, gentlest, most loving men any of them had ever met. They didn't want to leave and they returned the next two years before he passed.

What was so sad was the shame the Christian son felt for shunning his loving father for all those years, considering him a slimy dirty old man. Jack was a hero to hundreds of people, those who were able to spend time with him and be in the presence of his enormous love. Fortunately, in the end, he was the hero to his son, who held his hand as Jack passed away.

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SAy it as it is :

"Take a BG" really means rent a 'Pink Pussy go go ho'

"How many women do you know want to jump into bed to have sex with you after meeting you for 15 minutes? "

You're talking about hookers here - of course they don't wantto jump into bed after 15 minutes but they will as that is what you're paying them for.

"After we have been together for sometime I have had them come on to me to, and they were not looking at me and seeing a bowl of rice and fish either."

They are doing their job - the more they please you the ore you give them. They are ONLY looking at you as a bowl of rice and a fish.

I worked hard for my money. I never had an easy job. I sweat. Then there was a table where my soon to be ex wife sat and looked up sweetly at the lady judge who sat above us all. I felt like a bowl of rice and a fish. I got used to feeling like a bowl of rice and a fish. Now maybe I think all women think I'm a bowl of rice and a fish. So that's a given in my life and some women are nice and some are not but ever since my first day of paid work some woman thought I was her rice bowl and piece of fish.

and now your Thai wife and all her "brothers" etc, etc, look at you as a ATM / rice bowl, surely ?

She has one brother and one sister; her father is dead. The three children all send mom 3000 baht per month. Since the older sister lives closer to mom and has two children she is the primary care giver and will inherit the family home as a result. No one in the family has ever asked me for anything. When they come to visit they pay for dinner if we go out. When we got married my wife and I split the cost 50/50. My wife bought our home with a bank loan and we both make the payment. I pay the electricity and water and computer and TV. I think that's everything. I have a decent income and money in the bank so no problems. My expenses don't exceed my income.

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i'm not talking about being together for some time and I'm not talkin about young men. I am talkin about the guys who say theyre so good at it the girls want them

I'm not proud of it but back when I was a younger man I used to go to SLAA meetings to pick up women.

Now that I'm older and wiser I don't do that.

You are joking aren't you?

That would be like going to a Narcotics Annonymous meeting to tempt those trying to recover to buy heroin from you.

Shame on you.

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Now you all know that my father was a brilliant man; he built this hospital. What you don't know is that to his family, he was an unmerciful tyrant - a absolute dodo bird. He drove my mother, his wife, to - to drink; in fact, she - uh, she she she went riding one time and lost all her teeth. The son Edward became a recluse, and the oldest daughter - the pretty one, the charming one - became pregnant when she was fifteen years old and was driven out of the house. In fact, she was so terrified that she would, uh, that, uh, that, that, that the baby daughter would bear the stigma of illegitimacy that she, she - she decided to change her name and she contracted a disfiguring disease... after moving to Tangiers, which is where she raised the, the, the little girl as her sister...

(courtesy Dustin Hoffman as Tootsie)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Grandpa should stay with grandma and take time visiting the grandkids or going to play bridge. Not whoring it up with kids his grandchildren's' age. The thought my grandfather not being celibate is completely revolting. Some pouchy, liver warted body with a penis looking for relief is only one step away from having to witness child porn. Disgusting filth to the extreme.

I will assure you that when I reach your age, I will be happily married and not thinking about my need to ejaculate. I will be old and my time will have passed and I certainly wouldn't want to make a jackass of myself or disrespect my family to behave otherwise.

What an ugly, mean spirited diatribe. Agism at its worst.

What are you trying to achieve? Your grandparents must shudder when you turn up at the door.

I can assure you that when you reach the original poster's age you will not be happily married and are

unlikely to form any real relationship with an attitude that talks about "need to ejaculate".

Do you really think any partner would like to be described as "Some pouchy, liver warted body looking for relief is only one step away from having to witness child porn. Disgusting filth to the extreme" when they

went to cuddle up to you at night?.

Get a life although with your attitude it would be a miserable one

My grandparents lived normal lives, lived together and were happily married for 50 years. If Grandpa had decided to start chasing 20 year old prostitutes, we probably would have had him committed. Do you not see the perversity of the OP's actions?

He is okay with his "tantric" release yet should another grandfather attempt the same sexual act with his own granddaughter, he would be the first to start screaming and call the police.

Its because she's Thai and that somehow makes it alright? There are many young prostitutes in his own country; why the need to come all the way to Thailand for sex? And to be so delusional as to think they somehow enjoy it as they try to choke back their own bile during the "lovemaking"?

Would you have wanted to have sex with a grandma when you were 20? And allowed her to teach you her "tantric" moves? For $60? So why should it be any different when the genders are reversed?

You old men are what makes Thailand just the disgusting, depressing whorehouse it can seem at times. I find everywhere I go, its these old men like we're in a senior's home. And its always old men....with that look in their eye. The look that makes you bring your children closer to your side. It makes for a depressing, sad atmosphere being around old people so close to death. Does their family no longer want them? Is that why so many come here?

My Grandpa was also happily married for 55 years to and until Grandma passed on. Or as we thought. He still lived on his own after that, even when he was already 80 Years Old, but we had to put a stop to this one day.

That is after my Religious Aunt couldn't get a hold of him for a couple of days so she went over to his place to find him. When he did not answer the door she walked in to find him passed out on the living room floor with only his boxer shorts on, empty wine bottle scattered all over the place, and 3 half dressed prostitutes passed out next to him sleeping. So off to the Home he did go!

He still had a lot of personal freedom and could come and go as he pleased. Just had to follow a few rules like no alcohol in the room, a curfew, and of course, shall we say, no guests who were not preapproved. Can't say Grandpa liked this too much but things worked out pretty well and okay for the rest of the family.

That is until one summers day when my dad got a call from the Police Station. Turns out Old Grandpa was at it again. He got picked up at age 82 for sticking is hand up some teenagers skirt at a Bus Stop, and pinching her bum.

Good Ole Grandpa! One that any Grandson would be proud of! But besides being a bit humorous there is a point to this true story I wanted you to hear, and it goes like this.

"Don't be so sure you know what goes on in your Grandpa's Mind! You might end up being surprised like we were. Especially since he knows you would have him committed if he does not fit your norm."

Oh Ya! Before I forget! I also have one more thing I wanted to share with you.

A sexual act with ones Granddaughter is totally illegal and punishable by imprisonment. A sexual act with a Prostitute over the age of 18 years, in most countries, is not.

Can you not see the difference here? As compared to what you said?

Great story Goldbuggy.

In February one of my very best friends passed on. I was one of 100 people who came from all over for his memorial service. I flew from Thailand to Hawaii. Jack loved women. He had an active sex life with women of all ages until he happily passed at 79. He was always wishing he would come visit me in Thailand and have fun with the girls. At the service everyone knew about Jacks sex life, and there was great laughter talking about it.

In the twenty years were were friends, his biggest sadness was that his "born again" Christian son would have nothing to do with this sinful old man. The son had no idea that Jack's heart was always filled with love. Always sending love to the son, thought it was always rejected. Jack was a joy to everyone he met, huge jai dii. Women, even in their 20's, none of them prostitutes, were forever sexually attracted to this man, who by the way never had an ounce of fat on him. Finally, a couple years ago, his son decided to visit his aging father. He came with his wife and two elementary school age daughters. Guess what? The wife and girls totally fell in love with Jack. He wasn't any of the things the son had talked about, he was one of the kindest, gentlest, most loving men any of them had ever met. They didn't want to leave and they returned the next two years before he passed.

What was so sad was the shame the Christian son felt for shunning his loving father for all those years, considering him a slimy dirty old man. Jack was a hero to hundreds of people, those who were able to spend time with him and be in the presence of his enormous love. Fortunately, in the end, he was the hero to his son, who held his hand as Jack passed away.

Im from the southern US, so this is a sensitive subject to me. I was lucky, my parents raised me very open even though I was baptized christian. I have known a lot of people that use christianity to make themselves feel better and moralize a lot of people , while trying to change them to their " better way". This isnt a post to start talking about religion as I have met some christians that i respect, but it is one of the main reasons I am here and that very conservative concept has been a sad part of my family life too. People think if you come to thailand you are hanging out at brothels, and doing "whatever". I dont care what people do, but a lot of christians do. To each his own, but sad how some people can lose out on relationships bc of premeditated judgements whatever the religion.

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i'm not talking about being together for some time and I'm not talkin about young men. I am talkin about the guys who say theyre so good at it the girls want them

I'm not proud of it but back when I was a younger man I used to go to SLAA meetings to pick up women.

Now that I'm older and wiser I don't do that.

You are joking aren't you?

That would be like going to a Narcotics Annonymous meeting to tempt those trying to recover to buy heroin from you.

Shame on you.

SLAA is not like AA. They don't abstain from sex. I learned some things going to a few meetings. Although I wouldn't recommend it to you or people like you to go. The people who go to the meetings are trying to stop harming themselves in a very real sense. They have a dangerous problem. Nothing at all like the old punters on Beach road. Most of the SLAA members are young and have been arrested and incarcerated for self harm or harming others. Serious stuff. I know you think it's funny but it's not.

I didn't get any any dates from SLAA; it is too serious to play with. I switched to Parents Without Partners. That is kind of like a beer bar with granny clothes instead of sexy outfits. Their meetings work like a beer bar. Where you from, do you have a good heart, are you married, you know the routine.

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"I do go to go go's and politely hand out currency to people who demonstrate excellence in dance" < What country are you talking about? Surely not Thailand...

Of course Thailand both go go's and beer bars depending on many factors but one can find excellence of both choreography and music and execution of intricate dances. One has to know your way around Thai women. The music is important. It has to be music they get into.

Playing the normal Western music will just get some almost comatose women doing the Bangkok shuffle while they play games on their cell phone. Switch the music and you switch the mood.

Thai women are taught to dance from the time they are born and are good at it but you have to give them some tunes they dig.

I dont agree.

Thai women in general, if they are better than average, can execute a series of moves..but without any real rhythm. They generally just bop about or pull the same moves over and over, regardless of what music is being played. The reason why they appear to dance a little better with Thai music is that its pretty much the same kinds of tunes..whereas western music does require a bit of expression.

In gogo bars (ok i havent been to one, but its the same kind of dancing they do at the moto shows (coyote dancers)...but you will probably say they dance soooo much better in the gogos ..lol) the women merely gyrate a whole bunch. Its dancing which simulates sex and grinding merely..not actual dancing.

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All this talk about (oh my god!) farang men having sex with Thai women . . .

BANGKOK, May 28, 2014 (AFP) - Thai police on Wednesday said they had charged five defrocked Buddhist abbots with sexually abusing eight boys at monasteries around the northern city of Chiang Mai.

The abuse was discovered after police rescued one boy from the abuse ring last year, police said, adding all the children involved were under 15 years of age.

"Four of the abbots volunteered to disrobe, but one denied the charges and was forcibly defrocked," Major General Prachuab Wongsuk, of the northern police region, told AFP.

He said police found alcohol and pornography during a search of living quarters at five monasteries.

Police believe the abbots were acting together and Prachuab predicted that more monks would be arrested soon.

Those charged face a maximum of 20 years in jail if convicted.

Monks in Thailand, where some 95 percent of the population are practising Buddhists, have been hit by a series of scandals, with local media reporting cases of drug-taking, drinking, gambling and visiting prostitutes.

In September, authorities seized nearly $800,000 worth of assets, including a Porsche and a Mercedes-Benz, from a monk who was defrocked for a controversial trip in a private jet and who was also accused of fathering a child by an underage girl a decade earlier.

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What whereyoustay and his agreers fail to realize is that we're all human. We want to be touched and loved in some way, no matter how old or ugly we are. If every woman you encounter in your home country turns her back - and now for 2000 baht you can snuggle all night and feel the warmth of a body next to yours, why not? Wait until whereyoustay is twenty years older and feels just the same as he does today, and idiots like him spew their ignorant judgments. It's quite possible to be 70 and feel younger and more vital than you did at 20. I can attest. With wisdom and grace added to the mix, it can be very attractive to a woman.

Are you really saying that you believe you are attractive to young women in Pattaya?

I wonder if you used prostitutes in your own country? If so, did you boast about them finding you attractive ?

Do you tell you children and/or other relatives that you pay poor, uneducated girls, many who are forced into the sex trade, for sex regularly and that's why you moved to Thailand?

I wonder if Pattaya has SA? probably not as it would be like starting AA in a night club.

So many sufferers in denial.

There is a SA in Pattaya.

I personally do not go, as I feel its a blessing!

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i'm not talking about being together for some time and I'm not talkin about young men. I am talkin about the guys who say theyre so good at it the girls want them

I'm not proud of it but back when I was a younger man I used to go to SLAA meetings to pick up women.

Now that I'm older and wiser I don't do that.

You are joking aren't you?

That would be like going to a Narcotics Annonymous meeting to tempt those trying to recover to buy heroin from you.

Shame on you.

SLAA is not like AA. They don't abstain from sex. I learned some things going to a few meetings. Although I wouldn't recommend it to you or people like you to go. The people who go to the meetings are trying to stop harming themselves in a very real sense. They have a dangerous problem. Nothing at all like the old punters on Beach road. Most of the SLAA members are young and have been arrested and incarcerated for self harm or harming others. Serious stuff. I know you think it's funny but it's not.

I didn't get any any dates from SLAA; it is too serious to play with. I switched to Parents Without Partners. That is kind of like a beer bar with granny clothes instead of sexy outfits. Their meetings work like a beer bar. Where you from, do you have a good heart, are you married, you know the routine.

People like me? I'm not a sex or love addict, so of course I wouldn't go.

You think wrong, I do NOT think that is funny in any way.

Seems you are trying to divert attention to your actions in going to SLAA meetings. Why on earth did you mention it. I think you are trying to make a joke about it.

Sure it wasn't SCA you went to?


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All this talk about (oh my god!) farang men having sex with Thai women . . .

BANGKOK, May 28, 2014 (AFP) - Thai police on Wednesday said they had charged five defrocked Buddhist abbots with sexually abusing eight boys at monasteries around the northern city of Chiang Mai.

The abuse was discovered after police rescued one boy from the abuse ring last year, police said, adding all the children involved were under 15 years of age.

"Four of the abbots volunteered to disrobe, but one denied the charges and was forcibly defrocked," Major General Prachuab Wongsuk, of the northern police region, told AFP.

He said police found alcohol and pornography during a search of living quarters at five monasteries.

Police believe the abbots were acting together and Prachuab predicted that more monks would be arrested soon.

Those charged face a maximum of 20 years in jail if convicted.

Monks in Thailand, where some 95 percent of the population are practising Buddhists, have been hit by a series of scandals, with local media reporting cases of drug-taking, drinking, gambling and visiting prostitutes.

In September, authorities seized nearly $800,000 worth of assets, including a Porsche and a Mercedes-Benz, from a monk who was defrocked for a controversial trip in a private jet and who was also accused of fathering a child by an underage girl a decade earlier.

What has that got to do with anything?

Are you comparing yourself to pedophile monks in order to make your situation seem less bizarre?

Seriously bad form.

There are priests and rabbi's etc all over the world who also do these despicable things. ..and frankly its disgusting that you would use this is some kind of way to take the light off you. Should be ashamed.

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All this talk about (oh my god!) farang men having sex with Thai women . . .

BANGKOK, May 28, 2014 (AFP) - Thai police on Wednesday said they had charged five defrocked Buddhist abbots with sexually abusing eight boys at monasteries around the northern city of Chiang Mai.

The abuse was discovered after police rescued one boy from the abuse ring last year, police said, adding all the children involved were under 15 years of age.

"Four of the abbots volunteered to disrobe, but one denied the charges and was forcibly defrocked," Major General Prachuab Wongsuk, of the northern police region, told AFP.

He said police found alcohol and pornography during a search of living quarters at five monasteries.

Police believe the abbots were acting together and Prachuab predicted that more monks would be arrested soon.

Those charged face a maximum of 20 years in jail if convicted.

Monks in Thailand, where some 95 percent of the population are practising Buddhists, have been hit by a series of scandals, with local media reporting cases of drug-taking, drinking, gambling and visiting prostitutes.

In September, authorities seized nearly $800,000 worth of assets, including a Porsche and a Mercedes-Benz, from a monk who was defrocked for a controversial trip in a private jet and who was also accused of fathering a child by an underage girl a decade earlier.

Do you know what self-righteous indignation is? When you point the finger at someone, there are three pointing at yourself.

Look at your own flaws instead of others.

I'm no psychologist but this kind of behaviour is typical of those with addictions - "I ain't so bad, look at them".

This has nothing to do with the thread topic.

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lol! you were a young guy in pat pong and never slept with the girl you are calling your "ex"?? lol.

It was Khao San Road and she wasn't a hooker.

lol! what does that have to do with anything? you claimed to have an EX that was a junkie. and you didnt sleep with your EX?? lol

I've got a mate like that.

He lives with a lady boy, but 'never' sucks its D##K!

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"I do go to go go's and politely hand out currency to people who demonstrate excellence in dance" < What country are you talking about? Surely not Thailand...

Of course Thailand both go go's and beer bars depending on many factors but one can find excellence of both choreography and music and execution of intricate dances. One has to know your way around Thai women. The music is important. It has to be music they get into.

Playing the normal Western music will just get some almost comatose women doing the Bangkok shuffle while they play games on their cell phone. Switch the music and you switch the mood.

Thai women are taught to dance from the time they are born and are good at it but you have to give them some tunes they dig.

I dont agree.

Thai women in general, if they are better than average, can execute a series of moves..but without any real rhythm. They generally just bop about or pull the same moves over and over, regardless of what music is being played. The reason why they appear to dance a little better with Thai music is that its pretty much the same kinds of tunes..whereas western music does require a bit of expression.

In gogo bars (ok i havent been to one, but its the same kind of dancing they do at the moto shows (coyote dancers)...but you will probably say they dance soooo much better in the gogos ..lol) the women merely gyrate a whole bunch. Its dancing which simulates sex and grinding merely..not actual dancing.

You wrote, "Thai women in general, if they are better than average, can execute a series of moves..but without any real rhythm."

People who say things like one race can jump higher or dance better or has better music or sings better than another is my cue to exit.

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When a genuine Hi-So Thai wants a job at an American company what they tell them is:

These are the members of my family who run your major customers;

These are the members of my family who run your major suppliers; and

These are the members of my famiy who run the water, power, and transport districts where your factories are located.

500,000 Thai people work in the USA and some even work for and train with the US Army and the CIA/NSA. A lot work in Singapore and a lot work in Germany.

I know you don't like me but you are being silly disagreeing with everything I say especially when you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

I don't care who you are if you are going to work for the CIA/NSA or the US Army or Air Force you are going to have an interview. If you are going to work for Air Asia you are going to have an interview. If you are going to work for Minor International you are going to have an interview. If you had a clue you would automatically know who I am talking about and yes they did have an interview.

I didn't know there were 500k Thai people on the planet working!

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All this talk about (oh my god!) farang men having sex with Thai women . . .

BANGKOK, May 28, 2014 (AFP) - Thai police on Wednesday said they had charged five defrocked Buddhist abbots with sexually abusing eight boys at monasteries around the northern city of Chiang Mai.

The abuse was discovered after police rescued one boy from the abuse ring last year, police said, adding all the children involved were under 15 years of age.

"Four of the abbots volunteered to disrobe, but one denied the charges and was forcibly defrocked," Major General Prachuab Wongsuk, of the northern police region, told AFP.

He said police found alcohol and pornography during a search of living quarters at five monasteries.

Police believe the abbots were acting together and Prachuab predicted that more monks would be arrested soon.

Those charged face a maximum of 20 years in jail if convicted.

Monks in Thailand, where some 95 percent of the population are practising Buddhists, have been hit by a series of scandals, with local media reporting cases of drug-taking, drinking, gambling and visiting prostitutes.

In September, authorities seized nearly $800,000 worth of assets, including a Porsche and a Mercedes-Benz, from a monk who was defrocked for a controversial trip in a private jet and who was also accused of fathering a child by an underage girl a decade earlier.

What has that got to do with anything?

Are you comparing yourself to pedophile monks in order to make your situation seem less bizarre?

Seriously bad form.

There are priests and rabbi's etc all over the world who also do these despicable things. ..and frankly its disgusting that you would use this is some kind of way to take the light off you. Should be ashamed.

I'm not comparing myself to anyone, and I'm certainly not ashamed. This is absolutely what this whole 400 posts is about. People saying I'm right and you're wrong, I'm so good and you're so bad. This article came from Thai Visa news today - illustrating that we can all agree that anyone forcing sex on children is disgusting, as is have sex with farm animals - all the things we don't want to talk about. I'm sorry you don't like to be reminded of anything that happens outside your very small parameters of whats good and bad, right or wrong. But, whether you like it or not, there is nothing wrong with straight sex between . . . (drumroll)

Two legal age consenting adults.

It doesn't matter if its two men together, or two women, a man and a ladyboy, or an older man and a younger women. If you argue about two men sleeping together and go on about it being disgusting - that's called gay bashing. To me that is disgusting behavior in its own right. It's the same with grouping all Thai bar girls and bashing them. When you insist on your Senior Bashing I find that very offensive and out of line.

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When a genuine Hi-So Thai wants a job at an American company what they tell them is:

These are the members of my family who run your major customers;

These are the members of my family who run your major suppliers; and

These are the members of my famiy who run the water, power, and transport districts where your factories are located.

500,000 Thai people work in the USA and some even work for and train with the US Army and the CIA/NSA. A lot work in Singapore and a lot work in Germany.

I know you don't like me but you are being silly disagreeing with everything I say especially when you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

I don't care who you are if you are going to work for the CIA/NSA or the US Army or Air Force you are going to have an interview. If you are going to work for Air Asia you are going to have an interview. If you are going to work for Minor International you are going to have an interview. If you had a clue you would automatically know who I am talking about and yes they did have an interview.

I didn't know there were 500k Thai people on the planet working!

Sorry typo about 41% of the Thai population works. 67 million population.

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