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"I've met thousands of women in Thailand and never one who was forced into the sex trade.

Hi -- My Name's TLT, What's yours?


Well Noi -- were you ever forced into the sex trade?

Option #1 Yes.

Option #2 No.

Optiuon#3 Drop dead, honkie.

Option #4. Kick swiftly in the balls


Repeat thousands of times. BTW was anyone ever hired as VP of Flight Attendants who had never served before as a flight attendant steward/stewardess(?)

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"I've met thousands of women in Thailand and never one who was forced into the sex trade.

Hi -- My Name's TLT, What's yours?


Well Noi -- were you ever forced into the sex trade?

Option #1 Yes.

Option #2 No.

Optiuon#3 Drop dead, honkie.

Option #4. Kick swiftly in the balls


Repeat thousands of times. BTW was anyone ever hired as VP of Flight Attendants who had never served before as a flight attendant steward/stewardess(?)

Turnabout is fair play. Have you ever met a woman who was forced into the sex trade?

Noi gets up in her 3 million baht new home and gets ready for work.

She drives her Mercedes to work and her latest boy toy parks it behind the club.

Crab comes up to Noi and says, Were you forced into the sex trade?

Noi has her boy toy kick him.

In answer to your question, yes. Has anyone ever been made a general of the Army who was not a foot soldier in the infantry? Yes. Almost all of them.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Generals yes.

flight attendants. B__ls__t


Hawaiian appoints new VP of inflight services

Hawaiian Airlines has appointed Doreen “Dola” Lawrence to the position of vice president of inflight services, responsible for the delivery of onboard customer service and safety system-wide, as well as the management and administration of inflight operations and training for Hawaiian’s nearly 1,500 flight attendants.

“Dola is a proven customer service leader with a track record of providing high-quality inflight service that will serve us well as we continually look for ways to improve our already industry-leading onboard service,” said Charles Nardello, Hawaiian’s senior vice president of operations.

Lawrence brings 22 years of domestic and international airline management experience to Hawaiian in areas that include inflight service, catering, customer service, training, and sales. She has been serving as director of inflight and catering for Virgin America since March 2006. Before that, she served as director of inflight service for JetBlue Airways for five years. In addition, she has maintained her standing as a qualified flight attendant for the past 33 years.

Edited by JLCrab
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Generals yes.

flight attendants. B__ls__t


Hawaiian appoints new VP of inflight services

Hawaiian Airlines has appointed Doreen “Dola” Lawrence to the position of vice president of inflight services, responsible for the delivery of onboard customer service and safety system-wide, as well as the management and administration of inflight operations and training for Hawaiian’s nearly 1,500 flight attendants.

“Dola is a proven customer service leader with a track record of providing high-quality inflight service that will serve us well as we continually look for ways to improve our already industry-leading onboard service,” said Charles Nardello, Hawaiian’s senior vice president of operations.

Lawrence brings 22 years of domestic and international airline management experience to Hawaiian in areas that include inflight service, catering, customer service, training, and sales. She has been serving as director of inflight and catering for Virgin America since March 2006. Before that, she served as director of inflight service for JetBlue Airways for five years. In addition, she has maintained her standing as a qualified flight attendant for the past 33 years.

I know you want to argue about a non topic issue because you have lost the main argument so spectacularly but find someone else. I would not give you the specifics of anyones job. Heck I wouldn't give you the time of day.

So if you think the main issue of this thread is the qualifications of a VP's of major airlines good for you. It's not.

Just so you know I am not being ungentlemanly but I will no longer respond to any post you make because I won't be able to see them.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Generals yes.

flight attendants. B__ls__t


Hawaiian appoints new VP of inflight services

Hawaiian Airlines has appointed Doreen “Dola” Lawrence to the position of vice president of inflight services, responsible for the delivery of onboard customer service and safety system-wide, as well as the management and administration of inflight operations and training for Hawaiian’s nearly 1,500 flight attendants.

“Dola is a proven customer service leader with a track record of providing high-quality inflight service that will serve us well as we continually look for ways to improve our already industry-leading onboard service,” said Charles Nardello, Hawaiian’s senior vice president of operations.

Lawrence brings 22 years of domestic and international airline management experience to Hawaiian in areas that include inflight service, catering, customer service, training, and sales. She has been serving as director of inflight and catering for Virgin America since March 2006. Before that, she served as director of inflight service for JetBlue Airways for five years. In addition, she has maintained her standing as a qualified flight attendant for the past 33 years.

I know you want to argue about a non topic issue because you have lost the main argument so spectacularly but find someone else. I would not give you the specifics of anyones job. Heck I wouldn't give you the time of day.

So if you think the main issue of this thread is the qualifications of a VP's of major airlines good for you. It's not.

Then why post an anything. There is no argument to win or lose. The main argument of the post is that anyone can post anything and mostly there is no way to tell whether it is true or not.

You might have gotten someone a job the only time an ailrline in aviataion history has hired someone VP Flight attendant without any experience and maybe not.Just like the chili ingredient, it's a secret..You like to live in a walled in castle. I have never really questioned why -- you might have plausible reasons. Another plausible reason might be that you are a paranoid nut case but that goes beyond decorum.

... and you give me the time of day every time you make a post right up top there. I would think you'd have more useful things to do.

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Generals yes.

flight attendants. B__ls__t


Hawaiian appoints new VP of inflight services

Hawaiian Airlines has appointed Doreen “Dola” Lawrence to the position of vice president of inflight services, responsible for the delivery of onboard customer service and safety system-wide, as well as the management and administration of inflight operations and training for Hawaiian’s nearly 1,500 flight attendants.

“Dola is a proven customer service leader with a track record of providing high-quality inflight service that will serve us well as we continually look for ways to improve our already industry-leading onboard service,” said Charles Nardello, Hawaiian’s senior vice president of operations.

Lawrence brings 22 years of domestic and international airline management experience to Hawaiian in areas that include inflight service, catering, customer service, training, and sales. She has been serving as director of inflight and catering for Virgin America since March 2006. Before that, she served as director of inflight service for JetBlue Airways for five years. In addition, she has maintained her standing as a qualified flight attendant for the past 33 years.

I know you want to argue about a non topic issue because you have lost the main argument so spectacularly but find someone else. I would not give you the specifics of anyones job. Heck I wouldn't give you the time of day.

So if you think the main issue of this thread is the qualifications of a VP's of major airlines good for you. It's not.

Then why post an anything. There is no argument to win or lose. The main argument of the post is that anyone can post anything and mostly there is no way to tell whether it is true or not.

You might have gotten someone a job the only time an ailrline in aviataion history has hired someone VP Flight attendant without any experience and maybe not.Just like the chili ingredient, it's a secret..You like to live in a walled in castle. I have never really questioned why -- you might have plausible reasons. Another plausible reason might be that you are a paranoid nut case but that goes beyond decorum.

... and you give me the time of day every time you make a post right up top there. I would think you'd have more useful things to do.

You're both very intelligent men. Too bad it got off to proving points - hard to do on TV.

I just happy you weren't arguing that men over 60 are never allowed to have sex with women under 40. Especially with Thai women.

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When a genuine Hi-So Thai wants a job at an American company what they tell them is:

These are the members of my family who run your major customers;

These are the members of my family who run your major suppliers; and

These are the members of my famiy who run the water, power, and transport districts where your factories are located.

Nonsense. If a Thai person whatever rank wants a job depending on job and/or location there will be an interview. Many jobs filled by high so and high ranking Thais are performed outside of Thailand. The last one I was personally involved with was the supervisor of stewards and stewardesses at a major airlines.

Correct. This CRAB guy is talking cobblers.

He doesn't know what therm "hi-so" means.

I disagree . He does know. Some others think any Thai who is not a bg is hi so. Not so. Hisos in Thailand are above interviews, above the law even.

In 20 years Ive only had 2 hiso friends who have never worked for anyone outside family, and if they wanted a job, there woukd be no need for a cv lol . Ones granda was the king of Laos and the other had more money than most could ever imagine with her own bodyguard and airplane etc a genuine 'poo dee'.

Hi so is thrown around willy nilly here with posters not understanding the term.

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If I say I had a romantic interlude with 3 gorgeous Thai women on the 30th floor of the Peninsula Hotel it may be true and it may not and thus could not be demonstrably false. If I say I had a romantic interlude with 3 Thai women on the 60th floor of the Peninsula Hotel you will know it is B---S__t because the hotel does not have a 60th floor.

So much of what is posted on ThaiVisa with guys making claims that though possible, are out of the norm and there is no way to know. But at times just like the proverbial house-of-cards after so many claims things start to creep in ... oh, well.

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I entered this discussion when I felt it was out of line for some poster to stereotype all men over 60 as (judgment) and all Thai bar girls as (judgment) and suggesting that if the two ever get together it is (disgusting judgement) Very juvenile thinking (my judgement)

Before I retired I did a lot of life coaching. Check out the facts - physical, emotional and psychological sexual dysfunction is wildly epidemic in the west. In other words, there is a very high percentage of sexually wounded men who come to Thailand.

While I counseled men, I could relate to them, because I too was sexually wounded. We discussed solutions, and mine to them where only a bunch of words of comfort. Because for whatever reason I couldn't find a suitable mate, when I looked for a solution for myself, my only recourse was a very expensive and committed relationship with a sexual surrogate. I wasn’t attracted to this woman and she didn’t offer playmates to practice with. (at a some point it has to become real, and not just words. So I lived many more years with my wound. My first year in Thailand I never considered visiting bar girls. Until my friend suggested it. Subsequently my personal sexual healing happen here in Thailand. I wish I had made this decision twenty years sooner.

Here is an example for those you don’t understand sexual dysfunction. A man, he could be 22, or 42, or 62, suffers from pre-mature ejaculation, but lets say its erectile dysfunction. He really wants to be in relationship and finally meets a gal he’s attracted to. They spend a month dating and finally they are in bed. He can’t get it up. She takes it personally. They try after two or three more dates. He still can’t get it up. She really wants a healthy sex life, so breaks up with him. Now he is really wounded, feels rejected and hopeless.

So the same man comes to Thailand, goes to Walking Street, and picks a pretty young girl and they go to his hotel. He can’t get it up. She’s a typical sweet Thai gal and says, “I so sorry. How I make you happy?” She will try whatever she can to get him hard. Why? It’s her business and she wants a tip and a returning customer. Because of her sweet attention, he’s not feeling rejected. He really does want to have sex with her. If he leaves and doesn’t come back for six months, that same girl will totally remember him and be so happy to see him. She’ll want it to work this time, and he is feeling all this love and attention, doesn’t matter if its her job and its fake or not. He knows she’ll be there, giving him all this good attention, trying to get him up, even if he has to come back twenty times. And when he finally gets hard, she is so excited. He is relieved, and what he just experienced is priceless. He’s got his Man back. This is what it is like to sexually heal with prostitutes in Thailand.

This means nothing if it doesn't pertain to you, but everything in the world to the guy who got his mojo back. I say, whatever it takes.

If that same man is 65 and the same sexual healing happened, that he finally feels alive and healthy again, feels like he can now love and be loved by a woman, maybe finally have a wife and an active sex life (if he ever did have one) - and someone/s on TV posts that he’s a slimy old disgusting grandpa violating young Thai girls - how do you think he should respond?

You seem obsessed with sex - it isn't everything. Sounds like it's psychological to me this sexual wounded thing. IMHO, going to Pattaya would make things worse as it would be hard to quit and live a 'normal' life.

Spending one' last days in a cesspit like walking street with the nations scabbiest prostitutes, trying to feel like a 'real' man may be pleasant for some but I'm sure very unpleasant for others.

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I entered this discussion when I felt it was out of line for some poster to stereotype all men over 60 as (judgment) and all Thai bar girls as (judgment) and suggesting that if the two ever get together it is (disgusting judgement) Very juvenile thinking (my judgement)

Before I retired I did a lot of life coaching. Check out the facts - physical, emotional and psychological sexual dysfunction is wildly epidemic in the west. In other words, there is a very high percentage of sexually wounded men who come to Thailand.

While I counseled men, I could relate to them, because I too was sexually wounded. We discussed solutions, and mine to them where only a bunch of words of comfort. Because for whatever reason I couldn't find a suitable mate, when I looked for a solution for myself, my only recourse was a very expensive and committed relationship with a sexual surrogate. I wasnt attracted to this woman and she didnt offer playmates to practice with. (at a some point it has to become real, and not just words. So I lived many more years with my wound. My first year in Thailand I never considered visiting bar girls. Until my friend suggested it. Subsequently my personal sexual healing happen here in Thailand. I wish I had made this decision twenty years sooner.

Here is an example for those you dont understand sexual dysfunction. A man, he could be 22, or 42, or 62, suffers from pre-mature ejaculation, but lets say its erectile dysfunction. He really wants to be in relationship and finally meets a gal hes attracted to. They spend a month dating and finally they are in bed. He cant get it up. She takes it personally. They try after two or three more dates. He still cant get it up. She really wants a healthy sex life, so breaks up with him. Now he is really wounded, feels rejected and hopeless.

So the same man comes to Thailand, goes to Walking Street, and picks a pretty young girl and they go to his hotel. He cant get it up. Shes a typical sweet Thai gal and says, I so sorry. How I make you happy? She will try whatever she can to get him hard. Why? Its her business and she wants a tip and a returning customer. Because of her sweet attention, hes not feeling rejected. He really does want to have sex with her. If he leaves and doesnt come back for six months, that same girl will totally remember him and be so happy to see him. Shell want it to work this time, and he is feeling all this love and attention, doesnt matter if its her job and its fake or not. He knows shell be there, giving him all this good attention, trying to get him up, even if he has to come back twenty times. And when he finally gets hard, she is so excited. He is relieved, and what he just experienced is priceless. Hes got his Man back. This is what it is like to sexually heal with prostitutes in Thailand.

This means nothing if it doesn't pertain to you, but everything in the world to the guy who got his mojo back. I say, whatever it takes.

If that same man is 65 and the same sexual healing happened, that he finally feels alive and healthy again, feels like he can now love and be loved by a woman, maybe finally have a wife and an active sex life (if he ever did have one) - and someone/s on TV posts that hes a slimy old disgusting grandpa violating young Thai girls - how do you think he should respond?

'sexually wounded men from the west come here for sexual healing' sounds more like sexual perverts coming to have kinky sex with young girls.

But if as you said you really cant get it hard and need the help of teenage prostitutes here as you cant afford them in the west, then where is your tantra magic?

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When a genuine Hi-So Thai wants a job at an American company what they tell them is:

These are the members of my family who run your major customers;

These are the members of my family who run your major suppliers; and

These are the members of my famiy who run the water, power, and transport districts where your factories are located.

Nonsense. If a Thai person whatever rank wants a job depending on job and/or location there will be an interview. Many jobs filled by high so and high ranking Thais are performed outside of Thailand. The last one I was personally involved with was the supervisor of stewards and stewardesses at a major airlines.

Correct. This CRAB guy is talking cobblers.

He doesn't know what therm "hi-so" means.

I disagree . He does know. Some others think any Thai who is not a bg is hi so. Not so. Hisos in Thailand are above interviews, above the law even.

In 20 years Ive only had 2 hiso friends who have never worked for anyone outside family, and if they wanted a job, there woukd be no need for a cv lol . Ones granda was the king of Laos and the other had more money than most could ever imagine with her own bodyguard and airplane etc a genuine 'poo dee'.

Hi so is thrown around willy nilly here with posters not understanding the term.

You might want to remember many hi so Thais have trained in universities and military academies in foreign countries and as such would have been interviewed many times in the normal course of university and or military life both in and out of Thailand.

In any event it has not even a remote connection to the topic of this thread and was only a trolls attempt to change the direction of this into a personal vendetta which I have no wish to participate in.

Edited by thailiketoo
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'sexually wounded men from the west come here for sexual healing' sounds more like sexual perverts coming to have kinky sex with young girls.

But if as you said you really cant get it hard and need the help of teenage prostitutes here as you cant afford them in the west, then where is your tantra magic?

Underage women dancing and working at clubs in the US is a constant problem. I really don't think you have a clue about the prices or people involved. Besides Cuba is only 90 miles from the USA and the food and women and rum and cigars are all great and cheap so I don't really think it is a cost issue. There are many beaches and towns in the US where clothing is optional for all members of the family. I think you have Thailand mixed up with something in your dreams.

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You seem obsessed with sex - it isn't everything. Sounds like it's psychological to me this sexual wounded thing. IMHO, going to Pattaya would make things worse as it would be hard to quit and live a 'normal' life.

Spending one' last days in a cesspit like walking street with the nations scabbiest prostitutes, trying to feel like a 'real' man may be pleasant for some but I'm sure very unpleasant for others.

Sounds to me like you have never been to Walking Street. Walking street is filled with Asian tourists taking photos and Japanese men spending a fortune on women who have spent a fortune to look like Sailor Moon. It is weird not sexy.

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You seem obsessed with sex - it isn't everything. Sounds like it's psychological to me this sexual wounded thing. IMHO, going to Pattaya would make things worse as it would be hard to quit and live a 'normal' life.

Spending one' last days in a cesspit like walking street with the nations scabbiest prostitutes, trying to feel like a 'real' man may be pleasant for some but I'm sure very unpleasant for others.

Sounds to me like you have never been to Walking Street. Walking street is filled with Asian tourists taking photos and Japanese men spending a fortune on women who have spent a fortune to look like Sailor Moon. It is weird not sexy.

Yes, it is weird and it is not sexy.

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Ive crossed the line..i know i know...

Writing a post with the photo of an old man and the caption, "Rape Time." Is the kind of thing the low class sexpats would expect you to do. That is the kind of behavior that re affirms their opinions of people in West.

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You seem obsessed with sex - it isn't everything. Sounds like it's psychological to me this sexual wounded thing. IMHO, going to Pattaya would make things worse as it would be hard to quit and live a 'normal' life.

Spending one' last days in a cesspit like walking street with the nations scabbiest prostitutes, trying to feel like a 'real' man may be pleasant for some but I'm sure very unpleasant for others.

Sounds to me like you have never been to Walking Street. Walking street is filled with Asian tourists taking photos and Japanese men spending a fortune on women who have spent a fortune to look like Sailor Moon. It is weird not sexy.

It has been probably about 8 years since I was there so it will have changed but maybe not drastically.

I was surprised in the quality of the prostitutes though, like I was last year when I went into a bar on Suk soi 4 for a game of pool. The girls were more like women in their 30's even 40's and certainly not what I would call pretty.

But 22 years ago I was as happy as a monger in Pat Pong with Noi from Sisaket who was 30 and already a hardened ho with almost black skin. She had a 'dtung maeb' (ask your wife what it means) and the typical Isarn shorter than proportionate legs to body ratio. Amazing how experience changes ones view of Thai women.

I guess I'm lucky I followed my golden rule of never marrying a Thai woman until you've lived here for 5 years.

LOL, what a thought if I had married Noi, she's be 52 and God know what she'd look like.

I did meet an' ex' once after a number of years. I knew her around 1995-96 in KSR and she was a 30 y/o heroin addict but beautiful. Last time I went there some old vendor came up and said, "wow, you're still alive" = I was shocked that it was her - she was clean but could have passed for 60!

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Sounds to me like you have never been to Walking Street. Walking street is filled with Asian tourists taking photos and Japanese men spending a fortune on women who have spent a fortune to look like Sailor Moon. It is weird not sexy.

It has been probably about 8 years since I was there so it will have changed but maybe not drastically.

I was surprised in the quality of the prostitutes though, like I was last year when I went into a bar on Suk soi 4 for a game of pool. The girls were more like women in their 30's even 40's and certainly not what I would call pretty.

But 22 years ago I was as happy as a monger in Pat Pong with Noi from Sisaket who was 30 and already a hardened ho with almost black skin. She had a 'dtung maeb' (ask your wife what it means) and the typical Isarn shorter than proportionate legs to body ratio. Amazing how experience changes ones view of Thai women.

I guess I'm lucky I followed my golden rule of never marrying a Thai woman until you've lived here for 5 years.

LOL, what a thought if I had married Noi, she's be 52 and God know what she'd look like.

I did meet an' ex' once after a number of years. I knew her around 1995-96 in KSR and she was a 30 y/o heroin addict but beautiful. Last time I went there some old vendor came up and said, "wow, you're still alive" = I was shocked that it was her - she was clean but could have passed for 60!

I met Nook when she worked a bar and massage place in 1968. Beautiful hair, beautiful woman. I met her again two years ago, she now owns the bar. Beautiful hair, beautiful woman. Now speaks almost perfect English. Well, bar perfect bar English.

I never went to Walking street much. Maybe 3 times in the three years I lived in Pattaya but it really has changed. Once upon a time it was fun now it is just strange.

Drugs started to grab a big hold a few years ago. Momma sans push and get the girls dependent. The girls are easy prey because they want to stay skinny.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Many of you are missing the point we "Puritans" got riled about here. Maybe try reading through the whole thread Robert before calling others 'delusional'. I know reading 11 or so pages is difficult for people of limited intelligence and attention.

The point is that namely: the Tantric "Master" is labouring under the savage delusion that the girls would prefer a good tantric seeing to from some flabby reeking old hack after a few words of stuttering halting bar girl Thai rather than be paid in hard cash for their labours.

Looks like he's made enough from his ludicrous books too keep himself in masturbation.

You “puritans” are sanctimonious and condescending. I’m happy for this man that he is enjoying his life. Why do patronizing fools like you believe anyone takes you seriously or cares what you think, you’re twisted.

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Many of you are missing the point we "Puritans" got riled about here. Maybe try reading through the whole thread Robert before calling others 'delusional'. I know reading 11 or so pages is difficult for people of limited intelligence and attention.

The point is that namely: the Tantric "Master" is labouring under the savage delusion that the girls would prefer a good tantric seeing to from some flabby reeking old hack after a few words of stuttering halting bar girl Thai rather than be paid in hard cash for their labours.

Looks like he's made enough from his ludicrous books too keep himself in masturbation.

You puritans are sanctimonious and condescending. Im happy for this man that he is enjoying his life. Why do patronizing fools like you believe anyone takes you seriously or cares what you think, youre twisted.

Something I can never be called is a puritan. And I'm not being condescending (though you probably have no idea what that means.) These old farts are trying to justify their position without dealing with reality. I guarantee you, they would be abhorred if their sisters, daughters, granddaughters, or great granddaughters were working as prostitutes. We're not the ones on high horses.

If prostitution is such a grand profession, why don't you pimp out the females of your family? You're hippocrites, that's why.

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Many of you are missing the point we "Puritans" got riled about here. Maybe try reading through the whole thread Robert before calling others 'delusional'. I know reading 11 or so pages is difficult for people of limited intelligence and attention.

The point is that namely: the Tantric "Master" is labouring under the savage delusion that the girls would prefer a good tantric seeing to from some flabby reeking old hack after a few words of stuttering halting bar girl Thai rather than be paid in hard cash for their labours.

Looks like he's made enough from his ludicrous books too keep himself in masturbation.

You puritans are sanctimonious and condescending. Im happy for this man that he is enjoying his life. Why do patronizing fools like you believe anyone takes you seriously or cares what you think, youre twisted.

At least YOU are taking him seriously otherwise you would not have responded so angrily? Are you one more sexually wounded tantric master seeking sexual healing in the arms of teenage thai prostitutes and saying that your children find it 'cool'?

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Sounds to me like you have never been to Walking Street. Walking street is filled with Asian tourists taking photos and Japanese men spending a fortune on women who have spent a fortune to look like Sailor Moon. It is weird not sexy.

It has been probably about 8 years since I was there so it will have changed but maybe not drastically.

I was surprised in the quality of the prostitutes though, like I was last year when I went into a bar on Suk soi 4 for a game of pool. The girls were more like women in their 30's even 40's and certainly not what I would call pretty.

But 22 years ago I was as happy as a monger in Pat Pong with Noi from Sisaket who was 30 and already a hardened ho with almost black skin. She had a 'dtung maeb' (ask your wife what it means) and the typical Isarn shorter than proportionate legs to body ratio. Amazing how experience changes ones view of Thai women.

I guess I'm lucky I followed my golden rule of never marrying a Thai woman until you've lived here for 5 years.

LOL, what a thought if I had married Noi, she's be 52 and God know what she'd look like.

I did meet an' ex' once after a number of years. I knew her around 1995-96 in KSR and she was a 30 y/o heroin addict but beautiful. Last time I went there some old vendor came up and said, "wow, you're still alive" = I was shocked that it was her - she was clean but could have passed for 60!

I met Nook when she worked a bar and massage place in 1968. Beautiful hair, beautiful woman. I met her again two years ago, she now owns the bar. Beautiful hair, beautiful woman. Now speaks almost perfect English. Well, bar perfect bar English.

I never went to Walking street much. Maybe 3 times in the three years I lived in Pattaya but it really has changed. Once upon a time it was fun now it is just strange.

Drugs started to grab a big hold a few years ago. Momma sans push and get the girls dependent. The girls are easy prey because they want to stay skinny.

Wow, a grannie mammasan! Tell Old Stud about the place.

I have worked in a drug rehab in Isarn for many years and seen many many addicted girls from Pattaya.

This is the last thing the old mongers want to hear - how the only way these girls can put up with the lifestyle of giving he*d to old age pensioners is to get stoned.

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You seem obsessed with sex - it isn't everything. Sounds like it's psychological to me this sexual wounded thing. IMHO, going to Pattaya would make things worse as it would be hard to quit and live a 'normal' life.

Spending one' last days in a cesspit like walking street with the nations scabbiest prostitutes, trying to feel like a 'real' man may be pleasant for some but I'm sure very unpleasant for others.

Sounds to me like you have never been to Walking Street. Walking street is filled with Asian tourists taking photos and Japanese men spending a fortune on women who have spent a fortune to look like Sailor Moon. It is weird not sexy.

It has been probably about 8 years since I was there so it will have changed but maybe not drastically.

I was surprised in the quality of the prostitutes though, like I was last year when I went into a bar on Suk soi 4 for a game of pool. The girls were more like women in their 30's even 40's and certainly not what I would call pretty.

But 22 years ago I was as happy as a monger in Pat Pong with Noi from Sisaket who was 30 and already a hardened ho with almost black skin. She had a 'dtung maeb' (ask your wife what it means) and the typical Isarn shorter than proportionate legs to body ratio. Amazing how experience changes ones view of Thai women.

I guess I'm lucky I followed my golden rule of never marrying a Thai woman until you've lived here for 5 years.

LOL, what a thought if I had married Noi, she's be 52 and God know what she'd look like.

I did meet an' ex' once after a number of years. I knew her around 1995-96 in KSR and she was a 30 y/o heroin addict but beautiful. Last time I went there some old vendor came up and said, "wow, you're still alive" = I was shocked that it was her - she was clean but could have passed for 60!

you were sleeping with a 30 year old junkie? time for a hep C and liver check pal.

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You seem obsessed with sex - it isn't everything. Sounds like it's psychological to me this sexual wounded thing. IMHO, going to Pattaya would make things worse as it would be hard to quit and live a 'normal' life.

Spending one' last days in a cesspit like walking street with the nations scabbiest prostitutes, trying to feel like a 'real' man may be pleasant for some but I'm sure very unpleasant for others.

Sounds to me like you have never been to Walking Street. Walking street is filled with Asian tourists taking photos and Japanese men spending a fortune on women who have spent a fortune to look like Sailor Moon. It is weird not sexy.

It has been probably about 8 years since I was there so it will have changed but maybe not drastically.

I was surprised in the quality of the prostitutes though, like I was last year when I went into a bar on Suk soi 4 for a game of pool. The girls were more like women in their 30's even 40's and certainly not what I would call pretty.

But 22 years ago I was as happy as a monger in Pat Pong with Noi from Sisaket who was 30 and already a hardened ho with almost black skin. She had a 'dtung maeb' (ask your wife what it means) and the typical Isarn shorter than proportionate legs to body ratio. Amazing how experience changes ones view of Thai women.

I guess I'm lucky I followed my golden rule of never marrying a Thai woman until you've lived here for 5 years.

LOL, what a thought if I had married Noi, she's be 52 and God know what she'd look like.

I did meet an' ex' once after a number of years. I knew her around 1995-96 in KSR and she was a 30 y/o heroin addict but beautiful. Last time I went there some old vendor came up and said, "wow, you're still alive" = I was shocked that it was her - she was clean but could have passed for 60!

you were sleeping with a 30 year old junkie? time for a hep C and liver check pal.

No, I never had sex with her.

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lol! you were a young guy in pat pong and never slept with the girl you are calling your "ex"?? lol.

It was Khao San Road and she wasn't a hooker.

lol! what does that have to do with anything? you claimed to have an EX that was a junkie. and you didnt sleep with your EX?? lol

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Many of you are missing the point we "Puritans" got riled about here. Maybe try reading through the whole thread Robert before calling others 'delusional'. I know reading 11 or so pages is difficult for people of limited intelligence and attention.

The point is that namely: the Tantric "Master" is labouring under the savage delusion that the girls would prefer a good tantric seeing to from some flabby reeking old hack after a few words of stuttering halting bar girl Thai rather than be paid in hard cash for their labours.

Looks like he's made enough from his ludicrous books too keep himself in masturbation.

You puritans are sanctimonious and condescending. Im happy for this man that he is enjoying his life. Why do patronizing fools like you believe anyone takes you seriously or cares what you think, youre twisted.

Something I can never be called is a puritan. And I'm not being condescending (though you probably have no idea what that means.) These old farts are trying to justify their position without dealing with reality. I guarantee you, they would be abhorred if their sisters, daughters, granddaughters, or great granddaughters were working as prostitutes. We're not the ones on high horses.

If prostitution is such a grand profession, why don't you pimp out the females of your family? You're hippocrites, that's why.

It always seems that it’s the people that think there so intelligent that demonstrate by their words their ignorance.

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Many of you are missing the point we "Puritans" got riled about here. Maybe try reading through the whole thread Robert before calling others 'delusional'. I know reading 11 or so pages is difficult for people of limited intelligence and attention.

The point is that namely: the Tantric "Master" is labouring under the savage delusion that the girls would prefer a good tantric seeing to from some flabby reeking old hack after a few words of stuttering halting bar girl Thai rather than be paid in hard cash for their labours.

Looks like he's made enough from his ludicrous books too keep himself in masturbation.

You puritans are sanctimonious and condescending. Im happy for this man that he is enjoying his life. Why do patronizing fools like you believe anyone takes you seriously or cares what you think, youre twisted.

At least YOU are taking him seriously otherwise you would not have responded so angrily? Are you one more sexually wounded tantric master seeking sexual healing in the arms of teenage thai prostitutes and saying that your children find it 'cool'?

It’s not anger I assure you it is fascination, I could care less about this persons opinion.

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Many of you are missing the point we "Puritans" got riled about here. Maybe try reading through the whole thread Robert before calling others 'delusional'. I know reading 11 or so pages is difficult for people of limited intelligence and attention.

The point is that namely: the Tantric "Master" is labouring under the savage delusion that the girls would prefer a good tantric seeing to from some flabby reeking old hack after a few words of stuttering halting bar girl Thai rather than be paid in hard cash for their labours.

Looks like he's made enough from his ludicrous books too keep himself in masturbation.

You puritans are sanctimonious and condescending. Im happy for this man that he is enjoying his life. Why do patronizing fools like you believe anyone takes you seriously or cares what you think, youre twisted.

At least YOU are taking him seriously otherwise you would not have responded so angrily? Are you one more sexually wounded tantric master seeking sexual healing in the arms of teenage thai prostitutes and saying that your children find it 'cool'?

It’s not anger I assure you it is fascination, I could care less about this persons opinion.

You could or couldn't care less?

If you could care less then that means you do care to some extent.

You are being a hypocrite like someone just said. Try being a man of integrity - better than a quickie with a scrubber.

Edited by Neeranam
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