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O venerable Sage and wise tantric Master, can you guide us on how to give multi orgasmic pleasure to ladyboys?

Who are you asking?

The venerable OldStud who professes to be a tantra Master who brings joy to the mundane lives of bored prostitutes in Thailand Edited by saakura
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Actually not just a master in tantric sex but also a bit of a hard man it seems - refused to hand over his telephone at gunpoint!


Also, it's obvious that he can't speak Thai as he said earlier in this thread.


The trolls are getting harder to uncover these days.

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If u care to read back the original comment that I commented on stated that it was weird to about some old guy posting s picture validating his physique at 70. Never did I say the original poster was right/wrong. I don't know why we are even talking about this

Sent from my CUBOT C10+ using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I posted the photo of the flat belly 70 year old man in response to insulting and infantile posts referring to me or any farang over 60 as fat bellied pasty slimy dirty old men who are an embarrassment to their families and delusional, that all Thai women lies to them, and on and on. Truth is, I'm not that man, I am wise enough to know when I'm being played, especially by a 22 yo Thai girl, and I am an inspiration to my whole extended family. I certainly didn't come here to run away from my family or former life. I came because a friend wanted a travel buddy, and I liked Chiang Mai and stayed. My tantra master buddy suggested two weeks in Pattaya, because my sex life needed a jump start, and I can afford to pay for this to happen. It was one of the best decisions I ever made to reignite my spirit and love of life.

If the medicine works for the healing, why criticize the medicine? Or attack the man who was sick and took the medicine and is now healed?

As I was sitting in the coffee shop writing, I noticed a handsome gray haired man. He had a flat belly and looked in prime shape. I asked him how old he was. He said he was 72. I asked him what his secret was. He said that all his life he was a long distance bike racer. Used to do 150 miles a day. Then he laughed "Can't do that anymore, but no problem doing twenty miles a day." I doubt if many of the guys who so criticize us old men could do that. I haven't driven a car in three years - ride my bike everywhere. These two old men are planning a bike trip. And I look at this guy, full of life, great body, handsome face and I wonder what Thai woman of any age wouldn't be attracted to him? 72. btw - he was a doctor.

And if he could have any woman, any age, he wanted - because it's OK here in Thailand, why would he choose a 72 year old? Unless she was Jane Fonda.

Typically, most old men dont look like George Cluney. Personally i find Sean Connery to just look like a grandad..not sexy, thanks. George C is too old for me too. However, i believe their status and wealth would play a big part in being alluring to younger women..not purely that they kept themselves in shape. A younger successful and attractive man will ALWAYS be desired more than an old man.

Now...if a 70 year old thinks he has still 'got it'..then lets see him bag a young woman who actually has financial security and a pick of the crop.

You arent going out and having young women drop their pants at how wonderful you are..you are going out and PAYING women to be with you.

Comparing the spoils of being able to take advantage of cheap hookers to taking medicine is frankly laughable disgusting.

You wrote, " A younger successful and attractive man will ALWAYS be desired more than an old man." It's not so in Thailand. That's what makes the place so attractive to older men. Older men die sooner and the family gets the money sooner so In Thailand it is age and income that is attractive. I'm not talking bar girls or bimbos from RCA. I'm talking mature women who are counted on to fund the family since the family paid for the education and business.

Wendy Deng had the pick of the crop and chose Rupert because she stood to gain more in the short term. Wendy is not Thai but she is close.

" A younger successful and attractive man will ALWAYS be desired more than an old man."

So..let me get this clear.

What you are saying is that in Thailand a successful (aka wealthy) young and attractive man would not be as desired by a Thai woman and her family than some old codger on his retirement.

Are you the full packet...????

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just enjoy yourself, old mate....... Neeranam is a disgruntled SHEILA, whose guy left her for the specialities of the Thai females, and she wishes to pursue her grudge, to her grave!.... That's why she's 'anonymus!'

lol wt..f? You think it is only Neeranam that is having a go at him? blink.png

LaraC - I obviously don't know you, but your posts are your signature. It appears to me that you're a bitter woman who hates men. If that's so, then it's sad - there are some pretty decent men over 60, myself included, who do their best to honor and respect women of all ages and professions. There is no way you can possibly judge the most likely 10,000,000 men who are at this very moment enjoying the world oldest profession (whether you approve of it or not) with 10,000,000 women of all ages who are gratefully accepting the money. Everyone has their own reasons for what they do, and unless you are the almighty god who knows everything about everybody, it's absolutely unkind to judge me or any other man who choses to be with another woman besides you, as disgusting.

No i dont hate men. But of course it is easy to slap that one at me, because i dont agree that sexpats etc are the coolest males that walk the planet.

In fact i love men.

In fact i even like nice elderly gentlemen, but i sure as hell wouldnt want to have sex with one..tantric or otherwise.

..and i dont believe in God. ..thought you Buddhist or something anyway..so why the h3ll bring god into the conversation..?

If i think eating junk food is disgusting, i have the right to that opinion. If i think 70 year old men sleeping with young prostitutes is disgusting, then i have the right to that opinion.

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Nice post but for every woman's life that changes for the better, there is one that changes for the worse. I've met literally hundreds that have got addicted to drugs and alcohol.

Fair enough there is a place where all that want this prostitution disguised as something else can be together by a dirty sea.

Myself, I'd hope that I got wiser as I reached my final years.

In this country, there is a tradition of older retired men practicing renunciation.

It embarrasses me to have fellow countrymen who instead of utilizing all the great opportunities in Thailand to detach from worldy attachments before they die, choose to live in a brothel. Attachments to worldly pleasures are deceptive and don't give real satisfaction, but cause suffering.

There ain't no fool like an old fool.

You obviously don't hang out at the local Karaoke Bars where many of the older retired men are practicing a different form of renunciation than you have imagined in your post. The sex trade is prodominately a Thai P2P phenomenon. The 'sex-pat' BS just gets more English language press attention.

I'm not embarrassed by anything my fellow countrymen do. They're big boyz. They worked, earned their money, and are enjoying retirement in the manner they choose.

My suggestion for you if you are personally over 60 and retired: turn your computer off, find an English speaking (or even non-English speaking) Thai monastery that will accept a 60+ year old farang renunciant as a monk, and report back with your success story in a separate thread prior to becoming a Bhikkhu. I'd love to hear your story.

Edited by connda
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did this thread get any better after page one, were 2 posters were going at each other,,, just so i dont have to sit here and read it all,??


Are you into half naked pictures of 70 year old men and tantric sex gurus ?

well im not into 70 year old men,,

and i dont know what a tantric sex pest gurus is,,,lol

but i do like sex,,,lol

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I think he is replying via tantra not actually touching the keyboard.

Pretty sure I just got a reply from him and all the women in my building just had multiple orgasms.

He is like sex Yoda.

Sent from my c64

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I think he is replying via tantra not actually touching the keyboard.

Pretty sure I just got a reply from him and all the women in my building just had multiple orgasms.

He is like sex Yoda.

Sent from my c64

You mean you are astounded he can get it up.



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Damn, Couldn't read all the pages. But, get the idea some puritan posters need serious theraphy.

"whereustay" should save up for extended sessions for he is truly messed up. OLD GEEZERS, carry on.

Several girls from the village went to Pattaya to work. They weren't forced to out of necessity, they weren't starving. I think they go for the adventure and hopes for some good money. And, of course maybe getting a farang. I know for a fact the parents were in no way promoting this, the girls made there own decision.

and in fact after some of them find the farang and move to another country start hooking again either behind his back or after a separation

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What whereyoustay and his agreers fail to realize is that we're all human. We want to be touched and loved in some way, no matter how old or ugly we are. If every woman you encounter in your home country turns her back - and now for 2000 baht you can snuggle all night and feel the warmth of a body next to yours, why not? Wait until whereyoustay is twenty years older and feels just the same as he does today, and idiots like him spew their ignorant judgments. It's quite possible to be 70 and feel younger and more vital than you did at 20. I can attest. With wisdom and grace added to the mix, it can be very attractive to a woman.

Are you really saying that you believe you are attractive to young women in Pattaya?

I wonder if you used prostitutes in your own country? If so, did you boast about them finding you attractive ?

Do you tell you children and/or other relatives that you pay poor, uneducated girls, many who are forced into the sex trade, for sex regularly and that's why you moved to Thailand?

I wonder if Pattaya has SA? probably not as it would be like starting AA in a night club.

So many sufferers in denial.

What’s the matter with you? You just can stand it that this man is happy can you? Condescending jerk.

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If you see a faraway look in her eyes it's probably not your imagined fantastic sexual technique taking her to a plane of unimagined ecstasy but her wishing she was with some young Thai buck and not some shrivelled prune like old pervert with a somewhat warped view of himself.


Spot on !

There you both go - making shit up and grouping all "type" people as the same. You should both know that "actions speak louder than words." Never said I was a sexual tantra teacher - but knowing how to please a woman is an art that not many men know. Don't knock something if you don't try it.

This man is 70.

PLease tell me you don't kiss a Pattaya bar girl.

and if he does the question is where he is kissing the gal!

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What whereyoustay and his agreers fail to realize is that we're all human. We want to be touched and loved in some way, no matter how old or ugly we are. If every woman you encounter in your home country turns her back - and now for 2000 baht you can snuggle all night and feel the warmth of a body next to yours, why not? Wait until whereyoustay is twenty years older and feels just the same as he does today, and idiots like him spew their ignorant judgments. It's quite possible to be 70 and feel younger and more vital than you did at 20. I can attest. With wisdom and grace added to the mix, it can be very attractive to a woman.

Are you really saying that you believe you are attractive to young women in Pattaya?

I wonder if you used prostitutes in your own country? If so, did you boast about them finding you attractive ?

Do you tell you children and/or other relatives that you pay poor, uneducated girls, many who are forced into the sex trade, for sex regularly and that's why you moved to Thailand?

I wonder if Pattaya has SA? probably not as it would be like starting AA in a night club.

So many sufferers in denial.

Whats the matter with you? You just can stand it that this man is happy can you? Condescending jerk.
No need for insults Bob.

Wrong with me? Lol

Who are you to tell me what I can't stand?

For a start, this grandad is breaking the law and ruining the lives of many young girls.

I'm sure other old criminals think they are happy too, bank robbers, pedophiles etc.

Selfish to the max. He only cares about satisfying his own perverse sexual dysfunction - to hell with the desperate Siamese peasants.

Edited by Neeranam
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For a start, this grandad is breaking the law and ruining the lives of many young girls.

He is breaking laws that are pretty much ignored by society anyway and I doubt if he has ever ruined anyone's life that is already involved in the sex industry. Do you think that people who smoke pot are serious criminals too?


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O venerable Sage and wise tantric Master, can you guide us on how to give multi orgasmic pleasure to ladyboys?

Who are you asking?

The venerable OldStud who professes to be a tantra Master who brings joy to the mundane lives of bored prostitutes in Thailand

Have to pass on ladyboy wisdom. I've come close to being being fooled, but have to politely say, Kit wah mai na - I'd rather not. I consider anyone under 18, still children - leave them alone. But adults of any gender or persuasion or age who wish to have a private orgasmic pleasurable experience with one another, a say, go for it ! We have this moment to enjoy life. If it a ladyboy you want - what you want is there - have fun. Report back, I'll include it in my book - field guide to tantra sex in Thailand . . .

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What whereyoustay and his agreers fail to realize is that we're all human. We want to be touched and loved in some way, no matter how old or ugly we are. If every woman you encounter in your home country turns her back - and now for 2000 baht you can snuggle all night and feel the warmth of a body next to yours, why not? Wait until whereyoustay is twenty years older and feels just the same as he does today, and idiots like him spew their ignorant judgments. It's quite possible to be 70 and feel younger and more vital than you did at 20. I can attest. With wisdom and grace added to the mix, it can be very attractive to a woman.

Are you really saying that you believe you are attractive to young women in Pattaya?

I wonder if you used prostitutes in your own country? If so, did you boast about them finding you attractive ?

Do you tell you children and/or other relatives that you pay poor, uneducated girls, many who are forced into the sex trade, for sex regularly and that's why you moved to Thailand?

I wonder if Pattaya has SA? probably not as it would be like starting AA in a night club.

So many sufferers in denial.

Whats the matter with you? You just can stand it that this man is happy can you? Condescending jerk.
No need for insults Bob.

Wrong with me? Lol

Who are you to tell me what I can't stand?

For a start, this grandad is breaking the law and ruining the lives of many young girls.

I'm sure other old criminals think they are happy too, bank robbers, pedophiles etc.

Selfish to the max. He only cares about satisfying his own perverse sexual dysfunction - to hell with the desperate Siamese peasants.

to hell with the desperate Siamese peasants.

I thought we weren't allowed political rants on here?

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So would it be called, sex tourism,. Because they have failed marriages for what ever reasons. and move to a country where there are impoverished girls, who sell there body's to live. where 90% are forced into the sex trade.

I've met thousands of women in Thailand and never one who was forced into the sex trade. You are deluded.

I dont think you know a lot about Thailand then.

Only 10% of the prostitutes visited in Thailand are by Farang.

90 % are visited by Thais.

The Thai brothels favour younger prostitutes.

It follows in the Thai brothels you do find 'some' girls forced into this line of work.

Many of those forced are from Laos etc

It is rare nowadays to find a girl working in a bar with Falang customers, is being forced to.

However she may have started as a forced child prostitute in a Thai brothel.

She moved into Falang bars when she was considered to old.

I'd go to 5% since the Russians and families took over Pattaya.

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What whereyoustay and his agreers fail to realize is that we're all human. We want to be touched and loved in some way, no matter how old or ugly we are. If every woman you encounter in your home country turns her back - and now for 2000 baht you can snuggle all night and feel the warmth of a body next to yours, why not? Wait until whereyoustay is twenty years older and feels just the same as he does today, and idiots like him spew their ignorant judgments. It's quite possible to be 70 and feel younger and more vital than you did at 20. I can attest. With wisdom and grace added to the mix, it can be very attractive to a woman.

Are you really saying that you believe you are attractive to young women in Pattaya?

I wonder if you used prostitutes in your own country? If so, did you boast about them finding you attractive ?

Do you tell you children and/or other relatives that you pay poor, uneducated girls, many who are forced into the sex trade, for sex regularly and that's why you moved to Thailand?

I wonder if Pattaya has SA? probably not as it would be like starting AA in a night club.

So many sufferers in denial.

Whats the matter with you? You just can stand it that this man is happy can you? Condescending jerk.
No need for insults Bob.

Wrong with me? Lol

Who are you to tell me what I can't stand?

For a start, this grandad is breaking the law and ruining the lives of many young girls.

I'm sure other old criminals think they are happy too, bank robbers, pedophiles etc.

Selfish to the max. He only cares about satisfying his own perverse sexual dysfunction - to hell with the desperate Siamese peasants.

Breaking the law, ruining lives, you’re delusional.

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to hell with the desperate Siamese peasants.

I thought we weren't allowed political rants on here?

Desperate Siamese peasants are not easy to find anymore. Now they are actually imported form neighboring countries.

Communism only left in Cuba and capitalism taking hold all over the world even China the day of the desperate peasant is almost over.

The last beggar I met had change for a 500 baht note when I funded his lunch; so not so desperate anymore. Free health care and education, billions in foreign investment is bound to take its toll.

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Hard to believe that in this day and age of political correctness you can still find people on a public forum telling others and especialy elders what they can and they can't do.

Who are they to begrudge the older people a slice of the happines pie.

The young bucks on this forum don't seem to realize that it's them that are doing the catching up.

Yermanee wai.gif

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Don't you wonder why anyone cares. Old men come here because they can't get good looking young women at home and young men come here because they can't get good looking young women at home. That's a fact Jack who cares? I have never complained or used demeaning words to characterize a young man with a young women in Thailand. I know why he's here. Why would a young man feel the necessity to criticize me? Rupert knew Wendy was not with him for his good looks and so do I. Live and let live. Why all the acrimony?

i wouldn't say can't. i would say easier instead.

When I was young i got good looking young women in the USA but it wasn't any where near as easy as it was to get good looking young women in thailand.

and yes money is a big factor in both countries but the bank account has to be a lot larger in the USA than Thailand to make the odds more in your favor.

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Wow, OP you truly are yet another psychiatrist's paradise dying in quiet desperation.

I just hope your daughter, or your grand daughter - if you have either - doesn't suffer the same fate of prostituting herself to men 2-3 times her age.

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Many of you are missing the point we "Puritans" got riled about here. Maybe try reading through the whole thread Robert before calling others 'delusional'. I know reading 11 or so pages is difficult for people of limited intelligence and attention.

The point is that namely: the Tantric "Master" is labouring under the savage delusion that the girls would prefer a good tantric seeing to from some flabby reeking old hack after a few words of stuttering halting bar girl Thai rather than be paid in hard cash for their labours.

Looks like he's made enough from his ludicrous books too keep himself in masturbation.

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