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God bless them one and all !


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Thanks for sharing. We all appreciate your big heart.smile.png

would that be a royal we?

No, it is for the thousands of struggling addicts who read this forum and were hanging on your every word hoping against hope for a ray of light, a breath of fresh air, in finding an addictions specials who didn't have his head up his arse.

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Thanks for sharing. We all appreciate your big heart.smile.png

would that be a royal we?

No, it is for the thousands of struggling addicts who read this forum and were hanging on your every word hoping against hope for a ray of light, a breath of fresh air, in finding an addictions specials who didn't have his head up his arse.

google's their friend

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google's their friend

2,000,000 AA members disagree. Google is not the answer to problems that require an individual approach. Google Psychiatrist and the results would be fairly useless. One needs some personal references, some one on one stuff. Addictions are complicated things; food or booze or ........ If you have a problem with Alcohol go to an AA meeting. If you have problems with sex try a psychiatrist. Google may help you find an address but not an answer to your addiction problems.

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google's their friend

2,000,000 AA members disagree. Google is not the answer to problems that require an individual approach. Google Psychiatrist and the results would be fairly useless. One needs some personal references, some one on one stuff. Addictions are complicated things; food or booze or ........ If you have a problem with Alcohol go to an AA meeting. If you have problems with sex try a psychiatrist. Google may help you find an address but not an answer to your addiction problems.

well i dont have time to give references to 2 million folks and the folks i know dont have the time to give individual attention to them either so theyre on their own

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google's their friend

2,000,000 AA members disagree. Google is not the answer to problems that require an individual approach. Google Psychiatrist and the results would be fairly useless. One needs some personal references, some one on one stuff. Addictions are complicated things; food or booze or ........ If you have a problem with Alcohol go to an AA meeting. If you have problems with sex try a psychiatrist. Google may help you find an address but not an answer to your addiction problems.

well i dont have time to give references to 2 million folks and the folks i know dont have the time to give individual attention to them either so theyre on their own

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google's their friend

2,000,000 AA members disagree. Google is not the answer to problems that require an individual approach. Google Psychiatrist and the results would be fairly useless. One needs some personal references, some one on one stuff. Addictions are complicated things; food or booze or ........ If you have a problem with Alcohol go to an AA meeting. If you have problems with sex try a psychiatrist. Google may help you find an address but not an answer to your addiction problems.

well i dont have time to give references to 2 million folks and the folks i know dont have the time to give individual attention to them either so theyre on their own

too busy

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Elliot Rodger killed six innocent people in California blaming his rage on a non-existent sex life and not having a girlfriend in videos. http://connecticut.cbslocal.com/2014/05/29/psychologist-elliot-rodger-would-still-have-gone-on-killing-spree-even-if-he-had-sex-with-women/

The kid was good looking and had cash and car.

Psychologists: Elliot Rodger May Still Have Gone On Killing Spree Even If He Had Sex With Women.

Seems to me the Psychologists are nuts. The question I ask myself is, "Would this kid have done it if he lived in Thailand?"

A good looking Farang with pop in the movie business? Aw come on now. I knew a kid here whose father was in the shampoo business and he had girls all over him.

God bless em one and all would have taken care of this problem. Can you imagine a good looking Farang with cash and a father in the movie business not having a sex life in Thailand?

We see evidenced on this forum every day examples of jealously. The spurned lovers attack all Thai women and men who like them. People jump out of buildings because they run out of money and have to leave Thailand but I've never heard of anyone going on a killing spree because they don't have a sex life.

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Churchill was probably the best known case of a high functioning alcoholic

Professor Warren Kimball of Rutgers, editor of the WSC-FDR correspondence and several erudite books on the two leaders, maintains that Churchill was not an alcoholic -"no alcoholic could drink that much!"- but "alcohol dependent," citing his occasional glass of hock with his breakfast(!) and his heavy imbibing at mealtimes.

from http://www.winstonchurchill.org/learn/myths/myths/he-was-an-alcohol-abuser

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Churchill was probably the best known case of a high functioning alcoholic

Professor Warren Kimball of Rutgers, editor of the WSC-FDR correspondence and several erudite books on the two leaders, maintains that Churchill was not an alcoholic -"no alcoholic could drink that much!"- but "alcohol dependent," citing his occasional glass of hock with his breakfast(!) and his heavy imbibing at mealtimes.

from http://www.winstonchurchill.org/learn/myths/myths/he-was-an-alcohol-abuser

Alcohol dependents ARE alcoholics rather that Alcohol abusers who are NOT alcoholics.

DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Alcohol Dependence
Alcohol Dependence - Diagnostic Code 303.90

A maladaptive pattern of alcohol use, leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by three (or more) of the following, occurring at any time in the same 12-month period:

(1) tolerance, as defined by either of the following:

(a) a need for markedly increased amounts of alcohol to achieve Intoxication or desired effect

(B) markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of alcohol

(2) Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:

(a) the characteristic withdrawal syndrome for alcohol (refer to Criteria A and B of the criteria sets for Withdrawal from alcohol)

(B) alcohol (or a closely related drug such as valium) is used to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms

(3) alcohol is often used in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended

(4) there is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control alcohol use

(5) a great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain alcohol, use alcohol, or recover from its effects

(6) important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of alcohol use

(7) alcohol use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by alcohol (e.g. continued drinking despite recognition that an ulcer was made worse by alcohol consumption)


  • With Physiological Dependence: evidence of tolerance or withdrawal (i.e., either Item 1 or 2 is present)
  • Without Physiological Dependence: no evidence of tolerance or withdrawal (i.e., neither Item 1 nor 2 is present)
DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol Abuse - Diagnostic Code 305.00

A. A maladaptive pattern of alcohol use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by one (or more) of the following, occurring within a 12-month period:

(1) recurrent alcohol use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home (e.g., repeated absences or poor work performance related to alcohol use; alcohol-related absences, suspensions, or expulsions from school; neglect of children or household)

(2) recurrent alcohol use in situations in which it is physically hazardous (e.g., driving an automobile or operating a machine when impaired by alcohol use)

(3) recurrent alcohol-related legal problems (e.g., arrests for alcohol-related disorderly conduct)

(4) continued alcohol use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of the alcohol (e.g., arguments with spouse about consequences of Intoxication, physical fights)

B. The symptoms have never met the criteria for Alcohol Dependence.

(Note that there are no course specifiers for Alcohol Abuse. A diagnosis of Alcohol Abuse is for life--it can never be removed from your medical chart no matter how much you improve.)

from DSM-IV-TR

Edited by Neeranam
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Neeranman you are using an outdated DSM. 2000.

Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5

In May 2013, the American Psychiatric Association issued the 5th edition of the

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

Mental Disorders

(DSM–5). Although there is considerable overlap between DSM–5 and DSM–IV, the prior edition,

there are several important differences:

Changes Disorder Terminology


DSM–IV described two distinct disorders, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence, with specific criteria for each.


DSM–5 integrates the two DSM–IV disorders, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence, into a single disorder.called alcohol use disorder (AUD) with mild, moderate, and severe sub-classifications.

Edited by thailiketoo
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There always changing their minds! They are the experts I guess but are always learning new stuff.

Any criteria for sex addiction or hypersexuality?

I don't think there is agreement that sex addiction is real at least the last time I checked there was much debate about it. I can give an example of Churchill's drunken behavior causing the loss of thousands of lives however I would be hard pressed to do the same with sex addiction. Well maybe the Trojan war but...... Was Paris a sex addict or just hung up on beautiful women?

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These "The girls still find me attractive in spite of the fact I'm old and repulsive" threads are somewhat disturbing and nicely summed up by Bangkoklasse in #19.

I guess the old adage ''if you tell the same lie enough times, it starts to sound like the truth" rings true in this case.

Because I can speak Thai to them, -- because I am very different than the young boom-boom buck

Congratulations. Do you imagine you're the only person who can speak Thai and communicate on any level with these girls?

Just look at her the next time you're giving her the benefit of your 'Tantra' after having had an in depth conversation with her about her deep inner feelings.

If you see a faraway look in her eyes it's probably not your imagined fantastic sexual technique taking her to a plane of unimagined ecstasy but her wishing she was with some young Thai buck and not some shrivelled prune like old pervert with a somewhat warped view of himself.

Don't know about the rest of you, but I am way more handsome in Thailand than I am anywhere else :-)

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I consider men with shallow world views and uneducated judgments the most boring. To group all bar girls as victims perpetuating poverty or money sucking bitches, or all men over 60 living in Thailand as fat bellied Soi 6 drunks, is totally delusional. I don't even drink.

There is a big sexual world out there, my friends . . .

My Pattaya play pal is 67, a sexual Tantra master, with plenty of age appropriate girlfriends in Hawaii, but loves to play with the Thai girls. (because they as so much FUN) He is tall and handsome and independently wealthy. He was recently hired as a Male Model on a 1000 person nude love boat two weeks cruise off Fiji - where staterooms are $6000 to $44,000. 1000 people paying all that money hoping to get lucky. (Google it)

My other tantra master best friend was flat bellied and sexually active until he happily passed on at 79. He also didn't drink. Was an Engineer.

My best friend in Portland Oregon is a Yoga Master, owns his own studio, is a highly paid and respected mentor, and runs every day. At 63 he recently went to a Portland sex club where they let in 20 men and 20 women and close the doors. He never lies - I know this after 30 years. He said they were all college students, all in their early 20's. Doesn't matter why, but guess who all the prettiest girls flocked to? My buddy with the balls to show up.

People like sex !

If you study quantum physics - it's ALL sexual energy - and the only problem is when prudish self-righteous men try to shut it off with their stupid restrictive thoughts.

btw - sex slave trafficking is a terrible thing, and is probably happening in Thailand, as it is happening big time in the US and Europe. In Pattaya I would only frequent the very best clubs with women who are happy to be there. There are no victims where I go. Picking a girl from the shadows along the beach walk is a whole different thing I would never recommend.

of course theyre happy to be there. youre paying them

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I wonder how many wifes would say "God bless them one and all!" if they knew what their men where doing, when on business trips here. Besides that, I know very few bargirls who I see as truly happy about what they do. Actually, I can not think of one...

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Besides that, I know very few bargirls who I see as truly happy about what they do. Actually, I can not think of one...

I'm pretty sure that most people would much rather make tons of money for doing nothing at all, but, unfortunately, that is not how the world works.

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I wonder how many wifes would say "God bless them one and all!" if they knew what their men where doing, when on business trips here. Besides that, I know very few bargirls who I see as truly happy about what they do. Actually, I can not think of one...

And you've been with how many to be able to speak for ALL bargirls? Your experience is obviously of such a small number as to be meaningless in the context of many many thousands of bargirls. Perhaps you have been unlucky or go to the wrong bars.

Personally, if I were able to earn tax free thousands for a single night of what might be very enjoyable ( or even just boring ) sex, or have the opportunity to be taken to the beach for several weeks at someone else's expense I'd be pretty happy, especially when the alternative was working in the rice fields or a building site for 3,000 baht a month.

Too many people write as though consensual sex with a stranger was the most terrible thing that could happen to a woman, which is obviously garbage.

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Besides that, I know very few bargirls who I see as truly happy about what they do. Actually, I can not think of one...

I'm pretty sure that most people would much rather make tons of money for doing nothing at all, but, unfortunately, that is not how the world works.

Absolutely true.

I worked at jobs that I loathed, for many years, but I doubt any would come on here to sympathise for me. Why is it different when sex is involved?

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I wonder how many wifes would say "God bless them one and all!" if they knew what their men where doing, when on business trips here. Besides that, I know very few bargirls who I see as truly happy about what they do. Actually, I can not think of one...

You guys have to give khunpa and LauraC a break on this. I am sure they know lots of bar girls. Hundreds, thousands maybe millions.

Three visits a week to soi six and the normal (almost normal) healthy person might meet 100 people. I do in a day. Think of what khunpa does. He must me younger than me. Almost everyone is younger than me.

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You guys have to give khunpa and LauraC a break on this. I am sure they know lots of bar girls. Hundreds, thousands maybe millions.

thailiketoo ... do you think that might be a wee exaggeration?

Millions - thousands even ... rolleyes.gif

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You guys have to give khunpa and LauraC a break on this. I am sure they know lots of bar girls. Hundreds, thousands maybe millions.

thailiketoo ... do you think that might be a wee exaggeration?

Millions - thousands even ... rolleyes.gif

The number becomes slightly more realistic when you factor in multiple personalities.

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The best we can hope for is a pleasant sharing of time and space with another person.

If that's an hour or five hours or over night or ten years, doesn't matter. A pleasant sharing between two people is a good thing.

Only the two people know whether its pleasant or not. If not they say goodbye. (or hang on for the drama)

I always go for the pleasant and fun times with whomever I'm with. It's just that simple.

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The best we can hope for is a pleasant sharing of time and space with another person.

If that's an hour or five hours or over night or ten years, doesn't matter. A pleasant sharing between two people is a good thing.

Only the two people know whether its pleasant or not. If not they say goodbye. (or hang on for the drama)

I always go for the pleasant and fun times with whomever I'm with. It's just that simple.

..if you are talking about mutual pleasure, then of course everyone would agree.

However, if taking advantage of economically poor individuals and indulging in p4p, then thats really more about selfish wants than mutual pleasure....

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They receive their share of the "mutual pleasure" when they get paid. Capitalism and commerce are pretty much always about taking advantage of economically poor individuals on some level. How many of us would take some lousy job that we don't like otherwise?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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