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God bless them one and all !


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The latest whereyoustay thread was rude. Thank you CharlieH - well put.

re. Old Stud: I'm in my mid-60's and a true gentleman. I hadn't been with a steady woman for many years before decided to "let go" and open myself to what Thailand has to offer. I first went to Pattaya two years ago. I dove right in and went for it blink.pngclap2.gif for two weeks on Walking Street.

During those two weeks I experienced an incredible sexual healing. No seminar in the world would have been more effective than the random encounters I had with these wonderful young women. First off, (I know sexual Tantra) I began with an honoring. No woman really wants to be treated like trash. I would interrupt their routine and say cha cha, and to them "what you want?" The I would proceed to make them happy. How do I know? (whereyoustay should pay me to find out) Because I can speak Thai to them, -- because I am very different than the young boom-boom buck. I have heard their same story many times — they would rather be with the older gentleman who honors and respects them, than the young buck who sees them as a tool to get off with. These gals are real people - most have really good hearts, and are doing the best job they can find.

What whereyoustay and his agreers fail to realize is that we're all human. We want to be touched and loved in some way, no matter how old or ugly we are. If every woman you encounter in your home country turns her back - and now for 2000 baht you can snuggle all night and feel the warmth of a body next to yours, why not? Wait until whereyoustay is twenty years older and feels just the same as he does today, and idiots like him spew their ignorant judgments. It's quite possible to be 70 and feel younger and more vital than you did at 20. I can attest. With wisdom and grace added to the mix, it can be very attractive to a woman.

As far as these "pasty old men" — if they are drinking every night, they don't have that much time in life, before it either stops working or they're dead - so let them have a little fun before its too late. wai2.gif

Im not gonna comment on the paying for company thing, but i am going to say i think you are deluded if you honestly think these girls like you MORE for being more ..i dunno..romantic? They are doing a job, and chances are, particularly with the old men, they want to do the job fast. A guy who f**ks them then leaves is probably prefered to the psydo-romantic types who need them to act out a misty-eyed roll. Seriously, if they were honest with their replies to the question "what do you want?"..i doubt it would be "oh...spending a psydo-romantic time with a 70 year old man who is paying me 2000 baht per go..." I dunno..i could be of course totalllllyyyy wrong.

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btw - any woman who is screaming with a genuine orgasm would rather be in that bliss moment than watching TV, but maybe bangkoklasse never had one? Don't underestimate the prowess of a healthy older man.

Oh Gawd..the "genuine" orgasm. Yup yup.... rolleyes.gif

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They are doing a job, and chances are, particularly with the old men, they want to do the job fast. A guy who f**ks them then leaves is probably prefered to the psydo-romantic types who need them to act out a misty-eyed roll.

Agreed. Some of them are great actresses and really want to please their customers, but the faster the better. At best, we old farts are warming them up for some young Thai guy.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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If you see a faraway look in her eyes it's probably not your imagined fantastic sexual technique taking her to a plane of unimagined ecstasy but her wishing she was with some young Thai buck and not some shrivelled prune like old pervert with a somewhat warped view of himself.


Spot on !

There you both go - making shit up and grouping all "type" people as the same. You should both know that "actions speak louder than words." Never said I was a sexual tantra teacher - but knowing how to please a woman is an art that not many men know. Don't knock something if you don't try it.

This man is 70.

Good for him that he took care of himself at 70 still..but he still looks like an old man.

..AND..most 70 year olds dont look like that.

You really thing even that actual 70 year old man would be prefered to a the young flesh of a man closer to the girls age? As a young man, would you have preferred a 70 year old woman that has taken care of herself over a regular 20 year old..?

Welcome to lala land, the world of delusion and fantasy.

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The "girls" may not have been FORCED into the sex trade, but most weigh up what they can potentially earn in the short term to help out themselves, their families and their kids against what they can earn working in a shop/rice paddy etc.
There is no real comparision.
You think they grew up thinking "oh i wanna sleep with hundreds of men for sex, even when they are really old and wrinkly". Even more comical, do you honestly think they are dreaming of an old wrinkly man that wont even get the job done fast and wants to do excruciatingly slow sex sessions where they have to go through the humilation of pretending to enjoy it. Geez..at least be decent and stop making them go through that.
Yes, "God bless them all" for coming from a place in Thailand where education opportunites were limited to them, so their options in life were to make a pittance working the regular route..or swallowing their pride and working the bar "scene".
Sadly they dont realise the consequences..which often means they turn to drink or drugs as a crutch..and they get swallowed up in the pittiful and humilating world of selling their bodies for sex.

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not to mention the required viagra

...Or this imagined Tantra...

I suggest you go out and have tantra with one of your farm animals. . . . except you don't have the foggiest idea what tantra is.

I live full time in Thailand. I'll most likely die here. I don't really like Christianity, and is one reason I live here. Thailand is 95% Buddhist. The .7% Christians who live here don't dictate morality in this country. Especially not the Christian brainwashed expats who so harshly judge those of us who are enjoying life.

I have no desire to, but if I wanted to marry a 20 year old farm girl, not only would my very two successful grown American sons think its way cool, but the girl and her family would love and accept me till the day I die. It's not a problem here. Not a problem with me. Not a problem with the Thai people here in their country. Get over your self-righteous condemnation of people who don't fit your narrow view of whats right or wrong, good or bad.

I think you're too mature Heavydrinker to put yourself in the same league as Whereyoustay. I've defended you before - this doesn't become you. Sorry.

And. . . I have absolutely no problem with whatever you want to do with your farm animals - its up to you, brother.

Marry with a 20 yr old Issaan girl and be respected......naivety comes to mind....they dont care about tantras mantras....bucks bucks.....do yourself a favour and refrain from making such comments....better for you IMHO.

My missus is 43, same age as me and is from Ayutthya so your 'detective' work is more like 'defective'...

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The most distressing thing about this thread is that the old boys actually think they are providing a social service by keeping the ladies in the subhuman cycle of poverty in which they fester while they wait for their next tantric orgasm from some flabby old skinflint. The debate on "forced prostitution" has been done to death. All I ask is that you old boys wake up and realise that what they want is your brass not some old prat who thinks he's Sting.

So you think that they dont want to be loved ?

I don't think HD means they don't want to be loved, and his last sentence is spot on.

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What whereyoustay and his agreers fail to realize is that we're all human. We want to be touched and loved in some way, no matter how old or ugly we are. If every woman you encounter in your home country turns her back - and now for 2000 baht you can snuggle all night and feel the warmth of a body next to yours, why not? Wait until whereyoustay is twenty years older and feels just the same as he does today, and idiots like him spew their ignorant judgments. It's quite possible to be 70 and feel younger and more vital than you did at 20. I can attest. With wisdom and grace added to the mix, it can be very attractive to a woman.

Are you really saying that you believe you are attractive to young women in Pattaya?

I wonder if you used prostitutes in your own country? If so, did you boast about them finding you attractive ?

Do you tell you children and/or other relatives that you pay poor, uneducated girls, many who are forced into the sex trade, for sex regularly and that's why you moved to Thailand?

I wonder if Pattaya has SA? probably not as it would be like starting AA in a night club.

So many sufferers in denial.

wow, judgmental much?

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I'm anything but a slimy old man chasing young women. I actually did write a 160 page book about my sexual healing in Thailand, but nobody will ever read it;

One hopes so. It wasn't that crap about 'how to score chicks in Thailand" or similar that was in a post recently where the model on the cover wants to sue the author?

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My vote goes to Old Stud. I was 76 yesterday and have a 24 year old girlfriend. We have been together 2 and a half years now. Is there a financial cost? of course there is. I give her X amount of bahts she sends X amount of bahts to her parents. She is honest hardworking not a party animal ex bar girl. Of all the women I have known over the years she is the very best.

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Many happy returns for yesterday Elgordo.

You miss the point however. Old fool thinks the girls prefer loving over hard cash.....he can write all the drivel he likes but nothing will change the fact that he's a delusion old buffoon.

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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I understand your point perfectly, and I am glad that you got your self steam back. Sex and pride it is important any time in life. Now....get into the next step..Find love...A woman that like you because what you are, and not for what you pay. It is a lot more challenging...but... also very important to keep you going at old age.... What is life without a challenge??

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The latest whereyoustay thread was rude. Thank you CharlieH - well put.

re. Old Stud: I'm in my mid-60's and a true gentleman. I hadn't been with a steady woman for many years before decided to "let go" and open myself to what Thailand has to offer. I first went to Pattaya two years ago. I dove right in and went for it blink.pngclap2.gif for two weeks on Walking Street.

During those two weeks I experienced an incredible sexual healing. No seminar in the world would have been more effective than the random encounters I had with these wonderful young women. First off, (I know sexual Tantra) I began with an honoring. No woman really wants to be treated like trash. I would interrupt their routine and say cha cha, and to them "what you want?" The I would proceed to make them happy. How do I know? (whereyoustay should pay me to find out) Because I can speak Thai to them, -- because I am very different than the young boom-boom buck. I have heard their same story many times — they would rather be with the older gentleman who honors and respects them, than the young buck who sees them as a tool to get off with. These gals are real people - most have really good hearts, and are doing the best job they can find.

What whereyoustay and his agreers fail to realize is that we're all human. We want to be touched and loved in some way, no matter how old or ugly we are. If every woman you encounter in your home country turns her back - and now for 2000 baht you can snuggle all night and feel the warmth of a body next to yours, why not? Wait until whereyoustay is twenty years older and feels just the same as he does today, and idiots like him spew their ignorant judgments. It's quite possible to be 70 and feel younger and more vital than you did at 20. I can attest. With wisdom and grace added to the mix, it can be very attractive to a woman.

As far as these "pasty old men" — if they are drinking every night, they don't have that much time in life, before it either stops working or they're dead - so let them have a little fun before its too late. wai2.gif

I'm on your page Old Stud... It's not perfect world for some, but then "perfect" is ALWAYS a matter of opinion.

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btw - any woman who is screaming with a genuine orgasm would rather be in that bliss moment than watching TV, but maybe bangkoklasse never had one? Don't underestimate the prowess of a healthy older man.

Oh Gawd..the "genuine" orgasm. Yup yup.... rolleyes.gif

So you know about the sex life of a woman you have never met. You can tell me if she has a real sex life or a faked sex life. Women are not one type. There are bad women and saintly women. There are lascivious and fridgid women. I don't know why you don't know this.

I went to a funeral yesterday of a man who died of cancer; his two wives were at the funeral together doing all the things a family does. He had two wives because his first wife could not have children. I know it's not your culture. Now both his wives will take care of the children and his business.

Let me tell you something about people. A young man can appreciate an older woman and a young women can appreciate an older man. I know because I've been there in both places. I don't know why you don't know this.

Most old men in Thailand have had enough women to know the difference between fake and real. Men in The West may be easier to fool. I think you may know this.

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1. If you have to write 'But my point is -- " that means you didn't make your point.

2. Any person who says that they have secret chili ingredients isn't to be trusted. "What ingredients?" "Can't tell you -- they're secret."

Edited by JLCrab
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Tiger Woods is Thai. He got in trouble doing Thai things in the West. If he played out of Thailand no one would have cared. That's one of the reasons I live here. No body who matters cares what the heck I do. Except among the turtle people. A turtle person carries his or her culture on his or her back as protection from other cultures and people.

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I can really understand people wanting to feel young again...............just keep the fantasy monster out of the title.

Some of us older guys have never LEFT being young, sure bodies have but perhaps whats between the ears hasn't. Look at me, writing this listening to the Who, ZZ Top, you name it............Rock On.......thumbsup.gif

They do not know some of you older guys fans of ZZ Top are still capable of Givemethem All Your Lovin'wink.png

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I can really understand people wanting to feel young again...............just keep the fantasy monster out of the title.

Some of us older guys have never LEFT being young, sure bodies have but perhaps whats between the ears hasn't. Look at me, writing this listening to the Who, ZZ Top, you name it............Rock On.......thumbsup.gif

Sorry, have trackpad little madness and do not know how to suppress a post by editing it, I can only modify it!

Edited by Tchooptip
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Tiger Woods is Thai. He got in trouble doing Thai things in the West. If he played out of Thailand no one would have cared. That's one of the reasons I live here. No body who matters cares what the heck I do. Except among the turtle people. A turtle person carries his or her culture on his or her back as protection from other cultures and people.

tiger is an american. period

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So, you head to the likes of Pattaya, where all those things described above are in abundance, and despite being in a foriegn land they even have some familiar food, some people in the same boat, similar circumstances but still want to live life and have some fun.

Then enters the "professionals" the beautiful young ladies of the night. The ones that encourage you, flirt with you, make you feel like that young man again. That feeling, even if for a short time of being cared for, being loved and someone gives a damn, even if deep down you know its really for the money. It doesnt matter, she's happy, she gets what she wants, and so do you, everyones a winner.

poverty (and close to zero education) gets shit done.

i have yet to meet 1 (one) old guy, like you, lyrical about said taking-care services who would want to see his own daughter active in a similar "philantropic" profession.

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