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Fridges with bottom drawer freezers?


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Bought a new fridge yesterday, which was delivered today. Sure enough though, this is Thailand, so I got a different fridge than the one I picked out at the store yesterday. :)

I checked out the model though, and it sells for basically the same price as what I paid, so I'm not complaining (yet!). However, this one has a freezer on the bottom, where the one I picked out has a freezer on top. I'm not sure, are these things any good? Is it going to keep my meat frozen, or should I be complaining at them to drop me off a fridge with a top freezer?

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My dear chap, be patient and wait to see how the thing works.

Yeah, I guess. Tomorrow is trip into town for grocery run to stock up the new fridge though. I'm just hoping I don't stock up on 3000 baht worth of meat, only to have a house that smells like rotting meat the next day. smile.png

But if I had more than 5 brain cells, I guess I'd realize I can just put some water in the ice cube tray overnight to test, eh?

Edited by Nautilus05
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My dear chap, be patient and wait to see how the thing works.

Yeah, I guess. Tomorrow is trip into town for grocery run to stock up the new fridge though. I'm just hoping I don't stock up on 3000 baht worth of meat, only to have a house that smells like rotting meat the next day. smile.png

But if I had more than 5 brain cells, I guess I'd realize I can just put some water in the ice cube tray overnight to test, eh?

Could be an idea old bean....

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Fridge freezers, freezer at the top, freezer at the bottom, it`s just a matter of preference and won`t make the slightest difference to it`s performance.

A friend has had a bottom fridge freezer for 15 years and works perfectly. The only inconvenience is that it means having to bend down each time you place items in and take out items from the freezer.

Now, would I lie to you?

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If its any help I bought a big boofing Chest freezer at Home Pro (8500ish) wherein I keep all my sausages and stuff. I can lock it too to stop the wife trying to show her pals the pleasures of a bacon cheese meltie. Hmmph!

you put a lock your fridge freezer so your wife cant take the food ?

i hope this is a joke laugh.pngcheesy.gif

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My dear chap, be patient and wait to see how the thing works.

Yeah, I guess. Tomorrow is trip into town for grocery run to stock up the new fridge though. I'm just hoping I don't stock up on 3000 baht worth of meat, only to have a house that smells like rotting meat the next day. smile.png

But if I had more than 5 brain cells, I guess I'd realize I can just put some water in the ice cube tray overnight to test, eh?

heat rises so technically the low freezer o the bottom design should be more efficient but i doubt there will be a noticeable

differnce in the performance

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You got the better refrigerator. They did you a favor. As mentioned, cold air won't fall out of a bottom freezer. Also, you use a freezer less often than a refrigerator, so it's nice to have the section you use most often at eye level.

Ours has a drawer in the middle for produce, between the freezer and refrigerator section. That's my favorite compartment. I can open it to get ingredients for cooking or salads without disturbing the other things in the refrigerator. I don't have to bend over and have the blood rush to my head while all the cold air falls out of the refrigerator as I look in the produce drawer like I did with the old refrigerator that had the produce drawer on the bottom of the refrigerator section.

Edited by NancyL
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The bottom is ok for all the reasons above but sometimes a pain in the ar** when you have to take everything out to get at whats underneath, just teaches you to organise better I suppose.

That was always my gripe with chest freezers, digging down to find what you want as sods law it wasnt on the top.

Edited by CharlieH
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I prefer freezer on bottom. One day, usually at night or low light, you will open a freezer and something will slide out and at free fall velocity hit your toes. It's only a matter of time, but a steak, slab of bacon, or some other poorly placed item will fall. Better to be at ground level, I think.

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mate, I have had a couple of bottom freezers, they work fine, just that you need to bend down to get stuff but its easier to get milk etc from the top section. Just go with what you feel comfortable with but I would be pissed they delivered the wrong one.

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We have had the bottom freezer unit drawer for nearly a year now, I would not swap it for a top unit for quids. Being a draw style, it holds a lot more compared to stacking things in a fixed box, and having them fall out on your head or not being able to access the stuff in the back, or forgetting something because you can't see it. The dairy is directly above it in the fridge, mid level for veg, so it provides a nice cool for those as well. You will love it, unless of course its a fixed bottom freezer, then its just a PITA to bend over and all above problems remain.


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Have switched to a freezer draw at bottom, biggest boom is can now

directly access the salad and veg tray without crawling around on my

hands and knees to rummage through the rotting garbage my missus

keeps in there.......you need to access the freezer draw less often.

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I would be pissed they delivered the wrong one.

meh, it's not actually my fridge, although I did pay for it. This house is a rental, and I accidentally broke the owner's fridge, so bought him a new one.

I tell ya, I'm a pretty nice tenant. That old fridge was a crapper -- just a small one door, with the freezer inside at the top. Was scraping ice off the freezer part, and accidentally punctured the coils. This new fridge I bought the owner is much nicer, and quite a bit larger too. :)

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If its any help I bought a big boofing Chest freezer at Home Pro (8500ish) wherein I keep all my sausages and stuff. I can lock it too to stop the wife trying to show her pals the pleasures of a bacon cheese meltie. Hmmph!

you put a lock your fridge freezer so your wife cant take the food ?

i hope this is a joke laugh.pngcheesy.gif

No joke. My Smoked bacon lasts seconds, less if her pals are around....

Nautilus, how did the top or bottom saga pan out?

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Nautilus, how did the top or bottom saga pan out?

I can confidently, bottom freezers are excellent! I'm actually quite happy they screwed up my order, and gave me the wrong fridge, as this one seems much better than the one I bought. Maybe I'm just so handsome, they thought they'd do me a favor.

But yeah, works like a charm, as stated above having the veggie drawer up higher is mighty convenient, it's very quiet, seems to use only minimal power, and doesn't seem to dissipate much heat. Too bad I'm leaving it here when I move in a couple months. :)

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