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Somebody was asking about other countries that are cheap and have easier visa requirements.

Philippines: You can get a one year tourist visa for US$70 (can get it in Bangkok or other embassies around Asia and the rest of the world). Then when you are in the Philippines, every two months, you make a trip to your local immigration office and pay them an average of US$20 a month. No need to leave the country for one year. Labour is cheaper. Cars are about 30% cheaper.

Dominican Republic: You get a 60 day tourist visa which you can extend for another 30 days. You can get residency, citizenship and a passport if you are marries to a Dominican Republic national or if you can prove that you have enough money. At the moment that is US$15,000 (fifteen thousand US$). You can buy land and real-estate even if you are on a tourist visa. Not sure about the cost of living but real-estate is the same price as Thailand and salaries are similar. 90 minutes flight from Miami, 3.5 hours from NY. Many direct international flights to Europe.

Argentina: I have friends that moved there about 6 months ago and from what they say it is as cheap as Thailand now. Don’t know about visas.

Maybe someone can tell us about Vietnam and Burma if anyone think that it is livable there.

You forgot Brazil and Mexico (real estate 25-50% of Thailand, cars 50%, visa for the asking). Yes if you decide to live in Sao Paulo, Rio or Mexico City you asked for trouble but there are a lot of nice little villages up and down the coast lines. If it wasn't that I happen to be married to a Thai who got homesick after 10 years in Europe I'd be over there long ago.

Well, I live in Phuket and its amazing how much better English some Laos Ladies speak then the Thais... Do they have better teachers in Laos??

Do you mean Laos or Issan? Issan is Thailand.


Went on my normal Penang run to get my usual triple entry tourist visa and was blind sided with the bad news; single entry visas only from now on. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. One good thing though, it opens up Laos and PP as nice options since Penang aint coming thru anymore

I just thought i'd post this to say that i have been reading the posts about the double and triple entry visas at Penang no longer being available.

I was planning to go there on the 15th of next month to get the tripple entry tourist visa but read all the bad reports and began to worry.

I contacted NJ BOOKCENTRE and they emailed me back today saying that they can arrange a triple entry for me with no problems.

I hope they are not telling porkies.....

I have been in Thailand for just over a year now and usually do the 30 Cambodia visa run but am running out of space in my passport now so tried to find other ways of getting a longer visa when i stumbled upon this site, and i'm glad i did.

It's not to easy for me to get a long visa even though i have a 49% share in a very small bar.

NJ BOOKCENTRE said that it would cost me rm 320, could you tell me how much that is in Thai baht please?



Hello, so now it's back to normal and we can get a triple entry again?!



Perth, Brisbane, Dubai, a few European countries (including the UK (Liverpool, Hull)) will all issue you with 12 month multiple entry non-immigrant B visas with the correct papers.

If you go in and out before the last day of expiry, you’ll get a final 3 month stamp on entry, so you actually end up getting 15 months out of a 12 month visa.

Sri Lanka was issuing non-immigrant B visas last year too, but I’m not sure on the situation there at the moment. Just a 3 and a half hour flight and 48 hr turnaround. Nice!

So, if you guys fancy going a bit farther than the Thai borders on your next trip out, you’ll set yourselves up nicely for 15 months of stress free stay in Thailand for just a couple of extra days travel. Good excuse for a break too!


You forgot Brazil and Mexico (real estate 25-50% of Thailand, cars 50%, visa for the asking). Yes if you decide to live in Sao Paulo, Rio or Mexico City you asked for trouble but there are a lot of nice little villages up and down the coast lines. If it wasn't that I happen to be married to a Thai who got homesick after 10 years in Europe I'd be over there long ago.

Very interesting!

Do you know about the cost of living, in these countries, comparing to Thailand?

Any place in particular (village or city) comes to mind?

How much is multi non o visa from Penang in Malay currency?

500 Ringit.[5000 baht pretty much]Penang accept LOCAL CURRENCY ONLY.


Just some info for people here. My friend was in Penang last week and only single entries were available. They said that for a period of time the people from the Thai embassy in Burma have been running Penang consul and they have been stricter than the usual lot.

I think someone else said that some staff from Penang are on holidays so I would assume whilst they have been away they have just moved some other staff over there and thats why there is this hiccup with the usual easily got 2 and 3 entry visas.

I imagine from that info its a temporary problem and it'll be back to normal soon. :o


so its been a few days since the last post on this unfortunate happening. I had been waiting to see if the winds change b4 running off to refund my train ticket.

just b4 i now do that, any further non-speculative movement in the direction of "good news"?

Is this vitamin B4, also knows as Adenine, you are talking about?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Hello out there...

I sent SMS to my friend in Penang (Malaysia) about the VISA problem down there and after that he call me back.

He say that the VISA problem in Penang only was for 2 weeks and everything is back to normal now and he confirmed that the problem was with a consul that was in burma.

So I go in 2 weeks to Penang to get my 3 x re-entry tourist visa there again.


  • 2 weeks later...
A couple of years ago I was in Singapore getting a one year multiple entry B visa. They told me they don't issue them there, I laughed of course "yes you do you little <deleted>, now run back there and talk to someone more important than you, about getting me one"

Wow and you wonder why the response to that was less than helpfull?! I'm sure your company used a slightly more diplomatic choice of words than "you little <deleted>", you little <deleted>.

I suspect that the powers at be finally said to Penang, "get with the program". I mean it's like every embassy/consulate in the region has clamped down on the multiple entries so why should Penang be allowed to be a rogue consulate. I am also certain that the agents and guesthouses would say this thing is only temporary as they are going to lose some business over this as customers branch out to other consulates that offer the same as Penang. I notice that this topic is quite popular at the moment with 132 users viewing. I think this is some pretty large news. I cant say I'm overly surprised though; each time I have gone to Penang, I have wondered whether it would be the time of some kind of change

The last time I did a visa run to Penang I used the Indian bookshop/money changer/Visa agent, etc, etc, on the corner of the Swiss park hotel. On the trip down I'd been warned that the consulate were being mean with multiple entry visas and he promised he'd get any visa I required for the equivalent of 400 Baht (cheaper than two, two way taxi fares).....and he did. My 12 month multi Non 'O'

Now this is purely speculation, but the bag he collected the passports in must have must have had 50 or more inside. Assuming he's turning up at the consulate with a bag full of passports - and pockets over flowing with cash, isn't it llikely that his best budy works behind the reception desk...Even more likely, isn't it in his 'budy's' interest to turn away as many farangs that turn up as possible and get them to use an agent. Of course, I'm sure this sort of thing would never go on in anywhere in Thailand, let alone a government consulate abroad :o

Hello out there...

I sent SMS to my friend in Penang (Malaysia) about the VISA problem down there and after that he call me back.

He say that the VISA problem in Penang only was for 2 weeks and everything is back to normal now and he confirmed that the problem was with a consul that was in burma.

So I go in 2 weeks to Penang to get my 3 x re-entry tourist visa there again.


Tx for the news!

I am trying to decide between KL and Penang, main advantage of KL seems to be direct flight from Chiang Mai and people here say it's nicer. I have only been to Penang so far and it was very easy with the Indian bookshop - just give him 500 baht and he gets the visa for you the next day, no waiting in lines no nothing.

Are there such agents in KL as well, and do you know a reputable one? I definitely don't want to spend time in the line - I am in the middle of a project and need to get lots of programming in.

Also, is there lots of free WiFi in KL? In Penang, there seemed to be free WiFi everywhere.

Thanks for any info!


Hello putdk

'QUOTE(putdk @ 2006-06-29 10:55:22)

Hello out there...

So I go in 2 weeks to Penang to get my 3 x re-entry tourist visa there again.'

I wonder if you've got a multiple enty visa?

Hello putdk

'QUOTE(putdk @ 2006-06-29 10:55:22)

Hello out there...

So I go in 2 weeks to Penang to get my 3 x re-entry tourist visa there again.'

I wonder if you've got a multiple enty visa?

I will inform you when im back on 15 Juli 2006.

Went on my normal Penang run to get my usual triple entry tourist visa and was blind sided with the bad news; single entry visas only from now on. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. One good thing though, it opens up Laos and PP as nice options since Penang aint coming thru anymore


Hello putdk

I wonder if you've got a multiple enty visa?

Yes, i got my multiple entry visa (triple) from penang stamped on the 12 July 2006.

Also, is there lots of free WiFi in KL? In Penang, there seemed to be free WiFi everywhere.

where did you find wi-fi in penang?


The penang consulate did not issue multi entry tourist visas for a two week period when the primary staff was away.


*wishful thinking, 20,000 views, 140 posts, and lots of conjecture for nothing...

Brazil. Not the big cities of course but anywhere up the coast from Rio have dozens of places just like Pattaya. You'll have to learn Portuguese, the Brazilians are not generally very good with English and you'll have christmas in the middle of the summer but other than that everything else will be much simpler. Visa's are easy to get, no need for work permits, nobody care and easy to get if you prefer. Costs of living similar. Great food, muchachas. US timezone. Stay away from the big cities such as Rio and Sao Paulo, high crime rates, traffic and pollution.

Similar cost of living? I was there on a brief visit in the 90's and it certainly wasn't as cheap as Thailand. But then the inflation rate was something like 50% (though if you had foreign currency then not so disconcerting).


l am reading different prices here for the Non lmmigrant O visa. Some are saying 500 baht, some are saying 500 RM. Confusing.

Anyways, how much for a Non lmmigrant B, for a little teaching position. Anyone know for sure ?

Also, is there lots of free WiFi in KL? In Penang, there seemed to be free WiFi everywhere.

where did you find wi-fi in penang?

All Cafes had it: Starbucks, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Segafredo. The most consistently free one was Segafredo, followed by Starbucks. Coffee Bean often was paid-for WiFi, so I didn't use that.

Any shopping center, but mainly I was in the Segafredo nearby my hotel (downtown georgetown) and in Gurney Plaza shopping center.

l am reading different prices here for the Non lmmigrant O visa. Some are saying 500 baht, some are saying 500 RM. Confusing.

Anyways, how much for a Non lmmigrant B, for a little teaching position. Anyone know for sure ?

Don't know about B but Non-Immigrant O multiple entry 1 year was 500RM (last week in KL).

That's 500RM == 5000 Baht.

mainly I was in the Segafredo nearby my hotel (downtown georgetown)

sorry to pester you, but can you tell me where this is in Georgetown? i need to keep working while i am in Penang so I will need wi-fi. also, what's the easiest way to get to Gurney Plaza from Georgetown?


also, what's the easiest way to get to Gurney Plaza from Georgetown?

Taxi, unless you want to take a bus and then do some walking from the closest point to Gurney Plaza where there's a bus stop (probably Midlands One-Stop on Jalan Burmah).


No. The Royal Thai Consulate is open Mon-Fri only and closed on all Thai or Malaysian holidays. Believe times are 0900-1200 for visa application and 1400-1600 for visa pickup.

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