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Food prices push inflation to reach its highest in 14 months: Thailand


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The biggest problem in Thailand is the monopolies of the companies.

The whole market is divided under just a few companies, who can ask whatever they want, as there is no other choice.

Bingo thumbsup.gif

Free market it isnt and as long as they keep it in the Thai family and foreign companies not allowed to bring in a competitive and free market its effectively a closed market and the prices are fixed to suit the main players .. it filters down from there.

Food prices in the UK are dropping and have been for a couple of years and now a lot of it is cheaper than Thailand... limes 10 bht and double the size for one example. not from the UK or thailand either sometimes africa sometimes s america sometimes asia ... free market and competitive pricing keeps it down somewhat.

Edited by englishoak
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My water bill jumped 100% from last year. Yes, a double price for water. It is not anywhere near what my native country charges for it but makes me just wonder how it affects the poorest people here. After all, they do hand wash their laundry etc.

I see Thailand as very expensive place for its poorest folks.

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My water bill jumped 100% from last year. Yes, a double price for water. It is not anywhere near what my native country charges for it but makes me just wonder how it affects the poorest people here. After all, they do hand wash their laundry etc.

I see Thailand as very expensive place for its poorest folks.

My water cost here in Bangkok is the same as last year...water provided by the Bangkok Metropolitan Waterworks Authority. Where do you live in Thailand that rates a 100% increase in the price of water....maybe water coming from a private company versus the govt? Kinda like some of these posts where you see people paying some landlord twice the govt rate for electricity.

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