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Does anyone on here actually enjoy the heat?

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I must admit, I've acclimatised.

But I've also dropped 10 kgs and that has helped.

Pat, are you a + size fella?

Not trying to be smart ... just asking.

No, I'm not, I'm just under 6ft and 90 kgs, so around 5kgs over, just hate this heat.

I am 5'9" and 72kgs and the heat doesn't bother me but the cold does, maybe I am too skinny.

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Its really hot this time of year,

I often wonder how the Thais managed before big C and Tesco etc arrived here, its

where they all seem to hurry with the entire family and stay all day in the air con building.The parking lot is crammed every weekend and not many actually shopping, just strolling around.

The wife says she cant remember it getting this hot, seems to be getting hotter each year.


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The weather at the beach is pleasant with cooling sea breezes. Running the a/c a little more at night. This month's electric bill was 2,400 baht (500 baht more than average) for a 140 sqm condo. I know I wouldn't want to have a home inland because of the heat.


Air conditioning sales people love it.

The installers of these air-cons love it.

Mitsubishi, Daikin, etc are surely going to profit nicely from the heat.

MEA (Metropolitan Electricity Authority) love it.


all depends where you are from, queensland, australia exactly the same as here, i think this is normal , have not had air con on yet this year, you have to learn to relax around midday, we go to the pub when it gets really hot 47 48, then you know its hot, you can cook an egg on the bonnet of your truck, when working in the outback we would start a concrete pour at 3 am to get it in , before it got hot, it is unbeleiveably hot, thats why most of us love beer, nothing better than a cold beer after a hard days work in the heat

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Not even Thais get used to it. Everyone hates it. It's a great place to go on holidays. To the beach. I guess for those who retire there it is the price you pay for the cheap life

Spot on. As I said earlier you must be a simple to actually enjoy it. Abd to clarify, I'm not stating I don't like the warm, I'm saying that I don't like the obscene heat. Not sure why that offends some on here and are using winters in the UK as a stick to beat me with, the 2 do not have to be mutually exclusive.

Only all year round hot countries are cheap, it goes with the territory. Fact.


Not even Thais get used to it. Everyone hates it. It's a great place to go on holidays. To the beach. I guess for those who retire there it is the price you pay for the cheap life

Only all year round hot countries are cheap, it goes with the territory. Fact.

Singapore is cheap? Mexico. Argentina?


Can we please stop calling people who enjoy the heat a "simple"? I don't want the thaivisa junta to come out with some personalised curfews...

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I must admit, I've acclimatised.

But I've also dropped 10 kgs and that has helped.

Pat, are you a + size fella?

Not trying to be smart ... just asking.

No, I'm not, I'm just under 6ft and 90 kgs, so around 5kgs over, just hate this heat.


BMI suggests your ideal weight 65-75Kg, that makes you at least 15Kg overweight.

I'm 6ft and 74Kg, could lose a couple more Kg, to tell the truth.

I used to be 90Kg, way too big.

As for the heat, better too hot than too cold.

Been too cold for 50 years, next 50 I'm hoping for too hot.

I would be happy with 85k.

You must look like a pencil. Not for me.

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I found last summer (my first summer here) hotter, maybe I'm more used to it, but the humidity is the killer for me. Sweat sitting down, but no aircon in the day until I pick up my little fella from school so he gets to cool down. All is good though given the prediction of a few rainy days this weekend and into next week starting tomorrow.


Not even Thais get used to it. Everyone hates it. It's a great place to go on holidays. To the beach. I guess for those who retire there it is the price you pay for the cheap life

Only all year round hot countries are cheap, it goes with the territory. Fact.

Singapore is cheap? Mexico. Argentina?

Mexico and Argentina are hot all year round?? Back to school for you.

I'll give you Singapore, that is an exception.


Having lived my whole life in Hong Kong and Bangkok, I don't mind the heat and humidity.

Sometimes in the hotter months if I've been walking to quickly I'll be sweating a lot, but that is my fault for being late usually.

Thankfully I'm not fat, I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must be for overweight people in this climate.

I definitely prefer having to wear few clothes to stay cool, than cold climates where you need to wear layers of clothing to keep warm.


I think if you live on one of the islands with sea breeze's it would be okay,but here in Petchabun we have hardly had a day from early march until now lower than 38c,and quite a few over 40,different heat to Australia as that is generally a dry heat[except for the far north],my feeling is it is harder to cool down than warm up,we have had a few occasions here when storms have knocked out power for 12 hours or more,that really was hellish,but the rainy season usually brings temp's down and the cool season this year was great,i really have had enough of it now,my Thai wife hates it too.


I detest the cold and much prefer the heat of Thailand . I'm in England at the moment, start of June, pouring with rain and I,Ve got the central heating on cause its cold. I find it easier to cool down if your hot than try to get warm if your cold, it gets into your bones. Warmer climes are much more social able places to live.


One flame deleted. The aggression in this thread stops.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


In my experience I've always found that people who worship the heat are a little, well, simple..

Being hot/sweating is a not a comfortable or pleasant experience in any way....the exception maybe if you fancy half hour on the beach or by the pool, but that's about it IMO..

Great news Pat, air conditioning is available.


I took my wife (Thai) to Vegas, Hoover Dam, and the Grand Canyon in July. Her words were: "I don't ever want to hear anyone complain about Thailand being hot".

Could only get her out of the car to pose for pics for a moment at a time.

Different heat friend. The lack of humidity is like sitting in an oven. For a real thrill, soak in a pool awhile then get out--you'll shiver.


Guess would not be here if I did not enjoy the heat..

Never use air con day time of night time......... saying that last week had Thai friend in the house so had to have the air con switched on, after they left I went to bed it did feel very hot upstairs.. silly me closed all the windows and set air con at 27, in the morning was in so much pain and cold, difficult to get up and get down the stairs., and I am of large build 6'3 and 120 KG

Just find the 2+ months of winter here is cold and my body fully of pain, so yes enjoy the heat and sun

Edit: I'm acclimatized this is year 11 here, also spent 13 years in South of France and the Algarve in Portugal

What Winter ?? Or are you referring back home wherever ?


In my experience I've always found that people who worship the heat are a little, well, simple..

Being hot/sweating is a not a comfortable or pleasant experience in any way....the exception maybe if you fancy half hour on the beach or by the pool, but that's about it IMO..

I "Keep it Simple". When hot, I go indoors and use the fan or a/c.

I am not annoyed by the heat. I wear a hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, dress comfortably, drink lots of water and walk slowly in the shade where possible.

I mostly wear long pants which keeps my lower extremity perspiration from evaporating quickly. (Ever see a native desert dweller in shorts and short sleeve shirt?). Perspiration is the bodies cooling system.

I forgo shorts unless going to the beach. They leave too much skin exposed to the sun.

Stay cool all. :)


Walked around Temple Town earlier. Can't walk slow and I was soaked within seconds. According to the weather site, the "real feel" was 44 degrees Centigrade. Toasty.....

Another 4-shower day. But I shouldn't complain: our football team plays this afternoon.....


In my experience I've always found that people who worship the heat are a little, well, simple..

Being hot/sweating is a not a comfortable or pleasant experience in any way....the exception maybe if you fancy half hour on the beach or by the pool, but that's about it IMO..

Great news Pat, air conditioning is available.

What everywhere you go??? Now that would be good.

Yes, have air con inside, but who wants to be holed up all day at home with all the doors and windows closed not wanting to go outside because it's too frigging hot?? Pretty sad way to live IMO.


I love it.

The heat makes me sweat profusely.

This gives the sillier locals ample opportunity to demonstrate their wit and humor.

"Fon tok, mai ?" (is it raining ?) being far and away the best one liner they can come up with.

(Seconded by variations about jogging my way to the office and forgetting to strip down before taking a shower)

This gives me an opportunity to practice my hard-won version of the Thai language.

(NOT RESPONDING to this insult that they would NEVER deliver to a THAI man of my standing is not an option, now is it ;-?)

So I get to admit that YES, I DO sweat because I have to go out and about "delivering the pizza"

And then to explain that since I am frequently in and out of the air-conditioning I drop into my Central Bkk digs to shower frequently. Oh yes, and I always carry an extra shirt.

I may then engage them in a conversation about how fortunate they are to be able to sit in an air-con environment and "payfait-book" or Cookielun or Lie all day.

After this I slowly manipulate the thread around to where THEY may have had lunch. (Outside) and if it was air-con (NO) and did they sweat (YES, a littun bit) and if they had a chance to shower. (Of course not)

I express my regret that the office has no shower as yet but we would look into it if enough people want one.

The very suggestion is met with shock and disbelief.

I suggest that a working group that showered together after lunch would work more harmoniously together.

The smarter ones understand I am joking. These are usually the prettier and less tight-assed among our staff.

Thais DO tend to live and think in the present, however.

Avid they are profoundly concerned about personal hygiene.

The notion that they haven't showered and that their littun bits might currently be a mite sweaty after lunch remains with them.

So, yeah.

The very thought of all that, in Thai is kind of fun.

I just love the heat :-))

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "


Absolutely adore it. Was always cold at home in Western Europe, people said it was due to "poor blood circulation" or "thin blood" because I smoked 40 cigs. a day and drank like a fish in the depressing weather. Had to pack in work due to a bad back, had to give up drinking and smoking for health reasons. One year later came to live in Thailand. My back problems are hardly noticeable now except for the occasional bout. That was 12 years ago and today I feel like a two year old.......OK, that's a bit of an exaggeration now that I'm 65....feel like a three year old then ....now that's a bit nearer the truth.....Role on the Sun and Thailand...gave me a new lease of life.

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