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[Video] Thailand Coup 2014 - Message to John Kerry and the World


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It comes as no surprise that John Kerry is addressed in this video. He is the person who represents everything what is wrong with the USA. A proven liar, a hypocrite, a fraud and above all according to numerous U.S servicemen a traitor to his own nation. As far as video is concerned, keep them coming.

Since the military took over the life in Bangkok is better and safer. I would dare to say it's safer to be in Bangkok than any other big city in the USA. Tourists are coming and will continue coming to Thailand. Thailand is still great place to spend your holiday.

Edited by metisdead
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No surprise that traitor Jane Fonda Kerry sides with the commie red-shirts, he has always sided with the commies.

This was by far, the funniest thing I have seen on Thai Visa yet. Completely wrong and moronic, but funny as hell. John Kerry, a war hero who went home to disagree with the "police action" he fought in and luckily survived. He has spent his life serving his country both in the military and in government. A saint he is not, but one thing I am certain of, he isn't any "commie".

And give up on Jane Fonda. Her photo taken with the Vietnamese insurgents 50 years ago is such old news. She has long since apologized.

I'm sure the POW's have completely forgiven her ( NOT!).

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Let me reiterate, the video was not news and my original post made absolutely no mention of censorship. And what made it not an opinion piece was that the video presented itself as news. That makes it propaganda in my book and thus a poor choice to be placed as a header on a news thread. And I should note that I am still scratching my head over the insertion of a completely unrelated and dated interview with Perkins inserted towards the end of the video.

I watched it again today so the reality of the video is more than clear to me. In he marketplace of ideas, issues, of real people and in their real everyday lives, this video doesn't stand scrutiny by any democratic or progressive people or nation. The video is a horrifying self-condemnation of its makers by its makers. What could be more newsworthy than that.

I agree but looking at the posts so far how many Thai Visa members have the ability to understand what you are talking about?

Your point is well taken which is why, based on many posts to date, I took the time to make an extended post to present a vital alternative perspective to the prevailing view against the video.

The video on the surface is damning of the United States, in large part because it is directed at the United States government, Rather than attack Prez Obama directly, however, it focuses on SecState John Kerry, OB's foreign policy guy. Neither is Amb Kenney mentioned because also hammering either OB and/or a U.S. (professional foreign service) ambassador would definitely be further OTT politically.

Still, however, the video is so sweeping and damning that it raises questions among the Americans who may see it. The video is particularly harsh against democracy, which people in the West know is a flawed but best of all the other worst systems of government.

People almost anywhere naturally seek both sides to the story, which makes this provocative video the catalyst to find out the alternative, opposite, points of view and positions, i.e., the positions and policies of the United States government in these matters. To investors and political types in the U.S. who struggle to pay attention, the policies of the U.S. government have also been expressed in major MSM of the USA, and throughout the West in general (and in this region of the world besides).

The mug shot lineup of Western elected leaders in North America, Europe, Oceania (Gillard notwithstanding) invite the viewer to ask why are heads of democracies being frontally attacked by supporters of a coup d'état, one that continues to rule by martial law? When, where, how, have foreign tin-badge generals been champions of democracy? How could the reality of absolute military rule be different this time in coup-prone Thailand, if it would in fact be different?

The one single and first thing any of the democratic peoples would need to know to raise red flags is that this is the 19th coup d'état in the country since 1932, the second in 7.5 years besides. The fact makes South American banana republics of the distant past seem moderate and brings to mind Mugabe style stability.

The same points that the "good guys" who post here make occur to any democratic Western person abroad - if there's something wrong in a government, how and why does it justify a coup to correct?

So everyone here now awaits the video production that will blow this one away, coming soon, one suspects. George knows he himself invited it and I'd bet the farm he's going to get it, and by special delivery. smile.png Robert Amsterdam is likely tuning up his voice at this very moment.

And there is always the perpetual question any person in any country will ask - what is really going on. thumbsup.gif

The Bangkok feudal fools directly invite their own demise.

You are right but all the following posters will ignore it because it is too long. You only have 40 words at max.

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Read Publicus and then Mackie. Different planets eh?

Both have relevant points but it is true about this video. Of course all of the things said about Thaksin are true but that doesn't change the fact that this video heavilt distorts many things. Elites fighting over power and control, be damned to any that oppose and censor those that dare speak out against it. How can people advocate this kind of suppression and actively encourage it?

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Not a great choice of song sumtingwong.. do you actually know that its about the paradox of revolutions and that Lennon understood it all too well?

The original slow version appears on The White Album. The fast, loud version was released as a single. In the slow version, Lennon says "count me in" as well as "count me out" when referring to violence. This gives the song a dual meaning.

He should have been careful what he wished for, because he got it.

A very ugly, just past midnight comment...........

Murdered in cold blood by an insane American who robbed the world of the genius of Lennon.

The same kind of person who murdered so many in Vietnam for no discernible purpose.

Jane Fonda had some good songs and some good opinions.

"Should have been careful what he wished for"

Pathetic comment.

Edited by philw
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Unadulterated propaganda is bound to deploy truths, half-truths and lies, be selective, and express it in misleading language. This video is full of all that. Kerry and other countries' foreign ministries and diplomats are far too intelligent and well-informed to be impressed by it. So who is it directed at? However it does show that the junta and its backers are rattled by the international distaste. One hopes the paymasters were taken to the cleaners by the pr firm / ad agency that produced this rubbish.

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Not a great choice of song sumtingwong.. do you actually know that its about the paradox of revolutions and that Lennon understood it all too well?

The original slow version appears on The White Album. The fast, loud version was released as a single. In the slow version, Lennon says "count me in" as well as "count me out" when referring to violence. This gives the song a dual meaning.

He should have been careful what he wished for, because he got it.

A very ugly, just past midnight comment...........

Murdered in cold blood by an insane American who robbed the world of the genius of Lennon.

The same kind of person who murdered so many in Vietnam for no discernible purpose.

Jane Fonda had some good songs and some good opinions.

"Should have been careful what he wished for"

Pathetic comment.

Your observation is well taken because someone is walking freely through the threads throwing bombs with impunity.

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the utter hubris of this PRC Mao style 8 pts of attention is as pathetic as it gets. the elites (amarti) are directly responsible for the rice debacle recent & past, persistent abject poverty in city slums, provincial villages/monthons & Thais abroad in low wage labor, a military dictatorship that the US govt has mistakenly backed far too long like so many others... et al agree, John Kerry may have mispoken a bit too soon. no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule. like it or not, historians & political scientists in the free world will find such synthetic jibberish a footnote in their assessment of recent events. whomever crafted this vdo is full of more krap than a Xmas goose !

Edited by 123thaibourbon
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the utter hubris of this PRC Mao style 8 pts of attention is as pathetic as it gets. the elites (amarti) are directly responsible for the rice debacle recent & past, persistent abject poverty in city slums, provincial villages/monthons & Thais abroad in low wage labor, a military dictatorship that the US govt has mistakenly backed far too long like so many others... et al agree, John Kerry may have mispoken a bit too soon. no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule. like it or not, historians & political scientists in the free world will find such synthetic jibberish a footnote in their assessment of recent events. whomever crafted this vdo is full of more krap than a Xmas goose !

How so? When the policy and it's disastrous implementation came from Thaksin's PTP. And as for the seeger thing all I have to say is

"never trust a hippy" or in P. Seeger's case

"never trust a proto hippy"

Edited by bkkstooge
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"no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule."

You would be correct, if you were talking about the tyrannical rule of the Shinawatra dictatorship under the commie PTP.

One side wants elections and the other wants military rule. Hmmmmm. Which side are communists? Wait, that's wrong. Stalin was a communist and he never got elected. Mao was a communist and he never got elected. Hmmmm. Why don't communists like elections? Which form of government likes elections?

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the utter hubris of this PRC Mao style 8 pts of attention is as pathetic as it gets. the elites (amarti) are directly responsible for the rice debacle recent & past, persistent abject poverty in city slums, provincial villages/monthons & Thais abroad in low wage labor, a military dictatorship that the US govt has mistakenly backed far too long like so many others... et al agree, John Kerry may have mispoken a bit too soon. no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule. like it or not, historians & political scientists in the free world will find such synthetic jibberish a footnote in their assessment of recent events. whomever crafted this vdo is full of more krap than a Xmas goose !

How so? When the policy and it's disastrous implementation came from Thaksin's PTP. And as for the seeger thing all I have to say is

"never trust a hippy" or in P. Seeger's case

"never trust a proto hippy"

lo & behold in May 2013, India rice cartel lifted the export ban. thus, plan to help Thai farmers failed eventually. regardless, the rice should have been milled, polished & stored properly as it has been stockpiled many times before. The alueron layer (bran) is valuable and supplements the nutrition of livestock/fish feedstuffs. Rural Thai farmers who mill their own rice leave some bran on polished grains. this is the best rice, but it does not store well..

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"no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule."

You would be correct, if you were talking about the tyrannical rule of the Shinawatra dictatorship under the commie PTP.

One side wants elections and the other wants military rule. Hmmmmm. Which side are communists? Wait, that's wrong. Stalin was a communist and he never got elected. Mao was a communist and he never got elected. Hmmmm. Why don't communists like elections? Which form of government likes elections?

the reformed RTG will have many more appointed MP's & Senators et al.. the system will resemble the CCCCP for sure.

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"no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule."

You would be correct, if you were talking about the tyrannical rule of the Shinawatra dictatorship under the commie PTP.

One side wants elections and the other wants military rule. Hmmmmm. Which side are communists? Wait, that's wrong. Stalin was a communist and he never got elected. Mao was a communist and he never got elected. Hmmmm. Why don't communists like elections? Which form of government likes elections?


"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything". - Joseph Stalin

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"no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule."

You would be correct, if you were talking about the tyrannical rule of the Shinawatra dictatorship under the commie PTP.

One side wants elections and the other wants military rule. Hmmmmm. Which side are communists? Wait, that's wrong. Stalin was a communist and he never got elected. Mao was a communist and he never got elected. Hmmmm. Why don't communists like elections? Which form of government likes elections?


"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything". - Joseph Stalin

How can asking a question be wrong? ???? My question was, "Which form of government likes elections?" What is wrong about that?

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To the poster who called the PTP "commie" I suggest you look up just what communist implies.

The only reason I can think of for your reasoning is that you are part of the moneyed class and that the Shinawatras and the PTP used populist policies to redistribute some of the wealth of Thailand down to the rural poor who constitute the bulk of the population.

Stalin and Mao were not true communists because Marxist theory says the ruling of the nation is to be in the hands of the proletariat not the military as both of those did.

I happen to believe that communism is totally unworkable but some socialism as we see in places like Denmark and Sweden does help the general populace. However that requires that folks like you pay a little of your wealth (taxes) to help those less fortunate than you.

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To the poster who called the PTP "commie" I suggest you look up just what communist implies.

The only reason I can think of for your reasoning is that you are part of the moneyed class and that the Shinawatras and the PTP used populist policies to redistribute some of the wealth of Thailand down to the rural poor who constitute the bulk of the population.

Stalin and Mao were not true communists because Marxist theory says the ruling of the nation is to be in the hands of the proletariat not the military as both of those did.

I happen to believe that communism is totally unworkable but some socialism as we see in places like Denmark and Sweden does help the general populace. However that requires that folks like you pay a little of your wealth (taxes) to help those less fortunate than you.


Big T Little sis and PTP used badly implemented populist policies to get votes so Thaksin could carry on ripping this country off by proxy.

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To the poster who called the PTP "commie" I suggest you look up just what communist implies.

The only reason I can think of for your reasoning is that you are part of the moneyed class and that the Shinawatras and the PTP used populist policies to redistribute some of the wealth of Thailand down to the rural poor who constitute the bulk of the population.

Stalin and Mao were not true communists because Marxist theory says the ruling of the nation is to be in the hands of the proletariat not the military as both of those did.

I happen to believe that communism is totally unworkable but some socialism as we see in places like Denmark and Sweden does help the general populace. However that requires that folks like you pay a little of your wealth (taxes) to help those less fortunate than you.

having spent 7 years living and working in Hanoi Vietnam I beg to differ

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

the utter hubris of this PRC Mao style 8 pts of attention is as pathetic as it gets. the elites (amarti) are directly responsible for the rice debacle recent & past, persistent abject poverty in city slums, provincial villages/monthons & Thais abroad in low wage labor, a military dictatorship that the US govt has mistakenly backed far too long like so many others... et al agree, John Kerry may have mispoken a bit too soon. no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule. like it or not, historians & political scientists in the free world will find such synthetic jibberish a footnote in their assessment of recent events. whomever crafted this vdo is full of more krap than a Xmas goose !

just to clarify; I am referring to the vdo about John Kerry as it resembles unrealistic Maoist propaganda as depicted by Mr. Seeger. Human dignity and freedoms trump collectivism. the govt serves the people not vice versa. most of the privy council needs a good boot in the pants.. the wealth of Thailand is tremendous, beyond the disclosed CPB. yet many remain poor and looked down upon. these types of caste societies are on the brink of extinction in the 21st century. there is always an invisible (black) hand behind structural violence be it religion, despotism or nationalism out of control. focus must be on individual human rights first & foremost.

Edited by 123thaibourbon
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

the utter hubris of this PRC Mao style 8 pts of attention is as pathetic as it gets. the elites (amarti) are directly responsible for the rice debacle recent & past, persistent abject poverty in city slums, provincial villages/monthons & Thais abroad in low wage labor, a military dictatorship that the US govt has mistakenly backed far too long like so many others... et al agree, John Kerry may have mispoken a bit too soon. no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule. like it or not, historians & political scientists in the free world will find such synthetic jibberish a footnote in their assessment of recent events. whomever crafted this vdo is full of more krap than a Xmas goose !

just to clarify; I am referring to the vdo about John Kerry as it resembles unrealistic Maoist propaganda as depicted by Mr. Seeger. Human dignity and freedoms trump collectivism. the govt serves the people not vice versa. most of the privy council needs a good boot in the pants.. the wealth of Thailand is tremendous, beyond the disclosed CPB. yet many remain poor and looked down upon. these types of caste societies are on the brink of extinction in the 21st century. there is always an invisible (black) hand behind structural violence be it religion, despotism or nationalism out of control. focus must be on individual human rights first an foremost.

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The only reason I can think of for your reasoning is that you are part of the moneyed class and that the Shinawatras and the PTP used populist policies to redistribute some of the wealth of Thailand down to the rural poor

Nearly right. Most of these TV posters who spout this "commie" and "we love the yellows" BS are actually just right wing sex pats desperate to distance themselves from their Thaskin loving wife who they pay to live with them. They think that writing this pish on an English language forum gets them some kind of status or somehow makes them part of the Thai establishment. Bizarre I know.

I commend all the guys still trying to fight a rationale debate here but the truth is how can you debate anything when advocating one side of the debate actually now illegal? How can you debate the current situation when the issue at the heart of is also illegal to discuss. (it aint corruption btw pro coup groupies)


Heres a good article written in a land where free speech is allowed and without the ongoing hegemony to believe in this BS.

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What is Thailand today?

Not a democracy

Not free.

The dictarorship runs it,

It is not answerable to any law.

And yet after all the lying, cheating and chaos of the free democracy we've had for the past three years the people seem to like the peaceful, law abiding Thailand we have now and the smiles are actually returning to the faces again.

Still, what do the people know? coffee1.gif

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To the poster who called the PTP "commie" I suggest you look up just what communist implies.

The only reason I can think of for your reasoning is that you are part of the moneyed class and that the Shinawatras and the PTP used populist policies to redistribute some of the wealth of Thailand down to the rural poor who constitute the bulk of the population.

Stalin and Mao were not true communists because Marxist theory says the ruling of the nation is to be in the hands of the proletariat not the military as both of those did.

I happen to believe that communism is totally unworkable but some socialism as we see in places like Denmark and Sweden does help the general populace. However that requires that folks like you pay a little of your wealth (taxes) to help those less fortunate than you.

From Webster's dictionary:

so·cial·ism: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism.

hotair headline "Liberal Austin homeowners surprised to find they have to pay all the taxes they voted for"

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