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Where to meet a good Thai girls in Bangkok considering my situation? Any help appreciated


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If the poster finds it difficult to meet a nice Thai girl in Thailand there's got to be something seriously wrong with him
I hardly speak a word of Thai and I'm a very ordinary kind of man, but I've found it very easy to meet and have quite satisfying relationships with numerous Thai ladies
I recall meeting a Brit wandering aimlessly around Pattaya who asked me 'how do you meet a girl here?'
I would have thought a more sensible question would have been 'how do you avoid meeting a girl here?'
In LA or London I can see there would be a problem in meeting girls. In the US it seems to be just the size of your wallet that counts and in Londinustan your ability to speak Urdu
But in Bangkok you only need to be breathing, and I'm not sure that's entirely essential

Well I have difficulties approaching them. I'm kinda afraid of failure or being rejected. Dunno why, it's always been like that. I had quite a few relation ships in my life, some really nice girls... but believe it or not, except one girl, they always approached me and not the way round. Take the "believe it or not" literally and if you don't the please don't bother me with it.

Besides I'm not sure if we share a mutual definition about "nice girl".

I can certainly believe that.

Whether other people believe it or not I've also always waited for the girls to come to me. Then again in Hong Kong I was well known in the bar and club scene so girls wanted to know who I was.

Although I am very shy and I don't even like going to the supermarket on my own (I'm very very concerned about what other people think of me and if I'm alone I think everyone must be criticising how I look, what I'm doing, why I'm alone etc), if I am with just one person I know then my shyness disappears and I'm very outgoing.

Even some of my longest friends have no idea I'm paralysed with fear when I'm on my own as they've obviously only seen the outgoing, center of attention guy that I become when with friends (where I feel safe from other people's criticisms).

Yes I know I need therapy ;-)

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I've seen some lame posts but this one is pathetic - you're in your mid twenties and you're educated and speak Thai - and you're in Bangkok where there are more beautiful women per sq mile than anywhere else in the world- man up, open your eyes and get on with it!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Some people advocate just starting out talking to any girl you see and then trying to talk to more attractive ones.

Like just striking up conversations with normal looking girls first. Talk about anything. The weather. Food. Anything. Once you've become more confident in talking to normal looking girls try to speak with more attractive ones. Eventually make it a goal to speak with every attractive girl you see.

It works.

Well this seems like an honest, friendly way of doing it, if one has the ability. It seems framed in an attitude that seems decent and practical enough.

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I've seen some lame posts but this one is pathetic - you're in your mid twenties and you're educated and speak Thai - and you're in Bangkok where there are more beautiful women per sq mile than anywhere else in the world- man up, open your eyes and get on with it!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Are you afraid of anything?

Spiders? man up and get in a box full of them....

Snakes? man up and have them draped over you....

Heights? man up and go sky diving!!

Fear affects people in different ways, telling someone to man up is really not going to work.

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OP should realize there's not much point asking on here.

The typical - I say again, TYPICAL - member on this forum doesn't have a clue about how to meet conventional women.

That's why they're in Thailand for crying out loud


Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Why ask on thaivisa in the first pace unless you like a bit of trolling.

The majority of the members are 50+ and do not speak thai , They are married or maybe hopelessy in love with a girl they met in a bar.

Try a meeting group for singles or something like that.

Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I've seen some lame posts but this one is pathetic - you're in your mid twenties and you're educated and speak Thai - and you're in Bangkok where there are more beautiful women per sq mile than anywhere else in the world- man up, open your eyes and get on with it!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Are you afraid of anything?

Spiders? man up and get in a box full of them....

Snakes? man up and have them draped over you....

Heights? man up and go sky diving!!

Fear affects people in different ways, telling someone to man up is really not going to work.

Come on - fear is one thing -chatting up girls is another- hardly in the high risk area - they either say yes or no - what's to be afraid of??!!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I've seen some lame posts but this one is pathetic - you're in your mid twenties and you're educated and speak Thai - and you're in Bangkok where there are more beautiful women per sq mile than anywhere else in the world- man up, open your eyes and get on with it!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Are you afraid of anything?

Spiders? man up and get in a box full of them....

Snakes? man up and have them draped over you....

Heights? man up and go sky diving!!

Fear affects people in different ways, telling someone to man up is really not going to work.

Come on - fear is one thing -chatting up girls is another- hardly in the high risk area - they either say yes or no - what's to be afraid of??!!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Rejection. Having someone think bad things about you. Having a girl tell her friends "look at that loser over there, he thought he was good enough for me"

Not knowing who in the place now knows you are being talked about as a loser.....

Many reasons why someone might be afraid of going and trying to chat up a girl.

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Art shows, cultural events, Thai centric historical things like royal photo exhibits or information exhibits.

The fact you speak good Thai is a godsend to your plan, because you can easily go to places most expats are out of their element in. Comment briefly in Thai about something like a picture in front of your face if a girl walks up to look at it, and see who suddenly wants to talk with you. You need not use some pick up line, or even think in pick up terms, just discuss what you are observing. The girl will likely keep things going in relative surprise at your conversational ability and language skills. Plus the dynamic is much easier here than with most western ladies. Just be friendly and appear interested, and Bobs your uncle.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by animatic
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This is not a BS thread, I find it very entertaining, and you are to thank for that, all I am saying really is I have never been with a lady who finds an over muscular guy attractive. A toned body yes, but not an over muscled one.

Altough I do not completely share your opinion on this one, I have to say even if there is not a single girl in Thailand who finds my body attractive, I won't really care. I love working out and that won't change for anyone.

@Bernard: short legs yes but not shorter than Thai guys, little legs no

Glad you 2 are entertained but then again.. if you don't have anything constructive to say, why not simply stop posting in this thread?

If you're going to get into a meaningful relationship, you'll have to change somewhat. We all do! If a woman doesn't think she can change you, she won't be interested. The trick is to make her think she's changing you!

The best thing you can do is get some mates - male mates - go out with them regularly and in time you'll be sure to find a lady here in Bangkok. There are millions of pretty girls here of all classes and backgrounds, you'll find the right one in the end - its not as if you haven't found any so far in fact you've been out with more totty thna most of us. Plenty of Thai girls are interested in Farang guys, on't try too hard and Miss Right will come along in the end.

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Well, I'm socially inept, so after my first wife died I chose to use prostitutes for several years. However I used to browse the message boards for useful advice and I remember one thread that addressed this exact point. You will be able to meet "nice" Thai girls in the same kind of places you would meet nice girls in your home country.

Personally I would recommend going to a wat on Phra days. I'm not sure how it works everywhere, but in the wats I've been to, after everybody has given food to the monks they set out food for their own family group to eat. If people see you alone they may invite you to join them in the meal. if your Thai is really serviceable your should be able to get people to show you the ropes. That breaks the ice, and you start meeting nice Thai people. Of course not all of them will be nice, just like Christians attending church, but I think you get my drift.

A less likely route, in my opinion, is to go to some places near universities. I remember there was a bar called Brown Sugar on the street behind Lumpini Park. I think it's Soi Sarasin, named after the former police chief (who ran the narcotics racket). It may not still be there. I haven't been there for more than ten years. Otherwise, try to find places where college students hang out. I never thought of concerts as being a good place to pick up girls, but I've seen them recommended. Is AUA still open? That used to be a place where there were a lot of Thais in their early twenties studying English who might like to practice.

Aside from these two suggestions I'm afraid I can't help you.

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@Professor: wanted to give you a like but reached my quota, I like your advices as well.

I am not really religious but I have interest in temples and also went there quite often, sometimes also alone. So I guess I it wouldn't be tooooo hypocritical for me to go there.

I was talking to some Thai friends today and when RCA come up by chance, they immediately said it's super well known for One-Night-Stands... surprised me but apparently that's the way it is (at least for the local people). Just mentioning cuz I've read in another thread here that a lot of people seem to believe it is hard to score there (which is probably still true for foreigners).

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If you really want to meet a "GOOD" good girl why not try a thai Christian singles group? That's where I met my thai wife. At church! They love shy people.

My wife: University educated, had a good job with a decent salary. Great family, nice parents, her brother is a doctor. Jack pot!!! Best of all, her attitude was exactly what I was looking for in a thai woman. She reflected good morals and a biblical foundation of kindness and grace. She is also a beautiful chick too. That helps!!

Here's a link: http://www.meetup.com/BangkokChristianSingles/

ABOUT:Bangkok Christian Singles is a place where anyone who is not yet married can enjoy food, fellowship and fun with Christians as well as those who are not Christians. You do not need to be a Christian to join in the events. This is NOT a dating group, it is a friendship group. You can connect with us on Facebook too. God bless you all.

If you are in Bangkok, and are NOT married (which is the definition of single), please consider joining this group and liking the page. We would like to invite you to plan with us events that include food, fun and fellowship. Christians as well as those who are not Christian are invited to join. We want to provide some fun activities where Christians get together and have some nice times together. We want you to post events that you know about too. Movies, dining out, church, game nights, going to the mall, touring the city, working out, going to the park, travel trips, life groups, bowling, prayer meetings, swimming, and other events all sound good.


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@Professor: wanted to give you a like but reached my quota, I like your advices as well.

I am not really religious but I have interest in temples and also went there quite often, sometimes also alone. So I guess I it wouldn't be tooooo hypocritical for me to go there.

I was talking to some Thai friends today and when RCA come up by chance, they immediately said it's super well known for One-Night-Stands... surprised me but apparently that's the way it is (at least for the local people). Just mentioning cuz I've read in another thread here that a lot of people seem to believe it is hard to score there (which is probably still true for foreigners).


What is RCA you mention?


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@Professor: wanted to give you a like but reached my quota, I like your advices as well.

I am not really religious but I have interest in temples and also went there quite often, sometimes also alone. So I guess I it wouldn't be tooooo hypocritical for me to go there.

I was talking to some Thai friends today and when RCA come up by chance, they immediately said it's super well known for One-Night-Stands... surprised me but apparently that's the way it is (at least for the local people). Just mentioning cuz I've read in another thread here that a lot of people seem to believe it is hard to score there (which is probably still true for foreigners).


What is RCA you mention?


Some clubs located close to each other. There are some threads about it here (a good one was called something like "alone in rca")

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@Professor: wanted to give you a like but reached my quota, I like your advices as well.

I am not really religious but I have interest in temples and also went there quite often, sometimes also alone. So I guess I it wouldn't be tooooo hypocritical for me to go there.

I was talking to some Thai friends today and when RCA come up by chance, they immediately said it's super well known for One-Night-Stands... surprised me but apparently that's the way it is (at least for the local people). Just mentioning cuz I've read in another thread here that a lot of people seem to believe it is hard to score there (which is probably still true for foreigners).


What is RCA you mention?


Royal City Avenue - more commonly known as RCA - is the epicentre of Bangkok's clubbing scene and an officially designated nightlife zone so you can be assured of a party seven nights a week. Clubbing institutions like Route 66 and Slim are packed every night and, at weekends, they're rammed to capacity. There are so many options for visitors to RCA; enjoy international DJs, as well as live concerts and soundtracks by popular local artists all in one night. RCA is separated into four blocks: Block A is closest to Rama 9 Road, and, at the opposite end, Block D leads onto Petchaburi Road. RCA is too far from public transport to walk so it requires a taxi or motorcycle journey, but don't worry if you've never been there before, simply follow our guide to the best clubs and bars on RCA...

The above is a bit out of date I think, its hardly the epicentre of Bangkok's clubbing scene, or maybe it is if you are Thai.

If I could speak Thai I'd be there like a shot. No hookers, just regular Thai girls looking for a one night stand and/or a boyfriend.

I've been a few times but Thais always just go out in groups and seem to not socialise with anyone except the people in their group.... not like the western way of going out which is to socialise with everyone in the club/bar in the hope of meeting someone.

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@Professor: wanted to give you a like but reached my quota, I like your advices as well.

I am not really religious but I have interest in temples and also went there quite often, sometimes also alone. So I guess I it wouldn't be tooooo hypocritical for me to go there.

I was talking to some Thai friends today and when RCA come up by chance, they immediately said it's super well known for One-Night-Stands... surprised me but apparently that's the way it is (at least for the local people). Just mentioning cuz I've read in another thread here that a lot of people seem to believe it is hard to score there (which is probably still true for foreigners).


What is RCA you mention?


Royal City Avenue - more commonly known as RCA - is the epicentre of Bangkok's clubbing scene and an officially designated nightlife zone so you can be assured of a party seven nights a week. Clubbing institutions like Route 66 and Slim are packed every night and, at weekends, they're rammed to capacity. There are so many options for visitors to RCA; enjoy international DJs, as well as live concerts and soundtracks by popular local artists all in one night. RCA is separated into four blocks: Block A is closest to Rama 9 Road, and, at the opposite end, Block D leads onto Petchaburi Road. RCA is too far from public transport to walk so it requires a taxi or motorcycle journey, but don't worry if you've never been there before, simply follow our guide to the best clubs and bars on RCA...

The above is a bit out of date I think, its hardly the epicentre of Bangkok's clubbing scene, or maybe it is if you are Thai.

If I could speak Thai I'd be there like a shot. No hookers, just regular Thai girls looking for a one night stand and/or a boyfriend.

I've been a few times but Thais always just go out in groups and seem to not socialise with anyone except the people in their group.... not like the western way of going out which is to socialise with everyone in the club/bar in the hope of meeting someone.

It's not what it was, it's still okay but it's got a real reputation among westerners now and is probably 25%+ full of western guys with the typical over drinking and fighting that goes with it. Route 66 that is, Slim/Flix is still very much Thai.

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OP should realize there's not much point asking on here.

The typical - I say again, TYPICAL - member on this forum doesn't have a clue about how to meet conventional women.

That's why they're in Thailand for crying out loud

I agree with Cypress Hill.

I'm only reading this thread so I know the places to AVOID!!


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I think its not about "Where to find" but more like "How u able" to magnify/attract them and also if u have good and positive vibes the chicks will feel it by your look/talk and body language, just try to open many "avenues of chances" as possible and always smile oh yeah and keep humble but still healthy-confident and strong of course, the girls are like precise equipments u have to set a lot of things to get it right for sure... chokdee wai2.gif

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I think its not about "Where to find" but more like "How u able" to magnify/attract them and also if u have good and positive vibes the chicks will feel it by your look/talk and body language, just try to open many "avenues of chances" as possible and always smile oh yeah and keep humble but still healthy-confident and strong of course, the girls are like precise equipments u have to set a lot of things to get it right for sure... chokdee wai2.gif

It seems I've been lucky enough... a friend I met by chance a few years ago just contacted me again. I think we've met only twice but she fulfills my requirements and seems to be very interested in me right now (back then also but I had a gf).

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Open a company. Start interviewing for staff. Select suitable matches. If matches incompatible, have staff find girl. Have weekly staff parties at the latest hotspots for larger selection. Fire and repeat as necessary like any good narcissist.

Edited by kevinsan
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It seems I've been lucky enough

So why the thread? I mean you're young, fit/super buff, speak Thai, don't have a job, have had many GFs and one-nighters. I'm just not seein' a problem here?

Based on a quick scan of your posts, you come across as a bit of a loner. Maybe best to expand your circle of similar (age, likes) Thai friends and build from there. Go out in groups with friends.

I think most people meet their partners via work, friends or family, but I still can't figure out what you're looking for (free sex, no commitment, no awkward next morning discussion of remuneration requiring an ATM run, or a long-term GF with prospects of marriage)?

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It seems I've been lucky enough

So why the thread? I mean you're young, fit/super buff, speak Thai, don't have a job, have had many GFs and one-nighters. I'm just not seein' a problem here?

Based on a quick scan of your posts, you come across as a bit of a loner. Maybe best to expand your circle of similar (age, likes) Thai friends and build from there. Go out in groups with friends.

I think most people meet their partners via work, friends or family, but I still can't figure out what you're looking for (free sex, no commitment, no awkward next morning discussion of remuneration requiring an ATM run, or a long-term GF with prospects of marriage)?

Nah I didn't have that many GFs and just very few one-nighters. Besides is not having a job really fitting in that line?

Hmmm I guess it's true that I'm a bit of a loner sometimes. However I got a reasonable amount of Thai friends and I usually see some friends every day. But a lot of them are girls, as I get along better with women, dunno why, has always been like that. Funny thing is it seems like guy-girl friendships are not so common here so I often end up in well let's call it awkward situations.

For going out at night... I hardly ever go out these days. But right now, I guess I would have to wrong friend base to go out honestly. Most of my friends don't really go out often and those who would go out are definitely girls.

I guess in hindsight, what I really wanted from this thread (without reading through my own posts from before) is: a) Where to find girls that are financially secure and cool.png How to approach them. I guess that pretty much should summarize it up.

I think I got a lot of useful answers so that even if the thingy that is going on with the one I mentioned before doesn't work out, at least I know a lot more before and have many places to go and try out. But it looks like a sure thing for now.

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