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NACC sets up panel to investigate assets of Yingluck, former ministers related to rice scheme


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When one of the inner circle bought a fleet of widebody jets, both my eyebrows raised. And I'm not even in the NACC!

I believe you meant to say "...someone with a very loose connection to Yingluck leased one rather old 737", didn't you?

What ever.....a red man with the ar*e out of his pants at one stage....now getting an international airline of the ground.....certainly not a hard earned "rags to riches" story....I certainly couldn't go otu rent a 737!!

Same story as a certain Police Colonel turned billionaire turned politician who ended up with a phone a network

He was personally almost broke but he had a rich wife.

Lieutenant colonel please..clap2.gif

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Excellent news,but they must also investigate family members and gardeners/maids as well.Could be very revealing.

...and the little boy who lived down the lane.

Why not the junta? The Admiral? Chair of Thai Air, cuts fuel prices? Entitlements of directors not listed in Thai Airs annual report?

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looks like her brother will be expecting some guests to hide in exile with him soon.

Yingluck is not allowed to leave Thailand.

Unless she could get her brother's American lawyer to come with a valid excuse to leave the country. Maybe something like, "Ms Yingluck has indicated she would like the opportunity to go to Rio to support the Thailand team at the Soccerball World Series."

All sounds very plausible to me. smile.png

Plausible except for "soccerball". WTFs that?

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Should not be too difficult to investigate as there will be paper trials but not so the unaccountable & unrecorded donations to Suthep and it's no chicken feed.

OH please, not again, do you stutter as well???

You may think it is funny but it is so obvious that the NACC is only interested in pursuing corruption that's high on their political preference and in rapid quick time too. This is not a neutral non partisan body and I am not suprise as this is a creation of the 2007 constitution. NACC should be reform with a new selection process and selection committee.

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What about the topic on hand? The investigation related to the rice scam which has lost the country 500 billion already with more to follow?

i dont believe most of the drivel written in the Thai press and specially on this crappy website should have been shut down a long time ago.
Why bother hanging in this site then?

You sound like a right Merchant.

Cause i love reading al the crap reply's on topics such as this by the barstool Thailand experts who havent even got a bloody right to vote in said country bunch of laughs you silly little people are.

This is a forum which means it's a place to have a discussion about various subjects and a right to vote in Thailand isn't required. If we all had a vote we could express our views that way.

Your problem may be that you are only reading the posts that are written in English that is of a similar level to your own. I don't know if English is your first language but I suspect it is and it might improve if you took the time to read posts of a higher level. You might get a better response with a more reasoned approach.

As to your point about army generals I don't know the details but if they've been involved in anything they shouldn't then it's only right that they are held to account. The same can be said for anyone else who has done something they shouldn't. This is an ideal opportunity for General Prayuth to show he is unbiased.

That doesn't mean that the rice scheme and those involved shouldn't be investigated.

Nope English is not my native tongue that would be Dutch,French,German,some Spanish and Dansk.

And most of the responses that i have read the last few months concerning all the troubles in Thailand on this forum are certainly not of a higher level but are of bottom feeder level.

I think most army generals in western country's would love to have the same kind of money some of these Top Thai army brass boys have in their bank accounts google's youre friend pall.

Try googling "native tongue" as your're so fond of that search engine, pal. You learnt several languages from birth - impressive.

So you know all about the wealth and family backgrounds of the top generals - impressive. Care to share it all with us then?

And did you research the current assets of all main PTP "players", their families, friends and servants, and the growth in those assets sine taking office in 2011

up to being removed?

Maybe you should learn to research both sides and keep an open mind. As to closing TV down and your comments on other posters - well I'm sure those other posters will form an opinion on you too. I have,

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Under the new laws for what can appear in the press.

Expect to hear some incredible numbers for how much money the guilty people have made.

Pray tell, which new laws?

Let go of those negative waves, instead join me in rejoicing in the fair opportunity offered to people to exonerate themselves.

And when you hear those incredible numbers, get ready for some incredible excuses!!!

I know Jatuporn's excuse already: It fell off the truck in front of my house

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Excellent news,but they must also investigate family members and gardeners/maids as well.Could be very revealing.

...and the little boy who lived down the lane.

Why not the junta? The Admiral? Chair of Thai Air, cuts fuel prices? Entitlements of directors not listed in Thai Airs annual report?

The coup is two weeks old and you want everybody in high positions examined immediately.

There is a big pile of laundry and eventually a lot will come out in the wash.

The rice scheme/scam is of highest priority. First things first.

Let's hope the little boy who lives down the lane got his bag of rice, free of course.

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Should not be too difficult to investigate as there will be paper trials but not so the unaccountable & unrecorded donations to Suthep and it's no chicken feed.

OH please, not again, do you stutter as well???

You may think it is funny but it is so obvious that the NACC is only interested in pursuing corruption that's high on their political preference and in rapid quick time too. This is not a neutral non partisan body and I am not suprise as this is a creation of the 2007 constitution. NACC should be reform with a new selection process and selection committee.

"obvious that the NACC is only interested in pursuing corruption"

Could you tell me what the abbreviation N.A.C.C. stands for ?

EDIT: corrected an embarrassing typo (NAAC -> NACC) wub.pngwai.gif

Edited by rubl
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Excellent news,but they must also investigate family members and gardeners/maids as well.Could be very revealing.

...and the little boy who lived down the lane.

Why not the junta? The Admiral? Chair of Thai Air, cuts fuel prices? Entitlements of directors not listed in Thai Airs annual report?

The coup is two weeks old and you want everybody in high positions examined immediately.

There is a big pile of laundry and eventually a lot will come out in the wash.

The rice scheme/scam is of highest priority. First things first.

Let's hope the little boy who lives down the lane got his bag of rice, free of course.

Some posters want anything but a thorough investigation into the Shin clan activities. Investigate anyone, excuse anything the Shins have done or do with " but they do it".

Why are they all so scared of this family being investigated? What worries them might be found?

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I would remind THAIVISA that the headline you used in your e-mail "Yingluck to be investigated over rice swindle" is actually libelous since nothing's been proven yet that it was actually a "swindle."

And I'm sure you're well aware of the loosy-goosy CRIMINAL libel laws in Thailand as I doubt you have a real journalist on your staff that would know these things.

Try to be more professional.

"NACC sets up panel to investigate assets of Yingluck, former ministers related to rice scheme"

Isn't this the headline, or did you receive an email from ThaiVisa? Nothing wrong with that surely.

Perhaps you too could apply for a position as a supervisory moderator?

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Should not be too difficult to investigate as there will be paper trials but not so the unaccountable & unrecorded donations to Suthep and it's no chicken feed.

OH please, not again, do you stutter as well???

You may think it is funny but it is so obvious that the NACC is only interested in pursuing corruption that's high on their political preference and in rapid quick time too. This is not a neutral non partisan body and I am not suprise as this is a creation of the 2007 constitution. NACC should be reform with a new selection process and selection committee.

"obvious that the NACC is only interested in pursuing corruption"

Could you tell me what the abbreviation N.A.A.C. stands for ?

Non Aligned Corruption Commission? No way judging on their preference to only go after PTP.

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If she has done something wrong she should be punished. I don't have a problem with that. However, to spread lies: " a fleet of wide-bodied planes" adds nothing to the discussion but simply raises questions about the motives of the poster.

Maybe he was getting confused with the scheme to have four private planes for the use of the PM and her support team.

Anyone know what happened to Thaksin One by the way? I hope it didn't fall victim with the man with the can of black paint.

Or maybe he was referring to one red shirt leader announcing he was opening a new airline? The wife of said leader's company was named in the case of forged documents being used to fraudulently claim export rice sales to China whilst actually selling it on the home market. Wonder how that case is progressing?

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Get the forensic accountants and follow the money. whistling.gif

Trouble is whistleblowing accountants end up with a hole in the head here. One lump or two?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Along with all the vailed accusations, would someone please explain how the corruption was presumed to work? How was it manipulated? Where and how was the money being syphoned off? Thanks

That is what the investigations should find out. The evidence accumulated so far has not been made public obviously as the hearings have not been held yet.

We will have to wait and see.

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Should not be too difficult to investigate as there will be paper trials but not so the unaccountable & unrecorded donations to Suthep and it's no chicken feed.

OH please, not again, do you stutter as well???

You may think it is funny but it is so obvious that the NACC is only interested in pursuing corruption that's high on their political preference and in rapid quick time too. This is not a neutral non partisan body and I am not suprise as this is a creation of the 2007 constitution. NACC should be reform with a new selection process and selection committee.

Are you judging that by what they are investigating OR on which investigations are reported in the Media?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Excellent news,but they must also investigate family members and gardeners/maids as well.Could be very revealing.

...and the little boy who lived down the lane.

Why not the junta? The Admiral? Chair of Thai Air, cuts fuel prices? Entitlements of directors not listed in Thai Airs annual report?

The coup is two weeks old and you want everybody in high positions examined immediately.

There is a big pile of laundry and eventually a lot will come out in the wash.

The rice scheme/scam is of highest priority. First things first.

Let's hope the little boy who lives down the lane got his bag of rice, free of course.

Some posters want anything but a thorough investigation into the Shin clan activities. Investigate anyone, excuse anything the Shins have done or do with " but they do it".

Why are they all so scared of this family being investigated? What worries them might be found?

Not quite accurate, the posters want to see investigations on all those who have been involved in corruption in the past and present, to include the Palm Oil one, how long has that one sat on the "back burners" ?

It doesn't really take much to see that the NACC are pursuing the former PTP Government people, with a lot more vigour, than any other cases of corruption, I'd actually be interested in how many non PTP cases of corruption they were investigating at the time,? although in this case, I think that trying to locate the missing rice and money should be a priority.

Again I'll ask, if they've audited and concluded that there is 3 Million tonnes missing, how were they able to do this in 2 weeks, that they couldn't do in 2 years? Is it also really that quick to be able to go through everyone concerned finances in a matter of weeks to come to the conclusions of guilt? Are the perpetrators that stupid that they'd deposit money into their own accounts? These types of investigations can take years to complete, and still prove nothing, and I do wonder what the reactions amongst the shin haters, if there simply was nothing to find? stranger things have happened ;)

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You have to appreciate the timeliness of charges against Yingluck where there is no constitution, no independent courts other than the military court, and all administrative organizations that still exist fall under the purview of the junta. She will predictably be found guilty and impeached.

She's already been removed. The only purpose impeachment serves is to ban her from politics for 5 years.

The corruption charges are potentially much more threatening.

I doubt she will be found guilty. She's not dumb enough to have money trails leading directly to her, if she has been involved. Some of her relations may be different though, They are not novices at this and place money in countries whose banks and laws protect investors from account disclosures.

However, it's usually paperwork that trips people up - a careless email printed off, a copy of an invoice, something forged that doesn't tie up etc. Could be interesting if someone has been careless or has been caught and is spilling the beans to get favorable treatment.

She faces possible criminal charges in the rice scheme negligence investigation, this case, awaits the filed murder charges case. If she's innocent then it's a harrowing time for her. If not, then she deserves all she gets.

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U think she genuinely profited privately from this?

How on earth would she hope to.keep this secret in Thailand? There isn't a whistleblower anywhere in the country yet.

So what do they expect to find. A 1000000 bazillion cash deposit to her account? The shins might be bent, but they aren't that stupid.

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I would remind THAIVISA that the headline you used in your e-mail "Yingluck to be investigated over rice swindle" is actually libelous since nothing's been proven yet that it was actually a "swindle."

And I'm sure you're well aware of the loosy-goosy CRIMINAL libel laws in Thailand as I doubt you have a real journalist on your staff that would know these things.

Try to be more professional.

Try reading the headline properly, thinking about it, especially what the words mean.

Nothing libelous or unprofessional.

No doubt you will be apologized to TV for questioning their professionalism for no sensible reason?

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Along with all the vailed accusations, would someone please explain how the corruption was presumed to work? How was it manipulated? Where and how was the money being syphoned off? Thanks

That is what the investigations should find out. The evidence accumulated so far has not been made public obviously as the hearings have not been held yet.

We will have to wait and see.

Well.from farm to plate there are 1000s of signatures involved. There should be one person somewhere who can explain.

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Along with all the vailed accusations, would someone please explain how the corruption was presumed to work? How was it manipulated? Where and how was the money being syphoned off? Thanks

You won't get much joy there. Most opinion on corruption on this forum is of the "every one knows" persuasion. "Every one knows Yingluck stole money from the Rice Subsidy Scheme", "everyone knows the PTP have been emptying out the treasury", "every one knows..................." - you get the idea coffee1.gif

There are allegations of G2G deals (they could sell cheaper to an other government but not to normal buyers) being fake.. meaning rice was bought by someone close to the Shins and then resold into the program.

There are allegations of rice from Cambodia going into the Thai rice program

And its quite possible YL would have gotten a cut from these fraudulent deals.

Could have, should have, quite possible, allegations..........................

As I said, "everyone knows".

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The coup is two weeks old and you want everybody in high positions examined immediately.

There is a big pile of laundry and eventually a lot will come out in the wash.

The rice scheme/scam is of highest priority. First things first.

Let's hope the little boy who lives down the lane got his bag of rice, free of course.

Some posters want anything but a thorough investigation into the Shin clan activities. Investigate anyone, excuse anything the Shins have done or do with " but they do it".

Why are they all so scared of this family being investigated? What worries them might be found?

Not quite accurate, the posters want to see investigations on all those who have been involved in corruption in the past and present, to include the Palm Oil one, how long has that one sat on the "back burners" ?

It doesn't really take much to see that the NACC are pursuing the former PTP Government people, with a lot more vigour, than any other cases of corruption, I'd actually be interested in how many non PTP cases of corruption they were investigating at the time,? although in this case, I think that trying to locate the missing rice and money should be a priority.

Again I'll ask, if they've audited and concluded that there is 3 Million tonnes missing, how were they able to do this in 2 weeks, that they couldn't do in 2 years? Is it also really that quick to be able to go through everyone concerned finances in a matter of weeks to come to the conclusions of guilt? Are the perpetrators that stupid that they'd deposit money into their own accounts? These types of investigations can take years to complete, and still prove nothing, and I do wonder what the reactions amongst the shin haters, if there simply was nothing to find? stranger things have happened wink.png

Accuracy - some posters call for a witch hunt of the Shins, some call for a fair investigation, some want an investigation of all - both sides, and some the ones I refer to, claim any investigation or critic of the Shins must be politically motivated and try to divert attention to anyone else.So how is this inaccurate when I use the word "some" to quantify?

The NACC, and even the RTP are pursuing their jobs with more vigor and in the case of the latter, actually doing the job and getting some good results.

Do you think the fact that the military have stopped the intimidation and violent attacks on the NACC and transferred a large number of senior police officers known to be closely associated with Thaksin might have something to do with this? That civil servants also feel they can reveal things now without the fear of persecution and possible intimidation or violence from PTP and their enforcers?

You, I and others on here, have no idea what evidence there is or how long it's been collected. Maybe some people had a great deal of evidence at their fingertips and now feel safe in providing it? Maybe the trail wasn't as well hidden or destroyed as some thought? The perps aren't stupid, most significant criminals aren't. They get caught through greed, carelessness, over confidence, in-fighting and the need to start bragging and demonstrating their gains as they believe they become untouchable.

I agree it could be long investigation, especially to follow all the trails and route out those really responsible. Greed and mistrust are often the achilles heel, facilitated by a growing self arrogance in own belief.

We shall see.

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Under the new laws for what can appear in the press.

Expect to hear some incredible numbers for how much money the guilty people have made.

Open your ears 500 billion. they have the figure they are just trying to find where some of it went.

I am not a Yingluck fan but I don't believe she was a part of it. She is not smart enough to do it.

She was just a tool.

I believe the young lady reported a 50million baht increase in net wealth last year not bad for someone making what 200,000baht a year.
I thought a Thai PM wasn't allowed to have extra income?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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They should also probe the assets of the General.

Why? He has only been seen doing admirable duty.

You, on the other hand, have broken the law with your statement. Don't think they cannot track you through your computer.

What a delightful atmosphere on this forum.............................

Yes, quite a change from when a red supporter made similar remarks to anti government protesters to be careful on this site. To me at that time it looked like a veiled threat. If you don't believe me Ill dig it up will take some doing.

Now your living in our world.. after we having suffered the Shins. Though I agree its a tad worse for you guys now as freedom of speech considered (and i hope this changes). But it must be bad for the blood pressure of many a redshirt to see all the dirty deeds being exposed from killing children to loads of war weapons and nobody can argue now that the police was on your side because since they were removed the bad deeds on your side got solved instead of only those on the other side of the fence.

When people of whatever side/political persuasion have gone from just being accused to being found guilty in a civilian court, then I will applaud the decision.

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Should not be too difficult to investigate as there will be paper trials but not so the unaccountable & unrecorded donations to Suthep and it's no chicken feed.

Sure, that's why I wrote that all should rejoice in Ms. Yingluck and others getting the fair chance to show their innocence.

As for the Suthep chickenfeed, a few million donated cash certainly needs the undivided attention rather than the 500,000,000,000 Baht somewhat officially lost and showing tendencies to reach the minor figure of only 1,000,000,000,000.

Oh now there are degrees of corruption,rubl, I see.

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