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Ants? Termites? How to rid?

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Wife found these in the bedroom of MIL house. She and the baby are sleeping there.

The floor is tiles on concrete on the first floor. Concrete walls except for these Sheetrock walls framing this bedroom.

How to get rid of without poisoning my loved ones?


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I bought a solo pressure sprayer 500bht.home pro and a 5ltr.termite solution about a 1,000bht.home pro.you don't need much to make up 5ltrs.of treatment.

the sprayer has a jet spray which can be adjusted for long distance,alternative pest control at a cost.

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You're probably going to find this tough. There's probably a large colony of termites under your house. They've probably got in through a crack in the concrete or a service entrance (e.g. electricity). They can also eat through concrete. You need to eliminate the colony under the house, which is easier said than done. Most treatments here involve spraying into the ground around the house to create a barrier. Once they're inside the barrier such treatment is ineffective.

Within the house they may well have entered the sheetrock. You might be able to see slightly indented tracks in the sheetrock where they've burrowed close to the surface. They may also have established a colony behind the sheetrock. And possibly they have entered the ceiling, which I presume is also made of something the termites find tasty.

In a house I (thankfully) rented, all the kitchen units had to be ripped out, ditto the ceiling, then the whole place drenched in insecticide. Holes were drilled in the floor throughout the ground floor of the house and insecticide injected into the soil underneath, and the holes then sealed with silicone.

I wish you luck.

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In Australia the pest exterminators are prevented by law from using the powerful chemicals that work so well. They use mostly pyrethrum based sprays, which as noted may not be effective for termites in ceilings or established colonies under the house.

BUT they also have a system that is used when spray would be ineffective, and that uses tiny amounts of powdered arsenic. They carefully make a very small entry to an active termite tunnel, so as not to scare the termites into deserting that tunnel. Then they puff some arsenic powder in. The worker ants remove this from the path by eating it. When they die, their bodies are taken back to the nest for food. Eventually, the tiny amount of arsenic kills the whole nest. Very safe. You could probably find more accurate info by googling, as it was nearly 20 years ago when I had it done at my house in Australia.

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In Australia the pest exterminators are prevented by law from using the powerful chemicals that work so well. They use mostly pyrethrum based sprays, which as noted may not be effective for termites in ceilings or established colonies under the house.

BUT they also have a system that is used when spray would be ineffective, and that uses tiny amounts of powdered arsenic. They carefully make a very small entry to an active termite tunnel, so as not to scare the termites into deserting that tunnel. Then they puff some arsenic powder in. The worker ants remove this from the path by eating it. When they die, their bodies are taken back to the nest for food. Eventually, the tiny amount of arsenic kills the whole nest. Very safe. You could probably find more accurate info by googling, as it was nearly 20 years ago when I had it done at my house in Australia.

the op.lives in Thailand.nothing is banned.

unless the system that ayg.advises that was laid under the house before the build you will need the pest control.

as I live on a moo-ban this was done and we have the treatment done every yr.

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Get some Borax or Boric acid, mix with sugar and water, make traps, it kills the colony of ants and termites, for months.... easy to do oneself....

Several topics on this on Thai Visa forum.. also do a google search ....

Edited by samuijimmy
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Get some Borax or Boric acid, mix with sugar and water, make traps, it kills the colony of ants and termites, for months.... easy to do oneself....

Several topics on this on Thai Visa forum.. also do a google search ....

The OP would be very well advised to follow this - It works a treat - Boric acid is hard to find in Thailand. But it is the active ingredient in most ophthalmic solutions such as contact lens solution. Just mix with sugar - works fine.

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Here is a picture of the Borax box.... Yes it can be hard to find.... it took me years to find a pharmacy to bring some in (on Samui) ...

I think some Agricultural stores might sell it, as it is used as a trace element on some crops.... Seeing a few posts around the forum there are shops that sell it in clear plastic bags... cheaper... than this box was.... but there might be agricultural grade and "food grade".... (cleaner product for using as laundry cleaner etc....).

I think perhaps in the case of Termites one could just pour a bit of the mix (with or without sugar) if termite nest is found..

Yes, repeat a couple of times initially, the first mix I put down was in December, I think, and was pretty much ant free until recently.... now repeating the process!

Thai word sounds very similar to the way we English speakers would say it....

There are a couple of phone numbers on the box here, not sure if one can phone and have shipped....


When I first put some mix out.... the ants came running! In areas where there are children or pets less open trap could be used... i.e. jar with holes punched in the lid.....


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A bit late for the OP but I did same as meatboy, had the piping installed under the house as first thing before laying down the concrete. Exterminator piped it full several times then we proceeded with construction. Return and refill every year, no problems at all. Exterminator also comes by every month and dues the usual perimiter spraying around and inside the house. Well worth the 7k baht annual cost.

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I'm a little surprised by some of the public displays of ignorance shown here. Termites do not like sugar - ants do. (Termites are not ants.) Adding sugar to a poison will do nothing.

Borax/boric acid are not particularly effective termiticides; bicarbonate of soda most definitely isn't effective at all. (Thought it might ease them if they have acid indigestion after eating all that sugar.)

Edited by AyG
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I'm a little surprised by some of the public displays of ignorance shown here. Termites do not like sugar - ants do. (Termites are not ants.) Adding sugar to a poison will do nothing.

Borax/boric acid are not particularly effective termiticides; bicarbonate of soda most definitely isn't effective at all. (Thought it might ease them if they have acid indigestion after eating all that sugar.)

Anything CONSTRUCTIVE to add?

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Poison the buggars ! I buy cans of the bug spray that has the termite on it and when I find those little tunnels I literally soak them with the spray, leave it a day, clean up the mess and then, wherever it looks like it was starting from, I soak that whole area again. I don't recall having them come out from the same place again after I've done that. (I usually spray enough that you have to close the door and stay out of the room for at least an hour. Don't think the jing-joks or geckos like it much when I do that but hey, if they'd been doing their jobs I wouldn't have had to spray in the first place !)

I normally find them in 2 places, coming from the area around where the water drainage pipe in the back room comes through the ceiling, and around the door jambs. There is a paste that comes in a small tube (forget where I bought that) and you are supposed to smear some of that around where you see the termites (like the upper corners of the door jambs) - not sure but I think it is like a poisoned bait designed to wipe out their nest (so don't be getting it on your fingers and rubbing your eyes).

When I see the winged queens flying around, I like to go spray the usual areas again, try to get them before they become a major nuisance.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Get some Borax or Boric acid, mix with sugar and water, make traps, it kills the colony of ants and termites, for months.... easy to do oneself....

Several topics on this on Thai Visa forum.. also do a google search ....

The OP would be very well advised to follow this - It works a treat - Boric acid is hard to find in Thailand. But it is the active ingredient in most ophthalmic solutions such as contact lens solution. Just mix with sugar - works fine.

I also found a boric acid solution to be effective. I was able to buy boric acid powder in a swimming pool supply shop. Just mix the powder with sugar (to make it tasty for the victims) and make a solution of it by mixing with water. Hot water will help to dissolve the powder. Just leave a few small bowls of the solution in strategic locations. The ants will eat it and take it back to their nest.

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Here is the contact information of a laboratory supply house in Chiang Mai that sells boric acid in powder form. 1kg was 65 baht the last time I checked.

Contact EAK he speaks english
053223866 or mobile 083-9484665

Kosol Sarawek (phd) is the managing director

can place order via email [email protected]

154/2 Moo 2 superhighway
Chiang Mai

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I had a pest buisness in Australia, before i came here,forget, arsenic,if you are going to dust them a fipronil based dust Brand name Termidor in aus] is one of the newer one's,not sure if they have it in Thailand,the other option is baiting with Sentricon or a similar system,however this is highly skilled work,i think you will have to engage a proffesional pest control company,if they are nesting under the slab this is the best method,as drilling and injecting through a concrete slab is expensive and a little hit and miss,also termites do like sugar,not raw sugar though,we used to mix our sentricon paste bait's with gatorade in Aus,the termites where attracted to the sugar but also the electrolyte's in the drink,but op this is not something you can diy,you need proffesional help.

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I'm a little surprised by some of the public displays of ignorance shown here. Termites do not like sugar - ants do. (Termites are not ants.) Adding sugar to a poison will do nothing.

Borax/boric acid are not particularly effective termiticides; bicarbonate of soda most definitely isn't effective at all. (Thought it might ease them if they have acid indigestion after eating all that sugar.)

I would argue with this as wood cellulose contains some sugars,also as you will see mate i put in my reply to the op,that i used to mix my sentricon baits back in Aus,with gatorade,as they got a much better strike rate than using plain water,if you are talking raw granulated sugar i agree,it has to be added to a medium that contains cellulose.

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I'm a little surprised by some of the public displays of ignorance shown here. Termites do not like sugar - ants do. (Termites are not ants.) Adding sugar to a poison will do nothing.

Borax/boric acid are not particularly effective termiticides; bicarbonate of soda most definitely isn't effective at all. (Thought it might ease them if they have acid indigestion after eating all that sugar.)

Anything CONSTRUCTIVE to add?

Difficult to add something CONSTRUCTIVE when termites are DESTRUCTIVE.

Does posting #4 count? Or couldn't you be bothered to read that far?

And isn't it CONSTRUCTIVE when pointing out that others are posting POINTLESS-IVE, UNHELPFUL-IVE NONSENS-IVE?

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Thailand import almost 10,000 Tons of Boric and Borax every year. Half goes to the timber industry to treat rubber wood and the other half to the glass, fertilizer etc industries. It is actually easily available if you in the industry. Cost about 38B/kg for Boric and about 24B for Borax. However this comes in industrial size 25 kg and may not suit home user needs. Hope this info of some help.

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I don't want to stir up a termite's nest here but I do have some positive experience. Your local Mini Mart or 20 Baht store will probably sell small sticks of ant chalk. It's remarkably effective if used sensibly (active ingredient Cypermethrin).

Removed gigantic image, if you can come up with something more reasonable please PM me the link and I'll put it back.

Termites can be controlled very effectively with a product called Termidor (active ingredient Fipronil). Google both items for good information on usage, etc....

If you can't find agricultural / commercial quantities of something containing Fipronil, some pet stores sell a "local Frontline substitute" (anti-flea muti). The big dog strength costs 50 baht for 20ml and the active ingredient is Fipronil.

Good luck ....

Edited by Crossy
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Get some Borax or Boric acid, mix with sugar and water, make traps, it kills the colony of ants and termites, for months.... easy to do oneself....

Several topics on this on Thai Visa forum.. also do a google search ....

Borax is not so easy to find in Thailand. Does anyone have photo of the box?

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Bring back Dieldrin....that sorted the buggers out!!!

And bring back DDT....didn't hurt anyone.

Aldrin and dieldrin affect your health in similar ways. Symptoms of aldrin and dieldrin poisoning have been seen in people who were exposed to very large amounts of these pesticides during their manufacture. Symptoms of poisoning have also been seen in people who intentionally or accidentally ate or drank large amounts of aldrin or dieldrin. Most of these people experienced convulsions or other nervous system effects, and some had kidney damage. Some people who intentionally ate or drank large amounts of aldrin or dieldrin died. Health effects in people exposed to smaller amounts of aldrin or dieldrin occur because levels of the chemicals build up in the body over time. Exposure to moderate levels of aldrin or dieldrin for a long time causes headaches, dizziness, irritability, vomiting, or uncontrollable muscle movements. Some sensitive people seem to develop a condition in which aldrin or dieldrin causes the body to destroy its own blood cells. We do not know whether aldrin or dieldrin affects the ability of people to fight diseases. We also do not know whether aldrin or dieldrin affects the ability of men to father children, or causes birth defects or cancer in people. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has determined that aldrin and dieldrin are not classifiable as to their carcinogenicity to humans. Based on studies in animals, the EPA has determined that aldrin and dieldrin are probable human carcinogens.

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Bring back Dieldrin....that sorted the buggers out!!!

And bring back DDT....didn't hurt anyone.

Aldrin and dieldrin affect your health in similar ways. Symptoms of aldrin and dieldrin poisoning have been seen in people who were exposed to very large amounts of these pesticides during their manufacture. Symptoms of poisoning have also been seen in people who intentionally or accidentally ate or drank large amounts of aldrin or dieldrin. Most of these people experienced convulsions or other nervous system effects, and some had kidney damage. Some people who intentionally ate or drank large amounts of aldrin or dieldrin died. Health effects in people exposed to smaller amounts of aldrin or dieldrin occur because levels of the chemicals build up in the body over time. Exposure to moderate levels of aldrin or dieldrin for a long time causes headaches, dizziness, irritability, vomiting, or uncontrollable muscle movements. Some sensitive people seem to develop a condition in which aldrin or dieldrin causes the body to destroy its own blood cells. We do not know whether aldrin or dieldrin affects the ability of people to fight diseases. We also do not know whether aldrin or dieldrin affects the ability of men to father children, or causes birth defects or cancer in people. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has determined that aldrin and dieldrin are not classifiable as to their carcinogenicity to humans. Based on studies in animals, the EPA has determined that aldrin and dieldrin are probable human carcinogens.

and a Google search of DDT will show a similar non specific result. DDT I believe, has shown to cause the weakening of the egg shell of a bird somewhere. Meanwhile millions of people die of mosquito borne diseases that DDT would eradicate. Guess it is biological control in some format.

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