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RS wins court battle, only 22 matches of Word Cup to be aired on free TVs

Lite Beer

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I havent the time to read all the posts so forgive me if I am repeating something already known about.

I have TrueVision Gold package and only hours ago found I had not all the channels I am paying for including ch 99 and 668 ... the world Cup channels.

Talk about panic !!! and cursing.

Their web site just said the phone lines are congested due to some people complaining they not getting all the channels ! I bet..

Any ways up .... purely by luck I noticed a scroll across note on the TV screen. I have NOT seen it repeated the last hour so was lucky.

Even more luckily I remembered tge nr as had no pen the facts.

If you have not got those channels text "OK (subscription nr) to 4827370. A space needed between OK and sub. Nr.

It worked a treat. The channels appeared 5 mins later.

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Didn't the NCPO ask for all matches to be shown on regular TV despite any court ruling ?

It is called "Return happiness to all Thais".

more like corrupting Thais. just google "427 million baht world cup".

Edited by irwinfc
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Seems it would be a headline: "Military declare all World Cup games to be shown on free TV", but haven't seen anything yet..... real cliff hanger. Did hear little burp on Australian News saying that was what was to happen..... Somewhat makes sense to wait until last minute so as to placate cable and sat companies for all those last minute sign ups.

First World Cup I saw here was in '02. I was glad to see how much my Thai language has improved over that period. I now understand about 80% of what they yammer about, enough to know it is not worth the effort to translate in my head...

Side note: Australian rules football is my favorite sport (I am a yank, btw), for many reasons, one of which is they can take a hit. Couple weeks ago player got both front teeth knocked out just before half time (Essendon?). Calmly looked for his teeth for a few minutes at half, not sure if found any.... Compare that to drama queens in world football: someone steps on a foot and act like been keel hauled. Maybe should give award at final ceremony for most dramatic BS acting? But I do love soccer/football anyway... just get rid of wuss factor please. Too much like WWF play acting.

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