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british passport holders new passport application problems


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Reason for my post is simple before january 2014 any British national living in Asia could apply for a new passport in most asean countries and their passport would be dealt with at the HongKong office that stopped in January 2014 now all renewal or new passports applications are now dealt with at the passport office in the uk only and here sadly is the rub ? the passport you are using must be sent with the application not a copy the original which puts most people in problems if local countries such as Thailand deems it unlawful to be without your passport at any time lots of online comments and reports of serous delays now over 30,000 back log in uk offices very sad situation and looks like its going to get a lot more serious as the weeks go by before from Thailand you were able to send a certified copy with all the completed forms with payments also made and from the HongKong office your new passport was returned in about 14 days that service due to cut backs by the uk government stopped in January of this year now all are dealt with in the uk passport offices causing havoc on a grand scale.

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