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Let us understand Cultural Imperialism


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I used the overloaded motorbike example because it pointed out the foolishness of a newly arriving America thinking he would be able to affect Thai behavior. That is what is funny and the look on the police faces when this guy stalks in to straighten everything out. His motive may have been humanitarian, but his chance of success is zero due to a combination of common accepted practice in riding bikes and often necessity for moving around.

Lets look at why a Thai family will risk harm by overloading a bike. Westernized development put the family in this position.

Western development, seeming like a good thing, brought assemble line paying work to Thailand. With that, and an ignorant Thai government not protecting rural life and farmers, the family leaves the ease of village life, where BTW they only need to walk, not ride, because everything is close by.

Leaving the village, the family discovers that nothing is close by... the kids school is way over there needing bike transportation, his work place is far from where they can afford to live needing bike transport, and she shops in a different place needing bike transport. Now, they can barely afford one bike, so everyone gets on the one bike.... now necessary to cope with the "good life" Westernization brought to them.

Then there are the good hearted Westerners bringing inoculations and extending life for Thai. How many of these inoculations are against Western-induced diseases. Remember measles and American Indians. So, thank you for the foreign diseases and then the expensive inoculations needed.

Westerners use their knee jerk reactions to Thailand based on their Western home practices. They do not look at the deeper way other nations and cultures.... and PEOPLE... are disrupted. Many of those disruptions make lots of money for the Westerners, like McDonalds, but by the lure of "the better West," they just make lovely slim Thai children FAT. The 7-11 makes money off Thai poverty by selling, at vastly inflated prices, products in the smallest containers. Thank you West for allowing us to buy baby powder in tiny bottles for a price-per-ounce huge inflation over a big bottle cost.

Western help is often exploitation, not help.

Again I agree CharlesHH. We can thank Western civilisation for having invaded or interfered with just about every country in the world and brought on more suffering than it ever had because they are predators only interested in making money regardless of whether it damages a nation. Western civilisation has never had the intention of helping other nations, it is only interested in what it can get just total greed! Even so-called humanitarian aid is a farce if you look deeper and bother to research, you will find that there is an ulterior motive behind so-call help.

Oh, yes, a tractor is better than a cow they say. Really? What happens when you cant pay for diesel anymore? The cow is still there, the tractor is redundant!

Oh, and dont forget all that lovely food impregnated with chemicals that help the medical and pharmaceutical industry make money from the sick and dying.

Need I go on?

Progress, hahahaha! Look behind the curtain and you will see the truth of it.

The tractor and the cow.......in todays world of helping .....a cow would be given and not a tractor.......

I'm talking about Western government/corporation help, not individual help. Governments/corporations don't give cows, they give modern technology (or money, or GM food, etc.) to help their corporation mates and investments.

Stop picking at hairs! Why diverge from the meaning?

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All good so long as you have insurance that covers yourself and any other victims that is required by Law, or should I say the controllers, do you comply? If you end up in a Thai government medical facility with extensive injuries due to non compliance to driving regulations, your selfish attitude reduces the resources available to Thai citizens.

From my POV those who do not enforce the law in Thailand & practice endemic corruption are traitors to their own people; are the coup leaders wrong? Are the coup leaders submitting to cultural imperalism, when paralleling Western principles,with their attempts to revitalise adherance to law.

Thai people are 'relatively free' in comparison to Western countries, you have to be joking...

Are you a policeman? Who the hell do you think you are? And for your information, yes, I do have insurance. If you bother to read my messages, you would understand what I said, that I consider others and would never do anything to harm them, that includes financially, hence I have insurance should it ever be needed.

Whatever is wrong in Thailand, it is none of your business, so let the Thai authorities deal with it. We don’t need people like you, there are enough dictators in the rest of the world, so go elsewhere.

Now I will attack you as you seem to like attacking others as well as me on TV as I have noticed – you obviously have nothing better to do it seems! Do you have a cell phone? Do you have WiFi? If you do, then you are a hypocrite and should clean out your own back yard before telling people what to do. And just in case you are totally ignorant on the subject, cordless technology is harmful to human beings, and I am affected by scoundrels who use them. I don’t have a cell phone or use WiFi because I don’t want to hurt anyone, and I don’t bully people like you as if I am another bl**dy Hitler because I try to exercise tolerance and peace! My health has been seriously impaired by EMF (electro-magnetic frequencies) and yet I don’t go around hating people or bullying them. Maybe YOU should pay for my medical bills if you have a cell phone and/or WiFi!

And no, I am not joking when I say that Thai people are relatively free when compared to other countries. Where have you been?

So stick that in your pipe and smoke it! I’ve had enough of people like you – no wonder people kill each other for the slightest excuse, all in the name of “I’m right, do what I say but not as I do!”

Don't bother replying.

'Don't bother replying'. Sorry, can't resist by responding with your very own words.

remember in my younger days when I was controlling and domineering, and judgmental of everyone. I saw all that in myself one day and I did not like what I saw. From then on something changed in my character and I just believe in laisser-faire now, which makes my life more pleasant and I am happier – I am sure others are happier too.

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'Don't bother replying'. Sorry, can't resist by responding with your very own words.

remember in my younger days when I was controlling and domineering, and judgmental of everyone. I saw all that in myself one day and I did not like what I saw. From then on something changed in my character and I just believe in laisser-faire now, which makes my life more pleasant and I am happier – I am sure others are happier too.

Yes, that's why I know how terrible it is to dictate and bully, it is a horrific disease. As we tend to copy our parents in younger days, so I copied my mother. Later, I realised that it was just out of fear that she was the way she was and, no doubt, others are in the same boat. I know what I am talking about and I know how much it can harm people. Pity others don't realise and have to live in Thailand to boss people around here because the people here are exceptionally tolerant and kind. And yes, my experience has been that Thais are tolerant and kind - perhaps it is my attitude that makes them respond the way they do. I suggest people change their attitude and they will probably change their world and be happier and less critical of others.

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"Cultural imperialism means that one person believes himself and his world view to be superior to a specific people or nation." - no, that's not how I see it...in fact it seems a highly dubious premise....which kind screws up the rest of the thread.

here's a what I would consider a WORKABLE definition from Wiki....

"...... the practice of promoting and imposing a culture, usually of politically powerful nations over less potent societies."

the IMPERIALISM implies the imposition of cultural values on another nation

​someone sitting in a bar bemoaning the "Thai Way" isn't a cultural imperialist as they haven't succeeded in imposing anything....apart from a bad feeling amonst his audience.

​Cultural imperialism is practiced by both governments and big businesses in the way they conduct their affairs with countries like Thailand "imposing" McDonalds, KFC, trade, aid, and other aspects of the more "powerful" country's interests.

​Fat kids and firearms could be regarded by some as products of cultural imperialism.....

Edited by wilcopops
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'Don't bother replying'. Sorry, can't resist by responding with your very own words.

remember in my younger days when I was controlling and domineering, and judgmental of everyone. I saw all that in myself one day and I did not like what I saw. From then on something changed in my character and I just believe in laisser-faire now, which makes my life more pleasant and I am happier – I am sure others are happier too.

Yes, that's why I know how terrible it is to dictate and bully, it is a horrific disease. As we tend to copy our parents in younger days, so I copied my mother. Later, I realised that it was just out of fear that she was the way she was and, no doubt, others are in the same boat. I know what I am talking about and I know how much it can harm people. Pity others don't realise and have to live in Thailand to boss people around here because the people here are exceptionally tolerant and kind. And yes, my experience has been that Thais are tolerant and kind - perhaps it is my attitude that makes them respond the way they do. I suggest people change their attitude and they will probably change their world and be happier and less critical of others.

Well personally I do not boss Thai people around, but as per the common example in this thread I will say to family members, please do not ride your motorbike without a helmet, take care etc. Sometimes ignored, but most now do use a helmet.

From my experience of my wife’s extended, very large Thai family, Thais are tolerant & kind. When I critic Thailand it’s from my observation of the abuse of power and corruption. Some will say it’s none of my business, let the Thais handle it, but from my POV nothing wrong in an internet forum in expressing disquiet. One thing I can say to you, whilst seemingly contradicted in surveys, many Thais I know hate the corruption that riddles Thai bureaucracy.

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So let me guess this straight, the reason why they don't ride 5 on a motorcycle in Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore is because those countries have adapted Western values?

OP might think of himself as knowledgeable but I am thoroughly unimpressed.

I would say that the western values there would be road safety........an science which is largely a western tenet......perhaps desirable but the result of western influence nevertheless. This links with changed economies and a more western set of values and various other factors.......most western.

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When someone has spent 50 years or more living their life to a certain set of rules and behaviour, it isnt easy to adjust to a whole new concept and different set of rules and priorities.

I find its better not to sit in judgement but to make allowances for people to adjust. Some do some dont.

Its not easy unlearning !

It's not "unlearning" it's continued learning....you learn, understand and if necessary adapt.

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So let me guess this straight, the reason why they don't ride 5 on a motorcycle in Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore is because those countries have adapted Western values?

OP might think of himself as knowledgeable but I am thoroughly unimpressed.

I would say that the western values there would be road safety........an science which is largely a western tenet......perhaps desirable but the result of western influence nevertheless. This links with changed economies and a more western set of values and various other factors.......most western.

Pure nonsense.

Educated Thais do not ride 5 to a motorcycle.

I think you could benefit from a history lesson.

Edited by farang000999
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Dear Prince Charles, I do understand what you are trying to say.

However consider this.

Thai Language is 'tonal ' ... the tone changes the message or the words substantially.

The 'tone' of your OP is that of superiority ... of one who has reached enlightenment.

And we ... well we appear as just 'Grasshoppers' ... the ignorant masses.

Lower the tone. Talk with us, not to us.

Your words will have more meaning then.

BTW ... the people you refer to are from the USA ... not Americans ... rolleyes.gif

The word for someone from the USA is "American". ....which of course is a form of cultural imperialism in itself........what other nation calls itself by the name of the CONTINENT they are part of...thus sidelining any other nations who share the same one?

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Som... has provided a perfect example of cultural imperialism.

There are some of western cultures that Thailand should borrow including equality, human rights and rational thinking. Also, Thai women should not be so submissive to their man. I think those would benefit Thailand a great deal. It is quite alright to state opinion isn't it?

Not really - if they are imposed it might be cultural imperialism....however the basic concepts of democracy and equality are more logic than culture. You might argue that "logic' is not a part of some cultures, but inn reality is is distinct from cultural as it is definable and testable.

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I used the overloaded motorbike example because it pointed out the foolishness of a newly arriving America thinking he would be able to affect Thai behavior. That is what is funny and the look on the police faces when this guy stalks in to straighten everything out. His motive may have been humanitarian, but his chance of success is zero due to a combination of common accepted practice in riding bikes and often necessity for moving around.

Lets look at why a Thai family will risk harm by overloading a bike. Westernized development put the family in this position.

Western development, seeming like a good thing, brought assemble line paying work to Thailand. With that, and an ignorant Thai government not protecting rural life and farmers, the family leaves the ease of village life, where BTW they only need to walk, not ride, because everything is close by.

Leaving the village, the family discovers that nothing is close by... the kids school is way over there needing bike transportation, his work place is far from where they can afford to live needing bike transport, and she shops in a different place needing bike transport. Now, they can barely afford one bike, so everyone gets on the one bike.... now necessary to cope with the "good life" Westernization brought to them.

Then there are the good hearted Westerners bringing inoculations and extending life for Thai. How many of these inoculations are against Western-induced diseases. Remember measles and American Indians. So, thank you for the foreign diseases and then the expensive inoculations needed.

Westerners use their knee jerk reactions to Thailand based on their Western home practices. They do not look at the deeper way other nations and cultures.... and PEOPLE... are disrupted. Many of those disruptions make lots of money for the Westerners, like McDonalds, but by the lure of "the better West," they just make lovely slim Thai children FAT. The 7-11 makes money off Thai poverty by selling, at vastly inflated prices, products in the smallest containers. Thank you West for allowing us to buy baby powder in tiny bottles for a price-per-ounce huge inflation over a big bottle cost.

Western help is often exploitation, not help.

Wow this guy is a complete idiot.

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Well personally I do not boss Thai people around, but as per the common example in this thread I will say to family members, please do not ride your motorbike without a helmet, take care etc. Sometimes ignored, but most now do use a helmet.

From my experience of my wife’s extended, very large Thai family, Thais are tolerant & kind. When I critic Thailand it’s from my observation of the abuse of power and corruption. Some will say it’s none of my business, let the Thais handle it, but from my POV nothing wrong in an internet forum in expressing disquiet. One thing I can say to you, whilst seemingly contradicted in surveys, many Thais I know hate the corruption that riddles Thai bureaucracy.

To make a suggestion as to wearing a helmet, etc., is not bullying and I am not against any suggestion or advice, in fact you would get better results that way I am sure. There is a big difference between suggestion and what people on this forum are saying as they are adamant that everyone should follow their rules without fail. They more or less refer to their country and expect other countries to comply.

I too hate corruption, it seems to be the norm in most countries today, and I hate it more especially because it is always the people of a country that suffer from it. It is those in power that should be sorted out, controlled, and punished rather than the innocent person in the street who cannot afford a helmet or whatever. All I see is poor people getting punished when the real criminals are enjoying the fruits of their crimes and nothing is done about it.

As to the military general who has taken over the country, I think he is doing a fantastic job, he seems to be a peoples’ man – I only wish there were more people like him all over the world. I only hope that he stays safe and lives a long life.

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I used the overloaded motorbike example because it pointed out the foolishness of a newly arriving America thinking he would be able to affect Thai behavior. That is what is funny and the look on the police faces when this guy stalks in to straighten everything out. His motive may have been humanitarian, but his chance of success is zero due to a combination of common accepted practice in riding bikes and often necessity for moving around.

Lets look at why a Thai family will risk harm by overloading a bike. Westernized development put the family in this position.

Western development, seeming like a good thing, brought assemble line paying work to Thailand. With that, and an ignorant Thai government not protecting rural life and farmers, the family leaves the ease of village life, where BTW they only need to walk, not ride, because everything is close by.

Leaving the village, the family discovers that nothing is close by... the kids school is way over there needing bike transportation, his work place is far from where they can afford to live needing bike transport, and she shops in a different place needing bike transport. Now, they can barely afford one bike, so everyone gets on the one bike.... now necessary to cope with the "good life" Westernization brought to them.

Then there are the good hearted Westerners bringing inoculations and extending life for Thai. How many of these inoculations are against Western-induced diseases. Remember measles and American Indians. So, thank you for the foreign diseases and then the expensive inoculations needed.

Westerners use their knee jerk reactions to Thailand based on their Western home practices. They do not look at the deeper way other nations and cultures.... and PEOPLE... are disrupted. Many of those disruptions make lots of money for the Westerners, like McDonalds, but by the lure of "the better West," they just make lovely slim Thai children FAT. The 7-11 makes money off Thai poverty by selling, at vastly inflated prices, products in the smallest containers. Thank you West for allowing us to buy baby powder in tiny bottles for a price-per-ounce huge inflation over a big bottle cost.

Western help is often exploitation, not help.

Why on earth would it be foolish to try to help someone. If they don't change, so what? No one is hurt, it is a victimless event. I fail to see why you equate this with cultural imperialism.

No one is compelling anyone to do anything. Westernisation isn't doing away with farming life. Not wanting to be a farmer is doing a way with farming life.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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OK - imperialism is quite easy to define......but how about "culture"?

I'm sorry but I really don't think anyone can it's like happiness or love .....it gets used as a by-word for all sorts of arguments, the UK government is using it as a way to suppress immigration, Thailand has a ministry for culture which to my mind is a particularly undesirable or even dangerous thing - it stifles change/freedoms........NO CULTURE IS STATIC......... and in the end it is one of those things were you have to admit you can't see the other person's perspective as there probably isn't room up their arse for your head too.

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Dear Prince Charles, I do understand what you are trying to say.

However consider this.

Thai Language is 'tonal ' ... the tone changes the message or the words substantially.

The 'tone' of your OP is that of superiority ... of one who has reached enlightenment.

And we ... well we appear as just 'Grasshoppers' ... the ignorant masses.

Lower the tone. Talk with us, not to us.

Your words will have more meaning then.

BTW ... the people you refer to are from the USA ... not Americans ... rolleyes.gif

The word for someone from the USA is "American". ....which of course is a form of cultural imperialism in itself........what other nation calls itself by the name of the CONTINENT they are part of...thus sidelining any other nations who share the same one?

I've done this battle a hundred times ... happy to do it a hundred times again.

There is a generic term for people from Africa to be called Africans.

From Asia, Asians

From European, Europeans

For the both North and South America ... Americans ... I don't think so.

Actually, the Australians go closest to a one continent name ... but their land mass includes Papua and New Guinea.

America - it's great marketing.

One simple universially accepted standard ... your passport says?

American Passport ... we know that's not true.

Your Passport is a true identity document ... 'America' is marketing.

Widely popular, granted ... no argument there from me.


Edited by David48
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'Don't bother replying'. Sorry, can't resist by responding with your very own words.

remember in my younger days when I was controlling and domineering, and judgmental of everyone. I saw all that in myself one day and I did not like what I saw. From then on something changed in my character and I just believe in laisser-faire now, which makes my life more pleasant and I am happier I am sure others are happier too.

Yes, that's why I know how terrible it is to dictate and bully, it is a horrific disease. As we tend to copy our parents in younger days, so I copied my mother. Later, I realised that it was just out of fear that she was the way she was and, no doubt, others are in the same boat. I know what I am talking about and I know how much it can harm people. Pity others don't realise and have to live in Thailand to boss people around here because the people here are exceptionally tolerant and kind. And yes, my experience has been that Thais are tolerant and kind - perhaps it is my attitude that makes them respond the way they do. I suggest people change their attitude and they will probably change their world and be happier and less critical of others.

Why dont you do yourself what you write. That was his point. Pity you dont get it....yet.

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"Cultural imperialism means that one person believes himself and his world view to be superior to a specific people or nation." - no, that's not how I see it...in fact it seems a highly dubious premise....which kind screws up the rest of the thread.

here's a what I would consider a WORKABLE definition from Wiki....

"...... the practice of promoting and imposing a culture, usually of politically powerful nations over less potent societies."

the IMPERIALISM implies the imposition of cultural values on another nation

​someone sitting in a bar bemoaning the "Thai Way" isn't a cultural imperialist as they haven't succeeded in imposing anything....apart from a bad feeling amonst his audience.

​Cultural imperialism is practiced by both governments and big businesses in the way they conduct their affairs with countries like Thailand "imposing" McDonalds, KFC, trade, aid, and other aspects of the more "powerful" country's interests.

​Fat kids and firearms could be regarded by some as products of cultural imperialism.....

Well Wilco you are right that the OP has misused the term cultural imperialism. But you went too far by suggesting international trade is a defining characteristic. McDonald's was not imposed upon Thailand. McDonald's represents a business opportunity and someone here signed on.

Fat kids are the result of improper diet and lifestyle. Which is the fault of parents. Firearms are modern weapons. Which culture has been without weapons?

There may be some truth to marketing being a type of cultural imperialism. But really it is just a facet of economics and consumerism, and more recently globalization. The Earth is too small for any culture to escape it.

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"Cultural imperialism means that one person believes himself and his world view to be superior to a specific people or nation." - no, that's not how I see it...in fact it seems a highly dubious premise....which kind screws up the rest of the thread.

here's a what I would consider a WORKABLE definition from Wiki....

"...... the practice of promoting and imposing a culture, usually of politically powerful nations over less potent societies."

the IMPERIALISM implies the imposition of cultural values on another nation

​someone sitting in a bar bemoaning the "Thai Way" isn't a cultural imperialist as they haven't succeeded in imposing anything....apart from a bad feeling amonst his audience.

​Cultural imperialism is practiced by both governments and big businesses in the way they conduct their affairs with countries like Thailand "imposing" McDonalds, KFC, trade, aid, and other aspects of the more "powerful" country's interests.

​Fat kids and firearms could be regarded by some as products of cultural imperialism.....

You wrote, "Cultural imperialism means that one person believes himself and his world view to be superior to a specific people or nation." - no, that's not how I see it...in fact it seems a highly dubious premise....which kind screws up the rest of the thread"

That being the case why don't you start your own thread?

I think the OP has a right to define a word any way he wants. It is obvious he means ethnocentric behavior. Ethnocentrism is judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one's own culture.

Why don't you ask the OP instead of trying to take over the thread?

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Wow this guy is a complete idiot.

No you are. Do you get it? You attacked him instead of what he wrote. You may think he is an idiot. In fact, he may be but when you don't tell us why the burden of idiocy shifts to you.

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Wow this guy is a complete idiot.

No you are. Do you get it? You attacked him instead of what he wrote. You may think he is an idiot. In fact, he may be but when you don't tell us why the burden of idiocy shifts to you.

Following your logic....there are many idiots posting on this forum then.

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Wow this guy is a complete idiot.

No you are. Do you get it? You attacked him instead of what he wrote. You may think he is an idiot. In fact, he may be but when you don't tell us why the burden of idiocy shifts to you.

Following your logic....there are many idiots posting on this forum then.

Ya, I can't help but think anyone attacking the poster instead of the post is an idiot (troll). It reminds me of the standard of debate used in anuban.

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Dear Prince Charles, I do understand what you are trying to say.

However consider this.

Thai Language is 'tonal ' ... the tone changes the message or the words substantially.

The 'tone' of your OP is that of superiority ... of one who has reached enlightenment.

And we ... well we appear as just 'Grasshoppers' ... the ignorant masses.

Lower the tone. Talk with us, not to us.

Your words will have more meaning then.

BTW ... the people you refer to are from the USA ... not Americans ... rolleyes.gif

The word for someone from the USA is "American". ....which of course is a form of cultural imperialism in itself........what other nation calls itself by the name of the CONTINENT they are part of...thus sidelining any other nations who share the same one?

I've done this battle a hundred times ... happy to do it a hundred times again.

There is a generic term for people from Africa to be called Africans.

From Asia, Asians

From European, Europeans

For the both North and South America ... Americans ... I don't think so.

Actually, the Australians go closest to a one continent name ... but their land mass includes Papua and New Guinea.

America - it's great marketing.

One simple universially accepted standard ... your passport says?

American Passport ... we know that's not true.

Your Passport is a true identity document ... 'America' is marketing.

Widely popular, granted ... no argument there from me.


It's not a battle - it is still an example of cultural imperialism.

Edited by wilcopops
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"Cultural imperialism means that one person believes himself and his world view to be superior to a specific people or nation." - no, that's not how I see it...in fact it seems a highly dubious premise....which kind screws up the rest of the thread.

here's a what I would consider a WORKABLE definition from Wiki....

"...... the practice of promoting and imposing a culture, usually of politically powerful nations over less potent societies."

the IMPERIALISM implies the imposition of cultural values on another nation

​someone sitting in a bar bemoaning the "Thai Way" isn't a cultural imperialist as they haven't succeeded in imposing anything....apart from a bad feeling amonst his audience.

​Cultural imperialism is practiced by both governments and big businesses in the way they conduct their affairs with countries like Thailand "imposing" McDonalds, KFC, trade, aid, and other aspects of the more "powerful" country's interests.

​Fat kids and firearms could be regarded by some as products of cultural imperialism.....

You wrote, "Cultural imperialism means that one person believes himself and his world view to be superior to a specific people or nation." - no, that's not how I see it...in fact it seems a highly dubious premise....which kind screws up the rest of the thread"

That being the case why don't you start your own thread?

I think the OP has a right to define a word any way he wants. It is obvious he means ethnocentric behavior. Ethnocentrism is judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one's own culture.

Why don't you ask the OP instead of trying to take over the thread?


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Dear Prince Charles, I do understand what you are trying to say.

However consider this.

Thai Language is 'tonal ' ... the tone changes the message or the words substantially.

The 'tone' of your OP is that of superiority ... of one who has reached enlightenment.

And we ... well we appear as just 'Grasshoppers' ... the ignorant masses.

Lower the tone. Talk with us, not to us.

Your words will have more meaning then.

BTW ... the people you refer to are from the USA ... not Americans ... rolleyes.gif

The word for someone from the USA is "American". ....which of course is a form of cultural imperialism in itself........what other nation calls itself by the name of the CONTINENT they are part of...thus sidelining any other nations who share the same one?

I've done this battle a hundred times ... happy to do it a hundred times again.

There is a generic term for people from Africa to be called Africans.

From Asia, Asians

From European, Europeans

For the both North and South America ... Americans ... I don't think so.

Actually, the Australians go closest to a one continent name ... but their land mass includes Papua and New Guinea.

America - it's great marketing.

One simple universially accepted standard ... your passport says?

American Passport ... we know that's not true.

Your Passport is a true identity document ... 'America' is marketing.

Widely popular, granted ... no argument there from me.


It's not a battle - it is still an example of cultural imperialism.

South America speaks Spanish and Portuguese and Indian languages. None of them claim American as a word from their language. I would welcome any Canadians who refer to themselves as American to comment.

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You wrote, "Cultural imperialism means that one person believes himself and his world view to be superior to a specific people or nation." - no, that's not how I see it...in fact it seems a highly dubious premise....which kind screws up the rest of the thread"

That being the case why don't you start your own thread?

I think the OP has a right to define a word any way he wants. It is obvious he means ethnocentric behavior. Ethnocentrism is judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one's own culture.

Why don't you ask the OP instead of trying to take over the thread?


Sorry, I don't understand. I asked a simple question. Why don't you ask the OP instead of trying to take over the thread?

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