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Learning multitasking?


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Just ask my wife some random question while she reading the iPad , and I hammer here in the keyboard on my iPhone for tv, and then she aswer Me, sorry I not hear you I cannot follow you, I read!

For me multitasking is no problem

I can listen someone talk in the tv

While reading a book

Also aswer question , when 20 people would ask me at same time!

Some people cannot do!

No the question can neurologist explain me , what exactly happen in the human brain within that process, and how I can teach people learn multitasking that cannot practice?

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It's been shown by scientific experiments that the ability to multitask is impossible.

What actually happens with so-called multi-taskers is they are actually only doing one thing at a time but rapidly switching back and forth between tasks.

The mind can be trained, so try something simple first.

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Sandy lad you should have plopped your John Thomas over her iPad, That would have got her attention and she might have given it a swipe too if she mistakes your bellend for a candy crush thingy. I'm always doing it to the missus and it don't half make her jump especially if I shout "Snake" at the same time....

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