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Interim government by September

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Interim government by September
Panya Thiosangwan
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Prayuth urges all Thais to join in recreating the country through intelligence and sacrifice

The junta chief announced yesterday that Thailand would have an interim government in place by late August or early September, and later a reform council to help end the long-lasting political conflict.

General Prayuth Chan-ocha, who heads the ruling National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), also called for "re-creation of Thailand's democracy through the intelligence, sacrifice and participation of all Thais". He said this way would be cheaper and more effective than having "outsiders to manage who do not really know about our problems".

Prayuth made the remarks while delivering the junta's policy guidelines before a gathering of high-ranking bureaucrats at the Army Club. The event was broadcast live on the Army-run Channel 5 and the state-run NBT.

The meeting focused on the state budget for fiscal 2015, which begins on October 1.

The junta chief, also commander-in-chief of the Army, said it aimed to complete its work within three months after seizing power on May 22. This includes drafting a provisional charter, setting up a national assembly, and appointing a new prime minister and a new Cabinet.

"I think a new government should be set up in late August or early September. We need 15 days to seek royal endorsement. Then the new government will be able to focus on its work and setting up a reform council that consists of people from all sectors, particularly those from the conflicting sides," Prayuth said.

"Whoever wants to be the PM can raise his hand," he joked with the senior bureaucrats.

"Don't ask me who they are and where they come from," he said, referring to members of the new cabinet. The junta chief also did not rule out becoming prime minister himself.

Prayuth said he would not remain in power for too long and urged Thais to "please be patient. I wonder if this is a honeymoon period or not, but I hope it lasts a bit longer."

The junta chief said the budget for the next fiscal year would not exceed the "safety level" of Bt2.75 billion and wasteful expenditure would be reduced. The budget for fiscal 2015 would only be 2 per cent higher than that of the current fiscal year.

He said the junta would not approve funds for state agencies to organise study trips abroad. Critics said state agencies tended to abuse the foreign-trip budget to allow senior officials to bring their families along.

Prayuth said the junta would scrap the loss-making, corruption-plagued rice scheme launched by the ousted elected government led by the Pheu Thai Party and would not adopt the price-guarantee policy used by the previous appointed Democrat-led administration either.

The junta would instead explore ways to reduce production costs for struggling rice farmers.

He expressed his support for double-track rail lines while indicating his opposition to the high-speed-rail project. He said construction of double-track railways would facilitate transport of both goods and passengers.

Prayuth said he did not believe any company or country would build a high-speed rail route in Thailand for free. "You should ask yourselves if you can accept a 50-year concession that would see more than 100,000 workers being brought into the country and the concessionaire insisting on the right to develop land along the route," he said.

He denied that projects being implemented by the junta were populist. "They will not be so excessive that people choke on them."

-- The Nation 2014-06-14

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How do you restore democracy wisely?

Could try elections I suppose? Or appoint your own government, ah but that wouldn't be---- never mind.

But at least we now have many people believing that a military coup is a good way forward. Lets hope it's better than the previous 19.

Something needed to happen, without the military intervention we wouldn't have free world cup viewing!

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Removing the posts of Kamnans and Village Headmen is a giant step in the right direction although many will cling onto their position of power by any and all means.

The army can't possibly supervise all the villages to prevent what will go on behind the scenes as opposed to openly at the present

I am not able to read it that way. It is in the not to do list with "Dissolution of" Kamnans and Village Headmen. If he was going to do away with them then surely the 'dissolution of' would not be there. Or with that wording it would be in the tick list.

Apologies if I misunderstood the policy statement.

Can i blame being up all night watching the World Cup ? NO !

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Removing the posts of Kamnans and Village Headmen is a giant step in the right direction although many will cling onto their position of power by any and all means.

The army can't possibly supervise all the villages to prevent what will go on behind the scenes as opposed to openly at the present.

Are they actually dissolving the Puabans ?

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Removing the posts of Kamnans and Village Headmen is a giant step in the right direction although many will cling onto their position of power by any and all means.

The army can't possibly supervise all the villages to prevent what will go on behind the scenes as opposed to openly at the present.

That one jumped out at me as well. For those here who haven't lived in more or less rural areas it might be difficult to understand what a bold step this actually is.

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Hope the General does become Prime Minister.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Odds on , you will probably get what you wish for.

Right now he might even get elected democratically but don't think that is a likely scenario.

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Removing the posts of Kamnans and Village Headmen is a giant step in the right direction although many will cling onto their position of power by any and all means.

The army can't possibly supervise all the villages to prevent what will go on behind the scenes as opposed to openly at the present.

That one jumped out at me as well. For those here who haven't lived in more or less rural areas it might be difficult to understand what a bold step this actually is.

I live in Udon Thani and regularly visit Khon Kaen where most of my friends are married to ladies from or with family in rural areas.

During PTP's reign the two provinces vied for the title of the ' reddest province in Thailand ' including totally red villages.

The position of Kamnan / Headman are much sought after for all the usual reasons other than the actual benefit of the villages.

Apart from the usual rewards there were reports after reports of Headmen receiving a ' little something extra ' for delivering 100% support for PTP.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Removing the posts of Kamnans and Village Headmen is a giant step in the right direction although many will cling onto their position of power by any and all means.

The army can't possibly supervise all the villages to prevent what will go on behind the scenes as opposed to openly at the present.

The bribed , abused , physically attacked Democrat voters will spill the beans.

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General Prayuth unveils government’s timeline


BANGKOK: -- An interim government is expected to be in place in September with a functional cabinet after which there will be a National Legislative Assembly and a provisional constitution, announced General Prayuth Chan-ocha in his weekly televised address Friday night.

And by October, he said that Thailand would be administered by a government with a cabinet to implement policy like a normal government.

These, he explained, are the second stage of reform which will take approximate one year “if there are no complications for both the first stage which will take about three months and the second stage”.

On security issue, the head of the National Council for Peace and Order disclosed that since the imposition of martial law, authorities managed to seize 88 war weapons, 1.268 firearms of different types, over 7,000 rounds of ammunition and over 300 grenades and bombs.

He assured that martial law would be enforced only if necessary and normal laws would be applied and strictly enforced so that everyone must respect the law and social rules.

As far as reconciliation to reduce political divide is concerned, General Prayuth said that activities had been staged to allow people of different political views to gather together to exchange views in order to bring about mutual trust and to reduce mutual suspicion.

For the people to have trust in the justice system, he said that this would take time and the law must be applied equally and he urged cooperation from all parties concerned.

On foreign relations, he said that relations with friendly countries has started to pick up as they have a better understanding of the political situation in Thailand while government-to-government relations continue as normal.

On economic situation, General Prayuth said that consumers’ confidence index in the state of economy increased for the first time in 14 months from 57.7 to 60.7 point.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/general-prayuth-unveils-governments-timeline/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=general-prayuth-unveils-governments-timeline

-- Thai PBS 2014-06-14

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Please please no.

Military Junta for as long as Prayuth is in charge.

Lets come back to the Pro PTP posters, who repeatedly said everyday elections elections to solve.

So with these good measures taking place and the General is in the list for candidates and he is then ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE, so that can be classed as democratic ???? and let the people decide OK karma.

Does it matter if he was Micky Mouses brother if the people decide, Similar to Yinglucks words. The people can decide it is called democracy. PTP got elected in 2011 by the box and it was classed as democratic. Even if the governing was far from it.

Get the military junta out of your head before you go stark raving bongkers. if the icecream tastes good you lick it.

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Hope the General does become Prime Minister.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Odds on , you will probably get what you wish for.

Right now he might even get elected democratically but don't think that is a likely scenario.

I'm betting prime minister for life!

Spot on. He is already behaving like any other politician handing out the candy.

There never was a need for this coup. He could have just sent the demonstrators home and upheld security like last time. He wants more.

WHAT ?? you mean retain the Shin clan ??? and have fighting on the streets, and no government accounts/audits and Thaksins pardon ??? crazy.

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Removing the posts of Kamnans and Village Headmen is a giant step in the right direction although many will cling onto their position of power by any and all means.

The army can't possibly supervise all the villages to prevent what will go on behind the scenes as opposed to openly at the present

I am not able to read it that way. It is in the not to do list with "Dissolution of" Kamnans and Village Headmen. If he was going to do away with them then surely the 'dissolution of' would not be there. Or with that wording it would be in the tick list.

I tend to agree with your interpretation of the wording, BUT who was going to initiate there removal in the 1st place? IMHO our Puaya Baan does a very good job in dealing with local issues, chairing the public works committee, passing on public notices (TTF The tammoy speaker outside our home has been disabled - NOT GUILTY your honor) etc. He is a locally elected person not based on political bias but perceived wisdom.

AND - What is going to happen to George if his appointment is annulled? - facepalm.gifwhistling.gif

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Removing the posts of Kamnans and Village Headmen is a giant step in the right direction although many will cling onto their position of power by any and all means.

The army can't possibly supervise all the villages to prevent what will go on behind the scenes as opposed to openly at the present

I am not able to read it that way. It is in the not to do list with "Dissolution of" Kamnans and Village Headmen. If he was going to do away with them then surely the 'dissolution of' would not be there. Or with that wording it would be in the tick list.

I tend to agree with your interpretation of the wording, BUT who was going to initiate there removal in the 1st place? IMHO our Puaya Baan does a very good job in dealing with local issues, chairing the public works committee, passing on public notices (TTF The tammoy speaker outside our home has been disabled - NOT GUILTY your honor) etc. He is a locally elected person not based on political bias but perceived wisdom.

AND - What is going to happen to George if his appointment is annulled? - facepalm.gifwhistling.gif

He is a locally elected person not based on political biased ???? only in some cases, I lived next door to one.

I remember him saying if you elect me we (you know who) will make things easier for you so you have to do what we want. This was the attitude.

BUT having said that if it was NOT based on money giveaways it could work wonders, and does in some fair minded villages that are not controlled.

I think the party control has to go.

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Great. if Prayuth drops dead, who is in charge? Who would be running the military dictatorship, the government, security of the nation, fiscal policy, law and order? What is the succession plan?

What's it got to do with you??????

What did the actions of the PT government have to do with you, Thumper? What precisely did the actions of Thailand's last democratically elected govt have to do with you? Why did you complain about them so vociferously for months? Why couldn't you just accept the decision of the Thai people?

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