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Thai men and their offspring - why do so many not care after a divorce?

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Just some issues to arise form the OP ...

"Men will pay millions in child support payments following custody judgements." ... since you are using a Western example, lets presume that you are referring to either Dollars or Pounds.

Millions ... don't you think that the statement is a bit of a stretch? Stats to back up that claim?

"I've simply never seen such a lack of care in any other culture." ... you've personally visited every other Culture?

Coffee time ... coffee1.gif



Please remove.

Why? Is it not a legitimate observation? How many high profile custody court cases have you read about in Thailand where the father is fighting for custody for visitation rights? I haven't. Why?

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Just some issues to arise form the OP ...

"Men will pay millions in child support payments following custody judgements." ... since you are using a Western example, lets presume that you are referring to either Dollars or Pounds.

Millions ... don't you think that the statement is a bit of a stretch? Stats to back up that claim?

"I've simply never seen such a lack of care in any other culture." ... you've personally visited every other Culture?

Coffee time ... coffee1.gif


I'm of course referring to the high profile celebrity suits where the father is willing to spend millions of dollars for access to his children. Have you heard of the same occurring in Thailand? Why don't the Thai father's care?


Was this piece of empirical research carried out on Thaifriendly?

Carried out in coyote bar on Nana me thinks.

Sorry, she moved to Lighthouse, Soi Cowboy. Quality bar.


Please remove.

Why? Is it not a legitimate observation? How many high profile custody court cases have you read about in Thailand where the father is fighting for custody for visitation rights? I haven't. Why?

Why? ... because you don't read Thai.

Oh go on ... tell us you are, apart form a Social Demography expert ... you are also fluent in the written Thai Language.



Was this piece of empirical research carried out on Thaifriendly?

Carried out in coyote bar on Nana me thinks.

Sorry, she moved to Lighthouse, Soi Cowboy. Quality bar.

Did you ever check "her" ID to confirm "she" is in fact a "she" and not a young chap in a dress ?


I think this thread will join the long list of whereustay locked topics.

I think this thread will join the long list of Whereustay's invented nonsense topics...

At least he's not rattling on about one of his invented whores....

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Oh go on ... tell us you are, apart form a Social Demography expert ... you are also fluent in the written Thai Language.


Don't you remember, he claimed that on his last disappeared thread. But refused to type Thai with anyone in the Thai language forum.

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I think this thread will join the long list of whereustay locked topics.

I think this thread will join the long list of Whereustay's invented nonsense topics...

At least he's not rattling on about one of his invented whores....

Only a matter of time

Thai men are just less susceptible to blackmail.

My former western wife tried it on with me, being a sensible Thai man, I just moved country.

They/we just place "not being a pussy whipped doormat" above "being a dad".

Sounds like a loser attitude, real men take care of their kids.

The women don't care, the courts don't care, it appears the men aren't needed, just their wallets.

And if the man's wallet goes, it's replaced by a government wallet.

So explain why "real men take care of their kids" when nobody appears to want them to do that.

Seems to me the losers are the guys that hang around to endure the shit heaped on them.

Because the kids need a dad so they can grow up to be functioning, working members of society. Generally a father's job is to do that. Should it be any different in Thailand?

Of course I don't want to generalize as I see many decent Thai men taking care of their kids. Of course, they also tend to be more affluent and upper society as those are the circles I roll in. Except when I ghetto down sometimes and partake in Isaan cuisine. But I would never marry one, unlike so many of the readers here.

Who says kids need a dad?

Not the courts

Not the welfare

Not the mothers

I know a whole host of single mothers and their children in the USA and Thailand, most of them seem to do OK without a dad.

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Was this piece of empirical research carried out on Thaifriendly?

Carried out in coyote bar on Nana me thinks.

Sorry, she moved to Lighthouse, Soi Cowboy. Quality bar.

Did you ever check "her" ID to confirm "she" is in fact a "she" and not a young chap in a dress ?

Oh Southpeel, you never rest, do you? Did you have an absent father growing up, much like HeavyDrinker? Explains a lot of the anger regarding this legitimate post. Sorry, but accepting the truth is the first step to losing your anger. Your father deserted you and I'm sorry but leave your personal anger issues out if it so we can have a meaningful discussion please.


But I would never marry one, unlike so many of the readers here.

No, you meet to actually meet a real live woman to get married and that is something you have yet to do, dreamer

But whereustay is rolling with the hi-so people HD, even from his studio room in On Nut.

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