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What to do with noisy neighbors


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I just got my shiny new Laney120w Combo. I'm available for Weddings,barmitsthingys. birthdays and noisy babies. I'll bring the 5 string and give them plenty of low B at 3-4 am..I chortle at the fool who said Led Zeppelin...

Chortle away. What's with the name calling?

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It is time to bend over and just keep taking it, Thai style.

Don't ya mean, 'Greek style' ?

You should try it sometime.......

Never know, may be you like it.......even in your old age.

But, please, don't start running to me after................I won't oblige.

Moved to gay forum !

Oh yeah and I'm not old either.

Any gerbils involved?

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I think its extremely selfish to think she wants me to carry the burden of her child too. She should have thought of that before moving in or better yet before having kids

Hmm anti social much?

This is what happens when society breaks down and everyone is alienated from one another. Intolerance festers and everything turns to sh*t. We as humans are called to look after one another, to be our brother's keeper.

In a perfect world the reaction should be: how can I help this lady calm her child? Not, should I call the police?


Get out more mate go to places where there are young women with kids and you will see bad parenting, bad behavior and bad manners and the mother and father doing nothing or shouting at the kids and the kids ignoring them.

Realize you just cannot help some people especially some mothers they seem to be immune to their offspring’s noise and bad behavior.

It's bad parenting the same if you are in a restaurant and on the next table there is an unruley kid noisey and running around do you say;

"how can I help this lady calm her child"

You will get abuse from her "F off and stop interfering" and there will be nothing you can do about it apart from shut up and grin and bear it and have a miserable night out.

Yeah I know it's terrible to be a do gooder. Much easier to just follow the first impulse and start bitchin'.

I've had problem neighbours a few times and as much as I wished I had handled things with great tact and civility, I did not. In one situation we were either going to kill each other (slight exaggeration here) or someone was going to have to move. So I moved. It can be hard as hell to do GOOD sometimes. Much easier said than done. But I think it is the right thing to do if we can find the actual strength to do it.

Edited by greytown
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I think its extremely selfish to think she wants me to carry the burden of her child too. She should have thought of that before moving in or better yet before having kids

Hmm anti social much?

This is what happens when society breaks down and everyone is alienated from one another. Intolerance festers and everything turns to sh*t. We as humans are called to look after one another, to be our brother's keeper.

In a perfect world the reaction should be: how can I help this lady calm her child? Not, should I call the police?


Get out more mate go to places where there are young women with kids and you will see bad parenting, bad behavior and bad manners and the mother and father doing nothing or shouting at the kids and the kids ignoring them.

Realize you just cannot help some people especially some mothers they seem to be immune to their offsprings noise and bad behavior.

It's bad parenting the same if you are in a restaurant and on the next table there is an unruley kid noisey and running around do you say;

"how can I help this lady calm her child"

You will get abuse from her "F off and stop interfering" and there will be nothing you can do about it apart from shut up and grin and bear it and have a miserable night out.

Yeah I know it's terrible to be a do gooder. Much easier to just follow the first impulse and start bitchin'.

I've had problem neighbours a few times and as much as I wished I had handled things with great tact and civility, I did not. In one situation we were either going to kill each other (slight exaggeration here) or someone was going to have to move. So I moved. It can be hard as hell to do GOOD sometimes. Much easier said than done. But I think it is the right thing to do if we can find the actual strength to do it.

Some people just talk Boll_ _ _ _ and its normally do gooders and people not willing to stand up for themselves. We all have rights one of which is to live a peaceful happy life.

Have you got endless money are you going to keep moving house all your life due to your neighbors bad behavior.

In my home country the government passed a law called ASBO to tackle this very issue of neighbors behaving badly and affecting the quality of life for others this includes their kids of any age.

In many cases it is not the kids fault it is the fault of the parents and in my home country they can be dealt with by the law.

Parents with screaming unruly brats should be held to account for their actions and the disturbance that they cause; why should we have to suffer their noise and bad behavior because the parents have not got the skills to control or pacify their kids of whatever age.

This can go on for years if nothing is done and saying sorry does not help the situation; history repeats itself over and over generation after generation.

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Some people just talk Boll_ _ _ _ and its normally do gooders and people not willing to stand up for themselves. We all have rights one of which is to live a peaceful happy life.

Have you got endless money are you going to keep moving house all your life due to your neighbors bad behavior.

In my home country the government passed a law called ASBO to tackle this very issue of neighbors behaving badly and affecting the quality of life for others this includes their kids of any age.

In many cases it is not the kids fault it is the fault of the parents and in my home country they can be dealt with by the law.

Parents with screaming unruly brats should be held to account for their actions and the disturbance that they cause; why should we have to suffer their noise and bad behavior because the parents have not got the skills to control or pacify their kids of whatever age.

This can go on for years if nothing is done and saying sorry does not help the situation; history repeats itself over and over generation after generation.

I don't know if the UK ASBO system has worked very well. Though when dealing with borderline criminal behaviour there certainly needs to be rules in place. But what happens when everyone takes a hostile stance by default when dealing with others? You get nothing but hate and intolerance all around. One big nasty mess.

In the past couple of years I've had a few problem neighbours and I attribute this to people's increased intolerance and even shear contempt for anybody else. Pure selfishness and hatred everywhere. The only way to improve things is to break this cycle and turn things around. Do something unselfish. Easy to say but surely not easy to do.

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Some people just talk Boll_ _ _ _ and its normally do gooders and people not willing to stand up for themselves. We all have rights one of which is to live a peaceful happy life.

Have you got endless money are you going to keep moving house all your life due to your neighbors bad behavior.

In my home country the government passed a law called ASBO to tackle this very issue of neighbors behaving badly and affecting the quality of life for others this includes their kids of any age.

In many cases it is not the kids fault it is the fault of the parents and in my home country they can be dealt with by the law.

Parents with screaming unruly brats should be held to account for their actions and the disturbance that they cause; why should we have to suffer their noise and bad behavior because the parents have not got the skills to control or pacify their kids of whatever age.

This can go on for years if nothing is done and saying sorry does not help the situation; history repeats itself over and over generation after generation.

I don't know if the UK ASBO system has worked very well. Though when dealing with borderline criminal behaviour there certainly needs to be rules in place. But what happens when everyone takes a hostile stance by default when dealing with others? You get nothing but hate and intolerance all around. One big nasty mess.

In the past couple of years I've had a few problem neighbours and I attribute this to people's increased intolerance and even shear contempt for anybody else. Pure selfishness and hatred everywhere. The only way to improve things is to break this cycle and turn things around. Do something unselfish. Easy to say but surely not easy to do.

So while you are saving humanity almost single handed it seems because I cant see much support for your view, we have to endure bad noisy neighbors and their screaming out of control brats.

The ASBO system is working very well it has been in place for a few years now and the r soles it was designed to control are starting to behave like decent considerate humans again: take a look at the stats they are openly published for all to see.

Certain people will behave badly if they think they can get away with it.

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Some people just talk Boll_ _ _ _ and its normally do gooders and people not willing to stand up for themselves. We all have rights one of which is to live a peaceful happy life.

Have you got endless money are you going to keep moving house all your life due to your neighbors bad behavior.

In my home country the government passed a law called ASBO to tackle this very issue of neighbors behaving badly and affecting the quality of life for others this includes their kids of any age.

In many cases it is not the kids fault it is the fault of the parents and in my home country they can be dealt with by the law.

Parents with screaming unruly brats should be held to account for their actions and the disturbance that they cause; why should we have to suffer their noise and bad behavior because the parents have not got the skills to control or pacify their kids of whatever age.

This can go on for years if nothing is done and saying sorry does not help the situation; history repeats itself over and over generation after generation.

Well, now I see your problem (aside from being an insular, intolerant person); You misunderstand ASBO, and you think because of it's existence that you have extra rights.

ASBO was never conceived to be used to quiet a crying baby, and would never be used so. If you think marginally criminal behaviour/ anti-social behaviour such as public defecation, exhibitionist public sex, and graffiti are in the same league as the involuntary crying of a baby, then you need to get therapy.

The problem with some low class people is that when the government gives them certain rights, with their low-class education and some bush lawyer mentality they try to extend those rights, sometimes to the ridiculous, It's their low class grasping nature...gimme gimme gimme.

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My Wife and I have an infant child, in an apartment we own. I am fully aware our child may be disturbing to others at times.


This is not deliberate or selfish noise you are encountering - for the most part its simply a child and unavoidable.


As another poster put it, move to a mountain. You live in a condo in the city and expect not to hear others??? rather a stupid outlook.

Did someone put a shotgun to your head and force you to have a screaming child? Did the same person force you to live in a city condo?

I suspect not.

I suspect that you chose to have a child and chose to live in a condo, both of which are 100% avoidable to everyone, and as a result you blithely subject others to your appalling noise purely to suit yourself. You should be more considerate.

Animal owners, music players, party people, shouters and raisers of children should either not be living in condos at all or they should be living in condos dedicated to people of their type. It's really very simple.

The main problem in Thailand is that apparently no developer has the wits to create condo buildings with specific rules absolutely banning noisy types of people and activities.

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Eh up, I see the namby pambies are out again, putting right the lowly farang who dares to criticize anything Thai. Of course, these types would be all smiles and politeness personified should it happen to them. Pffft!

Indeed, infants cry for myriad reasons, but is that the op's concern? Should the mother not be attending to it for the babby's sake and to be mindful of others? She's in an apartment, not a house. Of course not, we're in Thailand right so are expected to take it. Damn this person and strike them down for having the audacity to be so confrontational and uncouth!

Op, I'd be speaking with other tenants that might be affected and get onto the manager. If that fails, try to get another room. If that fails, get a bass bin, strap if to the wall and bung some hip hop through it at all hours. It doesn't need to be loud, just the rumble will be effective enough and it will likely only upset the mother as the nipper won't pick it up the low frequencies.

Nobody wants to harm anybody, right, you just want them moved. Nowt wrong with that. Ignore the prolls on here, they have nothing else to do.

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I suspect that you chose to have a child and chose to live in a condo, both of which are 100% avoidable to everyone, and as a result you blithely subject others to your appalling noise purely to suit yourself. You should be more considerate.

How can you say it is avoidable? Some families cannot afford to buy (or possibly rent) a house.

Because you are also living in a condo, I suspect that financially you are in the same boat as they.

One could argue that you should be more understanding, more objective, and in summary, more mature about the situation. But I realize that this is probably asking for too much.

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Noise from my neighbors woke me up for the umpteenth time. That kid was having a tantrum again just before going to school like every single day! I went to complain and this time the mother didn't even open the door. She immediately called the office and a guard came running to "arrest" me. I was just standing in front of her door.

Once again the foreigner is the bad guy. I have told the office that I have endured this noise for several months now and this is only the second time I complain and only after I woke up but they just didn't listen to me. I hate it that you are at a severe disadvantage in this country and you just have to bent over and take one. I seriously don't know what to do know other than make her life as uncomfortable as possible to force her to move out.

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I seriously don't know what to do know other than make her life as uncomfortable as possible to force her to move out.

Maybe she and her child are conspiring to get you to move out.

Anyhow, go forth with your plans. I hear that if you put in extra effort, that they (the gov't) dole out door prizes, such as a 3-day/2-night stay at the Bangkok Hilton.

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My Wife and I have an infant child, in an apartment we own. I am fully aware our child may be disturbing to others at times.


This is not deliberate or selfish noise you are encountering - for the most part its simply a child and unavoidable.


As another poster put it, move to a mountain. You live in a condo in the city and expect not to hear others??? rather a stupid outlook.

Did someone put a shotgun to your head and force you to have a screaming child? Did the same person force you to live in a city condo?

I suspect not.

I suspect that you chose to have a child and chose to live in a condo, both of which are 100% avoidable to everyone, and as a result you blithely subject others to your appalling noise purely to suit yourself. You should be more considerate.

Animal owners, music players, party people, shouters and raisers of children should either not be living in condos at all or they should be living in condos dedicated to people of their type. It's really very simple.

The main problem in Thailand is that apparently no developer has the wits to create condo buildings with specific rules absolutely banning noisy types of people and activities.

Do they have such places in The West?


Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Noise from my neighbors woke me up for the umpteenth time. That kid was having a tantrum again just before going to school like every single day! I went to complain and this time the mother didn't even open the door. She immediately called the office and a guard came running to "arrest" me. I was just standing in front of her door.

Once again the foreigner is the bad guy. I have told the office that I have endured this noise for several months now and this is only the second time I complain and only after I woke up but they just didn't listen to me. I hate it that you are at a severe disadvantage in this country and you just have to bent over and take one. I seriously don't know what to do know other than make her life as uncomfortable as possible to force her to move out.

I am on the other side of the fence... My Wife and I live in a Condo with a 6 month old child who sometimes cries, this is probably heard by neighbours.

The thread has taken on a certain imbalance with noted numbers believing that they should live in peace and quiet, and for the most part I agree.

Anti-social behaviour should not be tolerated - That accounts for shouting adults, playing the TV or music loudly, having late parties etc... I'm sure everyone agrees.

However, those intolerant of a crying baby are so far removed from the realities of life its hardly worth entertaining a discussion with them, these people are simply too bitter, twisted, intolerant and so far removed from any sensible reality that they are unable to entertain any sense of balance.

I am sympathetic to the Ops disturbances - I too would feel aggrieved in similar circumstances. However, facing the issue directly is simply not appropriate. A lady trying to handle her unruly son is facing enough issues without having to face a angry adult who may not even speak the same language.

Its not the foreigner being a bad guy here, so please don't cry the 'foreigner foul'... in a similar situation a Thai maybe able to articulate his plight more eloquently, but ultimately what can or will be done about a young child kicking off ?

The only solution as I see it is to report the noise to the condo committee. They can ask the mother to do a better job of keeping her son quiet. Short of that what more can realistically be done? What would be done about similar events in your home country? I doubt very little.

Isn't this why people recommend renting ?

I've lived in a Condo on a floor where a child was crying for what seemed to be all day - I felt for the mother... the best I could do was smile at her when we passed, she was dealing with enough already.

In the same Condo the room next door became free, a guy moved in who played his TV too loud, he argued late at night with his Girl friend. After 3 complaints to the Condo management within a month I'd moved out a month later after living there for 5 years.

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We are not being selfish we are just asking you to control your kids to an acceptable level so we can live a peaceful life in our retirement. We come to live in a predominately adult environment and you choose to bring up a kid here so keep control of it please and consider us and our quality of life.

I have Two children and Three grand children and they are never "simply unconsolable" you need to find the problem and solve it if you cannot then it is you as a parent that needs the help. Look up parenting skills on the internet or join a group session.

I wonder how you can come to such a conclusion after two children and three grandchildren....

...at times my Son makes noise and short of gagging him there is very little we can do about it... You suggest finding help? such comments reek of a superiority complex... you have conveniently forgotten those times your child had a fever, measles, hooping cough etc... were you around?

As I'm sure the majority of parents do, we do our best to keep our child occupied, happy and quiet, maintaining this peaceful accord is not a 100% guarantee of peace and quiet. I'm not about to move to the country side to appease a self centred, insensitive and intolerant minority.

We come to live in a predominantly adult environment ??? this could be one of the daftest comments I've read... a Pub or night club is an adult environment, a Condo is a home, one shared by many and that includes families... Perhaps it is a retirement home you seek ?

KittenKong: Your post presents and significant lack of healthy balance - A gun wasn't forced to your head in choosing to live in a Condo with other people, including families with children. Perhaps it is you who should seek a quiet hillside or equally remote dwelling.

One poster suggested kids should not be permitted on flights. I think non-child flights wouldn't be a bad idea. Would this same poster be happy to pay a premium for such a service ???? after all, We (Wife, Son and myself) fly business class and pay a premium not to have to sit next to uneducated and intolerant bitter old twits... (or young).

I am astound at the levels of grumpy intolerance - perhaps some of you guys in reality and in person are decent people, perhaps you simply come across as miserable old farts in text... I hope its just that, it's pretty sad and depressing for you otherwise. Perhaps you live in my condo and smile at families when in a lift together or in passing... I certainly hope you wouldn't give us the stink-eye because you believe that the condo you chose to live in should be occupied only by you and Trappist Monks...

Yes I will waste my time talking to you as I have nothing better to do today.

Some people will adopted a stance on this subject because they are one of the many living here that have been duped into having a brat because it is seen by many bad mothers as security and a meal ticket for improving their life; then they can’t control it some get rid back to mum in the jungle and see it once a year but some we have to suffer their unruliness around us; why else would anybody choose to raise a child in PATTAYA?? In a concrete box condo?? Barley big enough to swing a cat let alone bring up a growing child they need space to run around develop learn and grow but that should not be at the demise of somebody else’s quality of life.

It just doesn’t make any sense think about it Pattaya is a great place to live but totally unsuitable for raising children where do you go? What do you do? What do you let them see and not see going on here?

All the time I see families sitting in working girl bars and w_ _ _ _ houses (lets be truthful that’s what some of these places are) allowing kids to be picked up kissed and cuddled? Think about the “short time” and what they were doing half hour ago now they are kissing a kid.

That in my book is bad parenting and lack of control for the sake of the parents drinking habits.

Then parents come onto public sites like this one and defend their bad behavior and bad parenting. Saying we are intolerant.

Yes I do spend time in bars and other establishments but I am an adult and I can choose how I live my life but a helpless child cannot.

Please ask relations and friends at home or anybody else on the planet if they think Pattaya and living in a concrete box is a suitable environment to raise a child.

Parents who cannot pacify unruly or constantly crying children are covered by ASBO laws the parents are held accountable for the behavior of their children especially in blocks of flats that is what a condo is basically a small flat.

We actually agree on a lot there - I wouldn't wish to bring up my child in a box in Pattaya either.

I'm also not defending the extremes of poor or careless parenting. I quite agree with many of your noted sentiments.

However, some have taken comments a little far in this thread, they have lost a healthy balance and perspective when they suggest that a child should not be brought up in a condo because the child may disrupt others. It's the comments at this level I find highly intolerant (the same with flying with children).

The Condo (in Bangkok) in which my Wife, Child and I live is lovely, it has a kids play area down stairs, many families with children live there... of course, I'd love lovely house (thats in the pipeline).

Careless parents are one thing, happy families are another and I know a number of happy families in my Condo building who's kids sometimes cry, sometimes scream, sometimes giggle and I can hear them, sometimes in the corridors, sometimes by the pool... It seems some are suggesting that these families have no right to live in a Condo - This I disagree with and find wholly intolerant.

With regards to extreme cases the ASBO law is fine, but I suspect the Op has not encountered issues this extreme.

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Did someone put a shotgun to your head and force you to have a screaming child? Did the same person force you to live in a city condo?

I suspect not.

I suspect that you chose to have a child and chose to live in a condo, both of which are 100% avoidable to everyone, and as a result you blithely subject others to your appalling noise purely to suit yourself. You should be more considerate.

Animal owners, music players, party people, shouters and raisers of children should either not be living in condos at all or they should be living in condos dedicated to people of their type. It's really very simple.

The main problem in Thailand is that apparently no developer has the wits to create condo buildings with specific rules absolutely banning noisy types of people and activities.

Ah yes, condos should only be inhabited by people just like you. Any "others" whose lifestyle is not identical to yours should have no right to be there. That's the definition of selfish intolerance right there.

Generally people live in condos or apartments because they don't have a better option available.

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I'd be doing a bit of PR work on the mum, give her a gift, then you'll be part of the family and more sympathetic to the problems they face, rather than someone on the other side of the wall tearing his hair out.

I am currently having the same problem as the OP and use ear plugs, etc. The one thing I had not considered is what you write above. It is counter-intuitive but it may be the most mature, reasonable way I can address this problem. Perhaps if I humanize myself to them they will be more thoughtful, and if I know them even a little better perhaps I wont be so annoyed. (Actually, the more I read your post the more I think it is the only option that could help).

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I recorded this audio file this morning. This is what I have been enduring for the last 2 months, almost every day, almost 2x per day, 5 days per week. Can anyone still say that this is normal?

And I am not going to be civil anymore. I tried that for 2 months and its getting me nowhere. I have to think about myself too. All because a someone wishes to have a child and that person know what kind of child it is yet she still moved in this condo knowing fully that it would disturb other people. That is selfish. What is even more selfish is the father. He wants nothing to do with that child and now I have to deal with that mess because he does not want to take responsibility.

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I recorded this audio file this morning. This is what I have been enduring for the last 2 months, almost every day, almost 2x per day, 5 days per week. Can anyone still say that this is normal?

And I am not going to be civil anymore. I tried that for 2 months and its getting me nowhere. I have to think about myself too. All because a someone wishes to have a child and that person know what kind of child it is yet she still moved in this condo knowing fully that it would disturb other people. That is selfish. What is even more selfish is the father. He wants nothing to do with that child and now I have to deal with that mess because he does not want to take responsibility.

Well done mate good to see somebody who is willing to stand up and protect their quality of life from inconsiderate people.

Anybody interested: Please listen to the audio at what this poor guy has had to endure for months.

People who choose to live alone are entilted to privacy and peaceful living.

My opinion and I have been in construction and build for thirty years: Condo's in Thailand are not suitable for raising children. The way they have been constructed and designed are for single people or couple living. Please ask any honest developer here.

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I recorded this audio file this morning. This is what I have been enduring for the last 2 months, almost every day, almost 2x per day, 5 days per week. Can anyone still say that this is normal?

And I am not going to be civil anymore. I tried that for 2 months and its getting me nowhere. I have to think about myself too. All because a someone wishes to have a child and that person know what kind of child it is yet she still moved in this condo knowing fully that it would disturb other people. That is selfish. What is even more selfish is the father. He wants nothing to do with that child and now I have to deal with that mess because he does not want to take responsibility.

Oh Jeez, that sucks. Was that you throwing something at or hitting the wall? Seemed to work, for about 1.5 seconds then....... emo11.gif

My last year in the ME, moved into a flat and had a squad of Indians living next to me. It was only 3 floors, old and well built, thick walls, etc. No facilities, just a bricked car park. No pool, no playground, so their kids, a boy and girl, probably about 8 and 10 years old, would come home from school and start jumping, running around, screaming, etc, having a ball. I could barely hear them screaming but their activity made the concrete floor vibrate. A continuous vibration punctuated by low pulse thuds whenever one, I guess, dropped to the floor. Shook the whole flat and furniture. Music, television, noise canceling headphones were useless against it. Thankfully, they would only do this for about an hour or so then quit, but it was nearly every day and at the weekends. Glad I didn't live UNDER them.

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I recorded this audio file this morning. This is what I have been enduring for the last 2 months, almost every day, almost 2x per day, 5 days per week. Can anyone still say that this is normal?

And I am not going to be civil anymore. I tried that for 2 months and its getting me nowhere. I have to think about myself too. All because a someone wishes to have a child and that person know what kind of child it is yet she still moved in this condo knowing fully that it would disturb other people. That is selfish. What is even more selfish is the father. He wants nothing to do with that child and now I have to deal with that mess because he does not want to take responsibility.

Well done mate good to see somebody who is willing to stand up and protect their quality of life from inconsiderate people.

Anybody interested: Please listen to the audio at what this poor guy has had to endure for months.

People who choose to live alone are entilted to privacy and peaceful living.

My opinion and I have been in construction and build for thirty years: Condo's in Thailand are not suitable for raising children. The way they have been constructed and designed are for single people or couple living. Please ask any honest developer here.

Are two and three bedroomed Condo units for Single people of couples too? might the swings and children play area in my Condo really be there to attract single folk and adults ?

There problem here is simply city living... it is to be expected that noise will transfer through a building, the cheaper the build, the more noise will be transmitted.

With houses the issue is the neighbours dog barking or kids playing noisily in the garden...

Noise from other people is a fact of life - for the most part there are no guarantees of escaping noise within a city.

Having listened to the Op's sound bite I agree that the noise is pretty horrific, but so are his outbursts of frustration in slamming the wall (which I assume the sound is at times)...

Op: You are not going to win this one by fighting it... Suck it up, move on... Are you in an Apartment or Condo? Is it feasible to move to a different room on another floor and maintain your deposit etc ?

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What to do with noisy neighbors:

In general, Tar and feather them. Then tie each of their limbs separately to horses and have the horses run in four different directions. After this you may send them a polite cease and desist letter from a high-priced lawyer and hope they comply.

For this particular situation, since a child is involved, I suggest meditation for you. BE the change you want to see.


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I recorded this audio file this morning. This is what I have been enduring for the last 2 months, almost every day, almost 2x per day, 5 days per week. Can anyone still say that this is normal?

And I am not going to be civil anymore. I tried that for 2 months and its getting me nowhere. I have to think about myself too. All because a someone wishes to have a child and that person know what kind of child it is yet she still moved in this condo knowing fully that it would disturb other people. That is selfish. What is even more selfish is the father. He wants nothing to do with that child and now I have to deal with that mess because he does not want to take responsibility.

Well done mate good to see somebody who is willing to stand up and protect their quality of life from inconsiderate people.

Anybody interested: Please listen to the audio at what this poor guy has had to endure for months.

People who choose to live alone are entilted to privacy and peaceful living.

My opinion and I have been in construction and build for thirty years: Condo's in Thailand are not suitable for raising children. The way they have been constructed and designed are for single people or couple living. Please ask any honest developer here.

Are two and three bedroomed Condo units for Single people of couples too? might the swings and children play area in my Condo really be there to attract single folk and adults ?

There problem here is simply city living... it is to be expected that noise will transfer through a building, the cheaper the build, the more noise will be transmitted.

With houses the issue is the neighbours dog barking or kids playing noisily in the garden...

Noise from other people is a fact of life - for the most part there are no guarantees of escaping noise within a city.

Having listened to the Op's sound bite I agree that the noise is pretty horrific, but so are his outbursts of frustration in slamming the wall (which I assume the sound is at times)...

Op: You are not going to win this one by fighting it... Suck it up, move on... Are you in an Apartment or Condo? Is it feasible to move to a different room on another floor and maintain your deposit etc ?

The swings are there as a sales gimmick to make you feel that the building is child friendly I have seen this tactic used many times to sell properties – flats/condo’s are not suitable for raising children the way they are built in Thailand…. – research high rise city slums the world over and why many governments are now demolishing them because they are a big source of anti social behaviour from parents and children.

All the three bedroom flats/condo’s I have ever seen the third bedroom is so small that it can only be used as storage or a small office, you will never get a full size bed and cupboards in there and then have room for the kid to play and have their toys etc. so again they have no space of their own the main contributor to the cause of this problem people and their own space.

I do not have a problem with reasonable noise transferring through the building it’s the unreasonable noise as in this case that we are discussing here is not acceptable.

You will win this if you stick at it complain everyday to them and the management that they are being unreasonably noisy. Go over the building management contact the building owners say you are going to put your story in the local news.

What a stupid, stupid, suggestion to “Suck it up, move on” to a different room – you are then moving the problem not solving it; what happens when new people move in and it all starts over again because the mother gets away with it and thinks it’s ok so does nothing about it and adopts the attitude don’t have to keep the brat quiet they’ll bang on the door for a few weeks and then move on, and then tells her mates just ignore the ding dong falungs they will move away in a few weeks.

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I suspect that you chose to have a child and chose to live in a condo, both of which are 100% avoidable to everyone, and as a result you blithely subject others to your appalling noise purely to suit yourself. You should be more considerate.

How can you say it is avoidable? Some families cannot afford to buy (or possibly rent) a house.

Because you are also living in a condo, I suspect that financially you are in the same boat as they.

I dont know what sort of place you live in but I could buy several houses for the price of my condo. But I dont because I specifically dont want to live in a house.

One could argue that you should be more understanding, more objective, and in summary, more mature about the situation. But I realize that this is probably asking for too much.

What you really mean is that you think that anyone who doesn't like having noisy inconsiderate neighbours should just put up with it rather than get them to behave themselves. I don't agree.

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