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Prayuth to head new structure for deep South


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Prayuth to head new structure for deep South
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Junta chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha will head the new structure for administering the southern border provinces, it was announced on Thursday.

Prayuth on Thursday approved the new structure for the management of southern border provinces, said Col Banphot Pooppian, the spokesman for the Internal Security Operations Command

Banphot said Prayuth saw that the new structure would better facilitate operations to solve problems and tackle insurgency in the southern border provinces.

He said the new structure would also integrate the operations of all agencies from the policy-level to the field operation level.

The new structure has three levels - the policy level, the intermediary committee and the field operation level.

The policy-level structure is headed by Prayuth himself and has the National Security Council as its advisor, Banphot said.

The policy board will be in charge of drawing policies for dealing with the situation in the deep South.

The intermediary committee is chaired by the deputy Army chief and has the NSC secretary general as its secretary. It will be in charge of integrating operations of all agencies.

The operation level will be under the responsibility of the ISOC Area 4, Banphot said.

-- The Nation 2014-06-19

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Deputy PM Chalerm was appointed to oversee security operations in Thailand’s Deep South previously.

This is what Chalerm said when he finally went once after postponing the trip numerous times.

“The opposition has been nagging me for five months for not visiting the South. The Democrats have no idea how much of a burden is added to the authorities any time a deputy prime minister visits the region,”

He spent one night in Pattani.

The burden to the PTP is too much to seriously resolve the conflict in the deep south.

One can be assured the General does not see things in the same light.

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One can be assured the General does not see things in the same light.

Good Lord your a spokes person for the General now laugh.pnglaugh.png Those pesky muslims are PTPs fault as well now it seems.

You crack me up, keep it up thumbsup.gif

I didn't say that. You have taken me out of context again.

15) Do not make changes to quoted material that changes the intended meaning of the quoted post

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hold on ...has the army not been trying to sort out the South for over 10 years?...toys like the blimp etc were bought especially for them

Not just "the army" but specifically the commander of the army, yes. The agency in charge of all operations in the South (which the government is graciously allowed to supervise but not change) is the Internal Security Operations Command or ISOC, which is commanded by the army commander, Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha. He is the reason the peace talks failed, for example.

It seems he is going to make some tweaks, but he has always had that option anyhow. Whatever he is going to do or whatever important title he is going to bestow upon himself, he always was able to do.

One possibility is that he is going to name himself PERSONALLY as HPICC rather than by his army position, which expires on Sept 30.


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hold on ...has the army not been trying to sort out the South for over 10 years?...toys like the blimp etc were bought especially for them

Not just "the army" but specifically the commander of the army, yes. The agency in charge of all operations in the South (which the government is graciously allowed to supervise but not change) is the Internal Security Operations Command or ISOC, which is commanded by the army commander, Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha. He is the reason the peace talks failed, for example.

It seems he is going to make some tweaks, but he has always had that option anyhow. Whatever he is going to do or whatever important title he is going to bestow upon himself, he always was able to do.

One possibility is that he is going to name himself PERSONALLY as HPICC rather than by his army position, which expires on Sept 30.


Your assessment on Chalerm Hic Hicburp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

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One can be assured the General does not see things in the same light.

Good Lord your a spokes person for the General now laugh.pnglaugh.png Those pesky muslims are PTPs fault as well now it seems.

You crack me up, keep it up thumbsup.gif

Good Lord your a spokes person for the General now

Don't know why you think that?

Those pesky muslims are PTPs fault as well now it seems.

I didn't say the muslims where the PTP's fault or if I did can you show me where?

Because you broke the forum rule by quoting out of context you did not add what I did say.

I did say;

Deputy PM Chalerm was appointed to oversee security operations in Thailand’s Deep South previously.

This is what Chalerm said when he finally went once after postponing the trip numerous times.

“The opposition has been nagging me for five months for not visiting the South. The Democrats have no idea how much of a burden is added to the authorities any time a deputy prime minister visits the region,”

He spent one night in Pattani.

The burden to the PTP is too much to seriously resolve the conflict in the deep south.

One can be assured the General does not see things in the same light.

Seems like interpreting not only articles, but peoples posts are an issue for you.

May peace and reconciliation be with you.

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One can be assured the General does not see things in the same light.

Good Lord your a spokes person for the General now laugh.pnglaugh.png Those pesky muslims are PTPs fault as well now it seems.

You crack me up, keep it up thumbsup.gif

I didn't say that. You have taken me out of context again.

15) Do not make changes to quoted material that changes the intended meaning of the quoted post

Way off topic original post and reply, rap master j. There was no change made that changed the intended meaning of your quoted material. You strongly implied that the de facto fault lies with PTP simply because Chalerm the Worm never visited there. Otherwise amend your post and state clearly what you intended to say, since you hide behind ambiguity the way an old woman hides behind her righteous seniority. You cannot be taken out of context because nearly all your context is implied, and; therefore, ambiguous. You make a bog and then play rules-lawyer and demand all others walk on the muddy water you made.

Bad form!

The reason Chalerm the Worm said what he said about "people have no idea what a burden it is on authorities" is because he was talking about the security necessary for such a visit, and which was correct at the time. Even a fool gets it right once a month.

Terminating Chalerm or General Prayuth Oh-cha would be a real feather in the cap of insurgents, and the entire Thai culture would lose half their face. Chalerm was a public figure, whose movements were broadcast and made news sometimes on an hour-by-hour basis. If you think they wouldn't dare assassinate any Thai leader you have not been reading the news for the last decade.

The General can go where he likes without news announcing and following him. The General has a distinct tactical advantage.

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One can be assured the General does not see things in the same light.

Good Lord your a spokes person for the General now laugh.pnglaugh.png Those pesky muslims are PTPs fault as well now it seems.

You crack me up, keep it up thumbsup.gif

I didn't say that. You have taken me out of context again.

15) Do not make changes to quoted material that changes the intended meaning of the quoted post

Way off topic original post and reply, rap master j. There was no change made that changed the intended meaning of your quoted material. You strongly implied that the de facto fault lies with PTP simply because Chalerm the Worm never visited there. Otherwise amend your post and state clearly what you intended to say, since you hide behind ambiguity the way an old woman hides behind her righteous seniority. You cannot be taken out of context because nearly all your context is implied, and; therefore, ambiguous. You make a bog and then play rules-lawyer and demand all others walk on the muddy water you made.

Bad form!

The reason Chalerm the Worm said what he said about "people have no idea what a burden it is on authorities" is because he was talking about the security necessary for such a visit, and which was correct at the time. Even a fool gets it right once a month.

Terminating Chalerm or General Prayuth Oh-cha would be a real feather in the cap of insurgents, and the entire Thai culture would lose half their face. Chalerm was a public figure, whose movements were broadcast and made news sometimes on an hour-by-hour basis. If you think they wouldn't dare assassinate any Thai leader you have not been reading the news for the last decade.

The General can go where he likes without news announcing and following him. The General has a distinct tactical advantage.

There was no change made that changed the intended meaning of your quoted material.

Umm, yes there was. Read my post above yours. He put words into my mouth which would not have been possible had he stated the whole post.


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According to some it was the PTP who got voted in on popular policies .

Everyday it's one or two new sensational headlines.

The south has been a basket case for 30 years and these guys don't negotiate so it all looks good on paper but this scum murdering lot of fanatics will continue .

Previous elected governments and former coup generals have failed so good luck with it!

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One can be assured the General does not see things in the same light.

Good Lord your a spokes person for the General now laugh.pnglaugh.png Those pesky muslims are PTPs fault as well now it seems.

You crack me up, keep it up thumbsup.gif

I didn't say that. You have taken me out of context again.

15) Do not make changes to quoted material that changes the intended meaning of the quoted post

Way off topic original post and reply, rap master j. There was no change made that changed the intended meaning of your quoted material. You strongly implied that the de facto fault lies with PTP simply because Chalerm the Worm never visited there. Otherwise amend your post and state clearly what you intended to say, since you hide behind ambiguity the way an old woman hides behind her righteous seniority. You cannot be taken out of context because nearly all your context is implied, and; therefore, ambiguous. You make a bog and then play rules-lawyer and demand all others walk on the muddy water you made.

Bad form!

The reason Chalerm the Worm said what he said about "people have no idea what a burden it is on authorities" is because he was talking about the security necessary for such a visit, and which was correct at the time. Even a fool gets it right once a month.

Terminating Chalerm or General Prayuth Oh-cha would be a real feather in the cap of insurgents, and the entire Thai culture would lose half their face. Chalerm was a public figure, whose movements were broadcast and made news sometimes on an hour-by-hour basis. If you think they wouldn't dare assassinate any Thai leader you have not been reading the news for the last decade.

The General can go where he likes without news announcing and following him. The General has a distinct tactical advantage.

Sounded good until you got to the point where it was so hard to arrange an overnight visit for Chalerm.

Now if it was that hard how did they manage for the Prime Minister to go down there for more than just one night?facepalm.gif

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hold on ...has the army not been trying to sort out the South for over 10 years?...toys like the blimp etc were bought especially for them

You are right the Army has been trying to sort it out. But you conveniently failed to mention government interference. Constantly changing the commanders.

I do not agree with the army trying to sort it out.

They need people to go down there and show the civilians that the Government is not trying to take any thing away from them. They are welcome to their religion. Just not to practice the OK to kill part. I would say infidels but they kill their own also.

Get the citizens on the side of the nation and they will soon start turning in the terrorists. As it stands now they are more afraid of the Government and the military than they are of the terrorists. Even though the terrorists think nothing of killing them.

What is needed is a program similar to what the States did with their Peace Corps. Only support them more than the peace corps were supported.wai.gif

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Good grief cant you people keep to a topic without referring everything back in some way to the usual childish political bill n ben postings ? coffee1.gif

The South is a mess, has always been a mess and dont see yet another structure about to change that until The Thai authorities and Forces begin to hold their own to full account and prove that justice isnt one sided.... I wont hold my breathe

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No matter what he does or says, any action by the Thai military in the south will be perceived to be a "military" solution. That's it pure and simple. The muslim Thai south will perceive that the non muslim Thais are imposing military government on them by military force.

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I wish General Prayuth well in his endeavors to sort out the deep Southern problem. Which is the western equivalent of the Northern Ireland problem!

and will most certainly take several years and most likely decades to find a working uneasy solution.

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