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Get off your high horse, America, we do not need a ride: Thai opinion


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What everyone appears to be missing is that its the American consumer that is speaking through the government.

It isn't so much that Americans are defending their Country, its that they are defending their own values surrounding their food "supply".

This is not a "uniquely" American thing, all humans want to know the history of the food items they are feeding their family.

Simple enough, eh?

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I actually think LOS does now have a functional gov; it's just not elected...

Thailand's biggest problem is corruption on a massive level that permeates every aspect of Thai gov. The criticism by EU and US is solely focuesed on not having an elected gov.

Corruption is a much bigger problem than what structure is in place. I am okay with the non-elected gov rooting out coorruption. The issue will becomes if the future elected gov and structure in place can maintain a check and balance system...

Eventually there will be another election but the focus should be to monitor corruption and then minimize. It really doesn't matter whether the gov is elected or not if corruption continues at present levels...


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Frankly I'm surprised at so many USA, USA, USA people here. Came out of the woodwork did you? Amerika is a failing empire and the whole world knows it, all except the sheeple in the Corporate Police State of Amerika. Freedom in Amerika, yea if you are rich and powerful. Ask a person of color, an American Indian how free they feel? Cheney/Bush et al began the destruction of the Constitution, Obama has all but completed it. Amerika is not and has not been a Democracy for some time. It is a plutocracy bordering on a Police State and it's politicians are bought and sold. While the writer could have done a better job, what was written was basically correct. Amerika not only does not understand other cultures it doesn't care. It has the highest prison population in the world, supporting private prisons. I do not deny the government helps others when disaster strikes. But I look at Katrina, New Orleans is only a few hours drive from where I grew up, the callousness of the regime at the time is unbelievable. No, the US is the one that should not cast stones from a glass house. It is stupid to talk about canceling Cobra Gold, it seems if the US can't control they will make an enemy. Not exactly the way to make the "pivot to Asia" work. To those of you that condemn Thailand so much I'll say to you what a little 'ol lady once said to me at an anti-Vietnam war rally in Beaumont, Texas "Love it or Leave it". In my case I had to explain to her that I had already left it, to fight in Vietnam and that little insignia on the collar of my jungle jacket were USMC Sgt. stripes.

Yeah, it is quite funny all the "USA, USA, USA!" cheerleaders.

One thing I need to pull you up on though; Katrina occurred during the tenure of George The Idiot Bush.

He's the one who shortly after Katrina struck was asked his opinion on Rowe Vs Wade and replied "Hell, I don't care how they get out of New Orleans, they just gotta get out".

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I do take exception with the comment about "the US has the highest prison rate in the world". Why in the heck do you see that as a negative?

I see that America probably has the best democratic law and order society in the world. The average person in america is no different than the average person in the world. That said, its these countries like Thailand that have a joke of law/order system. If they did have an excellent justice system in place, these countries would have prison rates comparable to America's..

But they don't so many people out there are getting away with all sorts of crimes where they should be serving time and penalties according to proper enforcement of laws and regulations....Thailand is an incredibley weak law and order society where they turn to cultural complaince over regulatory compliance.

People in general (everywhere in the world) are dishonest and regulations are needed to manage them. Just take Thai driving behaviors and statistics as evidence...Without proper enforcement, drivers do as they please and stats reflect that. I only using Thai driving as one example but as an example with strict and proper enforcemnt, significant improvement would be noted...


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Is there anything more embarrassing than when a Thai starts spouting this nonsense?

Is this person seriously trying to compare corruption in the US with Thailand?

There is barely ANY law and order in this country

Could poll a few blacks in America on the same question.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Frankly I'm surprised at so many USA, USA, USA people here. Came out of the woodwork did you? Amerika is a failing empire and the whole world knows it, all except the sheeple in the Corporate Police State of Amerika. Freedom in Amerika, yea if you are rich and powerful. Ask a person of color, an American Indian how free they feel? Cheney/Bush et al began the destruction of the Constitution, Obama has all but completed it. Amerika is not and has not been a Democracy for some time. It is a plutocracy bordering on a Police State and it's politicians are bought and sold. While the writer could have done a better job, what was written was basically correct. Amerika not only does not understand other cultures it doesn't care. It has the highest prison population in the world, supporting private prisons. I do not deny the government helps others when disaster strikes. But I look at Katrina, New Orleans is only a few hours drive from where I grew up, the callousness of the regime at the time is unbelievable. No, the US is the one that should not cast stones from a glass house. It is stupid to talk about canceling Cobra Gold, it seems if the US can't control they will make an enemy. Not exactly the way to make the "pivot to Asia" work. To those of you that condemn Thailand so much I'll say to you what a little 'ol lady once said to me at an anti-Vietnam war rally in Beaumont, Texas "Love it or Leave it". In my case I had to explain to her that I had already left it, to fight in Vietnam and that little insignia on the collar of my jungle jacket were USMC Sgt. stripes.

Yeah, it is quite funny all the "USA, USA, USA!" cheerleaders.

One thing I need to pull you up on though; Katrina occurred during the tenure of George The Idiot Bush.

He's the one who shortly after Katrina struck was asked his opinion on Rowe Vs Wade and replied "Hell, I don't care how they get out of New Orleans, they just gotta get out".

Yes it is funny, but what is even more funny is all the fanatics that want to bash the USA, even there own citizens! I know this article is about USA, but the rest of the civilized world has taken the same approach/attitude towards the coup as the USA. Most all these other civilized countries have a much seedier past than the USA, but its always easier to bash the current number 1 country.

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I speak with an accent and was discriminated and ripped-off everywhere I went in America. Being a minority there you will be designated to a lifetime in cesspool of hate. American's disregard of ethnic minorities is barely mentioned anywhere. So I quit my high paying job and moved to SE Asia. So long home of the brave!

I'm curious. smile.png

What kind of accent? How were you ripped-off? What state(s) were you in? How much money did you make?

Where did you move to in SEA? What do you do now? How much money do you make?

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Is there anything more embarrassing than when a Thai starts spouting this nonsense?

Is this person seriously trying to compare corruption in the US with Thailand?

There is barely ANY law and order in this country

Could poll a few blacks in America on the same question.

That's racist. What have you got against blacks? rolleyes.gif

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The writer had a chance to make a point here. unfortunately the article is a smattering of negativity from Google searches with no coherent connection.

Yes Thailand you have made a mess of your politics, just admit it and try to fix it. Deflection to America will not make any difference.

Just because America has it's own problems doesn't mean they and the rest of the world can't see yours.

Why are you here in Thailand? Something must be right here.

I'm here to help!

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I speak with an accent and was discriminated and ripped-off everywhere I went in America. Being a minority there you will be designated to a lifetime in cesspool of hate. American's disregard of ethnic minorities is barely mentioned anywhere. So I quit my high paying job and moved to SE Asia. So long home of the brave!

I recognize there is prejudice in the US as well as "reverse" prejudice and it crosses all racial lines.

What I don't understand is how you could have been ripped off?

The US has very strong consumer protection laws and small claims courts and our stores have clearly priced merchandise.

Could you please elaborate on how you were ripped off?

As for the hate--don't take it personally--Americans even hate each other these days.

Edited by ClutchClark
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I just don't get it!!!! What is the problem Kerry (USA) has with this Junta? This current leadership's coup stopped (it's a stretch to say civil war) bloodshed on a large scale occurring on the streets of Bangkok and quite probably other major cities in Thailand too. It paid farmers (Not Hi-So Yellows) there desperately needed and owed money. It is enforcing laws which have been ignored for so long that they practically had to have the cobwebs blow torched off them and as a result have improved the quality of many Thai persons lives. The streets and this is not hyperbole have become so much safer not just from bullets and bombs but from rip offs, petty crime Christ even traffic incidents. The USA has supported countless regimes which have had a god almighty dreadful record of horrific human rights abuses including dictatorships here many moons ago. Obama/Kerry's foreign policy activities have been a spectacular failure one after another after another. Syria which is coming damn close to Cambodia circa 1975-1978 in terms of unfathomable lose of life ( hell they couldn't even get the UK to back their intervention there and the UK with 1 exception Wilson-LBJ 1968 has been dog to their master since WW2) , Ukraine ( Putin a man I find truly distasteful has played Uncle Sam like a plastic whistle), Iraq which looks like it is going to descend to a level of hell even it has not seen before, Egypt where the USA supported democratic elections-the Muslim brotherhood got in-stopped supporting them-overthrow of democratically elected Govt- supported that- replaced by military rule which has sentenced hundreds of people to death and jailed western journalists BOY!!! you did a helluva good job there Kerry, Nigeria, have those poor little schoolgirls been returned back to their Mums and Dads? I could go ,on but I think I've gone on enough but now we come to WHY Thailand ?

A: Thaksin has more clout with the Govt/congress that we can imagine (Not buying it)

B: The USA Govt is moronically singular minded about democracy ( Again not buying it Look at Ukraine)

C: The USA Govt receives all its info from a heavily biased western media and that stupid woman in the Embassy (Truly hope it isn't this answer)

Answers D to Z like I said I don't know I JUST DON't GET IT

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What I would like to hear is comments from those non Americans who slag on America... but think obama is a great leader... Do you think 6 years of obama has been good for the world? Who has ordered more drone strikes to kill people than anyone ever ? Who has allow the printing of near worthless dollars that has fueled inflation around the world? Who has stymied oil production and processing in the U.S. so that the U.S, buys more oil from foreign sources - thus bidding up the price for all other countries - thus raising the cost of living? Who has seen arms, aircraft and bombs to Libya and created chaos there? Who funded radical fundamentalist in Syria creating chaos there and allowed it to migrate to Iraq? Who funded the beyond radical Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that almost succeeded in setting up a fundamentalist Islamic state in Egypt (but was thwarted by real freedom loving people)?


I just laugh at the silly know it alls who love (or loved) obama and yet know nothing about his dastardly actions over 6 years...

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The US government has (questionable?) rules and procedures for situations like this. It's not personal, just business.

I think you guys are taking this harder than the NCPO. They know how world politics work. I'm sure they're getting plenty of support, behind the scenes.

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Dear Thailand,

Please feel free to stop sending your big-wigs to America for their education.

Which really would be prudent for all nations... USA's primary and secondary education systems are amongst the worst in the developed world and their higher education has, for the most part, lost the plot. 'Higher education' institutions are now expected to produce cookie-cutter productive citizens and consumers rather than citizens which develop critical thought and a healthy degree of scepticism.

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I just don't get it!!!! What is the problem Kerry (USA) has with this Junta? This current leadership's coup stopped (it's a stretch to say civil war) bloodshed on a large scale occurring on the streets of Bangkok and quite probably other major cities in Thailand too. It paid farmers (Not Hi-So Yellows) there desperately needed and owed money. It is enforcing laws which have been ignored for so long that they practically had to have the cobwebs blow torched off them and as a result have improved the quality of many Thai persons lives. The streets and this is not hyperbole have become so much safer not just from bullets and bombs but from rip offs, petty crime Christ even traffic incidents. The USA has supported countless regimes which have had a god almighty dreadful record of horrific human rights abuses including dictatorships here many moons ago. Obama/Kerry's foreign policy activities have been a spectacular failure one after another after another. Syria which is coming damn close to Cambodia circa 1975-1978 in terms of unfathomable lose of life ( hell they couldn't even get the UK to back their intervention there and the UK with 1 exception Wilson-LBJ 1968 has been dog to their master since WW2) , Ukraine ( Putin a man I find truly distasteful has played Uncle Sam like a plastic whistle), Iraq which looks like it is going to descend to a level of hell even it has not seen before, Egypt where the USA supported democratic elections-the Muslim brotherhood got in-stopped supporting them-overthrow of democratically elected Govt- supported that- replaced by military rule which has sentenced hundreds of people to death and jailed western journalists BOY!!! you did a helluva good job there Kerry, Nigeria, have those poor little schoolgirls been returned back to their Mums and Dads? I could go ,on but I think I've gone on enough but now we come to WHY Thailand ?

A: Thaksin has more clout with the Govt/congress that we can imagine (Not buying it)

B: The USA Govt is moronically singular minded about democracy ( Again not buying it Look at Ukraine)

C: The USA Govt receives all its info from a heavily biased western media and that stupid woman in the Embassy (Truly hope it isn't this answer)

Answers D to Z like I said I don't know I JUST DON't GET IT

I think I would go with "C" plus the added factor of posturing.

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I just don't get it!!!! What is the problem Kerry (USA) has with this Junta? This current leadership's coup stopped (it's a stretch to say civil war) bloodshed on a large scale occurring on the streets of Bangkok and quite probably other major cities in Thailand too. It paid farmers (Not Hi-So Yellows) there desperately needed and owed money. It is enforcing laws which have been ignored for so long that they practically had to have the cobwebs blow torched off them and as a result have improved the quality of many Thai persons lives. The streets and this is not hyperbole have become so much safer not just from bullets and bombs but from rip offs, petty crime Christ even traffic incidents. The USA has supported countless regimes which have had a god almighty dreadful record of horrific human rights abuses including dictatorships here many moons ago. Obama/Kerry's foreign policy activities have been a spectacular failure one after another after another. Syria which is coming damn close to Cambodia circa 1975-1978 in terms of unfathomable lose of life ( hell they couldn't even get the UK to back their intervention there and the UK with 1 exception Wilson-LBJ 1968 has been dog to their master since WW2) , Ukraine ( Putin a man I find truly distasteful has played Uncle Sam like a plastic whistle), Iraq which looks like it is going to descend to a level of hell even it has not seen before, Egypt where the USA supported democratic elections-the Muslim brotherhood got in-stopped supporting them-overthrow of democratically elected Govt- supported that- replaced by military rule which has sentenced hundreds of people to death and jailed western journalists BOY!!! you did a helluva good job there Kerry, Nigeria, have those poor little schoolgirls been returned back to their Mums and Dads? I could go ,on but I think I've gone on enough but now we come to WHY Thailand ?

A: Thaksin has more clout with the Govt/congress that we can imagine (Not buying it)

B: The USA Govt is moronically singular minded about democracy ( Again not buying it Look at Ukraine)

C: The USA Govt receives all its info from a heavily biased western media and that stupid woman in the Embassy (Truly hope it isn't this answer)

Answers D to Z like I said I don't know I JUST DON't GET IT

Jesus, aren't you just the life of the party.

Good points though. I don't have an answer. Most Americans do not have any real understanding of whats happening in thailand. When they heard about "protests" they think violence on a large scale. They think carbombs, molotov cocktails, riot police with water cannons and tear gas. When I sent home photos of protest parades filled with smiling old women and little kids being carried on parent's shoulders, and a festive atmosphere, people didn't know how to process these details.

Ofcourse, thats the general public, our leaders like Kerry are fully aware of the real sitiation here.

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Is there anything more embarrassing than when a Thai starts spouting this nonsense?

Is this person seriously trying to compare corruption in the US with Thailand?

There is barely ANY law and order in this country

The only difference in corruption between the USA and Thailand is scale. In Thailand the average person has access to certain levels of corruption. In the USA corruption is an exclusive realm of economic whales (think Trump) and corporations...

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Of course there's no complaint about the other countries who denounced the coup and demanded a new government be elected as soon as possible, while cancelling various agreements with Thailand.

The foreign ministers of the 28 countries in the European Union opposed and criticized the coup. The EU cancelled all official visits to Thailand, cancelled an upcoming negotiation with Thailand on free trade, and put off signing a cooperation accord with Thailand.

Australia also denounced the coup, downgraded military ties with Thailand, and issued a visa ban for the Thai military.

But of course, it's only bad when Amerika does it.

"Ding ding ding" .... Slobber Slobber Slobber!!

What was that?! Pavlov rang his bell, and his mindless preconditioned dogs started salivating uncontrollably. The poor things can't help themselves.

"USA..America..American.." Rant Rant Rant!!

What was that?! Someone said the word "America", and the mindless preconditioned Europeans started frothing uncontrollably..

Having said that, I do wish my government would stop their crap and accept that Thailand is better off this way.

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What I would like to hear is comments from those non Americans who slag on America... but think obama is a great leader... Do you think 6 years of obama has been good for the world? Who has ordered more drone strikes to kill people than anyone ever ? Who has allow the printing of near worthless dollars that has fueled inflation around the world? Who has stymied oil production and processing in the U.S. so that the U.S, buys more oil from foreign sources - thus bidding up the price for all other countries - thus raising the cost of living? Who has seen arms, aircraft and bombs to Libya and created chaos there? Who funded radical fundamentalist in Syria creating chaos there and allowed it to migrate to Iraq? Who funded the beyond radical Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that almost succeeded in setting up a fundamentalist Islamic state in Egypt (but was thwarted by real freedom loving people)?


I just laugh at the silly know it alls who love (or loved) obama and yet know nothing about his dastardly actions over 6 years...

No obama got a nice enheritance from Bush and is still cleaning up his mess.
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Dear Thailand,

Please feel free to stop sending your big-wigs to America for their education.

Which really would be prudent for all nations... USA's primary and secondary education systems are amongst the worst in the developed world and their higher education has, for the most part, lost the plot. 'Higher education' institutions are now expected to produce cookie-cutter productive citizens and consumers rather than citizens which develop critical thought and a healthy degree of scepticism.
Mike, I would have to disagree.

Higher education institutions are only expected to make a profit.

Its all about research grants today.

Edited by ClutchClark
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I speak with an accent and was discriminated and ripped-off everywhere I went in America. Being a minority there you will be designated to a lifetime in cesspool of hate. American's disregard of ethnic minorities is barely mentioned anywhere. So I quit my high paying job and moved to SE Asia. So long home of the brave!

I recognize there is prejudice in the US as well as "reverse" prejudice and it crosses all racial lines.

What I don't understand is how you could have been ripped off?

The US has very strong consumer protection laws and small claims courts and our stores have clearly priced merchandise.

Could you please elaborate on how you were ripped off?

As for the hate--don't take it personally--Americans even hate each other these days.

I don't sue for discrimination. Once a long time ago I sued an auto shop for vandalizing my car in MI and was thoroughly disgusted by the experience. The company had much more legal leverage and while I won (symbolically) I never wish to step my foot into a US court system again. In numerous other cases I had to just suck it up and tough it out.

On another occasion I was stripped off benefits by DOL and wrote a Senator to step in. The investigation has been pending for 4 years LOL. It's not just the private sector doing it.

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I do take exception with the comment about "the US has the highest prison rate in the world". Why in the heck do you see that as a negative?

I see that America probably has the best democratic law and order society in the world. The average person in america is no different than the average person in the world. That said, its these countries like Thailand that have a joke of law/order system. If they did have an excellent justice system in place, these countries would have prison rates comparable to America's..

But they don't so many people out there are getting away with all sorts of crimes where they should be serving time and penalties according to proper enforcement of laws and regulations....Thailand is an incredibley weak law and order society where they turn to cultural complaince over regulatory compliance.

People in general (everywhere in the world) are dishonest and regulations are needed to manage them. Just take Thai driving behaviors and statistics as evidence...Without proper enforcement, drivers do as they please and stats reflect that. I only using Thai driving as one example but as an example with strict and proper enforcemnt, significant improvement would be noted...


I guess some people need the security blanket of a police state. Me, I prefer fending for myself in the 'Wild East'. Ironic as most US citizens harken back to their own wild west as a sort of golden age of American freedom.

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