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Scary Problem With Postal Worker


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It all started about 2 years ago.

We were in our very local Thai eatery (1 minute walk from our house) when this Thai guy walked in and ordered a cheap meal and a beer. He was a uniformed postman and was clearly on duty as he had mail with him on his bike, he seemed to have already been drinking but I just dismissed it.

He struck up a conversation with us as he recognized us as being on his rounds. The guy seemed quite friendly and I bought him a drink as he said he was finished working for the day. This was a massive mistake.... As I left the restaurant, he asked me to leave some money fora couple more beers,of course I said no. I don't mind buying the occasional drink for people, it is part of my culture to offer a drink to people who I am talking/drinking with at the time...in my country it is almost always offered back. There was no way I was leaving money for someone I hardly know so they can drink for free.

Anyway, about a week later, it was mid afternoon and the postman came to deliver a registered letter that my wife had to sign for, the letter also had her phone number on it. At the gate she signed for the letter, and the postman proceeded to ask her where I was, and she told him I was indoors working, he asked for us to come to the restaurant with him and buy him some beer. My wife told him I was busy working on the internet...I had things to do then she walked indoors and he followed her to our front door.

The guy was visibly pissed up to the point he was slurring and swaying. He stood at our door peering in at me and trying to cajole me into coming to the restaurant to buy him two beers,I said no repeatedly, and told him I had to work.. The guy was very persistent and would not take no for an answer from either of us... In the end I had to literally throw him out of the garden.

After that we got into the habit of keeping our gate locked and the curtains drawn to avoid this guy when delivering mail, and also tracking parcels we were expecting and picking them up from the depot instead... but one day he called my wife on her mobile asking if I was going to the restaurant... It seems he had lifted her mobile number off the registered letter from a while before. Obviously she said no and that was that... but again she said he seemed very drunk.

Anyway.. The wife noticed we had a new postman,and she asked where the other guy was and he told her the guy had been moved because of complaints. Whew... what a relief. However, yesterday the guy called the wife again totally pissed asking if I would go round to the restaurant and buy him two beers, the wife said no... Then he said 'OK..only one beer then'... The wife refused and told him to stop calling her. Then 20 minutes later she gets a call from the waiter from the restaurant asking if we had authorized this guy to drink beer there and we would pay for it?.. The postman hadn't reckoned on the waiter having my wife's number because she calls every other day to order food and we pick it up to avoid this very same guy.

This guy has taken this to new limits.... I have never met anyone in Thailand like him.

I am now needing to get something done about this, but to be honest I am wondering what I can actually do that won't culminate into problems later on. Don't get me wrong, I am anything but a coward, and normally I would just shout this guy down, but I have to be realistic that he knows where we live, and he is not exactly what I would call mentally stable. So approaching the post off ice or the police may not be the wisest thing and to top it all off, he has been put back on our round, so now we are back to hiding from him.

I think I am just going to have to have it out with him and finally get it sorted there and then.

What do you reckon chaps?.... The last thing I am doing is to move... You can't sell a used house where I live and I can't afford the loss of money.

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What do you reckon chaps?.... The last thing I am doing is to move... You can't sell a used house where I live and I can't afford the loss of money.

What do I reckon, dont believe a word of it.

You can't sell a used house where I live and I can't afford the loss of money.

Funnily enough, this I do believe.

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In my experience, its always best to let Thai people deal with Thai's.

The best person if he is available would be your wifes father, age and position gives him the upper hand to start with. He would be able to sort it out quickly and easily.

If you really feel in danger, make sure it is logged with the local Police, but only as a last resort.

As a lawyer here once advised me, its not just him, its his family and whoever else he knows, as a foriegner you are somewhat vulnerable, try to stay back and let a Thai deal with it.

Thank you... a good reply.

I will get my wife to ask her dad to intervene and have a word and tell this guy I am not a rich man and only earn the same as a Thai.

Maybe he will offer to buy ME a beer. ;)

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Tell your wife not to inform strangers (or anyone at all) you are working illegally in Thailand without a work permit.

You might be deported.

Don't give your phone number to random people you meet.

Don't buy drinks for strangers.

Really, you bring this trouble all on yourself.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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oooooh scary, you may have to leave Thailand if this alcoholic causes you any more drama whistling.gif failing that you could just pop one on his vera lynn and I doubt you would hear from him ever again

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Best advice here is: The OP should let his wife deal with it.

It sounds like this postman is an alcoholic. Thai people will know what to do in this situation.

The risk for the OP if he chooses to deal with this himself is the postman may lose face. That would probably have really bad results for the OP.

Good luck to the OP.

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Tell your wife not to inform strangers (or anyone at all) you are working illegally in Thailand without a work permit.

You might be deported.

Don't give your phone number to random people you meet.

Don't buy drinks for strangers.

Really, you bring this trouble all on yourself.

I doubt he even knows what time of day it is most of the time let alone be informed of immigration rules on farang. But I actually have a work permit for our company.

She didn't give him her number, he got it off a parcel that the sender put the number on, and I actually forgot to to mention that at one time he was sat in the restaurant and told us he had our parcel and to come round to collect it.

BTW... this is not over a few months, this is over 2 years, so not a common occurrence, but annoying all the same.

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Am I the only one who is wondering why his wife hasn't already dealt with it? I mean, no offence, but perhaps she really doesn't know how to deal with it . . . otherwise it wouldn't be happening.

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If you don't do anything illegal and the Thai is not from a wealthy family then you should be able to handle this yourself.

If he was from a wealthy family he would not have been transferred or delivering mail in the first place. So no need to hide behind your wifes skirt. Who is thinking about selling moving house because he has a problem with the local drunk ? Deal with it yourself.

Edited by FritsSikkink
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Best advice here is: The OP should let his wife deal with it.

It sounds like this postman is an alcoholic. Thai people will know what to do in this situation.

The risk for the OP if he chooses to deal with this himself is the postman may lose face. That would probably have really bad results for the OP.

Good luck to the OP.

He is losing face every time he is drunk while he should be working.

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If you don't do anything illegal and the Thai is not from a wealthy family then you should be able to handle this yourself.

If he was from a wealthy family he would not have been transferred or delivering mail in the first place. So no need to hide behind your wifes skirt. Who is thinking about selling moving house because he has a problem with the local drunk ? Deal with it yourself.

If he was from a wealthy family, he wouldn't be a postman. Simple.

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Best advice here is: The OP should let his wife deal with it.

It sounds like this postman is an alcoholic. Thai people will know what to do in this situation.

The risk for the OP if he chooses to deal with this himself is the postman may lose face. That would probably have really bad results for the OP.

Good luck to the OP.

He is losing face every time he is drunk while he should be working.

I don't think drunks give a rats about losing face.

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I'm sure I've read this story on here before, but if I'm wrong the simple thing is pee -takers like this will not stop until they fear they are going to get hurt. Not just in this country, but yes there is an awful lot of them here.

This guy is probably afraid of his own shadow (like most of the people in this country that rely on the Thais are dangerous reputation with foreigners and other Thais ) Whether it's the restaurant that bunks up the bill, or the taxi driver that tries it on or the bar girls family that expects you to fund their constant drinking and gambling or the guys selling peanuts or watches, bar staff etc etc etc or the local alkie, ok one of the hundreds of local alkies. As soon as he realising you aren't going to put up with it anymore he will stop. Keep being soft and polite and he will keep doing it.

Try being very firm and a tiny bit aggressive first and for gawds sake don't let your wife sort it out or he will continue laughing at you and continue doing what he is doing.

Don't let them take the pee and for gawd sake never buy an alkie or local everyday drinkers a drink especially in this country , it's up there with don't take a bird back to your home use a short time room.

Simply do what the Thais do, they don't suffer like this, you are seen by this idiot as an easy target, show him you're not.

Or as someone said get a dog, sick em boy, sick em.

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Trembly, the OP says this has happened over two years, so I'd imagine there are long periods when there is no contact with the guy (remember, someone else did the postal round for a while), and I guess the OP and his missus were hoping it had ended.

But you're right - his missus should have handled it by now. OP, there is a hierarchy in your village, so why haven't you taken advantage of it to solve the problem? Village headman (buy him a couple of beers - :) ) talks to big posty man who kicks little derriere.

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Tell your wife not to inform strangers (or anyone at all) you are working illegally in Thailand without a work permit.

You might be deported.

Don't give your phone number to random people you meet.

Don't buy drinks for strangers.

Really, you bring this trouble all on yourself.

I doubt he even knows what time of day it is most of the time let alone be informed of immigration rules on farang. But I actually have a work permit for our company.

She didn't give him her number, he got it off a parcel that the sender put the number on, and I actually forgot to to mention that at one time he was sat in the restaurant and told us he had our parcel and to come round to collect it.

BTW... this is not over a few months, this is over 2 years, so not a common occurrence, but annoying all the same.

I think the OP is panicking and scared of this postman Prat for some reason and these episodes have probably continued for over 2 years because the OP and his wife keep reacting to the guys calls or in other words the OP and his wife are playing this guy`s game.

Some years ago we experienced a similar problem with a young Thai guy who was an employee of a builders merchant where we were customers when having an extension built onto our home. He seemed during the time to be an extremely helpful person and would go beyond the call of duty to help us when delivering building materials to our house and ensuring we received what I described as an almost VIP service by him at the builders merchants where he worked. Obviously he had our phone numbers both mobiles and landline including knowledge of where we live.

Each time we had business dealings with this merchant`s employee I used to tip him very generously and at one time even invited him over to have dinner and a few beers with us at home. The main reason for my kindness was that he was a young guy, seemed at the time that he really favoured the wife and I and he appeared to be very poor, so my wife and I took pity on him. (Big mistake).

Not long after our home extension was completed my wife was told by another of the builders merchant staff that this guy had been sacked for stealing building materials, selling stuff to some of his friends via the back door and was eventually caught in the act. My wife and I could hardly believe it and we were stunned .

Then about 2 weeks later my wife received a phone call from this guy. My wife told me that the guy said he has no job and no money to pay the rent where he lived and was starving, had not eaten for days.and could I lend him 10000 baht to help pay his bills and buy food? This is Thailand a kingdom where the words lend and give means the same. I told my wife, no I am sorry for his predicament but will not give money.

So to cut a now long story short, the guy persisted with his phone calls and actually turned up at our gate at least 3 times, mostly in a state of being highly intoxicated either on drink or drugs or both. But it was very easy to rid of him, we just did not answer our phones anymore when he called and when he turned up at our gate, we totally ignored him and soon the guy disappeared never to be seen or heard of again. And this is what I advise to the OP, just do not respond to postman Prat`s phone calls and if he turns up at the gate, just ignore him. If the guy still persists, then visit the post office where he works, have a very polite and informal word with the boss in there, no need to make an official complaint unless absolutely necessary, and that should gain a result.

Also why not do what we have done for the last 20 years and rent a box at your local post office, cost 200 baht per year and well worth it for the convenience.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Trembly, the OP says this has happened over two years, so I'd imagine there are long periods when there is no contact with the guy (remember, someone else did the postal round for a while), and I guess the OP and his missus were hoping it had ended.

But you're right - his missus should have handled it by now. OP, there is a hierarchy in your village, so why haven't you taken advantage of it to solve the problem? Village headman (buy him a couple of beers - smile.png ) talks to big posty man who kicks little derriere.

I don't live in a village, I live in a city.

But yes... I thought it was all over until the other day when the phone rang and the missus answered and it was him. That was when he asked if he could have beer at the restaurant and we pay, then we got the call from the waiter who told him this guy told him he could have 2 Leos and we would be paying for it.

When my wife said absolutely not and that he had called to ask and we said NO!! The waiter said he would have a word with him. Not too sure if that meant, sort this guy out for lying or what.

My wife hasn't done anything other than say no to him on every occasion, she is as timid as a church mouse especially with people older than her (which he clearly is).

To the member who called me a doormat.... why?... because I bought him a drink 'once'... ??

I have offered to sort him out as i would someone in my own country well before now, but it is the wife that stops me and tries to keep me out of it... She is frightened he will come round at night and do something if he is drunk, such as trash our car or something... the guy is a complete nutcase.

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Trembly, the OP says this has happened over two years, so I'd imagine there are long periods when there is no contact with the guy (remember, someone else did the postal round for a while), and I guess the OP and his missus were hoping it had ended.

But you're right - his missus should have handled it by now. OP, there is a hierarchy in your village, so why haven't you taken advantage of it to solve the problem? Village headman (buy him a couple of beers - smile.png ) talks to big posty man who kicks little derriere.

I don't live in a village, I live in a city.

But yes... I thought it was all over until the other day when the phone rang and the missus answered and it was him. That was when he asked if he could have beer at the restaurant and we pay, then we got the call from the waiter who told him this guy told him he could have 2 Leos and we would be paying for it.

When my wife said absolutely not and that he had called to ask and we said NO!! The waiter said he would have a word with him. Not too sure if that meant, sort this guy out for lying or what.

My wife hasn't done anything other than say no to him on every occasion, she is as timid as a church mouse especially with people older than her (which he clearly is).

To the member who called me a doormat.... why?... because I bought him a drink 'once'... ??

I have offered to sort him out as i would someone in my own country well before now, but it is the wife that stops me and tries to keep me out of it... She is frightened he will come round at night and do something if he is drunk, such as trash our car or something... the guy is a complete nutcase.

Having physical altercations is rarely a solution to any problem.

I have given you good advice on how to handle this situation, otherwise you will just become a member of the long and suffering club.

Good luck to all who sail in her.

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