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School beating


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One of my kids (the 9yr old) was having a regular bad time with his Thai class-teacher (a bilingual school) picking on him.

One day my son came home covered in bruises on his arm – his lady teacher had dismissed all the kids from the classroom for lunch or something, kept my son back and was pinching him hard on his inner arms.

The wife had enough.

She was down the school the next day, demanded to see the headmistresses or she would go file a police report.

The headmistresses came to the office, so the wife then demanded to see the teacher or she would go file a police report.

The teacher came to the office to join the headmistress and the wife, so the wife then demanded that (i) the teacher apologise to my wife and (ii) the teacher write a note to my wife that the teacher would never do such a thing again to my son or any other kid again, or my wife would go file a police report.

The teacher apologised to the wife and stated that she would never do such a thing again to my son or any other kid again (written note was never received).

The wife left satisfied and left.

The teacher was demoted to teacher’s assistant in the kinderkarten; she subsequently left the school at the end of the term.

If your kid is being physically abused, get down the head teachers office and/or file a police report, and I’m sure you will get satisfaction this way.

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looking at the photo the OP posted it is obvious that it was not a single slap but a multitude of hits with a object like a wide leather belt, obvious this was not knee jerk reaction to say a cheeky remark by a child where the teacher "lost it", this was premeditated, in the UK the teacher would be looking at time in prison.

Even for a lesser assault the teacher would loose their job, and certainly if even if only given a police caution it would be on their criminal record and they will never be allowed to work with children again, period.

Edited by Basil B
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Difficult to imagine this was done in full view of the other students, but that's exactly how we were caned back in the 70s in Oz. We even had one psycho who used to get a run up - cricket style - from outside the classroom. Hurt like hell in Winter - lots of hands being rubbed feverishly the morning after a maths test and our French teacher didnt even restrict himself to caning people at the start of class - his specialty was rapping you on the knuckles with a piece of wood the mad bastard carried expressly for that purpose. Sadistic mofos, but any new teacher who didnt accept that 'discipline' was part of the curriculum was clearly seen as a lesser being. Interesting times.

Apologies to any Monty Python fans out there, but tell that to young kids today and they wont believe you.

We had similar at the public school I was at in the mid 80's in the UK. (To non Brits a Public School is actually an expensive Private School)

I'm actually in favour of physical punishment for some things.

But not for doing badly in a test and not perhaps to that extent.

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Difficult to imagine this was done in full view of the other students, but that's exactly how we were caned back in the 70s in Oz. We even had one psycho who used to get a run up - cricket style - from outside the classroom. Hurt like hell in Winter - lots of hands being rubbed feverishly the morning after a maths test and our French teacher didnt even restrict himself to caning people at the start of class - his specialty was rapping you on the knuckles with a piece of wood the mad bastard carried expressly for that purpose. Sadistic mofos, but any new teacher who didnt accept that 'discipline' was part of the curriculum was clearly seen as a lesser being. Interesting times.

Apologies to any Monty Python fans out there, but tell that to young kids today and they wont believe you.

In the late 50's, early '60s, in US high school, the use of rulers across the knuckles, ring flips on your head, and plastic whistle chain whippings were frequent, if not common.

One day, my gym teacher took exception to my actions and whipped the back of my legs with his whistle chain. I was as big as he, I decked him. He came back fighting and another gym teacher broke us up--not sure to this day if I'm happy about that or not. I was suspended for fighting with a teacher, but I was reinstated when subsequent investigation showed he had struck me several times with the chain before I struck him. The teacher I hit was transferred to another school, in the same county.

A math teacher would flip the back of my head with his class ring, but I didn't mind that, I was 'dating' his daughter. Perhaps that was the reason for the flips.

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I don't have the answer to your question but that is disgraceful and, surely, not acceptable in any educational establishment.

It is against the law to touch a student. The parents who did not report this to the police are not fit parents.


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Go and see the headmaster with the photos. Complain. If nothing is done then go to the police and the news outlets. At least give the school a chance to deal with it first.

This is an assault,straight to the police and inform the press.Whats the school going to do.The teacher needs to be sacked to protect other kids.

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Basil- it's a bit too simplistic that quote. Two wrongs maybe do not make a right and I can accept that in certain scenarios. However, when an adult beats a child to that extent ( school teacher - allegedly ) - then I'm afraid that this sentiment doesn't cut it with me. It's " bat time " and that <deleted> needs to be on the receiving end of at least 6 good swings of it !

I see a significant number of TV denizens are showing their usual respect for rule of law. Yep, vigilantism is the solution - don't bother with legal and civil prosecution.. "I am the superhero 'ANGRY MAN' and I will mete out justice wherever I see what by my judgment is injustice... just as soon as happy hour is over."

I wonder how many of these 'tough guys' are actually physically (and psychologically) capable of laying on the beatings they so salivatingly claim they wouldn't hesitate to dish out. And how many of those could actually do the time if they were legally convicted of assault causing bodily harm? Loudmouthed tossers.


Where was the rule of law / protection for this young child ? This ( allegedly ) did not just happen in the street with a gang of kids having a straightner. This happened in a school where ( allegedly ) the teacher, who has been entrusted by the parents to take care and educate their child, has instead, given him a good and prolonged beating. Additionally, if you bother to read the detail of most of the posts that take a more aggressive stance on this thread, I think you will find that the content, by enlarge, suggests that this person should receive similar treatment to what they inflicted on a young child. Put this in to context ; we are in Thailand, the legal system is very different, there is not the same protection for kids, there is not the same punishment for perps and those injuries look like they are from a sustained beating. I haven't read anywhere where anyone is suggesting gang warfare against this teacher - personal opinions are just being aired. Let's assume that the police were brought in ( I will go along with that ) and then the next day this teacher just disappears to a different province and starts teaching again somewhere else ? You know that the same controls and checks are not in place here....and this can easily happen. FYI - I was a school governor in UK for a while. I couldn't even step foot in that school until I had undergone a full CRBC ( Criminal Record Background Check ). Sure, if this happened in UK I would follow the system and let justice prevail, but I see no justice or satisfaction should a teacher ( if guilty of this ) be able to abscond and just disappear. In my opinion, this could very well happen here and that would make me even more angry because that would likely be the end of it and maybe, for the police and school, that would represent a fairly satisfactory outcome for them, under the circumstances !

I will take your words - "Angry Man." However, as for the loudmouthed tossers comment - that one is a bit wide of the mark - I think !

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Difficult to imagine this was done in full view of the other students, but that's exactly how we were caned back in the 70s in Oz. We even had one psycho who used to get a run up - cricket style - from outside the classroom. Hurt like hell in Winter - lots of hands being rubbed feverishly the morning after a maths test and our French teacher didnt even restrict himself to caning people at the start of class - his specialty was rapping you on the knuckles with a piece of wood the mad bastard carried expressly for that purpose. Sadistic mofos, but any new teacher who didnt accept that 'discipline' was part of the curriculum was clearly seen as a lesser being. Interesting times.

Apologies to any Monty Python fans out there, but tell that to young kids today and they wont believe you.

You were lucky. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out. When we got home, our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

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I can recall the only time I was subject to corporal punishment it was 1970, the whole class was slippered for the actions of a few.

The teacher in question took us for technical drawing after lunch for a double period (1 hour), said teacher could not go 15 minutes without going out for a cigarette, needless to say in a class of 15 year old's there was a lot of "horse play" that generated some noise.

This would happen week after week with said teacher leaving the classroom with feeble excuses 2 or 3 times in the hour, the bike sheds were some distance away so said teacher could not hear the commotion but obviously other teachers did.

Often other teaches would poke their heads round the door to find out what was going on and it must have been brought to the head teachers attention what was going on, and he must have been on a warning, so the one time instead of going to the bike sheds he waited outside the class for a few minutes and just burst in, not being able to identify any individuals he slippered the whole class, perfect example of a piss poor teacher.

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You should get a doctors report, a police report, go to the press and seek advice and support from Paveena foundation.

You will not only help your nephew but perhaps hundreds of others.

And if nothing helps... you know where this teacher works and lives.... but be sure to verify the facts first.

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Go and see the headmaster with the photos. Complain. If nothing is done then go to the police and the news outlets. At least give the school a chance to deal with it first.

This is BS. Do you really think the school does not know? What kind of softy are you??? There is no second chance when a teacher I mentally sick. Action is the only reply possible, and fast!

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Basil- it's a bit too simplistic that quote. Two wrongs maybe do not make a right and I can accept that in certain scenarios. However, when an adult beats a child to that extent ( school teacher - allegedly ) - then I'm afraid that this sentiment doesn't cut it with me. It's " bat time " and that <deleted> needs to be on the receiving end of at least 6 good swings of it !

I see a significant number of TV denizens are showing their usual respect for rule of law. Yep, vigilantism is the solution - don't bother with legal and civil prosecution.. "I am the superhero 'ANGRY MAN' and I will mete out justice wherever I see what by my judgment is injustice... just as soon as happy hour is over."

I wonder how many of these 'tough guys' are actually physically (and psychologically) capable of laying on the beatings they so salivatingly claim they wouldn't hesitate to dish out. And how many of those could actually do the time if they were legally convicted of assault causing bodily harm? Loudmouthed tossers.


Where was the rule of law / protection for this young child ? This ( allegedly ) did not just happen in the street with a gang of kids having a straightner. This happened in a school where ( allegedly ) the teacher, who has been entrusted by the parents to take care and educate their child, has instead, given him a good and prolonged beating. Additionally, if you bother to read the detail of most of the posts that take a more aggressive stance on this thread, I think you will find that the content, by enlarge, suggests that this person should receive similar treatment to what they inflicted on a young child. Put this in to context ; we are in Thailand, the legal system is very different, there is not the same protection for kids, there is not the same punishment for perps and those injuries look like they are from a sustained beating. I haven't read anywhere where anyone is suggesting gang warfare against this teacher - personal opinions are just being aired. Let's assume that the police were brought in ( I will go along with that ) and then the next day this teacher just disappears to a different province and starts teaching again somewhere else ? You know that the same controls and checks are not in place here....and this can easily happen. FYI - I was a school governor in UK for a while. I couldn't even step foot in that school until I had undergone a full CRBC ( Criminal Record Background Check ). Sure, if this happened in UK I would follow the system and let justice prevail, but I see no justice or satisfaction should a teacher ( if guilty of this ) be able to abscond and just disappear. In my opinion, this could very well happen here and that would make me even more angry because that would likely be the end of it and maybe, for the police and school, that would represent a fairly satisfactory outcome for them, under the circumstances !

I will take your words - "Angry Man." However, as for the loudmouthed tossers comment - that one is a bit wide of the mark - I think !

Yes, I have had to get a CRBC too, not only for working where there may be children, but also the old and vulnerable, last week I had to attend a children's nursery, things have got so bad mobile phones and cameras are not allowed on site, I had to get special permission to take before and after photos of the work done. sad.png

I also have heard of people having to get police reports in Thailand, but not sure how extensive they are.

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Go and see the headmaster with the photos and tell him/her that if it ever happens again the police will be called.

If it happens again,you got kids,i doubt it.

You dont read so good eh?

He doesn't write all that well either.

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I expect the "Do Gooders" to jump on me. But its time to say what needs to be said.

Nothing wrong with getting a good "Belting" from a teacher OR ANY OTHER PERSON IN AUTHORITY. I got it plenty of times including the "Cane".

It did me nothing but good, never grew up wanting to go around beating people etc.

I joined the army and again the word "DISCIPLINE" was all known to us and "ACCEPTED WITHOUT QUESTION".

Look around you today at the kids that believe they are in charge and dont have to answer to anyone. Rules are rules and we MUST live by them its that simple.

Instead of parents running around looking after themselfs try staying home and teaching your kids "GOOD OLD DISCIPLINE".

Then we might ALL enjoy a safer place to live in.

OK you lot go for it, but I dont realy care what you want to say in response. But if it helps you "Do gooders" go for it, but you might be better to go tell your dog as I wont be interested in what you got to say.


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I expect the "Do Gooders" to jump on me. But its time to say what needs to be said.

Nothing wrong with getting a good "Belting" from a teacher OR ANY OTHER PERSON IN AUTHORITY. I got it plenty of times including the "Cane".

It did me nothing but good, never grew up wanting to go around beating people etc.

I joined the army and again the word "DISCIPLINE" was all known to us and "ACCEPTED WITHOUT QUESTION".

Look around you today at the kids that believe they are in charge and dont have to answer to anyone. Rules are rules and we MUST live by them its that simple.

Instead of parents running around looking after themselfs try staying home and teaching your kids "GOOD OLD DISCIPLINE".

Then we might ALL enjoy a safer place to live in.

OK you lot go for it, but I dont realy care what you want to say in response. But if it helps you "Do gooders" go for it, but you might be better to go tell your dog as I wont be interested in what you got to say.


Hmmm ... interesting Victorian viewpoint.

As a form of after-school entertainment, score-settling fist fights between teachers and their pupils ought to be organised.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I expect the "Do Gooders" to jump on me. But its time to say what needs to be said.

Nothing wrong with getting a good "Belting" from a teacher OR ANY OTHER PERSON IN AUTHORITY. I got it plenty of times including the "Cane".

It did me nothing but good, never grew up wanting to go around beating people etc.

I joined the army and again the word "DISCIPLINE" was all known to us and "ACCEPTED WITHOUT QUESTION".

So you think this is an acceptable way to 'discipline' a child?


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This is a despicable use of authority...no child should be beaten because of performing badly on a test...much less abused as this child was...in many countries...this teacher would be arrested and thrown in jail...

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I expect the "Do Gooders" to jump on me. But its time to say what needs to be said.

Nothing wrong with getting a good "Belting" from a teacher OR ANY OTHER PERSON IN AUTHORITY. I got it plenty of times including the "Cane".

It did me nothing but good, never grew up wanting to go around beating people etc.

I joined the army and again the word "DISCIPLINE" was all known to us and "ACCEPTED WITHOUT QUESTION".

Look around you today at the kids that believe they are in charge and dont have to answer to anyone. Rules are rules and we MUST live by them its that simple.

Instead of parents running around looking after themselfs try staying home and teaching your kids "GOOD OLD DISCIPLINE".

Then we might ALL enjoy a safer place to live in.

OK you lot go for it, but I dont realy care what you want to say in response. But if it helps you "Do gooders" go for it, but you might be better to go tell your dog as I wont be interested in what you got to say.


'... but you might be better to go tell your dog as I wont be interested in what you got to say ...' In that case, and from a non-do-gooder, why bother to offer us the benefit of your vast experience?

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I expect the "Do Gooders" to jump on me. But its time to say what needs to be said.

Nothing wrong with getting a good "Belting" from a teacher OR ANY OTHER PERSON IN AUTHORITY. I got it plenty of times including the "Cane".

It did me nothing but good, never grew up wanting to go around beating people etc.

I joined the army and again the word "DISCIPLINE" was all known to us and "ACCEPTED WITHOUT QUESTION".

Look around you today at the kids that believe they are in charge and dont have to answer to anyone. Rules are rules and we MUST live by them its that simple.

Instead of parents running around looking after themselfs try staying home and teaching your kids "GOOD OLD DISCIPLINE".

Then we might ALL enjoy a safer place to live in.

OK you lot go for it, but I dont realy care what you want to say in response. But if it helps you "Do gooders" go for it, but you might be better to go tell your dog as I wont be interested in what you got to say.


'... but you might be better to go tell your dog as I wont be interested in what you got to say ...' In that case, and from a non-do-gooder, why bother to offer us the benefit of your vast experience?

because he is a knucklehead. He reckons all the beatings he took never did him any harm. How the hell can he say that when he writes such crap?
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Basil- it's a bit too simplistic that quote. Two wrongs maybe do not make a right and I can accept that in certain scenarios. However, when an adult beats a child to that extent ( school teacher - allegedly ) - then I'm afraid that this sentiment doesn't cut it with me. It's " bat time " and that <deleted> needs to be on the receiving end of at least 6 good swings of it !

So given a face to face confrontation, what you suggest, considering the teacher is female? Perhaps a cat fight with the boy's mother would be in order?

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More to this than meets the eye. I think he is afraid of who did this and has scapegoated the math teacher. Either way go to the school with.him not pictures.

Get the math teacher and school principle in the sane office at the sane time. Thai schools use yhe cane but this has been inflicted by a thug!

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Hi Luudii

sorry for your problem but i believe the correct action would be go to your closest Government hospital immediately and get the child to explain what occurred to a doctor so the doctor can document what has occurred and that the injury is inline with what was used to cause the injury. Government hospital because you are not paying someone to write the report do not go private. i would then head to a police station and lodge a complaint against the teacher. Something will have to be done once the complaint is lodged with the doctors report and photos with the child to show the injury and his and yours statement.

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Luudee, don't hang about on this.

First of all file a report to the police with the photographs, name of the teacher, the school, the time and date of the beating.

Corporal punishment has been banned in Thai schools since 2000.

As a parent I would make it my business to get this person investigated and possibly sacked.

Beating the crap out of her by way of revenge will just get you arrested, much more satisfying to get justice and root out poor teachers.

Primary education seems to be major issue in Thailand unless you have the funds to get your kids into a private school.

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