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If a Thai girl who's not a bar girl has a large back tattoo.......

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What's her weight??

8 stone ++

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Time for a musical interlude ?..... AC/DC - "whole lotta of Rosie" ?



- she's 23 Can still be a bargirl

- has a job Can still be a bargirl

- has a univ degree can still be a bargirl

Does this answer your question lad?

Can be middle aged

Can have a western education (even university, in some cases)

Can seem quite sensible most of the time

And still be a half wit

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Probably not a "civilian". That much is clear. Not standard practice for Thai women to have a tattoo on the entire back. A good warning sign, and more than likely it suggests something other than an innocent college girl.


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If it's any Duck character he better be careful

Oh yes any duck tattoo infers a very dark and disturbed personality

I take offence to that statementw00t.gif

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OP, just live in the modern world. Stop judging others based on things that are not relevant. Yes, it isn't traditional or customary for Thai people to get non religious tatoos. However, it is a global world and younger generations do whatever they want and don't worry about stereotypes.

Personally, I find them trashy. I too have a bias when I see them on Asian women and assume negative things but that is my hangup and nothing that I hold onto for very long. I have similar attitude with smoking and drinking alcohol. However as I said these are just bias and not worth judging others on.

Watching how a woman talks to others and how she treats people that they don't have to treat well are the things that I pay attention to when I want to choose my partner.

Well said. Worth repeating.


OP, just live in the modern world. Stop judging others based on things that are not relevant. Yes, it isn't traditional or customary for Thai people to get non religious tatoos. However, it is a global world and younger generations do whatever they want and don't worry about stereotypes.

Personally, I find them trashy. I too have a bias when I see them on Asian women and assume negative things but that is my hangup and nothing that I hold onto for very long. I have similar attitude with smoking and drinking alcohol. However as I said these are just bias and not worth judging others on.

Watching how a woman talks to others and how she treats people that they don't have to treat well are the things that I pay attention to when I want to choose my partner.

I know this was not your intention, but you seem to be contradicting yourself. But regarding your 2nd paragraph (bold-faced sentence), I would say the majority of people in most societies would agree with this. Perhaps even more so among mainstream Thais. I'm not saying it's right, but that's just the way it is. And amazingly, many of these women do fit the stereotype. When I find out a Thai girl has a tattoo (even when it's hidden), I automatically assume that she's "loose." And it turns out I'm right most of the time.

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What's her weight??

8 stone ++

Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos

Time for a musical interlude ?..... AC/DC - "whole lotta of Rosie" ?



She ain't exactly pretty

Ain't exactly small

Fourt'two thirt'ninefiftysix

You could say she's got it all

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gang meat at an earlier age..likely.

tattoos at college on women are still not classy.

might of been in a bar or what not, pickled her gills, and ran out and got a hefty tattoo to convince others that she was either a Marine, Navy Seal, Special Forces, SAS or one of those MI6 guys.

can you elaborate. Say your mom is destined for a child girl to be a prostitute. How does one go training a young girl to do the job?


gang meat at an earlier age..likely.

tattoos at college on women are still not classy.

might of been in a bar or what not, pickled her gills, and ran out and got a hefty tattoo to convince others that she was either a Marine, Navy Seal, Special Forces, SAS or one of those MI6 guys.

can you elaborate. Say your mom is destined for a child girl to be a prostitute. How does one go training a young girl to do the job?

English classes at an early age.


Its an ornamental tattoo looking thing.. picture of big womans face I think and some shit around it.. covers almost the entire back

If she has shit tattooed on her back, she is nuts... Run away..

Crazy in the head = crazy in the bed.


Flip side can't imagine a legit good Thai lady would want a Farang covered in tattoos....currently in Tesco Lotus and I must be about the only Farang in the store without a tattoo....most are sporting Thai multiple tats......looking at them am glad I am not one of them....we must look like a herd of trashy white kwai to the average good hard working Thai....side note walking around - out of 200+ Thais or more not 1 visible tat....

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Having a job + UNV degree don't mean shit. Neither does NOT being a bar girl. Focus on the tattoo. Do you want to look at that thing every week horizontally?

Tattoos today in my opinion are just possessions like a new fancy hat. Only thing it says about her character is that shes materialistic and into fashion. Shoes are usually cheaper than tattoos though.


Who paid for her degree, tuition and living expenses?

Her mum?

Probably a few board members. I'll ask heavydrinker if he's met her.


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Flip side can't imagine a legit good Thai lady would want a Farang covered in tattoos....currently in Tesco Lotus and I must be about the only Farang in the store without a tattoo....most are sporting Thai multiple tats......looking at them am glad I am not one of them....we must look like a herd of trashy white kwai to the average good hard working Thai....side note walking around - out of 200+ Thais or more not 1 visible tat....

Wow what a self righteous, needy post, "I dont have tattoos so the Thai's must like me more, cos I am better than the other farangs,"

One suspects the average good hard working Thai, doesn't give a sh*t

Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa there sweetpea.......I didn't mean to ruffle your pretty little feathers or hit you in your self esteem.....

For the guys that wish to walk around with the new tats, wife beater striped shirts with their checkered shorts, black socks and sandals sporting their amulets with their regulation Thai gold, and earrings - good, that's who they are (or wish to be) - I am glad I'm not one of them. I choose to represent myself differently. It's possible that because we don't hang with the bar crowd that it's easier to spot when out and about.... I can say that NONE of the Thais I saw today sported tattoos - wore the wife beater shirts - or walked about in mismatched clothing and I'm pretty sure the folks that do are the exception rather than the rule. If a Thai walked around that way he would look out of place too.

Now that's in the context of taking part in the daily routine - if around Nana Plaza or Pattaya the dress codes & type of people change dramatically....

I do not think the Thais like me any better because I simply do not know. I know that in 5 years I've never had a problem with a Thai no matter whichever venues, sports, or settings which we find oursleves. I can also say that in my wifes family and extended family no one is sporting tattoos. They range from the farming community to university educated folks. We socialize with them all without issue or concern of social strata - good people......

Thanks for your opinion though - but I believe the needy ones are the ones that insure that they stick out from the norm - maybe all that window dressing is to bolster an already low self esteem???? Because I can't for the life of me think of a nation or large crowd they'd blend in with.....Maybe pirates.....or Gypsies....

Best to you......

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A lot of cheeky answers here!

Well here is another........just joking

Tattoos can often mean working on the bar scene, however office job and degree is a bit unusual

Did she grow up overseas or had a lot of outside influences?

For my education, are there any religions or regions that have tattoos as part of their identity or similar? Like the Maoris in new Zealand


Its an ornamental tattoo looking thing.. picture of big womans face I think and some shit around it.. covers almost the entire back

Do you like it?

The shit ?


Flip side can't imagine a legit good Thai lady would want a Farang covered in tattoos....currently in Tesco Lotus and I must be about the only Farang in the store without a tattoo....most are sporting Thai multiple tats......looking at them am glad I am not one of them....we must look like a herd of trashy white kwai to the average good hard working Thai....side note walking around - out of 200+ Thais or more not 1 visible tat....

Farang ghettos hey.

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