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Please help - Need new passport, though Non B expires on 14th Aug

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Hi All,

First of all big shout to the British Embassy for being absolutely useless, and employing staff that can't speak English properly, have a horrible attitude and hang up the phone on you... cracking service.. anywaaaays..

I have a NON- IMM multiple entry 1 year visa through work... it is due for renewal on 14th Aug.

I have just realised I don't have a full page in passsport (Stupid me), I have also found out there is a 10 week back log for passport aps (Great job again!)..

My question is if I apply for a new passport from here, have supporting documents to prove, though visa expires during this period what happens? I could not get an answer from the Embassy, and I have asked my HR to check from the Visa office side.. just wondered if anyone here had any experience?

Would rather not have to fly to UK and do escallated application if possible..

Many thanks for any advice/feedback...

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You are lucky, providing your current passport does not expire within the year, then get your new one year extension then apply to renew you passport at trendy towers (British Embassy does not do renewals anymore).

Expect a 10 week minimum turn around time for your new passport when applying with Thailand.

When you get your new passport, get the passport stamp transfer letter from the British Embassy then get the relevant stamps transferred.

If you actually have a one year multiple entry non immigrant 'b' visa obtained from an overseas Thai consular facility and not an Extension of Permission to Stay, then you have very limited options.

The first option in this case is as you posted to return to the UK to get a new passport - financially very painful.

Another alternative would be to try and get the extension from Thai Immigration with the help of your employer, this requires about half a page in your passport.

What ever you do you must apply to renew your WP before the 14th of August otherwise it's back to square one.

Edited by digitalchromakey
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Is it your visa that is expiring or your last entry. You could do another entry to get 90 days if it is your visa as long you went to a county that does not require a full page visa. Cambodia would be possible if you get a e-visa.

Why can't you get a one year extension of stay at immigration? No need for a visa that way.

Otherwise a emergency travel document (ETD) from the embassy. Or a trip to the UK to get your passport faster.

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Thanks guys,

Its the year long NON IMM visa that is expiring, and that it was obtained through employer here in Thailand. Employer wants to renew this.

I only have half a page left in the passport, the passport is still valid for more than a year, and my blue book work permit was renewed last month.

Just can't seem to get a difinitive answer...

How long is the extension possible you mentioned Digital? If for over 10 weeks this seems like the way forward

Thanks again that random internet posters are more helpful than the consulate lol

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Did you go out to an embassy or consulate to get this visa you have or was it an extension of stay applied for at immigration here.

Have you been making 90 day reports to immigration?

It is beginning to sound like you have a an extension of stay with a multiple re-entry permit. If it is a half page would be enough for the extension but not with a re-entry permit.

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Hi Conrad1979 and Folks,

Please check the date that your blue book work permit was renewed last month until to / when?

I think it would be the same as your "the year long NON IMM visa expires 14th August? No permit to stay and no work permit as they go hand in hand. Should this be incorrect, please tell me.facepalm.gif

I did have a problem last year with my blue book work permit renewal in May, as my PR ended in September, in the same year 2556. No problems, when to my local Police Station and got another 5 years, fee 800 baht in early May and extended till September 2561.

Try to the get your new one year extension on your old half page passport as was mentioned by digitalchromakey as Immigration Dept. in Bangkok are fully aware of the British Passport problems. Once and if you have that, sort out your work permit renewal that it matches the same date as your permit to stay in Thailand. Your Employer would be able to assist you matter, and please go earlier than your 14th August date, next week would be a go start, say on Thursday!

Good luck to you all in your quest to stay legal in this Great Kingdom of Thailand.

Win thumbsup.gif

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Thanks guys,

Its the year long NON IMM visa that is expiring, and that it was obtained through employer here in Thailand. Employer wants to renew this.

I only have half a page left in the passport, the passport is still valid for more than a year, and my blue book work permit was renewed last month.

Just can't seem to get a difinitive answer...

How long is the extension possible you mentioned Digital? If for over 10 weeks this seems like the way forward

Thanks again that random internet posters are more helpful than the consulate lol

In this game, terminology is unfortunately significant and important.

Did you employer get you a One Year Extension of Permission to stay from Immigration within Thailand or help you to obtain a One year Multiple Entry Non Immigrant 'B' visa from a Thai Consular facility overseas?

The difference is chalk and cheese so please let the thread know as to which you have and then best advice can be given accordingly.

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Hi Conrad1979 and Folks,

Please check the date that your blue book work permit was renewed last month until to / when?

I think it would be the same as your "the year long NON IMM visa expires 14th August? No permit to stay and no work permit as they go hand in hand. Should this be incorrect, please tell me.facepalm.gif

I did have a problem last year with my blue book work permit renewal in May, as my PR ended in September, in the same year 2556. No problems, when to my local Police Station and got another 5 years, fee 800 baht in early May and extended till September 2561.

Try to the get your new one year extension on your old half page passport as was mentioned by digitalchromakey as Immigration Dept. in Bangkok are fully aware of the British Passport problems. Once and if you have that, sort out your work permit renewal that it matches the same date as your permit to stay in Thailand. Your Employer would be able to assist you matter, and please go earlier than your 14th August date, next week would be a go start, say on Thursday!

Good luck to you all in your quest to stay legal in this Great Kingdom of Thailand.

Win thumbsup.gif

Work permits are no longer automatically aligned with/locked to the exact same period of extensions of permission to stay.

It is now not required, other than that your WP should be extant when you apply for a new extension of permission to stay based on working in the Kingdom and vice versa for your new extension.

Both are normally of one year duration so they stay in sync but chronologically offset relative to one another,

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So when is your last day on your 90 day turnaoround on your none b? If it is 14th August like i think i read i suggest you leave on the first week of August and you will get another 90 days even though the non b expires. Once you get this then apply for new passport. If you do not understand then PM me as i have just been through this nightmare...

Hi Conrad1979 and Folks,

Please check the date that your blue book work permit was renewed last month until to / when?

I think it would be the same as your "the year long NON IMM visa expires 14th August? No permit to stay and no work permit as they go hand in hand. Should this be incorrect, please tell me.facepalm.gif

I did have a problem last year with my blue book work permit renewal in May, as my PR ended in September, in the same year 2556. No problems, when to my local Police Station and got another 5 years, fee 800 baht in early May and extended till September 2561.

Try to the get your new one year extension on your old half page passport as was mentioned by digitalchromakey as Immigration Dept. in Bangkok are fully aware of the British Passport problems. Once and if you have that, sort out your work permit renewal that it matches the same date as your permit to stay in Thailand. Your Employer would be able to assist you matter, and please go earlier than your 14th August date, next week would be a go start, say on Thursday!

Good luck to you all in your quest to stay legal in this Great Kingdom of Thailand.

Win thumbsup.gif

Work permits are no longer automatically aligned with/locked to the exact same period of extensions of permission to stay.

It is now not required, other than that your WP should be extant when you apply for a new extension of permission to stay based on working in the Kingdom and vice versa for your new extension.

Both are normally of one year duration so they stay in sync but chronologically offset relative to one another,

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So when is your last day on your 90 day turnaoround on your none b? If it is 14th August like i think i read i suggest you leave on the first week of August and you will get another 90 days even though the non b expires. Once you get this then apply for new passport. If you do not understand then PM me as i have just been through this nightmare...

Hi Conrad1979 and Folks,

Please check the date that your blue book work permit was renewed last month until to / when?

I think it would be the same as your "the year long NON IMM visa expires 14th August? No permit to stay and no work permit as they go hand in hand. Should this be incorrect, please tell me.facepalm.gif

I did have a problem last year with my blue book work permit renewal in May, as my PR ended in September, in the same year 2556. No problems, when to my local Police Station and got another 5 years, fee 800 baht in early May and extended till September 2561.

Try to the get your new one year extension on your old half page passport as was mentioned by digitalchromakey as Immigration Dept. in Bangkok are fully aware of the British Passport problems. Once and if you have that, sort out your work permit renewal that it matches the same date as your permit to stay in Thailand. Your Employer would be able to assist you matter, and please go earlier than your 14th August date, next week would be a go start, say on Thursday!

Good luck to you all in your quest to stay legal in this Great Kingdom of Thailand.

Win thumbsup.gif

Work permits are no longer automatically aligned with/locked to the exact same period of extensions of permission to stay.

It is now not required, other than that your WP should be extant when you apply for a new extension of permission to stay based on working in the Kingdom and vice versa for your new extension.

Both are normally of one year duration so they stay in sync but chronologically offset relative to one another,

In my earlier post on this thread I commented that terminology is everything.

So, then your reply to my next post about extensions is about in/out procedures on Visas :)

Not the same thing, the problems with WPs and Visas are very different from the problems with extensions and WPs.....

We need to find out first if the OP is on a visa or on an extension then we can give pertinent advice.

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digitalchromakey, on 10 Jul 2014 - 19:26, said:
Kan Win, on 10 Jul 2014 - 18:14, said:

Hi Conrad1979 and Folks,

Please check the date that your blue book work permit was renewed last month until to / when?

I think it would be the same as your "the year long NON IMM visa expires 14th August? No permit to stay and no work permit as they go hand in hand. Should this be incorrect, please tell me.facepalm.gif

I did have a problem last year with my blue book work permit renewal in May, as my PR ended in September, in the same year 2556. No problems, when to my local Police Station and got another 5 years, fee 800 baht in early May and extended till September 2561.

Try to the get your new one year extension on your old half page passport as was mentioned by digitalchromakey as Immigration Dept. in Bangkok are fully aware of the British Passport problems. Once and if you have that, sort out your work permit renewal that it matches the same date as your permit to stay in Thailand. Your Employer would be able to assist you matter, and please go earlier than your 14th August date, next week would be a go start, say on Thursday!

Good luck to you all in your quest to stay legal in this Great Kingdom of Thailand.

Win thumbsup.gif

Work permits are no longer automatically aligned with/locked to the exact same period of extensions of permission to stay.

It is now not required, other than that your WP should be extant when you apply for a new extension of permission to stay based on working in the Kingdom and vice versa for your new extension.

Both are normally of one year duration so they stay in sync but chronologically offset relative to one another,

Thank you very much for correcting my post.

Sawadee Khrup wai.gif


P.S. and a bump up as well before it gets lost whistling.gif

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Hi Everyone

Sorry for late reply.

The Non IMM visa requires me to report every 90 days unless I have left the country, In which case the 90 days is reset.

Digital.. Its just the standard NON IMM Visa, haven't had any extensions.

Actually the company always organises for me so not sure where issued from.

Anyway I have sent the passport to HR and they are trying to see what can be done...

Kay, may pm you if HR comes back with 'maidai' ; )

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You need to look at your passport pages. I sure you will find a stamp that states something like extension of stay permitted to 14 Aug 2014.

You entered on a visa some time ago and got a permit to stay date. After you enter the country you are no longer on a visa you are on a permit to stay.

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Hi Everyone

Sorry for late reply.

The Non IMM visa requires me to report every 90 days unless I have left the country, In which case the 90 days is reset.

Digital.. Its just the standard NON IMM Visa, haven't had any extensions.

Actually the company always organises for me so not sure where issued from.

Anyway I have sent the passport to HR and they are trying to see what can be done...

Kay, may pm you if HR comes back with 'maidai' ; )

If you are reporting to your local immigration every 90 days then your Non Immigrant Visa is long expired and that you are definitely on an Extension of Permission to Stay.

You can only get new visas by leaving Thailand and applying at a Thai Consular facility - you have to do this yourself, your employer can't do this for you.

Based on this fact, you can apply now to get a further extension of permission to stay in your existing passport based on working in Thailand, which only requires max 1/2 page.

Don't get a re-entry permit or plan to leave Thailand for approx. 3 months, then then apply for your replacement UK passport a.s.a.p.

With luck you will get your replacement UK passport back within about 10 weeks from application with an extra 2-3 weeks wait for an application appointment at VFS Trendy Towers.

Get the letter from the British Embassy requesting immigration to transfer your extension stamps to your new passport, then get your local immigration to do just so and then purchase a re-entry permit to preserve your extension should you need to exit Thailand during your extension's one year validity period.

Welcome to the HMPO fiasco.

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