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Israel prepares for ground military operation, 98 dead in Gaza Strip airstrikes


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Al Jazeera has been broadcasting pure propaganda about Israel for years, just like when they were helping out the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. I'm still glad that no one got hurt though.

"Al Jazeera, also financed by Hamas, plays an important role in Hamas' propaganda campaign. Al Jazeera does not even bother to appear as a reliable news outlet for the sake of appearance," he said. "All the big networks operate in Israel, some of them are not exactly pro-Zionist, and yet as a democratic state we allow them operate here. "In the case of Al Jazeera, it is not an issue of freedom of the media but of a terrorist wing that currently fights against Israel," he concluded.

The company is funded by Qatari owners, who Israeli believe to be financing Gaza militant group Hamas. The media organisation has seen three of its journalists ‒ Peter Greste, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed ‒ imprisoned in Egypt under Abdul Fattah al-Sisi's newly-elected regime for spreading "false news".



How can Al Jazeera be financed by Hamas, while Hamas is financed by Al Jazeera?


oh wait the "he" making the quoted statement is none other than highly reputable "Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman"

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The point is that anyone could be a terrorist. Weren't you the one who was claiming that they all had to me men of military age?

No, that wasn't me. I know nothing of Hamas' military training ages (you got that NSA?)
Anyways...I'm just frustrated. I guess I'm just resigned to the fact that there is nothing I can do to make you change your mind that not all Palestinians in the Gaza strip are terrorists or would ever choose to be such. I truly wish you could sit and eat with a Gazan family who doesn't support Hamas (despite what you think, there are many)...I think you...and they..would be enlightened.


I'm frustrated also. I know that not all Palestinians are terrorists. I did a music show once with several Palestinian teens, the eldest spoke up and said she wanted to become an attorney, another wanted to bake bread for a living - and so on.

Palestinians are caught in a no-way-out scenario which is common throughout the Middle East. They are required to back what the most radical men dictate. They don't have to carry guns or strap on bomb belts, but they have to either get behind the hot-heads, or keep their mouths shut and not get in the way. ...under force of threatened harm - physical and mental.

In a larger perspective, that's what's slowly going on in Europe. Native Europeans' political power is slowly eroding in favor of radical Islamists. You don't need a majority or 'power of reason' to take over a country. You instead need some very determined hot-heads - who will stop at nothing to enforce their will. In this case, they'll say 'It is the will of Allah!'



This is spot on. I just dream of the day Gazans aren't scared to oppose the radicals.

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Israeli journalists are not allowed into Gaza, because, obviously, Hamas will try to kidnap them and use them as hostages, but Israeli journalists are allowed to use any sources they want and report anything they want, other than military secrets, such as troop movements and such. Those are the FACTS.



So who is it that is not allowing them into Gaza? 


"because, obviously, Hamas will try to kidnap them and use them as hostages"


what if what if what if. 


Maybe kidnapping of Israeli journalists has happened before, I don't know. I google searched "Hamas kidnaps Israeli journalist" and found nothing, only a story of a BBC journalist being kidnapped and then released in 2007. Seems more likely this is another of your fearmongering hypotheticals.

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I google searched "Hamas kidnaps Israeli journalist" and found nothing, only a story of a BBC journalist being kidnapped and then released in 2007. Seems more likely this is another of your fearmongering hypotheticals.

Broaden your horizons. Why don't you search for Israelis that have been kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists. The results will be a little different.

By the way, my  "fearmongering hypotheticals" is straight from the mouth of an Israeli journalist who was interviewed on Al Jazeera last night. I'm not the one who made the policy.  whistling.gif

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I google searched "Hamas kidnaps Israeli journalist" and found nothing, only a story of a BBC journalist being kidnapped and then released in 2007. Seems more likely this is another of your fearmongering hypotheticals.

Broaden your horizons. Why don't you search for Israelis that have been kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists. The results will be a little different.

By the way, my  "fearmongering hypotheticals" is straight from the mouth of an Israeli journalist who was interviewed on Al Jazeera last night. I'm not the one who made the policy.  whistling.gif



Why should I search for all Israelis? You said Hamas will OBVIOUSLY kidnap the Israeli journalists. Since it is so OBVIOUS I googled to see if it has happened before. OBVIOUS things usually have a precedent. 

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Choosing arbitrary dates as starting points for the conflict, or even this round of hostilities.

Before he claimed that it was June 28, but after I listed all the rockets attacks before that, he changed the "starting" date by two weeks and, of course, conveniently ignores all the rockets in the months before June. Very typical of this poster.



He's a troll!

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Al Jazeera has been broadcasting pure propaganda about Israel for years, just like when they were helping out the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. I'm still glad that no one got hurt though.

"Al Jazeera, also financed by Hamas, plays an important role in Hamas' propaganda campaign. Al Jazeera does not even bother to appear as a reliable news outlet for the sake of appearance," he said. "All the big networks operate in Israel, some of them are not exactly pro-Zionist, and yet as a democratic state we allow them operate here. "In the case of Al Jazeera, it is not an issue of freedom of the media but of a terrorist wing that currently fights against Israel," he concluded.

The company is funded by Qatari owners, who Israeli believe to be financing Gaza militant group Hamas. The media organisation has seen three of its journalists ‒ Peter Greste, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed ‒ imprisoned in Egypt under Abdul Fattah al-Sisi's newly-elected regime for spreading "false news".



How can Al Jazeera be financed by Hamas, while Hamas is financed by Al Jazeera?


oh wait the "he" making the quoted statement is none other than highly reputable "Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman"



UG appears to be supporting the Egyptian courts imprisonment of the three journalists. I understand worldwide opinion it was a political process & acting out of spite. The journalists or at least their management do have some responsibility as it is claimed some of the team did not have accreditation from the Egyptian regime. Plus Al Jezeera launched a $150 million lawsuit against the Egyptian government after they were arrested, not a particularly smart move in the circumstances.


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UG appears to be supporting the Egyptian courts imprisonment of the three journalists.

I am not supporting anything, other than accusations that Al Jazeera is a propaganda mill, because I watch it fairly regularly, just to see what they are saying. I have not seem the evidence against those journalists. However, 22 Al Jazeera employees quit because of the channels bias favoring the Muslim Brotherhood. Al Jazeera correspondent Haggag Salama resigned and accused the station of airing lies and misleading viewers.
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The murdering Israelis are it in again , Killing many in a UN school, lets await the video.They will reap what they sow. hell awaits their state,as they bring hell to gaza.http://m.chron.com/news/world/article/Gaza-fighting-rages-amid-cease-fire-bid-5642966.php

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app Edited by kingalfred
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The murdering Israelis are it in again , Killing many in a UN school, lets await the video.They will reap what they sow. hell awaits their state,as they bring hell to gaza.http://m.chron.com/news/world/article/Gaza-fighting-rages-amid-cease-fire-bid-5642966.php

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Sadly, I suspect you are quite right.

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There are 46 nations on the UN Human Rights Council.


29 voted in favor of the investigation.

17 abstained.

0 voted against


The resolution is entitled, " Ensuring Respect for International Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and East Jerusalem"







Justice moves forward.





More like unfair demonization of Israel moves forward.


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There are 46 nations on the UN Human Rights Council.


29 voted in favor of the investigation.

17 abstained.

0 voted against


The resolution is entitled, " Ensuring Respect for International Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and East Jerusalem"







Justice moves forward.





More like unfair demonization of Israel moves forward.



Netanyahu and his cronies should prepare for war crimes accusations via the UN.


The massive deaths via high tech warfare inflicted on Gaza is the crime of the century as we look back on what happened 100 years ago.

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It's the Israeli army invading Gaza murdering civilians, don't forget.


A chance to present their evidence  and prove their innocence before the world that all the Israeli apologists on this forum assert.


Nah, the UN is biased. We won't co-operate with any international inquiries.

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Hamas is using civilians as human shields. Their deaths are the terrorists groups responsibility. 









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Hamas is using civilians as human shields. Their deaths are the terrorists groups responsibility. 










Israel has a chance to present their evidence and prove their innocence transparently before the whole world. What a PR/credibility coup that would be.


But they have always refused to co-operate with any UN inquiry, even one chaired by the highly respected judge Richard Goldstone.




Until they do so, assertions, rationalizations, excuses, and words are cheap.

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A radio broadcast that announced the names of some of the children killed during the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip has been banned in Israel. Human rights group B’Tselem was told by the Israel Broadcasting Authority that the broadcast was “politically controversial” and has already had an appeal against the ruling rejected. “Is it controversial that the children [aren’t] alive? That they’re children? That those are their names? These are facts that we wish to bring to the public’s knowledge,’ B’Tselem said.

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Hamas is using civilians as human shields. Their deaths are the terrorists groups responsibility. 










I too am tired of this mess. I have copies of every one of the photos on the posted video. I also have copies of all the propaganda cartoons. I have several photos of the Israelis using Palestinians as human shields. It is all pretty much propaganda. It can be used to make any point somebody wants to make. What is missing for me is specific photos that mirror the propaganda which often has a Hamas fighter firing from behind a baby carriage. This stretch of reality makes it all suspect. The photo of the apparent Hamas guy pulling by the arm could mean anything to include him trying to get his own child out of harms way. Many of the pictures appear to show interested Palestinains simply watching the action. The additions of these questionable photos makes the entire video harder to believe.



None of the photos on the video are as clear as these as to what exactly going on. You can make about any point you want to make About these pictures.


These cartoons are clearly propaganda. They do however beg the question, If this human shield stuff is so cut and dried, why the need for propaganda in cartoon form.



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...... if Hamas and Hezbollah destroyed all of their weapons tomorrow what would be the outcome? The answer is that there would be peace.




As there have been no weapons in the West Bank, and no armed resistance from Fatah for many years, we can judge what would happen in the event of peace by examining the Israeli record in the West Bank:


1. Land is stolen daily. Check

2. Deliberately refined forms of humilations and oppression are perpetrated on Palestinians by the IDF each day. Check

3. The 800 km long New Berlin (Apartheid) Wall would prevent Palestinian farmers from visiting their own lands, and the checkpoints would be used to inconvenience workers, students and families at the whim of the sociopaths in the IDF. Check.

4. People who have not committed any terrorist act, or committed any crime, would have their houses demolished. Check

5. Neighbours of people who have not committed any terrorist act, or committed any crime, would have their houses demolished. Check (Israel has the most advanced weaponry and military engineering in the world. Yet they can't figure out how to demolish one house without also demolishing adjoining houses).

6. Palestinian men, women and children would be imprisoned without trial. Check

7. Atrocities committed by the IDF will be investigated by...you guessed it, the IDF. They will find that no atrocity has been committed, that the children flung themselves underneath the tanks and in front of the bullets. (They did this to try to make Israel look bad in the eyes of the world). Check.

8. Palestinian sources of income - such as olive trees and other farm crops wil be destroyed by settlers. The IDF will be present to ensure there is no violence againts the settlers. Check.


You get the idea? There is too much evidence of the perfidy of Israel over the years to believe that a non-negotiated peace would mean anything other than further oppression for Palestinians. Israel may be winning militarily, but their actions have led to losing the battle for the support of the international community. It will take many changes of government in Tel Aviv, many alterations of policy, and a set of more humane attitudes amongst Israelis before they will get it back. Even the flooding of social media (such as TV) with pre-prepared messages from the Israeli propaganda machine will make little, if any, difference. People now recognise that Israel is a rogue state.


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In the 18 days since Israel began its most recent massacre of Palestinians, Israel has murdered approximately 10 children per day.  Often these children were seeking refuge in schools and and hospitals.  Other times simply sitting down for a meal with their parents and grandparents.
Does anyone have an update on how many children Israel has murdered today?

they dont keep count. But you can be sure many are ,and you can be even surer they will pay for their foul deeds, 700+ civilians to date .staggering.

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