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Drunkard husband punishes wife with boiled water: Thailand

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"Witnesses told police that 49-year-old Poon, was watching television when her husband, Kraisorn Duangsopha, 32, asked her to go out and buy alcohol for him."

He was broke most likely and ordered her to spend her money which she would never do. Make the punishment fit the crime.

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"enraged by Mr. Kraisorn's action, mobbed and beat the suspect unconscious before they handed him over to the police." Looks like the neighbors were outraged, so maybe male domination is not quite as accepted as some posit. Community policing at it's best: they saw the evidence, considered alternatives, and applied punishment. Too bad wasn't more boiling water available to finish off his experience. Good for them!


Sad story.

This Thai woman I dated for a little while had quite the temper (like many Thai women I suppose). One time she was frying some chicken wings in hot oil and we got into a little argument. As she was arguing, she started to threaten me, about four or five times, with the motion of throwing the hot oil in my face.

Needless to say it made me quite nervous and I ended the relationship. Be careful out there.


One has to remember that Thailand is a male dominated society, in which the woman is considered second, and if the male makes a request she should obey (as are many South East Asian countries).

Until such a ridiculous attitude catches up with 1st world standards, then such actions will be in the news daily, and not weekly, which they are, unfortunately

I in no way condone this man's actions, but one has to remember what suppositioned comparative century people live in Esan areas, and what they have been in-bred with as seen fitting treatment of women. sad.png

Of course, the wife in no way deserved this severe punishment, but many Thai men believe they have such a right to dish out such obscene actions, because of the division between areas of this country, and again - LACK OF EDUCATION in what are right and wrong ways to treat fellow human beings.

He wanted what he wanted... he is the male dominant one... thus, in Thailand, the woman MUST do what he says, or get punished.

This really is an example of certain people not actually reaching out to the provinces, but appearing to do so, and being deeply loved for the apparent pictures of help and development!! A camera can create all sorts of ideas within the real needy.

Edit: Unfortunately, most of what I write above I believe to be fairly accurate. Any disagreements.... let's discuss, in a coherent manner.

Which part of what you wrote do you believe to be inaccurate then? Having that information will make it easier for me to know what to disagree with.


I lived in Spain for 20 years ( Canary islands ) and during that time i worked as a translator as i speak Spanish ( obviously..) nearly every day of week on a very small territory was reports of " Domestic Violence " Most of the cases were of ongoing Violent relationships where the lady was constantly hit "black and blue" many were not reported and many women thought it was just " normal behaviour " for a man to hit a lady.In the end the law was changed and the police have the power to arrest " on the spot " with no witnesses and oblivious to what the lady may say.The man was then sent directly to Prison ( normally with the lady following behind shouting out " i love you " ( and crying ). Violence should never happen and alcohol is NOT an excuse for anything.

I am very " anti drinking " & " anti smoking " ( oh and should be noted that i also hate " football " & " tattoos " too..... )

But it still amazes me why most women ( not all ) in violent relationships just " keep going back for more "

Farang Jaidee

Kind respect to all the ladies x

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Domestic violence against women is widespread in Thailand.

Violence is glorified on Thai soaps...is a way of life for many Thais...

Indeed it is. Violence against women is still glamourised in popular culture where assaulting and raping a woman is often a central theme in lakorn character development - well the thais may not see it as rape as you'll read later. As an ABAC poll found in 2008, that has a significant impact on the views of young people;

Children enjoy sexual assault scenes on TVs: survey, The Nation, 28/04/2008

A recent survey has revealed shocking findings: many children enjoy watching scenes of rapes on TV and they come to see sexual assaults as something common. "Some children even say they want to be like leading male characters in TV series so that they can rape a woman," Dr Noppadon Kannika said Tuesday as the head of the Assumption University's research centre, "This is worrying".

Conducted from April 24 to April 27, the survey covered 2,159 respondents in Bangkok and major cities. The respondent age starts from two years old up. According to the survey, raping scenes are the favourite among 21.1 per cent of children aged between 13 and 19 years old, 10.3 per cent of children aged between two and six years old and 6.4 per cent of those aged from seven to 12 years old.

It is also important to remember that Rape in marriage in Thailand was not a crime until the middle of 2007.

Andy Biggs wrote a good piece on the issue a few years ago. An extract;

Just about every TV drama in Thailand has a plum scene, since it contains all the ingredients necessary to a soap _ shock, violence, screaming, glimpses of naked flesh and, of course, sex. "The man wants to set up a business with the woman, so he plums her," I was told. I had no idea what my work colleague was taking about. "Plum," he reiterated, frowning a little. "It means, like, like he takes the girl and sleeps with her." "It means having sex?" I asked. "Well yes and no. But plum ... it's more than that. He forces her to have sex with him." "So it's rape?" "'Oh no, that's khom kheun," he replied with a smile. "But this is ... well, plum and plum is, well ..."

"Stop repeating the word. You're telling me he forces her to sleep with him, yet it's not rape? Is he offering her money?" "Oh no, that's prostitution," he answered sternly. "Of course, and we can't have that. And what happens after he plums her?" "Well, she's tied to him, isn't she?" "She is?" "Now that she has slept with him, she has to do business with him. She is bound to the guy." It took me a while to figure out that plum is forceful seduction. A woman makes it known she likes a guy, but social mores make it difficult for her to take it a step further.

A romantic Thai man thus takes the only recourse possible _ he forces himself on the woman. The deed having been done, they can get on with having a relationship. So is it consensual? Now that's a hard question. The woman may not be consenting, but once it is over, she has a bond or relationship with that man which is something she may have wanted from the start.

Thus we have the outrageous soap opera situation of a woman being forced to do business with the man who raped _ plummed? _ her for the sake of saving face. Oh, did you hear that just then? That was the echoing sound of the gaping chasm between Thai and Western culture creaking, as the two cliffs shift even further apart, and the chasm plunges deeper.

To summarise: There are two separate verbs in the Thai language _ if you know the guy, then he will plum you. If he is a total stranger, then he will khom kheun you. That second word has a dark, foreboding meaning as nasty as "rape" in English. It is an all-out assault on a helpless woman, often ending in murder in this country in order for the man to escape detection.

There's nothing cute about rape, and the act is rarely seen in Thai soapies. In the eyes of Thais, this is the deranged sex fiend jumping out from behind the bushes. This is why Chumpol Silpa-archa and others can make comments like: "She went to dinner with him so it can't be rape." He's not being a total fool. As odious as that line of thinking may appear, he is making it from the context of a society that separates the act based on familiarity of the assailant.

I'm not even touching the logical progression of this line of thought; that it's OK for a man to force his way onto a woman who flutters her eyelashes at him. This is an age-old patriarchal culture where a flirtatious woman can still pay a terrible price. Thais are getting educated, though, and it won't be long before the concept of plum goes the way of other Thai customs such as slavery, torture devices outside parliament and a wife praying to her husband each night before getting into bed with him.

That all being said, there is a very good and hard working Womens and Childrens Investigation Unit within the RTP. They do some great work and the Unit is being gradually expanded around the country. The problem is that often have to fight against local police who are generally highly reluctant to deal with these type of cases. And in a country with a weak Rule of Law and many corrupt law enforcement officials, is it any wonder that many of these cases are never reported let alone investigated and prosecuted.

Thailand is where many western countries were on this issue 20-40 years ago except with a much worse ROL and weak law enforcement institutions.

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One has to remember that Thailand is a male dominated society, in which the woman is considered second, and if the male makes a request she should obey (as are many South East Asian countries).

Until such a ridiculous attitude catches up with 1st world standards, then such actions will be in the news daily, and not weekly, which they are, unfortunately

I in no way condone this man's actions, but one has to remember what suppositioned comparative century people live in Esan areas, and what they have been in-bred with as seen fitting treatment of women. sad.png

Of course, the wife in no way deserved this severe punishment, but many Thai men believe they have such a right to dish out such obscene actions, because of the division between areas of this country, and again - LACK OF EDUCATION in what are right and wrong ways to treat fellow human beings.

He wanted what he wanted... he is the male dominant one... thus, in Thailand, the woman MUST do what he says, or get punished.

This really is an example of certain people not actually reaching out to the provinces, but appearing to do so, and being deeply loved for the apparent pictures of help and development!! A camera can create all sorts of ideas within the real needy.

Edit: Unfortunately, most of what I write above I believe to be fairly accurate. Any disagreements.... let's discuss, in a coherent manner.

Yes, but on the other hand some expect to be treated that way and have difficulty accepting treatment as an equal that inevitably leads to condescension from lack of respect. Reverse discrimination.


Hope the mob did some permanent damage to this monster, unfortunately it is most likely the only justice he'll be getting. Her pain and disfigurement will be with her the rest of her life.

He had an 'evil spirit' in him all along, the drink just removed his inhibitions.


One has to remember that Thailand is a male dominated society, in which the woman is considered second, and if the male makes a request she should obey (as are many South East Asian countries).

Until such a ridiculous attitude catches up with 1st world standards, then such actions will be in the news daily, and not weekly, which they are, unfortunately

I in no way condone this man's actions, but one has to remember what suppositioned comparative century people live in Esan areas, and what they have been in-bred with as seen fitting treatment of women. sad.png

Of course, the wife in no way deserved this severe punishment, but many Thai men believe they have such a right to dish out such obscene actions, because of the division between areas of this country, and again - LACK OF EDUCATION in what are right and wrong ways to treat fellow human beings.

He wanted what he wanted... he is the male dominant one... thus, in Thailand, the woman MUST do what he says, or get punished.

This really is an example of certain people not actually reaching out to the provinces, but appearing to do so, and being deeply loved for the apparent pictures of help and development!! A camera can create all sorts of ideas within the real needy.

Edit: Unfortunately, most of what I write above I believe to be fairly accurate. Any disagreements.... let's discuss, in a coherent manner.

Depending on what culture they do come from, you spoke of Issan? Different culture and ideals, Bangkok, different also.... Then you have to go to each part of Issan, are they Lao? But I have watched so many differences, sometimes the woman wears the pants, and sometimes, the man wears the pants. Ego is a big thing on both sides in my opinion, but still there must be a balance... Just my thoughts... Kerry

In northeast Brasil, when a married man has been caught being unfaithful, the punishment meted out by the wife is to wait until the errant husband is sleeping before pouring boiling water in his ear.

No knives, no ducks, just deafness.

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