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Do you Believe in Ghosts?


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I feel a bit disappointed to reach my age and never seen a ghost, maybe they feel me haunting a house is enough.

Having not seen one, I have no reason to believe they exist.

have you ever seen an electron?

The existence of electrons can be proved. The existence of ghosts cannot.

Soon as there is verifiable evidence for ghosts, God, or Father Christmas, then I'll change my mind. Something that people "who have faith" in something, are unable to do.

so is that a yes or a no?


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You addressed the question to me. If you don't like the answer, don't bother responding.

How's that Herbert?

nonsense! it was addressed to uptheo. you butted in.

You are obviously ignorant about how a PUBLIC forum works.

Also. you quoted me with your question afterwards.

lol! like i said, i asked uptheos a question, you decided you would butt in with a comment even tho you didnt consider the question to be valid! lol. dont like my question to someone other than yourself? then dont bother butting in. makee up your mind. he specifically claimed he had to SEE somerthing to believe it. I questioned that and yolu jump in to say it had nothing to do with visuals?? lol. try a dictionary for a definition of the words see and visual. lol!!

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Yet I believe if there are ghosts it is nearly holographic-like memory, similar to akasha concept, acting out in a manner that speaks more to the circular nature of time rather than linear passing. I have no idea if such entities have the wherewithal of personality or survival of "self," but I think its fair to say the organs of the senses and their prosthetics- science- are not yet equipped to plumb these waters.

I believe that if there are ghosts, it is a nearly digital quality phenomenic "copying" analogous to binary coding, but not exactly dependent upon it (more a spiritual than a binary coded imprint on a mental RAM board , as it were), but compounded with essences from, as in the ancient temple trances of Ithaca, a more fleeing vibrant tone of essences.

Digital before digital as it were, the computer spirit of a pre-computer age.

And in this time of science who can tell if this "quantum digitisation" as I call it, is the herald of a new science or just some hogwash I cobbled together that I admit has no meaning at all, but at least I know that it doesn't.

Wow! IMO, what a brilliant, concise concept. I don't disagree with you at all. If you permit me, I would like to share something briefly in PM. I once wrote about this, but certainly not as clear and succinct as you (I tend to verbosity).

I have read a considerable amount of E. Lazslo's works on Akasha and the new/old paradigm. I must confess this comports most brilliantly with the topic here, though he remains considerably more academic then our post. The most amazing part of this Theory of [nearly] everything is it marries perfectly with my Vedanta beliefs. Thank you for posting this. How nice to know other minds ponder these things.

Oh dear. I did try to make clear this was a deliberately meaningless parody of woo-woo writing by actually stating at the end that I knew it was meaningless hogwash, but I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough.

What I wrote has no discernable meaning at all. It was deliberately written to have no meaning. The sentences though apparently linked do not contain any argument that could be stated. I do not know if Ithacan trances exist, but if they do they can have no connection with any sentence after . 'Quantum 'and 'digitisation' are just words that if you put them anywhere in a sentence sound good. They are not connected with each other, and convey no meaningful concept in the context I used them. I just put in the sentence about computers because I'd used the word binary - and so on.

In short: this whole post was meaningless because I tried to make it meaningless. Each sentence could be put in almost any order. The ideas in it can't be pondered because there aren't any ideas in it.


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Yet I believe if there are ghosts it is nearly holographic-like memory, similar to akasha concept, acting out in a manner that speaks more to the circular nature of time rather than linear passing. I have no idea if such entities have the wherewithal of personality or survival of "self," but I think its fair to say the organs of the senses and their prosthetics- science- are not yet equipped to plumb these waters.

I believe that if there are ghosts, it is a nearly digital quality phenomenic "copying" analogous to binary coding, but not exactly dependent upon it (more a spiritual than a binary coded imprint on a mental RAM board , as it were), but compounded with essences from, as in the ancient temple trances of Ithaca, a more fleeing vibrant tone of essences.

Digital before digital as it were, the computer spirit of a pre-computer age.

And in this time of science who can tell if this "quantum digitisation" as I call it, is the herald of a new science or just some hogwash I cobbled together that I admit has no meaning at all, but at least I know that it doesn't.

Wow! IMO, what a brilliant, concise concept. I don't disagree with you at all. If you permit me, I would like to share something briefly in PM. I once wrote about this, but certainly not as clear and succinct as you (I tend to verbosity).

I have read a considerable amount of E. Lazslo's works on Akasha and the new/old paradigm. I must confess this comports most brilliantly with the topic here, though he remains considerably more academic then our post. The most amazing part of this Theory of [nearly] everything is it marries perfectly with my Vedanta beliefs. Thank you for posting this. How nice to know other minds ponder these things.

Oh dear. I did try to make clear this was a deliberately meaningless parody of woo-woo writing by actually stating at the end that I knew it was meaningless hogwash, but I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough.

What I wrote has no discernable meaning at all. It was deliberately written to have no meaning. The sentences though apparently linked do not contain any argument that could be stated. I do not know if Ithacan trances exist, but if they do they can have no connection with any sentence after . 'Quantum 'and 'digitisation' are just words that if you put them anywhere in a sentence sound good. They are not connected with each other, and convey no meaningful concept in the context I used them. I just put in the sentence about computers because I'd used the word binary - and so on.

In short: this whole post was meaningless because I tried to make it meaningless. Each sentence could be put in almost any order. The ideas in it can't be pondered because there aren't any ideas in it.


Dont be sorry. I dont feel remotely stupid. Jeez, people predict the future from yarrow bones and chicken blood. If I read something in your post that fueled some similar thoughts I had, so be it. I don't feel bad or silly. However, you would be incorrect that your silly contrived words lacked any valid context. In the holographic and torus theories of the universe they describe quite similar concepts and it has been quite clearly predicated upon the most economic use of labor- on and off, zero and ones, binary. In fact, quantum computation exists in this exact superposition states- this is primary digitization, not unlike your throwback suggestion to Ithacan trances being first cause.

You know, I went and read and re read your post; it actually comports neatly with some modern concepts discussed by Lazslo, Nassim Haramein, and other scientists. Curious, that you wrote something you later reject as meaningless- who does that?

Lastly, "quantum" and "digitization" are quite valid terms and directly related to quantifying a field or reality which would enable the very things we were discussing in the thread- memories, residuals; though this is my extrapolation. A number of theories of everything TOE have as a foundation somewhere the persistent sense of virtual reality existing in a quantum bath that acts through binary mechanisms. In a universal where economy of effort if everything it could hardly be different.

Whatever your intention was to post something meaningless, wait for a bite, then respond, perhaps a creative online writing class would better suit your goals. For you to be so intent on making a post so meaningless and at least one person not find it so suggests I am either a fool, or you were successful. I think you failed.

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Ghosts are just confused people who don't know they are dead or don't want to accept it.

You do know that the movie Sixth Sense is just that. A movie.

Albert Einstein, famed physicist, stated that there is life after death simply because energy can never cease to exist.

No he didn't.

Check your facts.

He was an atheist.


No, he wasn't.


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We lived in one of the most "Ghosted" houses in Udon...for two years. The place was like a museum.

Original occupant was a National Hero in Thailand. Personal body guard to the King...and "adopted" as a son. I saw a book the Queen did for him, at his funeral. Photos, etc. We kept all the photos we could, in a wooden foot locker. There was a Buddha room, cobwebs, 40 years of holiday stuff on the walls, snakes under the floorboards...etc. On 2 Rai.

His son was a high ranking Policeman, who had 2 wives. There were two houses on the lot. One younger wife died in the house, and the older one died in the other house. The property was a gambling casino...10 to 20 years ago, run by the police.

The Grandson lives in Germany (present owner) and his girlfriend runs the Physical Education college in Udon. He sold all the property except for the house. We cleared the land and cleaned it. It is available, as we have just moved to Chiang Mai.

My wife and I like to think that the Spirits of the two houses protected us. Indeed, the neighbors swore that the small house was protected by "Spirit Guardians". We only got warm, fuzzy feelings in there. But one night, I turned off the light to the "Buddha Room" (where the original wife died)". I kept watching the room, feeling uneasy. Then the light was turned on...by itself.

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As I said, you don't understand how public forums (fora) work.

Sorry, but, anyone who uses "lol" who is older than twelve can't be taken seriously.

and yet you cant resist replying!! lol

and btw:


  1. 1.
    of or relating to seeing or sight.
    "visual perception"
Edited by AYJAYDEE
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I was always, fascinated, in my life, about ghosts and paranormal activities.

I’ve heard and read, thousands of Ghost stories and appearances all over the world.

I thought that England had the lead on Ghost stories till I came to Thailand.

Thais, do believe that ghosts exist, and many have seen them also.

Every day we read about a ghost story in Thailand and I can’t understand the reaction of so many members on TVF condemning or ridiculing the Thais.


Why, would I believe some ex-pat members and not the experiences of a whole nation?

Why wouldn’t members give the Thais the benefit of the doubt?

I would like to hear your opinions on this subject.

A long time ago some people thought the earth was flat and the sun revolved around it.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Long before the birth of Jesus in or about the year 0 people knew the earth was round. Kind of dates your knowledge medieval times.clap2.gif

If there is no such things as ghost's then there is a whole new scientific area for science to look in to. Be interesting what could develop from it..wai.gif

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right ill tell you my story, that is still ongoing, and please no gramar or spelling police the older members on here know i cant spell to well and the reason,

when i first met my now wife and we were getting our farm together, we was living with the in-laws,

i would be down at the farm building pig pens,my wife would be with me most days helping,

it was a funny feeling as if someone was watching me, then out the corner of my eye, a glimpse of a man, old man, then gone, it happened more then once, i wasnt scared, just unsure of what was going on,

in the end i said to my wife, something strange has been happening down at the farm, dont think im daft,,lol

i told her, she said, oh ill ask grand pa if we have ghost,

of she went to say, yes, then ask me what i saw, i said it looks like a little old man, she said thats what grand pa say too, hes one of them old guys, like a witch doctor, hes got temple tatoos and people bring sick people to him for help, im not getting into that,

anyway, only this year, i was in Iraq working, and i said to mac, get the people in who tell you were to build your lucky,spirit house, i said we,ll do it when i get back,

when i got home, my wife told me were we were to put the lucky,

then said to me, do you still see the old man ghost, i said yes often, he watches me do the pigs ect,

i said why do you ask,

she said the man who came to tell us were to put the lucky, said to her, you have a ghost here, i good one, an old man, and your husband sees him,,

my wife said see your not going mad,,lol

i do believe in ghosts,spirits,

the only thing that bothers me and ive put it on here before, is why mostly people that are seen,?

i once saw a dog, i was in digs in the uk, in stroud, in an old guest house, and me and my mate came in one night after going to the pub for a few, and i said to him did you see that? a dog ran across the landing, he said no,,

in the morning, he my mate was laughing at breakfast, telling the old couple who owned the guest house about what i had said, there wasnt a dog in the house,

they asked me to tell them what i saw, i said a little black terrier like a paterdale run across the landing,,

they said,, you saw are old dog who has been dead for 5 years, she said we often here him,

mind you i believe in healing also,im very open minded,

what about UFOs,

thats another can of worms,, but i do believe in them,,

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You do know that the movie Sixth Sense is just that. A movie.

Albert Einstein, famed physicist, stated that there is life after death simply because energy can never cease to exist.

No he didn't.

Check your facts.

He was an atheist.


No, he wasn't.


I looked up the site jpeg referred to.

No where does it say Einstein was an atheist. It quoted him on some of his beliefs about God that could if you were desperate take it to mean he did not believe in God. For the most part he left the door open. There was inserts put in that did not come from him. Such as one taken out of his obituary. Who rites there own obituary?

I will divulge further information after I die.giggle.gif

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Although we can't see Electrons, we can allegedly prove their existence....but there again, that might possibly be a Conspiracy by all the Physicists to dupe us. cheesy.gif

However, no proof is not 'proof' of something not existing.

How do any of us know, that there are other people on this forum. It could all be a very sophisticated program. Surely, that requires some faith?

Descartes described the Pineal Gland over 400 years ago, & said that this proved that God exists.

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Although we can't see Electrons, we can allegedly prove their existence....but there again, that might possibly be a Conspiracy by all the Physicists to dupe us. cheesy.gif

However, no proof is not 'proof' of something not existing.

How do any of us know, that there are other people on this forum. It could all be a very sophisticated program. Surely, that requires some faith?

Descartes described the Pineal Gland over 400 years ago, & said that this proved that God exists.

if electrons exist, what form do they take? matter? energy? particle? wave?

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