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Do you Believe in Ghosts?


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What you can't see doesn't mean it doesn't exist. If your luck is down or you have a pair of 'special eyes', then you can see ghosts. It also depends on whether the ghost wants you to see or not.

If you really want to have that special ability to see ghosts, there is a couple methods. You can find a female black dog, use her eyes discharge to rub against your eyes.

Another method is to use bat's blood to rub against your eyes.

Caution: once you have done so, you will forever be able to see ghosts. The ability is irreversible.

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Ghosts are like religion, there is no real proof but a lot of stories. Myself I don't believe in either, I need proof.

If you want to believe in something strongly enough then you will believe it. Maybe Walt Disney could help out with this.

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i have seen an orb i think you call it. It was above my mothers possessions stored at my house after she died. it flew away from me, not in a straight line, No i don't drink and no i was not on tablets. I have an open mind.

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This is for Rooo ... he likes the lights on ... laugh.png

You can laugh. Funny after posting last night, all the adverts on Bio channel for all the ghost / paranormal shows being aired. One of interest Asian Ghost Stories.

Ain't watching it, OK maybe a peek & sleep with lights on.

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OK ... MissFarmGirl (MFG), Thai Lassie, love of my life came to Australia for her 3rd or 4th visit.

My Uncle had passed away and was cremated. Being the only living relative near by, I collected his ashes and kept them in the spare bedroom while his Will went through Probate.

I kept my clothes in that bedroom and went in and out often.

With her next visit to Australia, MFG said it felt 'different' on this visit.

When I asked why, she told me the story of her always closing the door to that bedroom where I kept the Ashes.

I never told her the ashes where there ... but she said that she got an uncomfortable feeling about that room.

That last visit, 3 months later, she said that her feeling had changed ... all good now.

In between visits I had repatriated those ashes to a relative near where he was to be laid to rest while the will was being sorted.

MFG never knew ... but she felt it.

So, is it real, or just BS ... who knows.

If it's real to your partner ... then it's real for her.

If you think it's BS ... fair comment also.

My thoughts ... be sensitive to her feelings, but maintain your own beliefs.


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Then again you could use Pascals Wager, put simply............

Given the possibility that God actually does exist and assuming an infinite gain or loss associated with belief or unbelief in said God (as represented by an eternity in Heaven or in Hell, a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.).

taken from Wiki, because the overall wager is a might harder to understand

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Then again you could use Pascals Wager, put simply............

Given the possibility that God actually does exist and assuming an infinite gain or loss associated with belief or unbelief in said God (as represented by an eternity in Heaven or in Hell, a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.).

taken from Wiki, because the overall wager is a might harder to understand wager is a might harder to understand

Mossy ... you have taught me something ... I've never heard of 'Pascals Wager'.

Pascal's Wager is an argument in apologetic philosophy which was devised by the seventeenth-century French philosopher, mathematician, and physicist Blaise Pascal (1623–1662). It posits that humans all bet with their lives either that God exists or not. Given the possibility that God actually does exist and assuming an infinite gain or loss associated with belief or unbelief in said God (as represented by an eternity in heaven or hell), a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.).[1]

Pascal formulated the wager within a Christian framework. The wager was set out in section 233 of Pascal's posthumously published Pensées. Pensées, meaning thoughts, was the name given to the collection of unpublished notes which, after Pascal's death, were assembled to form an incomplete treatise on Christian apologetics.

Historically, Pascal's Wager was groundbreaking because it charted new territory in probability theory, marked the first formal use of decision theory, and anticipated future philosophies such as existentialism, pragmatism, and voluntarism.[2]


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I believe in what i see. I'm 68 and still waiting to see a ghost, yet i've had young Thai's telling me they've seen lots of them. It's all in the mind and people will believe what they want to believe.

Implication being you don't believe in what you hear, touch, taste, smell? (Sorry, couldn't resist).

Often people believe what they're told to believe when they're little. I don't know much about the ghost thing in Thailand, but it would be nice to know that parents don't try to scare kids.

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What you can't see doesn't mean it doesn't exist. If your luck is down or you have a pair of 'special eyes', then you can see ghosts. It also depends on whether the ghost wants you to see or not.

If you really want to have that special ability to see ghosts, there is a couple methods. You can find a female black dog, use her eyes discharge to rub against your eyes.

Another method is to use bat's blood to rub against your eyes.

Caution: once you have done so, you will forever be able to see ghosts. The ability is irreversible.

Quite possibly after using these techniques, ghosts will be the ONLY thing you will be able to see.

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Maybe some people need to be more receptive to 'ghosts'.

Have I seen one? No.

I've seen a lot more than one. Disbelieve all you like, but I know what I have seen.

Oddly enough, I never ever saw one in Thailand. Never understood why either.

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I think most people, even sceptics would agree that there is a spiritual element to human existence. Just two examples; in the book Godless Pilgrim, the author has no truck with religion as the title suggests but while in a desolate area of (I think it was) Iran, visits an ancient mosque and admits to actually feeling the holiness there.

Myself whilst running along a bridle path, through a forest, many years ago, had to stop; the wonder of existence overwhelmed me; I felt 'as one' with the universe and everything around me; caused, I'm sure, by an endorphin 'rush' but a spiritual experience both in it's intensity and it's connectivity - lasted about 45 seconds as I recall.

I'm sure, also, that anyone who could survive a long period in a wilderness, without food would quite possibly come up with a revelation, the hard bit being the ability to go without food for long enough and survive.

Edited by piersbeckett
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Why is it, nearly every photo of a ghost is always some old grainy black and white picture or the picture quality is appalling?

Also, I would expect to see a lot more pictures (with the billions of mobile phones with a camera) nowadays as there are billions of pictures being taken every day?

Until I see one with my own eyes (and sober), I am a non-believer BUT if I ever saw one I would instantly become a believer! Alas, I think I have a LONG wait!

Ghosts are spiritual, i.e not physical.

I've been telling my kids for years that ghosts can't harm them and not to be scared of them as they are not physical.

Can they hurt you spiritually? Maybe the wrong forum to ask. Perhaps the Buddhism section would be better.

How many people actually know what spiritual means?

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Why is it, nearly every photo of a ghost is always some old grainy black and white picture or the picture quality is appalling?

Also, I would expect to see a lot more pictures (with the billions of mobile phones with a camera) nowadays as there are billions of pictures being taken every day?

Until I see one with my own eyes (and sober), I am a non-believer BUT if I ever saw one I would instantly become a believer! Alas, I think I have a LONG wait!

Ghosts are spiritual, i.e not physical.

I've been telling my kids for years that ghosts can't harm them and not to be scared of them as they are not physical.

Can they hurt you spiritually? Maybe the wrong forum to ask. Perhaps the Buddhism section would be better.

How many people actually know what spiritual means?

energy is physical. ghosts have energy. ghosts are physical.

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A lot of people believe in a tall white guy with a long beard , born in the middle east who walked on water, was executed as a criminal, came back to life three days later and is still alive 2000 years later!!!

The world is full of stupid, superstitious people.

That makes this a dangerous place...not just Thailand, the entire world!

Ghosts????? BOOO !post-147745-0-48341500-1405993273_thumb.

Edited by willyumiii
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A lot of people believe in a tall white guy with a long beard , born in the middle east who walked on water, was executed as a criminal, came back to life three days later and is still alive 2000 years later!!!

The world is full of stupid, superstitious people.

That makes this a dangerous place...not just Thailand, the entire world!

Ghosts????? BOOO !attachicon.gifSnake_Kings_Child_poster.jpg

have you ever seen dark matter? dark energy? does it exist? physicists say it does.

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Why is it, nearly every photo of a ghost is always some old grainy black and white picture or the picture quality is appalling?

Also, I would expect to see a lot more pictures (with the billions of mobile phones with a camera) nowadays as there are billions of pictures being taken every day?

Until I see one with my own eyes (and sober), I am a non-believer BUT if I ever saw one I would instantly become a believer! Alas, I think I have a LONG wait!

Ghosts are spiritual, i.e not physical.

I've been telling my kids for years that ghosts can't harm them and not to be scared of them as they are not physical.

Can they hurt you spiritually? Maybe the wrong forum to ask. Perhaps the Buddhism section would be better.

How many people actually know what spiritual means?

energy is physical. ghosts have energy. ghosts are physical.

Oh dear.....still believe in that energy can neither be created or destroyed, for the moment of death? Newton didn't intend for it to be used that way and it can easily be disproved.

Death is like forever switching off a computer. Does a computer have a soul?


Edited by KarenBravo
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What you can't see doesn't mean it doesn't exist. If your luck is down or you have a pair of 'special eyes', then you can see ghosts. It also depends on whether the ghost wants you to see or not.

If you really want to have that special ability to see ghosts, there is a couple methods. You can find a female black dog, use her eyes discharge to rub against your eyes.

Another method is to use bat's blood to rub against your eyes.

Caution: once you have done so, you will forever be able to see ghosts. The ability is irreversible.

Bs does a fine job as well
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As for Costas ... if you believe, they are real to you.

If you don't believe, then it's difficult to understand those who do.


David, I've never seen a ghost in my life and never encountered any paranormal activities.

As I said in my OP, I'm fascinated reading and listening from other people, about them.

But, I respect the opinions of other people and I opened this thread, because I didn't like people ridiculing the Thais, because they believe in ghosts.

May be the title of the thread was misleading.

But on the other hand, I'm amazed and fascinated with the stories from other members.

So......there is something out there......difficult to understand......but fascinating to listen to.

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As for Costas ... if you believe, they are real to you.

If you don't believe, then it's difficult to understand those who do.


David, I've never seen a ghost in my life and never encountered any paranormal activities.

As I said in my OP, I'm fascinated reading and listening from other people, about them.

But, I respect the opinions of other people and I opened this thread, because I didn't like people ridiculing the Thais, because they believe in ghosts.

May be the title of the thread was misleading.

But on the other hand, I'm amazed and fascinated with the stories from other members.

So......there is something out there......difficult to understand......but fascinating to listen to.

Mate, I actually worded my quote in the 3rd person, so it's not directed at you.

Could also be said as ...

... if Thais believe, they are real to them.

If you don't believe, then it's difficult to understand those who do.

Apologies for any misunderstanding ... my bad.

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As for Costas ... if you believe, they are real to you.

If you don't believe, then it's difficult to understand those who do.


David, I've never seen a ghost in my life and never encountered any paranormal activities.

As I said in my OP, I'm fascinated reading and listening from other people, about them.

But, I respect the opinions of other people and I opened this thread, because I didn't like people ridiculing the Thais, because they believe in ghosts.

May be the title of the thread was misleading.

But on the other hand, I'm amazed and fascinated with the stories from other members.

So......there is something out there......difficult to understand......but fascinating to listen to.

Mate, I actually worded my quote in the 3rd person, so it's not directed at you.

Could also be said as ...

... if Thais believe, they are real to them.

If you don't believe, then it's difficult to understand those who do.

Apologies for any misunderstanding ... my bad.

Why the apologies?

This was a very good and sensible statement, you did.

Doesn't matter if it was addressed to me or not, it is the actual truth.

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I would believe it if i saw it.

The reason why people here believe in ghosts more than other nations is because they have misinterpreted the Buddhist scriptures.

They take mara for being a real evil spirit and not just our temptation and desire. They take the hungry ghost as being a real ghost and not a type of person (a person full of craving).

And, yes, i believe there is a significant possibility of life on other planets despite never seeing aliens for myself. I believe this because i have have seen life on one planet (earth) and i know that it very well could happen somewhere else.

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I would believe it if i saw it.

The reason why people here believe in ghosts more than other nations is because they have misinterpreted the Buddhist scriptures.

They take mara for being a real evil spirit and not just our temptation and desire. They take the hungry ghost as being a real ghost and not a type of person (a person full of craving).

And, yes, i believe there is a significant possibility of life on other planets despite never seeing aliens for myself. I believe this because i have have seen life on one planet (earth) and i know that it very well could happen somewhere else.

every morning i encounter an alien in my bathroom when i shave. i see him when i look into the mirror.

p.s. he looks at me and produces ugly grimaces.

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