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Will Thaksin heed Prayuth's call for all sides to reconcile?


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Yet another non-story, based on pure conjecture of what people may or may not do in future.

I reckon TV should close close down the "Thailand News" section. Journalists aren't allowed to say anything any more.

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Thaskin shall be granted a pardon, as will Yingluck.

I have the man's word on it

The man's word is about as convincing as a 21 year old bar girl in Pattaya telling a 70 year old farang that he is handsome and strong. wai.gif

You mean...she lied to me ?


was your ATM card deployed within any 60 minute interval, for any reason, even if just to floss your teeth?

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As much as Thaksin might wish to return to this, his native land, he knows that he would be under constant danger of assassination, same as happened to Ninoy Aquino when he returned to the Phillipines. And yes, I am comparing the two men, both great leaders, both an unacceptable risk to the temporary holders of power.

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Great PR gesture for Prayuth, appearing to give Thaksin the velvet glove treatment. Rest assured, Prayuth has not dropped the baseball bat he is holding behind his back.

In reality it's all about leverage. Had the clan all fled abroad, and spirited their billions out from Thailand, you would not be seeing this meek and mild Thaksin.

Fair treatment

During his speech, the Army chief said he had invited someone living abroad, who he did not name, to return to Thailand and promised fair treatment by the NCPO.

An honest trial for outstanding charges and incarceration for two years for an existing conviction and if he admits it just one year would be fair treatment.

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Does Prayuth really want Thaksin back?

Maybe he heard Lyndon Johnson's remark about J.Edgar Hoover... "Better to have him inside the tent peeing out, than outside the tent peeing in."

more than half the country want Thaskin pardoned.

this alone, is reason enough,

the King, as well, may want him pardoned, and back in his native country

Thaskin can do much to heal the Kingdom, provided, any business dealings are on the table, and not under it

A great deal of sense in what you say here. Should cause apoplexy in a few members!

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Thaskin shall be granted a pardon, as will Yingluck.

I have the man's word on it

The man's word is about as convincing as a 21 year old bar girl in Pattaya telling a 70 year old farang that he is handsome and strong. wai.gif

You mean...she lied to me ?

Not necessarily, you might after all be the exception, that proves the rule ? rolleyes.gif

Just kidding ! wai2.gif

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Didn't YL try to do that but Suthep when Ape Shit about it.

Indeed, Ms. Yingluck tried to reconcile with her brother and absolved him of all his (alleged) crimes and while at it also includes herself and her administration's first two years.

Actually not only Suthep was annoyed with it, for a while even red-shirts rolleyes.gif

Correct uncle rubl, but it would take a minimal amount of intelligence to understand what Yingluck was trying to do, and why anyone would go "Ape Shit" about it. biggrin.png (something some posters do not seem to possess)

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"Banphot Poonpien, spokesman for the Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc), stated that the festival would be another step to show that the situation in Thailand was back to normal."


It is likely Thaksin/ and or supporters will be around well after the junta calls it quits and maybe the general is just trying to ensure there will not be any vendetta at that point in time by holding out an olive branch.

Or as was previously mentioned, despite Thaksin's greed the country ran quite well during his parties time in control and the general just wants advice on how to drag themselves out of the mire they seem to be slowly creating?

I probably misread, but for a moment I thought you were implying that Thaksin or his supporters will bear a grudge and maybe even violently so. May I remind you that our 'dear leader' in an interview once said that when he'd return and showed not to aim for revenge everyone would be happy and like him..

As for the 'happy' Thaksinomics years, well somewhat easy after years of austerity and during the worldwide boom recovering from the 'Thai' decease in 1997. If the NCPO is facing problems now it's more than likely that the Yingluckonomics also created some problems and others have to clean up again. Now those 500 billion all seem to agree Thailand lost on the RPPS (and we're still counting) would come in handy.

Edited by rubl
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If the Junta really wanred to show they meant business they should have an interpol arrest warrant issued for the deset coward. Until TS is dead or in jail the joke that it Thai politics will go on and on

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If the Junta really wanred to show they meant business they should have an interpol arrest warrant issued for the deset coward. Until TS is dead or in jail the joke that it Thai politics will go on and on

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Interpol would laugh - an arrest warrant for a twice elected prime minister ousted by a military coup during the run up to an election that would probably have resulted in him being elected for a third time.

This arrest warrant being requested by a Junta which has ousted another elected government.

And you wonder why Thaksin can trot around the globe unhindered?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Great PR gesture for Prayuth, appearing to give Thaksin the velvet glove treatment. Rest assured, Prayuth has not dropped the baseball bat he is holding behind his back.

In reality it's all about leverage. Had the clan all fled abroad, and spirited their billions out from Thailand, you would not be seeing this meek and mild Thaksin.

Fair treatment

During his speech, the Army chief said he had invited someone living abroad, who he did not name, to return to Thailand and promised fair treatment by the NCPO.

An honest trial for outstanding charges and incarceration for two years for an existing conviction and if he admits it just one year would be fair treatment.

And then the other 15 charges kick in and this time Thaksin would NOT be allowed to leave the country.

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If the Junta really wanred to show they meant business they should have an interpol arrest warrant issued for the deset coward. Until TS is dead or in jail the joke that it Thai politics will go on and on

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Interpol would laugh - an arrest warrant for a twice elected prime minister ousted by a military coup during the run up to an election that would probably have resulted in him being elected for a third time.

This arrest warrant being requested by a Junta which has ousted another elected government.

And you wonder why Thaksin can trot around the globe unhindered?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Oddly enough in both cases there was NO elected government and Thaksin illegally took back the caretaker PM postion after declaring that he was finshed with Thai politics.

Something he promised to do at least once a year since that time but of couse he lied as usual and still keeps poking his nose in.

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