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OPINION: The right kind of long-timer

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What I've read on these topics recently regarding 'The entrepreneurial and/or honestly hard-working kind' is that they are capable of doing anything they need by themselves and why should they have to hire 4 Thais to sit-around and do nothing.,or that they are not taking any jobs away from a Thai person.

Thailand has repeatedly stated the main goal of foreign investment is to provide jobs for young Thai citizens. Regardless of any change in regulation, I would expect that policy to remain the same and that it would also require an attitude change among those (mostly) young foreigners who would like to use Thailand as their base of operations.

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This is a good thing.

Get a work permit and work visa. Pay your bloody taxes. Then you'll have no problem.

This visa run thing has gone on long enough. One of the good things that will come out of this is we will have less 'teachers' now. We really don't need all this riff raff 'teachers' whose only qualification is speaking the language and being white. High time this country hired real English teachers.

If they want real teachers they will have to pay real salaries.

You're right. And by forcing all the faux teachers home, they'll be forced to pay for and get real teachers.

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Good rant above -- now maybe when you can get people like this to say the same thing you might see some progress:


Our mission is to promote trade and foreign investment, encourage skills development and transfer with the overall aim of contributing to the economy in which we live and work and to which we have made our commitments.

We thus do and will continue to propose and recommend positive developments and oppose threats which would undermine in the long term Thailand’s economic development. We draw on the experience and expertise of our members in making our contributions. We see ourselves as champions for the best ways to help make Thailand a leader in being attractive for foreign investment, and in attracting the most valuable kinds of foreign investment.

Edited by JLCrab
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Written by a PC liberal that loves "diversity"...jess I hate that word alng with cohesion, vibrant and numerous others that are spouted off by that brigade. The laws do not need watering down so Thailand becomes cohesive and diverse....they need strengthing so the culture is maintained.

I agree and think there most certainly there needs to be strengthening of the laws related to companies operating financial advice types services, and severe penalties for those caught operating "Boiler room" type "companies" as there is no regulation per se in Thailand about companies offering dodgy advice to people on a commission basis

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the Phuket News article is a hypothesis, nothing from the Thai official. we could debate it for pages on our own perspective and in our own advantage, but nothing we could control, nothing we could influence.

until we see some official document, stay cheers !

EDIT : adding on to this, this is a very debatable concept of discriminating people into 'high quality' or else. we are people.

Edited by ETatBKK
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"...we look forward to a liberalization of business regulations for higher-quality foreigners."

More money = higher quality. That's offensive. At least the writer is upfront about it.

Yep. Successful criminals are usually loaded. They will always slip through, lubricating their access to the Kingdom with the show of money. Thais love money, worship the goddess of money, and are intoxicated by the sight of it.

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The title is "Opinion" and as someone who was transferred here by my employer, and I would prefer many other places. I find that even before the crack down and this was several years ago. From the start, showing up at the Thai embassy with a checklist from my Thai employer, then being told the stack of paper was not enough, getting more paper and then told my wife also needs to be present, to get the visa. Then still not enough paper. It gave a sour taste of things to come once I moved here. But, since then, our HR people do most everything for us and there is no real hassle except for the expected city traffic, pollution and much of the same other unpleasent 3rd world things about. But my opinion, place is not so bad if you make it work for you.

The end of the long over staying back packer or ferral vagrant? I don't think I will notice, nor will any of my Thai neighbours. It will put a cottage industry of sorts out of business that has been running these "unwanted" back and forth for years. And they will just settle in a more friendly nation, the Bht200-300/night hostel style or just cheap end of tourism will go out of business, but that is of no concern I suppose.

I expect the thinning crowds in what was once bustling Khao San Road and Soi Buakaow will likley improve the traffic, so I will not have to worry about running over another old falang in a Chang singlet. Hate it when my wing mirror gets damaged by those barefoot old drunks!

With the new heavy hand, will it really lose that charm that is the reason so many actually do come here?

Test of Bernoulli's theorem is in the works and my slightly educated guess is that there will still be at least 50% below the standard they are hoping to attract. Anyone care to wager?

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As a few have mentioned, you need 4 Thai staff per 1 work permit, plus 2 million paid up capital for each work permit. If you are married you need 2 Thai staff + the 2 million Baht paid up capital. Education work permits may have different requirements.

Before you get the work permit you need a non immigrant B visa (I understand that you may use an O visa - but that rule flip flops), which means various paperwork and a letter from the company which intends to employ you at a min salary and for a job that requires a foreigner (UK 50K/month).

All of this makes it difficult for SMEs (especially service industry) to take on the correct staff, but really do the Chambers or government care about SME's? It seems to be about big business clucking, rather than considering the chicks growing. So do not expect changes soon. Outsource as much as you can to neighbouring countries, or local companies that can do the job under the present constraints.

Whichever way you look at it the days of a tourist visa for long term stayers is over, unless you get hitched.

Side note: I agree with what immigration are doing, but they need to relax the business regulations to allow transfer of knowledge and to make the THAI company (Thai or Foreign owned) more regionally competitive. Everyone wins.

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"...we look forward to a liberalization of business regulations for higher-quality foreigners."

More money = higher quality. That's offensive. At least the writer is upfront about it.

Screw that guy. I'm not working, I'm retired at 48, 46 when I got here. I have a mess of in and out stamps under my tourist visas before I switched to ED.

I get cracking down on people who are working illegally, but lumping those of us who have done NOTHING illegal, who simply are not old enough for a retirement visa is stupid.

What a dick.

your not a migrant ? so why think you are!!!!! want to live here ??? get the right visa, ignorant to the extreme mate

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This is a good thing.

Get a work permit and work visa. Pay your bloody taxes. Then you'll have no problem.

This visa run thing has gone on long enough. One of the good things that will come out of this is we will have less 'teachers' now. We really don't need all this riff raff 'teachers' whose only qualification is speaking the language and being white. High time this country hired real English teachers.

who in their right mind will work for 30k here when they can get much more elsewhere, Thailand gets what its prepared to pay for.

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