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Thailand must embark on Mandela's road to democracy


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Just for the record, Nelson Mandela was a terrorist before he became a freedom fighter. There is a very thin line between a terrorist and a freedom fighter.

We could debate this terrorist/freedom figher thing all day, but the thing one should explore is the Mandela legacy as there are some striking parallels between SA today and Thailand up to this point.

In SA, the white "elite" has been replaced with a "black elite" - An "elite" issue in Thailand

In SA, sitting members of parliament have been involved in numerous criminal activites, including gun running, rape and quite a few other things - In Thailand similar

In SA, "the head of state" has been accused of Rape and pilfering donations made by the British goverment to build himself a new house - In Thailand numerous PM's have been accused and caught out involved with "criminal" activity

In SA, the treasury is regularly "looted" by people for their own personal gain - simillar to Thailand

In SA, there is cronyism, nepotism and corrpution within the goverment, administrative structures

In SA, Adminstraitve goverment offices/departments are ineffective in their fuunctions - much like Thailand

In SA, the law and order side of things is rapidly becoming ineffective and not functioning properly - same a Thailand

In SA, the poor are still poor and the "rich" still rich - same as Thailand

The list goes on and on

But yes all citizens have have the vote now and "democratic rights", same as Thailand

So what can we conclude from all this, the democratic South Africa is or is rapidly becoming what Thailand already is, so maybe not the best model for Thailand to be following in their apsirations for change and create a "new" Thailand

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Democracy is an inferior form of government.

Indonesia just completed a reasonably fair and peaceful democratic election. The new Indonesian president is now in office. Indonesia , a diverse and distributed nation is four times the population of Thailand, yet it exceeds Thailand in freedoms and education by light years.

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Indonesia just completed a reasonably fair and peaceful democratic election. The new Indonesian president is now in office. Indonesia , a diverse and distributed nation is four times the population of Thailand, yet it exceeds Thailand in freedoms and education by light years.

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We have had many criminals in Government in Thailand,the Shiniwatra family is just an example and you allow them to leave the country,pay no taxes and laugh at you!Thailand has never had a real democracy and until you make people pay some taxes and get better social benefits you will never have a real democracy

But I agree with most of the points made below.

Just for the record, Nelson Mandela was a terrorist before he became a freedom fighter. There is a very thin line between a terrorist and a freedom fighter.

We could debate this terrorist/freedom figher thing all day, but the thing one should explore is the Mandela legacy as there are some striking parallels between SA today and Thailand up to this point.

In SA, the white "elite" has been replaced with a "black elite" - An "elite" issue in Thailand

In SA, sitting members of parliament have been involved in numerous criminal activites, including gun running, rape and quite a few other things - In Thailand similar

In SA, "the head of state" has been accused of Rape and pilfering donations made by the British goverment to build himself a new house - In Thailand numerous PM's have been accused and caught out involved with "criminal" activity

In SA, the treasury is regularly "looted" by people for their own personal gain - simillar to Thailand

In SA, there is cronyism, nepotism and corrpution within the goverment, administrative structures

In SA, Adminstraitve goverment offices/departments are ineffective in their fuunctions - much like Thailand

In SA, the law and order side of things is rapidly becoming ineffective and not functioning properly - same a Thailand

In SA, the poor are still poor and the "rich" still rich - same as Thailand

The list goes on and on

But yes all citizens have have the vote now and "democratic rights", same as Thailand

So what can we conclude from all this, the democratic South Africa is or is rapidly becoming what Thailand already is, so maybe not the best model for Thailand to be following in their apsirations for change and create a "new" Thailand

Unfortunately SA is taking a step backwards at the moment, it is to be expected when most of those in power were former guerilla fighters fighting against apartheid.

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In SA, the white "elite" has been replaced with a "black elite" - An "elite" issue in Thailand

In SA, sitting members of parliament have been involved in numerous criminal activites, including gun running, rape and quite a few other things - In Thailand similar

In SA, "the head of state" has been accused of Rape and pilfering donations made by the British goverment to build himself a new house - In Thailand numerous PM's have been accused and caught out involved with "criminal" activity

In SA, the treasury is regularly "looted" by people for their own personal gain - simillar to Thailand

In SA, there is cronyism, nepotism and corrpution within the goverment, administrative structures

In SA, Adminstraitve goverment offices/departments are ineffective in their fuunctions - much like Thailand

In SA, the law and order side of things is rapidly becoming ineffective and not functioning properly - same a Thailand

In SA, the poor are still poor and the "rich" still rich - same as Thailand

The list goes on and on

In SA, Many homes have electric security fences. - I am working on it in Thailand whistling.gif

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I think Thailand should stick with what it knows, the Mandela road is exactly what you don't need , South Africa is not a fine example of democracy, more like a population out of control, very similar to some of the political members and supporters in Thailand, keep focust on what Thailand knows, if you insist in copying some country for a democracy model, look no further than the West, just quietly Thailand lift your game.bah.gif

Exactly, SA is no more a democracy than 50 years ago. Reversed apartheid is rampant and in force throughout the country, however the media refuses to publisise this and the sheeples that have been brainwashed will not believe it either

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The late Nelson Mandela was a Brave man who suffered and fought for most of his adult life for the freedom and equality of his people and gave up his freedom for 30 years to do it.

Thailand doesn't have an apartied system, the people are free already, I don't see how you can compare Thailand's corrupt political issues of a few grubby men and women who are motivated only by the acquisition of personal wealth through dishonesty, bribery, vote rigging, murder and causing civil unrest and national division, to the plight of Black South Africans wanting to be equal and free in their home land.

Just my opinioncoffee1.gif

Edited by Paulzed
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Just for the record, Nelson Mandela was a terrorist before he became a freedom fighter. There is a very thin line between a terrorist and a freedom fighter.

We could debate this terrorist/freedom figher thing all day, but the thing one should explore is the Mandela legacy as there are some striking parallels between SA today and Thailand up to this point.

In SA, the white "elite" has been replaced with a "black elite" - An "elite" issue in Thailand

In SA, sitting members of parliament have been involved in numerous criminal activites, including gun running, rape and quite a few other things - In Thailand similar

In SA, "the head of state" has been accused of Rape and pilfering donations made by the British goverment to build himself a new house - In Thailand numerous PM's have been accused and caught out involved with "criminal" activity

In SA, the treasury is regularly "looted" by people for their own personal gain - simillar to Thailand

In SA, there is cronyism, nepotism and corrpution within the goverment, administrative structures

In SA, Adminstraitve goverment offices/departments are ineffective in their fuunctions - much like Thailand

In SA, the law and order side of things is rapidly becoming ineffective and not functioning properly - same a Thailand

In SA, the poor are still poor and the "rich" still rich - same as Thailand

The list goes on and on

But yes all citizens have have the vote now and "democratic rights", same as Thailand

So what can we conclude from all this, the democratic South Africa is or is rapidly becoming what Thailand already is, so maybe not the best model for Thailand to be following in their apsirations for change and create a "new" Thailand

Read the South African constitution and you may see what was intended for the country. The problem in SA is that people mostly vote on racial lines and this guarantees the ANC victory in every election. When one party becomes so powerful, democracy suffers. But the SA constitution is one of the best, if not the best, constitution of modern times.

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Just for the record, Nelson Mandela was a terrorist before he became a freedom fighter. There is a very thin line between a terrorist and a freedom fighter.

We could debate this terrorist/freedom figher thing all day, but the thing one should explore is the Mandela legacy as there are some striking parallels between SA today and Thailand up to this point.

In SA, the white "elite" has been replaced with a "black elite" - An "elite" issue in Thailand

In SA, sitting members of parliament have been involved in numerous criminal activites, including gun running, rape and quite a few other things - In Thailand similar

In SA, "the head of state" has been accused of Rape and pilfering donations made by the British goverment to build himself a new house - In Thailand numerous PM's have been accused and caught out involved with "criminal" activity

In SA, the treasury is regularly "looted" by people for their own personal gain - simillar to Thailand

In SA, there is cronyism, nepotism and corrpution within the goverment, administrative structures

In SA, Adminstraitve goverment offices/departments are ineffective in their fuunctions - much like Thailand

In SA, the law and order side of things is rapidly becoming ineffective and not functioning properly - same a Thailand

In SA, the poor are still poor and the "rich" still rich - same as Thailand

The list goes on and on

But yes all citizens have have the vote now and "democratic rights", same as Thailand

So what can we conclude from all this, the democratic South Africa is or is rapidly becoming what Thailand already is, so maybe not the best model for Thailand to be following in their apsirations for change and create a "new" Thailand

Read the South African constitution and you may see what was intended for the country. The problem in SA is that people mostly vote on racial lines and this guarantees the ANC victory in every election. When one party becomes so powerful, democracy suffers. But the SA constitution is one of the best, if not the best, constitution of modern times.

correct the constitution most likely one of the best in the world on paper at least, but you have just reminded me of another parallel

In SA certainly during the first election, a certain political party went around promising certain sectors of the population Mercedes Benz and big houses if they voted for that party, the parallel,

political parties in Thailand promising people things for their vote they have no intention of keeping except handing out THB 300-500 for a vote, crappy tablets that is and the promise by a certain EX-pm currently camel herding, that all Thai people they would be rich within 6 months

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Fine words from former Premier Anand, Nelson Mandela and the General committed to leading Thailand's "long walk to democratic governance".

Let's hope that this time around, they butter the parsnips.

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Interesting to see Anand Panyarachun, who has been Thai Prime Minister twice, moving to the front of the stage.

In February a NIDA poll voted him the most suitable person to become the country’s next "neutral" prime minister.

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Can we stop having an orgasm over the terrorist mandella. He bombed many innocent people, promoted violence, was caught with land mines, explosives etc. That is why he was sent to prison. He was offered to be release many times if he renounce violence but he never did. Mandella and his wife Minnie encouraged necklacing, the burning to death with a tire, fellow blacks who opposed the ANC. mandella also sang songs encouraging the killing of white people. Google it if you don’t believe it. His legacy in South Africa is 50% unemployment, One white farming family is killed on average every day- in a very barbaric way. The once prosperous country is now reverting back to the jungle without white guidance and is the murder and rape capitol of the world.

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Can we stop having an orgasm over the terrorist mandella. He bombed many innocent people, promoted violence, was caught with land mines, explosives etc. That is why he was sent to prison. He was offered to be release many times if he renounce violence but he never did. Mandella and his wife Minnie encouraged necklacing, the burning to death with a tire, fellow blacks who opposed the ANC. mandella also sang songs encouraging the killing of white people. Google it if you don’t believe it. His legacy in South Africa is 50% unemployment, One white farming family is killed on average every day- in a very barbaric way. The once prosperous country is now reverting back to the jungle without white guidance and is the murder and rape capitol of the world.

Actually his ex-wifes name is Winnie and its spelt Mandela, and Uncle Nelson never sang songs about killing whites, that was Peter Macabe (spelling) who coined the phrase "one settler, one bullet and in recent time that loonie Jojo has picked up the mantle and believe he has been expelled from the ANC for his rhetoric

Winnies necklacing campaign had nothing to do with the "political struggle" that was more to do with a "turf war" involving the Mandela "football team" her body guards and she should have been convicted for ordering the murder of Stompie Sepe (spelling) but there was nothing political in that, and while that was going on, Mandela himself was in jail effectively in solitary confinement on Robben Island and understand he hadnt had contact with his future EX wife for some years, so he could hardly be encouraging necklacing anyone in Soweto at the time

Mandela never actually bombed anyone, he was trying to bomb power lines and infrastructure when he was caught, one of the "gentleman" who did bomb civilians, "Magoo's bar in Durban" was a guy by the name of Robert McBride, who became an MP and was later done for gun running while a standing MP.

one of the few facts you have got correct, was that yes Mandela was offered freedom on a few occasions if he renounced the arm struggle via "MK" but declined

Yes you are correct on farmer being killed everyday, unemployment figures and the murder rape Captial of the world, but you are attributing things to Mandela in your post that he didnt do

so one suggests you should google things before going off on a diatribe.

please understand I am no supporter of the ANC, and no supporter of what MK was getting up to either, but at the same time, try and get your facts at least close to being right, it seems at lot of your facts you have presented have come out out the AWB handbook...wink.png

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Democracy is an inferior form of government.

Sir, Your evidence.Other than your life isn'tworking. So you cast blame.

Democracy dies not protect its citizen from majority rule. The tyranny of the majority can be as intolerable as a malignant dictator. A Representative Republic offers better protection and eliminates the one vote one person.

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Suthep is the Mandela of Thailand.

They both may be criminal in the past, but they ended up as good men and leader of their counties.

Except for the small fact that one fought against a minority that believed that the majority were too stupid to vote, and the other fought for such a minority.

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Democracy is an inferior form of government.

Sir, Your evidence.Other than your life isn'tworking. So you cast blame.

Democracy dies not protect its citizen from majority rule. The tyranny of the majority can be as intolerable as a malignant dictator. A Representative Republic offers better protection and eliminates the one vote one person.

And what country/countries have this form of Government? Or is this a Utopian dream?

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Nelson Mandela, regarded as a hero by America and Britain, and indeed most of planet earth, IS actually an example of freedom and how politics should take place.

The man was almost a legend in his own life-time, surely regarded as one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century.

I can't say that I reckon the Nation is an excellent newspaper, I'd much rather cheer on other Thai newspapers, but sometimes, the Nation gets it right, (or actually, what I think is right).

Well done, Nation newspaper. Actually, all you're doing is saying what the bulk of planet earth reckons. smile.png

They've missed the all important point though; every Thai believes they are a legend in their own mind already and therefore are far too important to become a real legend in the eyes of their fellow countrymen and/or the world at large. Name one character in this country that would be likely to take on the job. You can't; because there isn't one.

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Can we stop having an orgasm over the terrorist mandella. He bombed many innocent people, promoted violence, was caught with land mines, explosives etc. That is why he was sent to prison. He was offered to be release many times if he renounce violence but he never did. Mandella and his wife Minnie encouraged necklacing, the burning to death with a tire, fellow blacks who opposed the ANC. mandella also sang songs encouraging the killing of white people. Google it if you don’t believe it. His legacy in South Africa is 50% unemployment, One white farming family is killed on average every day- in a very barbaric way. The once prosperous country is now reverting back to the jungle without white guidance and is the murder and rape capitol of the world.

Actually his ex-wifes name is Winnie and its spelt Mandela, and Uncle Nelson never sang songs about killing whites, that was Peter Macabe (spelling) who coined the phrase "one settler, one bullet and in recent time that loonie Jojo has picked up the mantle and believe he has been expelled from the ANC for his rhetoric

Winnies necklacing campaign had nothing to do with the "political struggle" that was more to do with a "turf war" involving the Mandela "football team" her body guards and she should have been convicted for ordering the murder of Stompie Sepe (spelling) but there was nothing political in that, and while that was going on, Mandela himself was in jail effectively in solitary confinement on Robben Island and understand he hadnt had contact with his future EX wife for some years, so he could hardly be encouraging necklacing anyone in Soweto at the time

Mandela never actually bombed anyone, he was trying to bomb power lines and infrastructure when he was caught, one of the "gentleman" who did bomb civilians, "Magoo's bar in Durban" was a guy by the name of Robert McBride, who became an MP and was later done for gun running while a standing MP.

one of the few facts you have got correct, was that yes Mandela was offered freedom on a few occasions if he renounced the arm struggle via "MK" but declined

Yes you are correct on farmer being killed everyday, unemployment figures and the murder rape Captial of the world, but you are attributing things to Mandela in your post that he didnt do

so one suggests you should google things before going off on a diatribe.

please understand I am no supporter of the ANC, and no supporter of what MK was getting up to either, but at the same time, try and get your facts at least close to being right, it seems at lot of your facts you have presented have come out out the AWB handbook...wink.png

Soutpeel, your profile pic makes me hungry. I miss the Potjiekos.

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Suthep is the Mandela of Thailand.

They both may be criminal in the past, but they ended up as good men and leader of their counties.

Except for the small fact that one fought against a minority that believed that the majority were too stupid to vote, and the other fought for such a minority.

Exactly.Mandela stood for all the ideals that thugs like Suthep hold in contempt.And shame on Anand for his appalling article.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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