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Total Farang Idiots


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If the 'ídiot' was a 30 year old 6 foot tall street boxer, I doubt the OP would have felt so physically enraged about the insults directed at him.

Bravado is often very selective.

So true. In fact I have seen more loud mouth, objectionable, spoiling for a fight, young guys than I have oldies. The " what the .... you lookin' at" brigade.

Edited by giddyup
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It was me, moron! I don't like red necks, I hate roast beefs,.... Etc.

Your not a Sunday Lunch guy then...?

roast beefs = French slang for Brits.

Yep 'Les Rosbif' is the best the Frogs could up with, at least the Krauts came up with Island Monkeys 'Inselaffe'. Falung anyone?

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I probably would have made a public announcement of what this guy was saying to all patrons....then walk outlaugh.png Such jerks are a waste of space. Maybe immigration should pay him a visit to see the status of his visa.

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If the 'ídiot' was a 30 year old 6 foot tall street boxer, I doubt the OP would have felt so physically enraged about the insults directed at him.

Bravado is often very selective.

So true. resorting to violence to prove a point shows you no better than him. I would have floored him with words of kindness he wouldnt expect. He said it to get a reaction and sounds like it nearly worked. Next time buy the guy a drink and congratulate him on being the worst person you have ever met and that you understand he has the views he has because he is lonely. Who knows you may even a nice person under all that BS. If not then walk away and wish him well. Then life your life
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Blow an air horn in his ear. I've worked in many bars, and I can tell you, people like that old fart will follow you around all night. So, getting away is not an option. And, why should the OP move to satisfy a bitter person? Being old is not a get-out-of jail-free card. Respect is earned, not given because of age. As The Duke once said, "You don't have to respect your elders, but you do have to respect your betters."

It is the bar managers' job to get rid of this clown

That actually is a fair point that it would be the job of the bar manager to get rid of the trouble. As I said in another post on this thread, the best way to deal with people like the elderly gent in the OP is to reverse the tables on them, use mind games. It works in most cases but not all.

We used to have an English guy as a regular, elderly, well educated, well dressed and a general nice guy. Until he had drunk his third large bottle of beer, at which point it was as if a switch had been turned on. His entire personality changed and he would deliberately try to start arguments. Happened every time, it got to the stage where the locals would be counting what he drank waiting for the flip. Generally tolerated until he stepped over the mark and he would be asked to leave.

I have seen people constantly engaging mouth before brain and getting themselves into situations where violence isn't far away, (as in the OP) and being stupid enough or too proud not to back down and admit they were wrong. Again, generally the older types, and IMHO, if the offended person has had a few drinks, the most dangerous situation to be in and needs to be dealt with quickly.

I have had one person, in his 70's, after completely misunderstanding a situation, relying on secondhand information, turning up at the bar with a handgun (turned out to be a replica but impossible to tell at the time) waving about and then producing a machete from his trouser leg (blade on the inside of his leg and the handle tucked into his sock) wanting a word with another local. After he was disarmed, (with a bar stool round the head) and taken away in the ambulance with a police escort, he was still adamant he had done nothing wrong. (Still in the country BTW)

This is not a dig at the elderly, everyone can get into trouble, just some examples of my experiences through a 12 year period.

Message is to stay calm and use minimum necessary force, only if no other options are possible.

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As I see the problem the OP has an opinion(s), which eh also wants to share. So rather than just sit there and be a good listener to the negative diatribe, he either started a discussion or an argument.

Sometimes it is simply better to just go "ahem", "yes", "I see", "what makes you think that?".. or steer the conversation onto something else. There is a reason the Brits talk about the weather, and it has nothing to do with the weather.

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Temper, temper, temper......

Maybe you are a little high strung?

Don't let idiots get to you!

What would you prove by roughing him up?

What you would prove is your own intolerance, short temper and lack of control!.

The bartender is right...he doesn't need that kind of publicity and neither do other expats!

You say he is 70 up?

How much longer does he have?

Thailand does not always attract the best people, mix in too much alcohol and the fun begins!

You will undoubtedly run into others like him in the future.

Don't let them ruin your time....

Just ignore them and move on.

Everyone else already knows that they are jerks, no need for you to point it out!

Reacting violently will cause you much more heartache than it will the jerks you hurt here in Thailand.

Jai yen!

Choke dee!

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I don't mix much now as I cannot stand listening to the inevitable crap.

Remember, even old guys may have been a tough guy in his younger days. Don't dismiss that, cos one doesn't lose that with age, it is still in the background........

Reminds me of Michael Caine's character in "Harry Brown", or Clint in "Gran Torino".

I won't mention the old farts in "The Expendables"

Edited by impulse
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I don't mix much now as I cannot stand listening to the inevitable crap.

Remember, even old guys may have been a tough guy in his younger days. Don't dismiss that, cos one doesn't lose that with age, it is still in the background........

Reminds me of Michael Caine's character in "Harry Brown", or Clint in "Gran Torino".

I won't mention the old farts in "The Expendables"

They were actors doing a well paid job mon ami....smile.png

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I don't mix much now as I cannot stand listening to the inevitable crap.

Remember, even old guys may have been a tough guy in his younger days. Don't dismiss that, cos one doesn't lose that with age, it is still in the background........

Reminds me of Michael Caine's character in "Harry Brown", or Clint in "Gran Torino".

I won't mention the old farts in "The Expendables"

They were actors doing a well paid job mon ami....

As opposed to the ex-CIA, Navy SEAL, and SAS guys that tell their stories for free? Since I don't generally go into bars, the movies are the only place I can see those kinds of guys (and know that they are that kind...).

Used to work around a guy many years ago that had to take time off occasionally and disappear for weeks at a time. Super nice, extremely calm (and skinny) guy. I'd have never known he could reach across the table and kill me in a couple of seconds until somehow I heard he was a pretty high ranking SEAL. I don't remember how I found out- just that he never let on until I had already heard it elsewhere.

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Two idiots in a bar, a 50 y.o wannabe street fighter and a grumpy 70 y.o wannabe know it all. Seems like a good match to me.

I pity you low life grubs that sit around bars all day tryin to see how high you can piiisssss up the wall.

Talk about losers.

Edited by neverdie
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I don't mix much now as I cannot stand listening to the inevitable crap.

Remember, even old guys may have been a tough guy in his younger days. Don't dismiss that, cos one doesn't lose that with age, it is still in the background........

Reminds me of Michael Caine's character in "Harry Brown", or Clint in "Gran Torino".

I won't mention the old farts in "The Expendables"

They were actors doing a well paid job mon ami....

As opposed to the ex-CIA, Navy SEAL, and SAS guys that tell their stories for free? Since I don't generally go into bars, the movies are the only place I can see those kinds of guys (and know that they are that kind...).

Used to work around a guy many years ago that had to take time off occasionally and disappear for weeks at a time. Super nice, extremely calm (and skinny) guy. I'd have never known he could reach across the table and kill me in a couple of seconds until somehow I heard he was a pretty high ranking SEAL. I don't remember how I found out- just that he never let on until I had already heard it elsewhere.

My point, smile.png

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I don't mix much now as I cannot stand listening to the inevitable crap.

Remember, even old guys may have been a tough guy in his younger days. Don't dismiss that, cos one doesn't lose that with age, it is still in the background...........thumbsup.gif

Old lion thinks it can still roar.

The mind is willing but the flesh and body aint.

Yes the above comes from the Thai wives of our senior citizens who tell me they havent had any in years.

There is always one who thinks he is still up for yet one last chance at the heavyweight championship of the world.

Once watched two old codgers going at each other in a Bkk bar, fighting over a girl, unbelievable.

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I don't mix much now as I cannot stand listening to the inevitable crap.

Remember, even old guys may have been a tough guy in his younger days. Don't dismiss that, cos one doesn't lose that with age, it is still in the background...........thumbsup.gif

Old lion thinks it can still roar.

The mind is willing but the flesh and body aint.

Yes the above comes from the Thai wives of our senior citizens who tell me they havent had any in years.

There is always one who thinks he is still up for yet one last chance at the heavyweight championship of the world.

Once watched two old codgers going at each other in a Bkk bar, fighting over a girl, unbelievable.

Never take anything or anyone for granted.

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Two idiots in a bar, a 50 y.o wannabe street fighter and a grumpy 70 y.o wannabe know it all. Seems like a good match to me.

I pity you low life grubs that sit around bars all day tryin to see how high you can piiisssss up the wall.

Talk about losers.

God you still alivetongue.png

If this guy is 70 plus he's probably miserable cos of the price of a chang..............he can probably remember the days of a 20baht chang. and 50 baht barfine and an all nighter for 200 baht.Then again maybe thats still the going rate in Korat!

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I don't mix much now as I cannot stand listening to the inevitable crap.

Remember, even old guys may have been a tough guy in his younger days. Don't dismiss that, cos one doesn't lose that with age, it is still in the background...........thumbsup.gif

Old lion thinks it can still roar.

The mind is willing but the flesh and body aint.

Yes the above comes from the Thai wives of our senior citizens who tell me they havent had any in years.

There is always one who thinks he is still up for yet one last chance at the heavyweight championship of the world.

Once watched two old codgers going at each other in a Bkk bar, fighting over a girl, unbelievable.

I'd like to be there when you take on Mike Tyson when he's 70.

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I don't mix much now as I cannot stand listening to the inevitable crap.

Remember, even old guys may have been a tough guy in his younger days. Don't dismiss that, cos one doesn't lose that with age, it is still in the background...........thumbsup.gif

Old lion thinks it can still roar.

The mind is willing but the flesh and body aint.

Yes the above comes from the Thai wives of our senior citizens who tell me they havent had any in years.

There is always one who thinks he is still up for yet one last chance at the heavyweight championship of the world.

Once watched two old codgers going at each other in a Bkk bar, fighting over a girl, unbelievable.

Never take anything or anyone for granted.

Thats right trans, a lot of us have ex mil backgrounds, remember what the RSM used to say "bedside locker moves faster than sleeping soldier". I still know a few moves, the foxtrot, tango, oh fck that was in the Mess on Saturday nights.

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I don't mix much now as I cannot stand listening to the inevitable crap.

Remember, even old guys may have been a tough guy in his younger days. Don't dismiss that, cos one doesn't lose that with age, it is still in the background...........thumbsup.gif

Old lion thinks it can still roar.

The mind is willing but the flesh and body aint.

Yes the above comes from the Thai wives of our senior citizens who tell me they havent had any in years.

There is always one who thinks he is still up for yet one last chance at the heavyweight championship of the world.

Once watched two old codgers going at each other in a Bkk bar, fighting over a girl, unbelievable.

Never take anything or anyone for granted.

Thats right trans, a lot of us have ex mil backgrounds, remember what the RSM used to say "bedside locker moves faster than sleeping soldier". I still know a few moves, the foxtrot, tango, oh fck that was in the Mess on Saturday nights.

Yep, my dad was a S/Major.............whistling.gif ...............thumbsup.gif

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If the 'ídiot' was a 30 year old 6 foot tall street boxer, I doubt the OP would have felt so physically enraged about the insults directed at him.

Bravado is often very selective.

A 30 year old, 6 ft tall street boxer would never carry on like that, it just would not happen. I have known and had many friends back in Scotland who were known as hard men, But I can't think of any who were loudmouths.

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I don't mix much now as I cannot stand listening to the inevitable crap.

Remember, even old guys may have been a tough guy in his younger days. Don't dismiss that, cos one doesn't lose that with age, it is still in the background...........thumbsup.gif

Excellent post Trans, could not agree more.

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If the 'ídiot' was a 30 year old 6 foot tall street boxer, I doubt the OP would have felt so physically enraged about the insults directed at him.

Bravado is often very selective.

A 30 year old, 6 ft tall street boxer would never carry on like that, it just would not happen. I have known and had many friends back in Scotland who were known as hard men, But I can't think of any who were loudmouths.

Just because you don't know of any doesn't mean they don't exist. One of the most aggressive, obnoxious people I ever met was a big, tattooed shearer who used to drink in my local bar in Adelaide. You didn't want to catch his eye when he was drunk because that was akin to a challenge. He's just one example of dozens I came across working as a barman in Australia. Young guys full of testosterone and alcohol is a dangerous mix. They all think they are six foot tall street fighters when they're p*ssed. Before someone jumps in and says "typical Aussies", I would say the same applies just about anywhere in the world where alcohol is served.

Edited by giddyup
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I don't mix much now as I cannot stand listening to the inevitable crap.

Remember, even old guys may have been a tough guy in his younger days. Don't dismiss that, cos one doesn't lose that with age, it is still in the background...........thumbsup.gif

Excellent post Trans, could not agree more.

Well debate doesn't seem to be the OP's strongest point. Has he got lost?

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If the 'ídiot' was a 30 year old 6 foot tall street boxer, I doubt the OP would have felt so physically enraged about the insults directed at him.

Bravado is often very selective.

A 30 year old, 6 ft tall street boxer would never carry on like that, it just would not happen. I have known and had many friends back in Scotland who were known as hard men, But I can't think of any who were loudmouths.

Just because you don't know of any doesn't mean they don't exist. One of the most aggressive, obnoxious people I ever met was big, tattooed shearer who used to drink in my local bar in Adelaide. You didn't want to catch his eye when he was drunk because that was akin to a challenge. He's just one example of dozens I came across working as a barman in Australia. Young guys full of testosterone and alcohol is a dangerous mix. They all think they are six foot tall street fighters when they're p*ssed.

Yes, but if the guy you are talking about tried to provok any of the guys I'm talking about, I know who would win nine times out of ten. Also, none of these guys were drunks.

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If the 'ídiot' was a 30 year old 6 foot tall street boxer, I doubt the OP would have felt so physically enraged about the insults directed at him.

Bravado is often very selective.

A 30 year old, 6 ft tall street boxer would never carry on like that, it just would not happen. I have known and had many friends back in Scotland who were known as hard men, But I can't think of any who were loudmouths.

Just because you don't know of any doesn't mean they don't exist. One of the most aggressive, obnoxious people I ever met was big, tattooed shearer who used to drink in my local bar in Adelaide. You didn't want to catch his eye when he was drunk because that was akin to a challenge. He's just one example of dozens I came across working as a barman in Australia. Young guys full of testosterone and alcohol is a dangerous mix. They all think they are six foot tall street fighters when they're p*ssed.

Yes, but if the guy you are talking about tried to provok any of the guys I'm talking about, I know who would win nine times out of ten. Also, none of these guys were drunks.

OK, your guys are tougher than my guys. You have no idea of how tough this guy was, I've seen it take 6 coppers to bring him down, but never mind, any of your guys would have taken him.

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