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Cheaters and corrupt politicians may be banned from Thai politics for life


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So, who gets to say who's corrupt and who isn't?

Oh wait.... let me see.

it wouldn't happen to be a military nominated anti-graft committee would it?

Gee, what a good idea.

A sure fire way to ensure the military/elite/royalists finally get to cement their puppets into power.

Now no need to have elections, the Democrats will be in power for the next 50 years.


So what planet are you from?

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So, who gets to say who's corrupt and who isn't?

Oh wait.... let me see.

it wouldn't happen to be a military nominated anti-graft committee would it?

Gee, what a good idea.

A sure fire way to ensure the military/elite/royalists finally get to cement their puppets into power.

Now no need to have elections, the Democrats will be in power for the next 50 years.


So in a nutshell, your old lady and her folks are red shirts that loves feudalism?

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Banned for life or until the next coup, whichever comes first..... I see new category for work permits: honest (somewhat) politician. Thailand seems to be sorely lacking and will be forced to look elsewhere.


Don't agree. Thailand has many honest, sincere and well capable people who want to contribute to the development of Thailand for all Thais.


The problem has been that these folks won't join the current mostly very scaly parties (get rich quick clubs, nor morals or capabilities needed), and won't associate themselves with the up to recently political circus: corruption. nepotism, no discussion or legislation which would build a scenario whereby the majority of Thais have a good quality of life through their own productivity. 


Can you blame them?


Hopefully the picture / framework the junta is building will change everything and these good folks will come forward.


Go general go!

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about time ..include their family members too


 I second that, family members of corrupt politicians can pretty much do anything they want and nobody dares to try and make them accountable. Real reform will have to make that a thing of the past.

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So, this would mean all current politicians will be banned for life...


Quick possibly 99% banned for life, and if that's what is needed then so be it!.

Edited by scorecard
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Barred for life; never happen because the more money they have the higher the position they can buy again  Politicians always find another way to milk the poor

The interim charter also sought to prevent an individual or a group of people from dominating the entire MPs of a party to the extent that they cannot think by themselves but have to be submissive to their boss, said Bovornsak.


One would be forgiven for thinking that the deformed cousin of the Worachai bill that was swept through parliament with a vote of 307 - 0 when the majority of Thai's did not want it, but one man did is stroll fresh on Bovornsak's mind. He knows it is not democracy when the voice of the people is not reflected in parliament by the peoples elected officials who were elected to represent them in parliament. Those elected officials represented one man. One unelected, accused mass murderer, accused terrorist and convicted criminal fugitive. That is called a dictatorship. 


Lets hope this initiative becomes law. It will a sure fire way to legally and quickly remove the PTP from the political landscape because as long as night follows day committing election fraud and being corrupt is part of their fabric and it won't change under strict new laws. 


In mature democracies with an educated voter base these parties that are hinted to be involved in these anti democratic actions are usually voted out. Because they were not here it highlights that education is paramount to Thailand's democracy as well. 


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


So, who gets to say who's corrupt and who isn't?

Oh wait.... let me see.

it wouldn't happen to be a military nominated anti-graft committee would it?

Gee, what a good idea.

A sure fire way to ensure the military/elite/royalists finally get to cement their puppets into power.

Now no need to have elections, the Democrats will be in power for the next 50 years.


Stop being opportune to be negative, obviously there will need to be a fair and balanced process to decide who has broken the new election laws.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


It is going to be hard to find any candidates!


Don't agree. Thailand has many honest, sincere and well capable people who want to contribute to the development of Thailand for all Thais.


The problem has been that these folks won't join the current mostly very scaly parties (get rich quick clubs, nor morals or capabilities needed), and won't associate themselves with the up to recently political circus: corruption. nepotism, no discussion or legislation which would build a scenario whereby the majority of Thais have a good quality of life through their own productivity. 


Can you blame them?


Hopefully the picture / framework the junta is building will change everything and these good folks will come forward.


Go general go!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


It is going to be hard to find any candidates!



Don't agree. Thailand has many honest, sincere and well capable people who want to contribute to the development of Thailand for all Thais.


The problem has been that these folks won't join the current mostly very scaly parties (get rich quick clubs, nor morals or capabilities needed), and won't associate themselves with the up to recently political circus: corruption. nepotism, no discussion or legislation which would build a scenario whereby the majority of Thais have a good quality of life through their own productivity. 


Can you blame them?


Hopefully the picture / framework the junta is building will change everything and these good folks will come forward.


Go general go!


Well said. 


There are 2 politicians I have the utmost respect for. One DEM and one ex PTP.


The Right Honorable Ahbisit, who was an elected PM of Thailand and Chatchart Sitthipan who was the ex Transport minister.


Chatchar seemed a duck out of water with the PTP however and would in fact make a wonderful DEM with his respect and engagement with the voters by always putting them first. 

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Totally agree with the provision. Now all is left to do is made sure that the judiciary and the corruption agencies who will be meting out the sentences be non partisan, fair and just. That will mean a totally overhaul of the judiciary and corruption agencies and ban those who are corrupted. With such strict provision, why the need for appointed senators. All should be elected as the provision will ferret out those who are corrupted and cheaters.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


So, who gets to say who's corrupt and who isn't?

Oh wait.... let me see.

it wouldn't happen to be a military nominated anti-graft committee would it?

Gee, what a good idea.

A sure fire way to ensure the military/elite/royalists finally get to cement their puppets into power.

Now no need to have elections, the Democrats will be in power for the next 50 years.


So what planet are you from?

Planet western democracy.

Er... what country has had twenty (20) miltary coups since "democracy" began?

Yes that's right it's Thailand.

Now it doesn't take a university don to work out that something is not quite right here.

Perhaps it's the continual military coups that are destroying any chance of a successful parliamentary democarcy ever evolving?


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In feudal third world countries like Thailand, the judiciary is a hierarchical organisation, which party appoints the person as the chief judiciary will be immune.
The bibs are corrupt here for a reason, you know.
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Been nothing but positive talk and action since the coup. But, this is possibly the best news yet. Lets hope action follows all the talk. Realistically corruption will never be eliminated. But if reduced by 50% then it can only be positive. Heavy punishment for corruption will help towards this aim



possibly the most naive post so far!

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"'The interim charter also sought to prevent an individual or a group of people from dominating the entire MPs of a party to the extent that they cannot think by themselves but have to be submissive to their boss,' said Bovornsak."



I've lived in Thailand four years now and was told of this "block voting" mentality in year one. Haven't heard much about it since. A knowledgeable Thai explained to me that "Thai democracy not like western democracy, MP's and other elected officials are all under some kind of boss, puyai, and will be told how to vote, or at a local level, what decisions to make." There is a "trickle down" of power of Puyai's from BKK, and an elite that have run this country for years. My own thoughts: Thaksin was OUTSIDE this system and this is the reason he and others are so vilified; it's not really the "business corruption."  Well, even though it may just be rhetoric, it's nice to see the above quote on here as they (supposedly) deal with "corruption" of all sorts. Did I say "all sorts"? Surely it shall be so?!  (I will leave the quote about "cannot think for themselves" alone for the present.)



Does Thailands political system do things differently from The West

You say that Thailands way of doing things is different from the west , I disagree, America for instance their political system is run by the 1% of the population that have all of the wealth and the big corporations who can afford pay to lobby the so called elected candidates, sometimes more than they pay in taxes, if that situation does not exercise outside control then what does.

The six largest corporation in the USA

When the six largest corporations in the USA receive handouts from the government amounting to over just under $ 1 trillion each year, you can see where the power lies in the united states, as you can see where the power lay's in Thailand - in Bangkok with the Bangkok Elite.

The reason that Thaksin was so vilified was because he was not part of that Elite he realised that handled properly the Power should lay with the Majority of the electorate The PEOPLE of Thailand.

I am not saying that he didn't do corruption that is not the issue all politicians are corrupt , but he did attempt to help the people and in doing so he became very popular and the puyai could see he was gaining vast popularity among the people and because he was outside their group he was out of the groups control.

They could see themselves losing their stranglehold  

they could see themselves losing all of the power they had exercised before Thaksin became the political leader of Thailand and well we've all seen the results of that power struggle. The Bangkok Elite are not interested in their country or the People of Thailand, they dont care how much unrest they have created or how much damage they do to the Economy, tourism, or the GDP as long as they still retain their Power Base and control the Government they didn't care how much disruption they created as long as they still maintained their Power Base.

So Mr Bovornsak don't talk to me about the political scene not being controlled by one group of Elite or a Boss, It will always be so until you find someone with the determination and will of the like of Taxin who is not already part of a Group,  to put a stop to it

Long Live Thailand and Power to The people 


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


So, who gets to say who's corrupt and who isn't?

Oh wait.... let me see.

it wouldn't happen to be a military nominated anti-graft committee would it?

Gee, what a good idea.

A sure fire way to ensure the military/elite/royalists finally get to cement their puppets into power.

Now no need to have elections, the Democrats will be in power for the next 50 years.


So what planet are you from?

Planet western democracy.

Er... what country has had twenty (20) miltary coups since "democracy" began?

Yes that's right it's Thailand.

Now it doesn't take a university don to work out that something is not quite right here.

Perhaps it's the continual military coups that are destroying any chance of a successful parliamentary democarcy ever evolving?




This ain't a western country, nor is it a democracy. Must be something about it you like, or like the rest of us, wouldn't be here. Lots of stuff you can do and opportunity you won't find elsewhere. Wanna turn this into Singapore, the US, it loses its magic and charm; yes?

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So what planet are you from?

Planet western democracy.

Er... what country has had twenty (20) miltary coups since "democracy" began?

Yes that's right it's Thailand.

Now it doesn't take a university don to work out that something is not quite right here.

Perhaps it's the continual military coups that are destroying any chance of a successful parliamentary democarcy ever evolving?




This ain't a western country, nor is it a democracy. Must be something about it you like, or like the rest of us, wouldn't be here. Lots of stuff you can do and opportunity you won't find elsewhere. Wanna turn this into Singapore, the US, it loses its magic and charm; yes?



I agree with you on this Gemini. Everytime I read a comment here that suggests introducing more rules, more taxes, more political correctness, in one word more West into this country - or the East in general - I cringe and wonder why people bother to expatriate if they can't help bringing their country in their suitcases and in their heads.


As for the fact that it 'aint a democracy', I would just like to point out that the West has the very same problem. OK politicians there don't buy votes directly, but they manipulate the public through the media in a way that is more and more accurate, efficient and wicked.

Whoever has the best com team but most of all the most money wins. There is no place whatsoever any more for the little, unexpected, and not rich candidate. It's true in North America, it's true in Europe and pretending that it doesn't exist is like pretending our wooden legs are real ones.


The problem didn't start last year either. Read 'The Assault on Reason' (*) by Al Gore and you will find his comments about media manipulation extremely up to date, even though it refers to the year 2000 when he ran for president against George W. Bush (and lost the election even though he had won the popular vote. Demockracy, that was).


(*) The Assault on Reason. New York: Penguin. 2007. ISBN 1-59420-122-6.


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