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Islamic mob burns to death a woman and two children in Pakistan


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Oh my. The adherents of "the religion of peace" are at it again. Suggesting they attempt to practice loving-kindness would get one labelled as an infidel with all likelihood of getting a bullet to the head.
I feel sorry for the average moderate Muslim, secular Muslims, and all non-Muslims living in that part of the world.

Places totally off my travel plans: Middle East, Africa, EU countries with Sharia Law zones, and the last three provinces in Southern Thailand. What a total disregard for suffering of others in the name of God. <head shake> sad.png.pagespeed.ce.cyRRGRfa7C.png

Edited by connda
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I wonder what each religion's death toll is? Christianity #1? Has to be.

These are the results when you let invisible people run things. I don't understand the inherent need man has for god. Ignorence? Fear? The "live forever thing" is powerful magic.

Atheism would likely beat all of the religions. Hitler wasn't particularly religious and neither was Stalin or Chairman Mao. They are responsible for more deaths than religious leaders (likely combined).

Hitler,or Schiklgruber (was his correct family name) was brought up as a Catholic. Mao's mother was a Buddhist,don't know about Stalin

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I wonder what each religion's death toll is? Christianity #1? Has to be.

These are the results when you let invisible people run things. I don't understand the inherent need man has for god. Ignorence? Fear? The "live forever thing" is powerful magic.

Atheism would likely beat all of the religions. Hitler wasn't particularly religious and neither was Stalin or Chairman Mao. They are responsible for more deaths than religious leaders (likely combined).

Hitler,or Schiklgruber (was his correct family name) was brought up as a Catholic. Mao's mother was a Buddhist,don't know about Stalin

in his youth Stalin studied to be a Christian orthodox priest

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What an utter waste of oxygen this mob and their ilk are. Alright, *most* Muslims are probably decent people but why are they not straightening out their evil brethren!!!

Don't hold tour breath either. There will not be any world wide protests by them against this barbaric act.

For sure, there will be tiny to zero protests and denunciations from the muslim world about this. There never is.

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I have known a number of people from this sect. Those they I know have all had to flee Pakistan because of persecution.

A bit of detail, the Pakistani government twice amended the Constitution ('74 & '84) to declare them non-Muslims. After second amendment relocated leaders offices to UK. Also persecuted in a number of other Islamic countries.

It's easy to see why.

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I wonder what each religion's death toll is? Christianity #1? Has to be.

Not in modern times. Maybe back in the olden days.

The new kids on the block chalked up over 2100 deaths during the holy month of Ramadan. Incidentally Ahmadis are not considered Muslim by mainstream Sunnis in Pakistan, even Pakistan's sole Nobel prize winner, who is an Ahmadi is not celebrated in his nation of birth, such is the spite and backwardness that prevent Pakistan ever progressing in the world.

Edit: Even being accused of being an Ahmadi can result in a blasphemy charge.


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by Steely Dan
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Oh my. The adherents of "the religion of peace" are at it again. Suggesting they attempt to practice loving-kindness would get one labelled as an infidel with all likelihood of getting a bullet to the head.

I feel sorry for the average moderate Muslim, secular Muslims, and all non-Muslims living in that part of the world.

Places totally off my travel plans: Middle East, Africa, EU countries with Sharia Law zones, and the last three provinces in Southern Thailand. What a total disregard for suffering of others in the name of God. <head shake> sad.png.pagespeed.ce.cyRRGRfa7C.png

What EU countries have "Sharia Law zones"? Not saying you're wrong. Just never heard of it.

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I wonder what each religion's death toll is? Christianity #1? Has to be.

These are the results when you let invisible people run things. I don't understand the inherent need man has for god. Ignorence? Fear? The "live forever thing" is powerful magic.

Atheism would likely beat all of the religions. Hitler wasn't particularly religious and neither was Stalin or Chairman Mao. They are responsible for more deaths than religious leaders (likely combined).

Hitler,or Schiklgruber (was his correct family name) was brought up as a Catholic. Mao's mother was a Buddhist,don't know about Stalin

Almost all atheists come from religious families.

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Oh my. The adherents of "the religion of peace" are at it again. Suggesting they attempt to practice loving-kindness would get one labelled as an infidel with all likelihood of getting a bullet to the head.

I feel sorry for the average moderate Muslim, secular Muslims, and all non-Muslims living in that part of the world.

Places totally off my travel plans: Middle East, Africa, EU countries with Sharia Law zones, and the last three provinces in Southern Thailand. What a total disregard for suffering of others in the name of God. <head shake> sad.png.pagespeed.ce.cyRRGRfa7C.png

What EU countries have "Sharia Law zones"? Not saying you're wrong. Just never heard of it.

In the UK it has been going on for a long time. Mostly hushed up.

Now it is becoming more obvious.

Just google Sharia Law in the UK.

Here is a taster.


Edited by JockPieandBeans
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I wonder what each religion's death toll is? Christianity #1? Has to be.

These are the results when you let invisible people run things. I don't understand the inherent need man has for god. Ignorence? Fear? The "live forever thing" is powerful magic.

Atheism would likely beat all of the religions. Hitler wasn't particularly religious and neither was Stalin or Chairman Mao. They are responsible for more deaths than religious leaders (likely combined).

Hitler,or Schiklgruber (was his correct family name) was brought up as a Catholic. Mao's mother was a Buddhist,don't know about Stalin

Almost all atheists come from religious families.

They've seen the light

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I wonder what each religion's death toll is? Christianity #1? Has to be.

Not in modern times. Maybe back in the olden days.

but people educated them selves from those days, its a shame that most muslims are still stuck in the same era and attitude as the Christians were in, all those years ago, move forward and get an education, that way your religion will be respected more by the people outside of your religeon
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Not in modern times. Maybe back in the olden days.
but people educated them selves from those days, its a shame that most muslims are still stuck in the same era and attitude as the Christians were in, all those years ago, move forward and get an education, that way your religion will be respected more by the people outside of your religeon

Well, the main difference is that the Bible can and has been amended, while the Quran is alleged to be the exact words of Allah, so no alteration is possible - suggesting such thing would be blasphemy.

The muslim religion as it is now is doomed - either religious leaders tone it down by clutching at straws by deliberately misinterpreting the Quran and making their followers regard it as being mostly fiction, or better education will help muslims to understand that the "holy scriptures" are mostly bullshit, same as what happened with christians.

But on the other hand, islamists are perfectly correct when they say we want to destroy their faith.

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ok you had someone wearing thongs a good sprooker walking around telling his story to the sheep farmers

next you had a better dressed man in white dress sprooking to the goat hearders

at all times who is best to impress the natives yrs ago was at a place where head hunters normal god preachers came in to impress beads etc

to change to christian built impress worship place and told them go to better place when die

next came bushy men in white dress and built a bigger impressing place with large dome and told them there is a place waiting for them when die

with many grass skirt marys there

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I have seen the pic few days ago on social media. It's been shared 100's of times. It depicts young woman with pants down sitting on the cube-shaped structure and relieving herself. Disgraceful...only seriously mentally disturbed person would come up with something like that.

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What exactly is a "blasphemous" photo of the Kabba?

Correct me if I am wrong, didnt the faithful worship to Jerusalem prior to worshipping a piece of rock, that many believe to be a meteroite?

Hello. Did they ever worship toward Jerusalem? The single relation of Jerusalem is their prophet's night journey with Gabriel, to Jerusalem. Moreover, this figured fairly insignificantly in Islamic scholarship until approx 1949. From this point on Jerusalem became one of the great sacred places. The al asqa mosque was built there primarily as a statement of conquest, as numerous other locales, not because Jerusalem was particularly favored.

I follow a site that tallies and follows newsfeeds from around the world- Kashmir, Africa, pacific, Asia, Middle East, Pakistan, etc. nothing is left out. It's staggering the horrific, brutal assaults against dignity and humanity that occur daily. Rape, gang rape, village rape, beheadings, amputations, honor killing, Christian subjugation, murder, genocide, child rape, child marriage, artifact destruction, and more- to others, themselves, to Self!

It's a mistake to assert this is primitive, 7th century practices. This understates the issue. In all times and all places such acts have been beyond most society's values, in all places, except this one practicing ideology. Yes, such horrible things happened throughout the world and history but never before or since have the practices been mandated by god, enshrined as duty, and socially rewarded.

This ideology, emerging as it is in the 21st century, after being artificially suppressed by the Ottoman and Pax Britannia, posses a clear and present danger to every single beautiful and right thing humans have ever achieved as humans- society itself, arts, sciences, history revision, class, polity, medicine... Unless some mechanism is devised to bring Islam en masse back into the community of peoples this virulent strain will darken all possible futures.

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I wonder what each religion's death toll is? Christianity #1? Has to be.

Not in modern times. Maybe back in the olden days.

but people educated them selves from those days, its a shame that most muslims are still stuck in the same era and attitude as the Christians were in, all those years ago, move forward and get an education, that way your religion will be respected more by the people outside of your religeon

Actually they have gone backwards,in the middle ages many Arab countries were a leading light in the sciences especially surgery and astronomy

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I have seen the pic few days ago on social media. It's been shared 100's of times. It depicts young woman with pants down sitting on the cube-shaped structure and relieving herself. Disgraceful...only seriously mentally disturbed person would come up with something like that.

sh888ing bricks was she ?

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I am from Pakistan one thing which I want to mention here when ever I see a Muslim killing any other innocent man woman it is portrayed that he was practicing Islam in killing so but it's never true Islam don't allow killings of innocents on the other hand if a Christian kills jew kills it is not said that he was practicing his religion why double standards ??? It hurts when we Muslims see such killings and hurts even more when we see people blaming Islam for all this :)

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I wonder what each religion's death toll is? Christianity #1? Has to be.

These are the results when you let invisible people run things. I don't understand the inherent need man has for god. Ignorence? Fear? The "live forever thing" is powerful magic.

In the last 1400 years the historical killings for Islam are about 270 million.

You can do a little research here

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I am from Pakistan one thing which I want to mention here when ever I see a Muslim killing any other innocent man woman it is portrayed that he was practicing Islam in killing so but it's never true Islam don't allow killings of innocents on the other hand if a Christian kills jew kills it is not said that he was practicing his religion why double standards ??? It hurts when we Muslims see such killings and hurts even more when we see people blaming Islam for all this smile.png

Tell Lee Rigby's widow that....................coffee1.gif

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On BBC this morning. Same neck of the woods.


The fools should have left it at rape. They would have only got 15 years, which is the maximum sentence. The death sentence was for the armed robbery.

From the news article, "It is highly unusual for a death sentence to be given for the crime of armed robbery"

How about attempting at least a minimum of accuracy in commentary, for rape capital punishment is available under Afghan law. Death sentences have previously been carried out in Afghanistan for rape. From a 2012 report:

The Afghan government, which distributed photos of the executed men to journalists, said the men were hanged as punishment for “crimes and cruelty against children, women and people of Afghanistan.” Those crimes included murder, rape, sexual assault, kidnapping, and robbery.


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