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The Price of Eggs....2yrs on


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Can't believe how some people can be so apathetic about how much the chickens suffer to lay an egg, and only care about the price of the eggs.

Sorry Mr Weegee, always thought you are a kind man, but not one that his heart is made of stone.

Long Live the Chickens, down with egg eating humans.

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Can't believe how some people can be so apathetic about how much the chickens suffer to lay an egg, and only care about the price of the eggs.

Sorry Mr Weegee, always thought you are a kind man, but not one that his heart is made of stone.

Long Live the Chickens, down with egg eating humans.

So what ingredient is part of the base of Pizza Dough????.....biggrin.png

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Can't believe how some people can be so apathetic about how much the chickens suffer to lay an egg, and only care about the price of the eggs.

Sorry Mr Weegee, always thought you are a kind man, but not one that his heart is made of stone.

Long Live the Chickens, down with egg eating humans.

So what ingredient is part of the base of Pizza Dough????.....biggrin.png

Probably, Greek badger milk........you have to ask MrToad about that......he is the expert.

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100bht for 30, been that way for 2 years.

At least limes are dirt cheap now.

Thats dirt cheap....But the eggs would be No 4's?....bloody small.


You buy 30 at a time....geez, how many eggs do you eat in a day

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Can't believe how some people can be so apathetic about how much the chickens suffer to lay an egg, and only care about the price of the eggs.

Sorry Mr Weegee, always thought you are a kind man, but not one that his heart is made of stone.

Long Live the Chickens, down with egg eating humans.

So what ingredient is part of the base of Pizza Dough????.....biggrin.png

Probably, Greek badger milk........you have to ask MrToad about that......he is the expert.

Is he an eggspurt?

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i bought 6 live chickens from the market 220 baht each , i get 6 or 7 ( i still dont know which 1 likes to lay 2 a day ) eggs about size 2 , what we dont eat as there are only 2 of us , we sell in wifes shop at 5 baht each , it pays for all there dry food and we still make a few baht on top , but when you clean them out ..... nothing in this world stinks like " chicken sh1t "

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