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Getting Fed Up Of Thailand


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The sex industry is only a very small part of the Thai economy. Tourism is about 6% of GDP and I don't think for one minute every tourist visits a girlie bar.

What makes you think it is restricted to tourists? And since no records are kept no taxes are paid, it really isn't any part of the economy, officially, but of course it is- more than 6 % too, I'd bet.

Got to say I doubt very much that the sex industry pulls in more GDP than tourism, which is measured in the trillions (and I've seen it estimated as up to 20% of the GDP).

So if tourism is 20 % then it seems reasonable the sex industry, tourist and indigenous , and all it supports, the providers, pimps, cops, etc, could be a substantial percentage, too, and all untaxed.

I really think it is a basis for the country's corruption woes.

Have you ever been to Thailand?

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I have lived here 4 years now and I am starting to look for another place. I am simply feed up with the trouble of doing business here, visa, work-permit etc. and of course also now having to report to the police, when we go and visit friends and family here. It is just too much and I have become really sick of it.

Our company here could e.g. grow and easily hire 2-3 skilled foreigners, but since we need hire 4 Thai-employees to get one work-permit, then it is simply not worth staying here. And we can not find the skilled local staff, so it is impossible to grow the business here. It is simply stupid and frustrating as well. Can not find local staff, but need them to be able to hire skilled foreign staff.

Will visit both Cambodia and Philippines during the next couple of weeks and then decide where to move. One thing is for sure... I am out of here. I was hoping for better conditions for foreigners here, but have seen nothing else that more and more restrictions. It seems as Thailand is only a place for older people with their pensions to spend.

A shame really...

Very big pensions in some cases

Get yourself a Cambodian passport, only 500,000 us dollars, peanuts realy

I don't really need a passport, since I already have one.

I just need a place to have a business, where I do not need to hire 4 local staff, when I want to hire a foreigner who can do the job. Besides that would be nice to be able to own 100% of the business, I invest 100% in and not only 49%. Have until now stayed here for personal reasons and because I hoped things would change to the better. Since this does not seem to be the case, then luckily I have other options.

There are actually countries out there, who actually value foreign investment and skills and who will not make things as complicated as possible for me. The current situation here does not attract or value foreign investors and entrepreneurs. It might take some time for Thailand to see that, but when they do it might also hurt the people living on their pensions here.

You're clueless about foreign investment

Yep, MNC's are foreign invetment, investing millions in new joint ventures. Small time companies don't rate as foreign investment.

Edited by Absolut
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Some sad sad stories here, of course there's never any carriage of mis-justice in other countries.

Despite all the saddest stories some people seem to forget the OP admitted going into the Hornets Nest & stirring trouble with them...... Surely a canadite for the Darwin Award?

He seems to think his bar-land prostitute language is Thai, no doubt he was impressive & of course the Thai bib have envy seen this act before.

EBlair, my heart bleeds for poor didums, although I do hope you get the business surrounding the poor pony sorted out, there's no place for that sort of evil anywhere on the planet.


I'm off now, I just find your story too heartbreaking, time to run back to mommy & daddy, no doubt they've been funding your leap years thru life as you blunder your way through various degrees & high attainment.

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The Thais should make a national sport out of kicking the crap out of douchebags, there's no shortage of them visiting

I have met some real characters in Thailand especially Pattaya. This is nothing compared to some of the freaks you meet in Cambodia.

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OP, just ignore the more self-righteous posters.

While I think it was less than clever of you to slate the police in Thai in the bloody POLICE STATION laugh.png, i do sympathise somewhat with your sentiments about the country.

There does seem to be a definite move to make us sing for our supper. Right now, the visa exempts and TRs are the targets but give 'em time and soon enough, the authorities will get around to all the smug so-called retirees; mark my words.

Trust me, for every genuinely moneyed retiree living here, there are 20 living on chump change . . . and the authorities ARE coming for them

Anyway, at least you're a young man and have the skills and time to build something somewhere else; can you see these guys going home to ask for their old jobs back in rail signal maintenance or national mail sorting offices when the hammer comes down?

Good post. I make you right on this. I know plenty who survive on a UK basic pension in LOS and no way they'd meet the criteria for retirement visas. I reckon most haven't had a genuine or any visa for years.

Sad for them really as they have nothing to come back to. But back they'll be coming.

Good post, I make you 100% wrong in my experience. Combination of pension and savings only has to be 800,000 baht. That's not much.

I know a lot of guys after being here 10 years and reading the majority of questions about visas. Seems to me the old guys are here legally and all the visa runners are young men not able to qualify for a retirement extension.

Why would anyone care? The old guys fill an economic niche in Thailand. The only people I've seen jealous of these gentlemen are on ThaiVisa. Immigration has made the retirement visa process easier every year. It only takes me 20 minutes and 1900 and I'm good for another 12 months. Mark my words.

Trust me, with the baby boomers booming Thailand will only see more and more retired folk. Just a matter of time when countries will realize it is less expensive to run nursing homes in Thailand than in the West and those will be paid for by Western governmental money.

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You'll get no joy from the cantankerous geriatrics here, op. To be fair, what you did with the pigs was nuts, you must know how it works. I'm all for tightening up to remove farang scum, but you're right, it has changed a lot in a short time, though was always a bit iffy and time allows one to see through the cracks. Do yourself a favour and get out now before you end up with commitments. ;)

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What makes you think it is restricted to tourists? And since no records are kept no taxes are paid, it really isn't any part of the economy, officially, but of course it is- more than 6 % too, I'd bet.

Got to say I doubt very much that the sex industry pulls in more GDP than tourism, which is measured in the trillions (and I've seen it estimated as up to 20% of the GDP).

So if tourism is 20 % then it seems reasonable the sex industry, tourist and indigenous , and all it supports, the providers, pimps, cops, etc, could be a substantial percentage, too, and all untaxed.

I really think it is a basis for the country's corruption woes.

So, same same America.

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The Thais should make a national sport out of kicking the crap out of douchebags, there's no shortage of them visiting

I have met some real characters in Thailand especially Pattaya. This is nothing compared to some of the freaks you meet in Cambodia.

I would imagine a good number of the disgruntled farangs in Thailand will head for Cambodia. Which means the freak count in Cambodia will explode.

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Most of South East Asia (at least Malaysia, Laos, Indo, and Thailand) are pretty much the same. I'm sure Cambodia and Vietnam will fall into this category too.

Just try out a few different places and see what you think.

Thailand is only the most popular because of its location anyway.

Location? My dear lad, Think there's a bit more to it than that. [winky smiley]

Not sure about Laos, it seems to be a bit down on the infrastructure totem pole, but Malaysia is great in that everyone speaks English perfectly and you can actually drive at 70 mph safely on many roads. I never see mangy dogs, or impromptu garbage dumps. They seem to adhere to laws and the ethics are more in line with western standards.

I have had emails returned from govt agencies, too. Visiting immigration is not at all stressful- rules are followed , and posted in competent English on a web site.

Oh how I rue giving up that MMSH visa.

Yes I feel fed up too as I recently had a very bad experience with Thai police too.

I was assaulted in a robbery attempt , and police insisted as I did not have the man's name they would make the report including his assault , but only the part about a foreign woman who incited him. (She was simply acting in retaliation for something else and merely vandalized my car. The Thai man choked me.)

I called the US Embassy Citizen Services who intervened with a phone call and the police were forced to include the Thai man's details.

I can provide this report, before and after the omitted part was included. I also can include a letter I wrote to US Citizen services outlining 4 other similar experiences with Thai police where I was treated with prejudice- two of which involved traffic accidents where I was hit from the rear and absolved of blame, yet received no compensation, and was even threatened to not take a case to court.

USCS informed me they hear these kind of stories everyday.

I also had a fake vet perform a botched euthanasia on a pony, poor little guy suffered horribly, too. Guy used a fake license number, totally illegal worked for a clinic who told me he was a Dr .

It took 15 trips to police to get that report filed, the last two trips to get my name, and then his spelled right. Next Wednesday I will make a formal complaint to vet Council against the clinic

Again I am happy to provide the docs.


How long have you lived in Thailand,as i do not know anybody who has had that much involvement with police

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...but Malaysia is great in that everyone speaks English perfectly and you can actually drive at 70 mph safely on many roads. I never see mangy dogs, or impromptu garbage dumps. They seem to adhere to laws and the ethics are more in line with western standards.

Yes, Muslim countries tend to adhere to rather strict code of ethics. They won't ask you to sacrifice much, except minor things like women's rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion....you know, to be more "in line with western standards."

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...but Malaysia is great in that everyone speaks English perfectly and you can actually drive at 70 mph safely on many roads. I never see mangy dogs, or impromptu garbage dumps. They seem to adhere to laws and the ethics are more in line with western standards.

Yes, Muslim countries tend to adhere to rather strict code of ethics. They won't ask you to sacrifice much, except minor things like women's rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion....you know, to be more "in line with western standards."

There's also the occasional unofficial stoning when things get boring.

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...but Malaysia is great in that everyone speaks English perfectly and you can actually drive at 70 mph safely on many roads. I never see mangy dogs, or impromptu garbage dumps. They seem to adhere to laws and the ethics are more in line with western standards.

Yes, Muslim countries tend to adhere to rather strict code of ethics. They won't ask you to sacrifice much, except minor things like women's rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion....you know, to be more "in line with western standards."

There's also the occasional unofficial stoning when things get boring.

I love Cambodia, a lot of people defecting there are in for a rude surprise when push comes to shove!

Some people need to stay at home, the warmth mommy can offer back in 'I'm a bit soft land' is so comforting.

Breast feeding at age, 20,30,40,50......sad sacks this newer generation..... Where's this world heading, if only my peers could see they would of handed the keys to Germany & Japan all those years ago. 5555

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Malaysia isn't exactly the Middle East cheesy.gif

It's 80% of the way there. I predict a booze ban coming.

A few English towns/suburbs are more extreme than Malaysia.

Don't really feel like I'm in a Muslim country when I'm there (apart from so many head scarves).

Have you spent any time in Iran/Iraq/Yemen etc?

Would be interested to know what the last 20% Malaysia needs to reach to be classed with them.

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Malaysia isn't exactly the Middle East cheesy.gif

It's 80% of the way there. I predict a booze ban coming.

A few English towns/suburbs are more extreme than Malaysia.

Don't really feel like I'm in a Muslim country when I'm there (apart from so many head scarves).

Have you spent any time in Iran/Iraq/Yemen etc?

Would be interested to know what the last 20% Malaysia needs to reach to be classed with them.

When they get rid of the Chinese. It will be another Muslim Paradise.

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I don't really think most of the population are particularly religious otherwise I would probably agree with you that it MIGHT happen.

Even if they do class themselves as Muslim it's a bit like British people calling themselves Christians.

Plus all those young ones like their western clothes and fancy gadgets too much.

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Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place
For you and for me and the hot Thai b-tch I stay with on my retirement extension.

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I don't really think most of the population are particularly religious otherwise I would probably agree with you that it MIGHT happen.

Even if they do class themselves as Muslim it's a bit like British people calling themselves Christians.

Plus all those young ones like their western clothes and fancy gadgets too much.

The eastern side Malaysia is very strict. I hate the place.

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OP, just ignore the more self-righteous posters.

While I think it was less than clever of you to slate the police in Thai in the bloody POLICE STATION laugh.png, i do sympathise somewhat with your sentiments about the country.

There does seem to be a definite move to make us sing for our supper. Right now, the visa exempts and TRs are the targets but give 'em time and soon enough, the authorities will get around to all the smug so-called retirees; mark my words.

Trust me, for every genuinely moneyed retiree living here, there are 20 living on chump change . . . and the authorities ARE coming for them

Anyway, at least you're a young man and have the skills and time to build something somewhere else; can you see these guys going home to ask for their old jobs back in rail signal maintenance or national mail sorting offices when the hammer comes down?

Good post. I make you right on this. I know plenty who survive on a UK basic pension in LOS and no way they'd meet the criteria for retirement visas. I reckon most haven't had a genuine or any visa for years.

Sad for them really as they have nothing to come back to. But back they'll be coming.

Seems as though you are already there, sad for you.

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What's the fuss?

Since when has it been o.k. not to carry your passport?

I know some claim a copy is enough, but I have confirmed it is not.

As always, you need to carry your passport.

As for one who would insult a police officer and not expect repercussions.......

Maybe a night in a straight jacket and padded cell would have done you more good than a night in a jail cell!

I must agree with those who agree with you....

Time for you to move on.....

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" .. so I spoke a Thai slur .. "

OP, please post a transliteration of that slur so I can try it on my BIL -- while standing behind my wife, of course!

I want to see his reaction, i.e., "huh?", giggle, belly laugh, overt hostility, drawn pistol, etc. laugh.png

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only a fool would move to los in their 20s. op is finding out why!

Only a fool in their later years would move to LOS full time.

Now to have made a statement as such there will be "pot to piss in" posters ready and willing to strike. Thailand will never in a million years be classed as anything like a home or long stay destination,good for a base and plenty of sex ,but that is it.

Yes got fantastic pensions,early ones at that,some of the middle rankers I worked with and living in LOS must be on a thousand gbp a week on pension here,.....me?half that,plus OAP,but it does give me a chance of travelling SA, AU, India, PH,Canaries,UK,US ,Sin few other places in last 12 months.

But it is the baggage that pins me here for a while 4 legged type.

Anyway that is it ,comments please!!!

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