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'itunes' has to be the most incompetent software ever created


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The day that I sold my ipod and uninstalled itunes was glorious!  I remember the joy of uninstalling it immensely. 

You may have uninstalled, but some parts of Bonjour (which is part of iTunes) might still be on there. Check your network stack.


Edit 1: added link

Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos Edited by MJCM
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As previous poster noted, it's about controlling content.

iTunes assumes it will be the default media player, it wants to track and sell content.


There are of course simply work-arounds, install VLC or other to play media content and have file preferences default to that program, etc.


You'll still need iTunes to back-up and sync your other Apple devices (iPhone, iPod, Pads, ...),  unless you elect to back-up and sync to the cloud which could be very slow depending on your bandwidth.


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ITunes is a cash cow for Apple. And like most cash cows, companies will be very reluctant to modify them. Yes the software may be crap; but I wish I could have some of its profits.

As an expat I mainly us iTunes for movies and TV shows since I don't want to do the torrent route. My only issue with iTunes is they haven't made it available on smart TV's essentially forcing you into buying an Apple TV for each room.
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I recently got a new ipod but to download stuff from my itunes libary i had to upgrade which i had successfully avoided doing for a few years. Result is i can put tracks onto my new ipod but i have to put up with a "upgraded" version which lacks the features available in the previous versions. It seems to be an apple trait to tell you it is an upgrade when really it is a downgrade. My  new ipod is shit compared with early ones i have. The battery lasts a little over an hour (sure it is small) and it turns itself on when i am not using it so 6 out 10 times the battery is flat when i go to use it. I will go back to the "clumbsy " Classic but i am sure the predetermined redundancy event is fast approaching when the battery or some other part will require replacing or repair (at great cost). I also have a work provided i phone which is also crap so i have tried and tested apple well and as a result  i am not a apple fanboy , just because of experience.


MediaMonkey will solve all your problems... (just Google for it... BTW it is developed in Montreal.. NO security Issues.)

I have a 160GB iPod.... MediaMonkey handles all my Syncing and maintains my Library....
Occasionally after an O/S upgrade I will take my iPod to the Apple store and have them Wipe it and reload the iPod software... They never charge for this!!

Then I Use MedaiMonkey to rebuild the library from scratch!!! This way i maintain a clean Library... and Believe me, I'm using almost 100% of the 160GBs!!!

Try it... You'll like it!!


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The day that I sold my ipod and uninstalled itunes was glorious!  I remember the joy of uninstalling it immensely. 

You may have uninstalled, but some parts of Bonjour (which is part of iTunes) might still be on there. Check your network stack.


Edit 1: added link

Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos



Not on my main computer.


I did have to install Bonjour on my HTPC for some reason.

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iTunes software is designed for one thing only. To get you to buy content online. Everything else is secondary. For you guys with Macs there isn't much choice. I used to suffer in the past just to manage my iPod. Then came Winamp5 that could do that so much better. But now Winamp is gone.... sad.png


Winamp is still around, just no further development.

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I've just purchased an iMac 27", 3.5GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7 with 32GB 1600MHz DDR3 SDRAM, 1TB Flash Storage and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4GB GDDR5. 


It was the top spec and will be here next week.  I'm expecting something from another planet and none too concerned with proprietary software. 


My online life is about to change.

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If Im playing music and want to change albums it will still play the old song even though I have clicked on the new song. I actually have to right click and select play now. Its got to be the most annoying application. 



doesn't double-clicking work to change the song playing?   




Yes it does, double click and change the song playing... set your mouse or track pad correctly then you will have no issues


In actual fact, but a book, or surf the web and learn how to use a computer properly as iTunes isn't usually a issue......its called operator error. 

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YES, I agree. I must say however that ALL computers, devices, hardware and software bring along some problems and some hassle to a greater or lesser degree. But Apple and especially iTunes take the biscuit! iTunes also messed up my music library MANY times duplicating tracks, loosing the first song on many albums and mixing everything up. I've spent more time fixing than I have listening. All my "Audible" (non-apple) voice books used to have their own AUDIBLE folder in iTunes, now the folder has gone along with the books since Audible was bought out by apples rival Amazon! Somehow my 18 month old baby managed to make a £75 "in app" game purchase, when I complained Apple REFUSED to make a credit (I've NEVER made an in app purchase) until I escalated my claim, then they told my UK credit card company my card had been "compromised" causing my card to be cancelled and my credit limit reduced, and they locked my account for over 12 months stopping all apps updates etc. Apples software is rotten to the core! (Sorry about the pun) and the company is so GREEDY they get on my pip!. I was an Apple fan right from the start with iPods, iPhones, iThises and iThats etc for me, my wife and three kids, I've spent more money with Apple than most, but from now on I'll be voting with my feet, GOODBYE Apple and good riddance to bad rubbish - so, look out Samsung, Android, Google and Amazon HERE I COME!

If apples listening (and I doubt it!!)..... REMEMBER KODAK!? They thought they could ignore and dominate their customers!?
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YES, I agree. I must say however that ALL computers, devices, hardware and software bring along some problems and some hassle to a greater or lesser degree. But Apple and especially iTunes take the biscuit! iTunes also messed up my music library MANY times duplicating tracks, loosing the first song on many albums and mixing everything up. I've spent more time fixing than I have listening. All my "Audible" (non-apple) voice books used to have their own AUDIBLE folder in iTunes, now the folder has gone along with the books since Audible was bought out by apples rival Amazon! Somehow my 18 month old baby managed to make a £75 "in app" game purchase, when I complained Apple REFUSED to make a credit (I've NEVER made an in app purchase) until I escalated my claim, then they told my UK credit card company my card had been "compromised" causing my card to be cancelled and my credit limit reduced, and they locked my account for over 12 months stopping all apps updates etc. Apples software is rotten to the core! (Sorry about the pun) and the company is so GREEDY they get on my pip!. I was an Apple fan right from the start with iPods, iPhones, iThises and iThats etc for me, my wife and three kids, I've spent more money with Apple than most, but from now on I'll be voting with my feet, GOODBYE Apple and good riddance to bad rubbish - so, look out Samsung, Android, Google and Amazon HERE I COME!

If apples listening (and I doubt it!!)..... REMEMBER KODAK!? They thought they could ignore and dominate their customers!?


i had a similar experience when i tried to sign up for the i- tunes store to make a purchase recently  - my card was also comprimised and cancelled - no reason apart from being told  it was compromised . They now miss out on my business and i do purchase a fair amount of music.

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Which store do you use, if you are using a european or american one, you can buy the cards to topup your store balance over the internet, i use that all the time. I am nit giving them my cc, no way jose, its for my protection as well as I would be tempted to buy too much music :D

Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos
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Which store do you use, if you are using a european or american one, you can buy the cards to topup your store balance over the internet, i use that all the time. I am nit giving them my cc, no way jose, its for my protection as well as I would be tempted to buy too much music biggrin.png

Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos



 It was actually the aussie one - Doesn't really matter now - the way i see it  , for a company that puts shit on its major competitors by claiming it is  secure against virus and other intrusions , either their main site is not secure or there are less than honest employees .  Either way it is an other  reason i will no longer  do business with them .. 

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Many thanks OP for starting this thread!

I thought it was only me that thought as you do about iTunes.

I shall now try MediaMonkey

The sooner I can get rid of iTunes the better.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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The most complete audio media player is probably Foobar as with the right plug-ins there is hardly anything that it wont play (up to and including DVD-A and SACD rips, which are unplayable on just about any other software).


As it is designed by and for geeks it does require a bit of effort to set up though.

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I am SHOCKED to read all of this heresy from Apple users. I've always been in the PC/Android camp, and not always happily so. From afar I have admired the beauty and apparent ease of use of Apple hardware, but am too cheap to pay the premium prices. It seems like a closed, proprietary system, as opposed to so called "open source." In so many forums, whenever a user talks about a problem with their "Windoze" gear, there's always someone chiming in about how "I got a Mac and have been happy ever since."


This is especially true for the legendary IPhone. I thought these were universally loved by everybody who owns one; that it's still the standard by which all "smartphones" are judged. Now some of you guys are saying it ain't necessarily so.


This isn't a putdown. If I had the money, I'd probably buy a top of the line Mac, and all the software. It's lovely  gear, from what I can see. Next life!


Just talked to a couple, both friends of mine. She had a MacBook Pro for 6 years. It still works but she upgraded to a MacBook Air. He's a Windows guy; he's had 5 different Windows laptops in the meantime. Which one's cheaper? Hahahah.


Apple makes quality computers that's all. And hers wasn't even one of the newer unibody designs, which are really indestructible. Windows has been resigned to absolute garbage hardware, with very few exceptions. Not sure why.


On iTunes I have to agree - at this point it's a schizophrenic monster with a million functions, doing none of them well. 


iTunes needs to be split out as a standalone music player, the way it started out. It was a great music player, one of the best out there, and still would be if they hadn't added ten thousand features to it.



- Plays music. It should do that.

- Organizes the library. It should do that.

- Syncs iPods, iPads, iPhones. 

- Does back ups of all these devices

- Manages permissions for these devices

- Books

- TV shows

- Video (which it does really badly, always has)

- iTunes Video store - actually its saving grace is instant gratification. You can buy something and it starts playing in minutes.

- iTunes Music store

- App store (!) - why in the world is it managing the iOS app store? It shouldn't, never should have, and does a terrible job at it.

- Ringtones

- Podcasts

- iTunes University (WTF is this even)

- Audiobooks


... and probably a few more things I've forgotten


iTunes should be doing the first two, and none of the others.


The biggest offender is syncing your iOS devices - that requires things like syncing my email settings, doing backups, syncing contacts... none of that stuff has anything to do with music. It's really complex too. That should just be in a separate app.

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The most complete audio media player is probably Foobar as with the right plug-ins there is hardly anything that it wont play (up to and including DVD-A and SACD rips, which are unplayable on just about any other software).


As it is designed by and for geeks it does require a bit of effort to set up though.


Please advise how to get it set up and running on a Mac natively. Duh. Yes, there's, for example, http://wineskin.urgesoftware.com/tiki-index.php but really overkill except for--the geeks. Meanwhile, there's Mediamonkey.


I love foobar on Windows, however, and I'm running at this very moment to listen to Rumble!: The Best of Link Wray.




PS: Yes, iTunes sucks. What a bloated, convoluted piece o' crap.





Edited by JSixpack
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The most complete audio media player is probably Foobar as with the right plug-ins there is hardly anything that it wont play (up to and including DVD-A and SACD rips, which are unplayable on just about any other software).
As it is designed by and for geeks it does require a bit of effort to set up though.

Please advise how to get it set up and running on a Mac natively. Duh.

Dont blame me if people choose to buy Apple computers that are incompatible with everything. iTunes also runs on PCs where it is just as awful as on a Mac. I was replying to general comments about good media players, and my response was not platform specific.
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