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Bangkok temple goes after guy who mocks its merit-by-debit scheme


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I can confirm from visitors to this pseudo-Buddhist for-profit organization that they do accept donations via card payment and do not distinguish between debit and credit.


Has anyone seen the monstrous hideosity they are building next to the "nipple"? My wife calls it the Buddha Mall...

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Well!! This looks like a complete con to me!! Time for the Junta to jump on this!!



Be careful what you say or the fraudsters monks could be coming after you (with a credit card swiper) laugh.png

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Who ever came up with this marketing hook up between a temple and a credit card really is a marketing genius.

I mean what can go wrong. You are using debt to buy merit. I guess this is the antithesis of pay it forward. Buy it forward for yourself....

I would like to say, only in Thailand, but it really might be, only in Thailand.


"marketing genius"?

Nobody has ever done better than the Augsburg based Fugger banking family in their dealings with the Vatican around the year 1500 : they were the ones who suggested to the Pope that sinners should also be allowed to pay penalties (indulgences) for their sins.  That was those days really "jackpot".

Just google for "Jakob Fugger"

Compared to this gigantic Fugger business the transactions by the controversial temple are stuff for the kids.....




Well thats as maybe, but the last time I looked you cant get a Vatican branded credit card .

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Religion highlights just how unintelligent the human race is.


That in the same breath we can view photos from our controlled robot on the planet Mars, while executing people for not believing in X, y and z, is bizarre.

Edited by Deacon Bell
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Waiting for the day the world gives up on religion. Probably the day that the aliens land.  Would love to see the expression on the pope when he is told aliens have landed.   I'll probably die first.



When I was 9 years old and returned from school (3rd Grade) I asked my Dad about what's up with this guy who came to our school to tell us some X-Mas story . . . . . . the man was a Priest and wore a habit. - My Dad listened to me; understood my question and his answer was simply this: "Never Trust a Man in a Dress, son !"



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The Dhammakaya Temple controversy is going on for almost 20 years already. I remember that at one point it was discovered that the abbot had registered all the donations of the land, worth hundreds of million Baht at that time, in his personal name.


A whole army battalion had to be employed to arrest him. After a few years everything was slid under the rug.




And who do you think was involved in the whole scam. Right, the man from afar.



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where do I book?


I like being taken for a 'ride'



must be one heck of a piece of meteorite under 'this' one




...if a bit younger, I'd be rolling Smarties down the aisle...





Hey! check it out!!! on vPike http://vpike.com/?place=Wat+Dhammakaya&r=e



Looks like something sponsored by MicroSoft, definitelty a chip off the old block.  Must need something big in computer power to process all those epayments

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I've always worked on the basis that if there is a "higher power" they are more than capable of seeing what my good deeds actually are without the need to pay or bribe to get them delivered to him/her/it . . .



Its not limited t thailand


"And I can't tell the difference between ABC News, Hill Street Blues 

And a preacher on the old time gospel hour 
Stealing money from the sick and the old 
Well the God I believe in isn't short of cash, mister!"   pre "sellout" U2


Tele evangelism. credit card, atm card, checking account, etc etc.

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cool building

They could have built several schools or a hospital with the money spent on it, but of course they wouldn't have looked as good and wouldn't have been a good excuse to collect money.

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Bodhisattva Vow



May I be the doctor and the medicine

And may I be the nurse

For all sick beings in the world

Until everyone is healed


May all who say bad things to me

or cause me any other harm,

Those who insult me and mock me

Have the fortune to fully awaken


May I be the protector for those without one,

A guide for travelers on the way,

A path for them to walk on,

May I be a bridge, a boat, a ship

For all who wish to cross the water.


I leave each to draw his or her own conclusions.

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Waiting for the day the world gives up on religion. Probably the day that the aliens land.  Would love to see the expression on the pope when he is told aliens have landed.   I'll probably die first.

Gave it up when I was eleven and the church kicked me off the choir for kicking the Monsignor in the crotch for grabbing my a$$ -  he was clearly drunk & smelled like wine..........they called me a juvenile delinguent.......guess they were right that time........thumbsup.gif

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Waiting for the day the world gives up on religion. Probably the day that the aliens land.  Would love to see the expression on the pope when he is told aliens have landed.   I'll probably die first.

Unfortunately I suspect that if the Aliens land, they will be regarded as messengers of "God" and then the whole mess shifts about which "God" is the one sending the messengers. It probably gets pretty messy after that.


If the Aliens show us a chronology of our history that matches Darwinism, then we will start to see some of the religious extremes herald the Aliens as "lost in space" or perhaps "exiles from heaven".  And the moment a white-supremacist is told that "you too" come from some chimp mutation that originated in the African continent, well, that's the end of their support. 


If the Aliens tell us that there is no such thing as "God" and that any tales of "chosen tribes" or "infidels" are just the clever if not genius invention of a group of people that needed a way to get an upper hand over others - yet still of humble human origins - well that is really going to stir things. Lawsuits between oppressed and oppressors trying to claim retro-active punitive damages are going to go into the TRILLIONS of dollars. Who can afford that? 


Things might be a bit less messy if the Aliens are not so kind and try to use us or our resources. Then it is all pretty straightforward as they are Satan's minions and all of humanity will be united in fighting this evil force.  There won't be any fragmentation of the causes as Satan is hated equally among all religions.


Funny how that works, the one that should be recognized without any doubts or mistakes has caused more social divide, more wars and more loss of life than any other issue in human history, yet the one that is usually vilified and blamed for all human sufferings has never been the reason for massive loss of life and spiritual disagreements. The worse of the worse of the satanic cults that has ever existed wouldn't measure to to the toes of the Knights Templar or the Order of the Templar during the Holy Crusades.


Edited by NeutralVoice
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Bangkok temple goes after guy who mocks its merit-by-debit scheme



Aren't they supposed to forgive?



Probably as much as the banks will forgive the debts!


Religion has come a long way since the donation platter.


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This is the case of a person who found a way to milk the milk men that have been mooching of

the " believers " for many years now, and from what I know, they're like printing money there...

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Even thought the "Golden age" of religion started to go downhill ever since Gutenberg invented the press and slowly but surely more and more copies of the Bible and other religious Tomes landed into the hands of "common people", the custodians of these institutions have been clever enough to keep things in a constant state of chaos and confusion so that those sided with them focus on hating and targeting the followers and leaders of competing religions.


Had they not done that and people were left to interpret the words of "wisdom" to their own, it wouldn't have taken 2 generations before the peasants turned against the noble after realizing that nobility was not bestowed on them by spiritual order or preference. The whole Pope - to King - to Noblemen - to Lords to Peasants hierarchy tree that worked so well until the Industrial Revolution made a mess of things would be been debunked a long time ago and we would all be godless capitalists or godless communists - which kind of makes the whole thing sound kind of bad ... 


Then again, what was wrong with the godless communists idea anyway? The Russian Empire had been controlled by the Romanov's for 300 years already. Their grab of power is storied and had terrible downs as well as the fruits of 300 years of control over vasts amounts of land, resources and people. To get to that level you have to have the connection to God, (Tsar's are after all the supreme leaders of the Orthodox Church), and you either had to have, falsify or twist your way into noble bloodlines.


Marx, Lenin, Trosky and even Stalin .. The Bolshevik's way to power could not achieve from their influence on government, industry or religions leaders, so a new way had to be invented. The Industrial Revolution provided this new "how" as a new class of people was rising in power. Reaching vasts numbers of poor people was made easy, which would have been impossible in a Feudal structure full of farm peasants. The social divide was much easier to attack as oligarchs (people climbing the social ladder) also abounded and them did not have the protection of Royal Title that made the vilification of rich people nearly impossible before.


Let's put it this way - in the end the communists leaders kept all the power and all the power - just like the Romanov's. It can be argued that this continues today, the communists in power replaced by the judicial power they created in the Kremlin and divided the country among themselves. Nobody came out better than Putin, who has been hard at work getting some of the spoils that others took back into this domain.


People say the world has changed so much - perhaps so, but one thing has not ... power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. 


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Waiting for the day the world gives up on religion. Probably the day that the aliens land.  Would love to see the expression on the pope when he is told aliens have landed.   I'll probably die first.

(god) Dog be with you!

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